Tales From The Borderlands revealed



  • edited December 2013

    It's basically same story as borderlands 1 why would they make 1 in telltale type its like saying k I already know the story but I wanna play it again without much of the killing and action. That made the game suck for gods sake its a 3rd person action game not telltale style game. Why can I pick up different weapons shields here and use special abilities of characters that's what I wanna see here if we can do those then this game is ok if not bleeeck. also what made TWD famous is that something came before it like the same style Resident Evil 1 only diffrence is in Resident Evil 1 you control where you go

  • Yes, because it's not guybrush but handsome jack.

    MandiATO posted: »

    I am the only one who at the end saw Guybrush Peepwood created from interferences? :-)

  • i'm curious as to how they're going to make it. it will be interesting to see how this turns out. however i'm more interesting in game of thrones and where they're going to place the story at. (i have only seen the show haven't read the books yet.)

  • TLDR:

    I already know how the story is going to play out becasue we are 1 year away from launch, I'm psychic, and I don't like it. I mean its not like telltale said it wasn't going to follow either borderlands main stories....right.....right?

    jmababa posted: »

    It's basically same story as borderlands 1 why would they make 1 in telltale type its like saying k I already know the story but I wanna play

  • I suppose that would be intresting but i much rather enjoy TF2's gameplay over the comics half of the players dont even know exsists

    I was referring to the story told through the comics.

  • There was a "reveal trailer" for dead island

    Carley123 posted: »

    There's already a revel trailer.

  • Seems like an unfair number, I'm sure majority of TF2's player know about the comics.. It's more likely that half the people just don't read them.

    I suppose that would be intresting but i much rather enjoy TF2's gameplay over the comics half of the players dont even know exsists

  • Same Differnce

    If TF2 was a single Player FPS advancing Stories from the comics I would definitely vote for telltale adaptation

    But since its a cheap Hat Simulator/Money vacuum I doubt well be seeing any colaborations (besides TF2 promo items) with valve and telltale anytime soon

    Seems like an unfair number, I'm sure majority of TF2's player know about the comics.. It's more likely that half the people just don't read them.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited December 2013

    We don't know for sure how it will play.

    It could be something completely different than they did before (after all, no one expected The Walking Dead to play the way it did when it was first released). They still do have their Pilot Program, where they try out new gameplay ideas (as was confirmed in an interview around the time Poker Night 2 came out). The Walking Dead started out as the zombie prototype, so it's possible this game could have started out as a Pilot Program prototype too.

    I know they do comedy, I never said they didn't. I said I'm interested to see how a more Comedic game will work in TWD format rather than a traditional point-and-click adventure like they've done before with their comedy titles.

  • They did say that it's based on the tv series and not the books and I wonder what they meant by that. The tv series is pretty faithful to the books anyway apart from a few plot points and character changes. My hope is that they make up whole new characters and maybe feature a cameo or two like in the walking dead.

    Borderlands 2 however, has always been about characters, to me anyways. The shooting and looting is just the icing to an already delicious cake. And with the comedy background TTG has, I've no doubt that they'll pull this off.

    multicolt posted: »

    i'm curious as to how they're going to make it. it will be interesting to see how this turns out. however i'm more interesting in game of thrones and where they're going to place the story at. (i have only seen the show haven't read the books yet.)

  • Gearbox won't be developing this game along TellTale, right?

  • Handsome Jack was in almost all trailer, but at the interference scene it looks for me like Guybrush and talk in similar way. Add to that similarity in titles: Tales from Monkey Islands and Tales from Borderlands, and that, what Guybrush/Jack said at the end of trailer (interference scene)... Maybe similarity is accidentally, but it looks to me like it was done with some deeper meaning.

    RoboSheriff posted: »

    Yes, because it's not guybrush but handsome jack.

  • edited December 2013

    Yeah, it does kinda feel that way to me too.

    Borderlands and Game of Thrones just says 'MEGA BUCKS'!

    In my mind, the scales of 'best game experience' and 'profit' are starting to wobble with inbalance.

    With all the possibilities out there, was Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands really the best two options?

    TGP95 posted: »

    I guess They're turning into a company that just wants more money , which is really sad .

  • I think the divided reaction I'm seeing to this news is proof of a growing split in how people are feeling about Telltale lately :-S

    Loving everything someone does blindly is plain weird. Sometimes you have to step back and see it for what it is.

    I have no doubt in Telltale's ability to make an awesome game. I trust in that and you should too, it will be okay ;-)

    I am not happy with this at all.....

  • Gearbox will be involved with this from what I've gathered.

    SomGuye posted: »

    Gearbox won't be developing this game along TellTale, right?

  • More like Overseers

    not actully involved in teh development

    Dameon2k posted: »

    Gearbox will be involved with this from what I've gathered.

