What'd you do with Faith's note?

edited December 2013 in The Wolf Among Us

Remember when you pull Faith's coat out of Toad's chimney and there's that note on it? Did you open it? Personally I did, I felt since there is a murderer on the loose, privacy didn't matter much there.


  • I opened it after I saved Lawrence. As you said, there is an investigation going on and any bit of evidence helps.

  • Lawrence was still alive and well by the time I got it in my game, so I held on to it in order to deliver it to him.

    Based on what I found in his apartment it seems like Faith tried her best to keep Lawrence from knowing exactly what she resorted to for survival, and took great pains to keep him from worrying about her. For that reason I didn't suspect that the note would contain anything hugely relevant to her death, such as possible threats to her or anything else that would make him anxious.

    But for a man on the edge of depression like him, some tender parting words from his lost love could mean everything... Especially when the unopened envelope tells him that they were kept for his eyes only.

  • It's an investigation so anything could be relevant. I opened it, I also saved Lawrence. The best thing to do is investigate.

  • She left many notes tho...one on the bed..uh I think one was on the fridge too?

  • edited December 2013

    I don't recall 100%, but I thought the note on the bed was a suicide note written by Lawrence? I could be completely wrong; I should really give the game another playthrough.

    The note on the fridge is definitely from Faith, but it doesn't seem too recent and its content is what I'm referring to when I say that she seemed unwilling to share details about her life with him so that he wouldn't worry.

    That note is also pretty innocuous. The sealed note from Toad's place could be parting words, and could bring closure to a man who clearly needs it if he's going to recover from his depression.

    She left many notes tho...one on the bed..uh I think one was on the fridge too?

  • Yeah, I honestly think Lawrence will have some important information later on.

    LukaszB posted: »

    It's an investigation so anything could be relevant. I opened it, I also saved Lawrence. The best thing to do is investigate.

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