Steam: Black Screen on Startup

Recently, I tried to open my Steam copy of TWAU. It would start with the "Preparing to launch..." prompt, only for it to switch to a black screen with no cursor. I couldn't Alt-Tab, not even Ctrl-Alt-Delete out of it, only way to get around it was to manually shut down my laptop.

About a month ago, I had to factory reset my computer due to a virus getting in and messing about with some startup files. Before the reset, TWAU worked perfectly. My graphics driver is up to date, I tried opening the game both with and without compatibility mode active, and I have deleted and re-downloaded the game to no success.

Here's the TWAU Support Tool Data:

I stand ready to answer any further questions you might have.


  • I would like to withdraw my support claim. As it turns out, I needed some additional software that I was able to get by opening Borderlands 2 for the first time. It works perfectly, and now I feel embarrassed.

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