  • It's always nice to see a Guybrush avatar!

    You can tell so much from it - age, sense of humour, social status, the contents of someone's trousers. You can probably write a program in Amiga BASIC and you can probably find Gout and Foot Rot on a spinwheel in no time. You know exactly how much wood a woodchuck chucks and I bet you even had a second floppy disc-drive!... which was never ever used to copy hundreds of games.

    Made posted: »

    To be fair, I have never even heard of the series ToMI derived from while the Borderlands series is pretty mainstream Reading that mak

  • Overseeing the developmental process....which is what I meant by involved....which they are....

    More like Overseers not actully involved in teh development

  • Yooo!!! hahaa yess!! I can already see the ass-backwards messed up humor of the borderlands making this game memorable. Would you like to turn clap trap into a bomb and send him into the enemy camp or let your new friend with the rocket shotgun have some fun? rightt?!

  • Well no not really

    Tetlltale is making the game gearbox is more quality Control

    They are there to make sure the game is up to their standards (which lets be honest here isn't that much, I Mean it is gearbox were talking about...)

    Dameon2k posted: »

    Overseeing the developmental process....which is what I meant by involved....which they are....

  • edited December 2013

    Isn't it just like Kirkman is involved in TWD and Willingham is involved in TWAU? They are not really in the development but in making sure TTG doesn't screw up their franchises. So to speak...

    I imagine so will gearbox. I don't think they will actually develop the game alongside TTG.

    Well no not really Tetlltale is making the game gearbox is more quality Control They are there to make sure the game is up to their standards (which lets be honest here isn't that much, I Mean it is gearbox were talking about...)

  • If it helps, what you missed was basically a huge, needless essay that amounted to, "eh. Not for me. Might be time to take a vacation from Telltale for a while."

    It seemed pretty pointless, plus I'm becoming a broken, wishy-washy record.

    Godanmit now I want to know what he said I hate when people do taht

  • I am looking forward to this game. True, Borderlands is a grind but it has a wonderful sense of humor and a great art style which makes the game for me. I hope that sense of humor will show up in the game. Game of Thrones took me by surprise too, but, you know, it just might work, if we can all kill Geoffry in a slow and painful way.

  • Cant wait, its gona be sick

  • Back to the Future and Jurassic Park. Both announced by Telltale at the same time. Both licensed properties.

    This started before The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us.

    No one expected Telltale to take on The Walking Dead. Game and Thrones and Borderlands both make sense. Especially Borderlands, considering the art style that Telltale took with The Walking Dead was remarkably similar to Borderlands.

    They aren't going to make Tales from the Borderlands all action, I don't think they'll include any sort of free-shooting mechanic at all. It'll probably be very much a game based on dialogue and choices.

    I would love to see games for a lot of popular TV shows. Breaking Bad and Person of Interest would be interesting. I would also love to see Telltale try to work on an original property as well, maybe creating their own superhero? An under-dog? Hell, it would be slightly interesting to see something based off of Kick-Ass (I've only seen the first movie though).

    In any case, I think Game of Thrones and Borderlands are great choices for Telltale to work on.

    thebeerdr posted: »

    Yeah, it does kinda feel that way to me too. Borderlands and Game of Thrones just says 'MEGA BUCKS'! In my mind, the scales of 'best gam

  • Borderlands is a great game but I really don't know where this is going.

  • Telltale, please be kind to my Borderlands. Or I will destroy you. With my fists. On your birthday.

  • You know what would really be cool??? If we were to find out that Handsome Jack and Roland were 'Half Brothers'! And their Father was a 'Rolling Stone' so to speak. Handsome Jacks Mom turned into a 'Verbally' abusive alcoholic when he was...say around 13. That's when she found out about Roland. Who was also 13. Then, over the years Roland would get all of the 'Accolades' while Handsome Jack would have to hear, "Why can't you be More Like your Brother Roland? You're Gonna End Up Like Your Sorry Father!!! Go Fill My Glass & Don't Spill It Like You Did the Last Time You Skag Bait!!!" That's when Handsome Jack vowed to 'Aim for The Top' so to speak and eventually ended up @ Hyperion. The 'Perfect Tool' to use against Roland. Then, we find out later, in Borderlands3 that Thanks to NewU Technology, both Roland and Handsome Jack are on another planet somewhere looking for a new vault - Together. (I don't' know why. Maybe they 'Made Up') But, Lilith finds out 'Somehow' that Roland's not dead & she grabs a few of her 'Personal Buddies' & sets out to 'Kick his A**!!!' for having her thinking that he's gone. Meanwhile, on another planet, an old abandoned mine shaft is the 'Secret Playground' for a group of 'Tweens' when all of a sudden, the walls cave in...revealing a Vault. ijs It Could Happen!!!

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