Team Fortress 2 "Meet the Sniper" Trailer
In his former life as a tracker of dangerous game in the unforgiving Australian outback, the Sniper would spend months by himself. Prolonged isolation taught him a valuable lesson: You don't have to rely on other people if you never miss.

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I think that's his signature
Are we talking Team Fortress for Quake 1 (which TF2 is the true squel of) or Team Fortress Classic remake on Half Life 1 code?
Team Fortress Classic. I think Valve would be more likely to reference something pertaining to their own games rather thans someone elses.
And the Civillian bobblehead was hillarious.
Nope, Valve didn't have anything to do with the franchise until they acquired the Australian TF developers to work on TFC and the false-start of TF2.
Hmm, Mr. Cook works for VALVe, considering this is the CORE team behind VAVLe currently, my statement still stands.
The guys who did Team Fortress 1, for Quakeworld, did that on their own as a free-time project, and then were hired at Valve as a result. Valve as a company had nothing to do with the initial creation of Team Fortress, but were smart enough to hire its developers to come work for them.
Valve is owned by EA, so they did basically published TF2. Not developed though.
Erm... they're not owned by EA at all, actually. EA is their retail publisher on the orange box.
Did you click on the supplied Wiki and enlighted yourself? Quake 1's Team Fortress team would eventually BE the core VAVLe team to do the code for Half Life 1 in 1998, 2 years after his work with Quake code. My statement still stands true. Gabe was a former Microsoft employee who founded VALVe and sought out Mr. Cook's and Mr. Caughley skills for his new studio before work on Half Life in 1998, hence they had the core knowledge of Quake code to make Half Life.
As of other notes, EA Games do not own or have any subsidies on VALVe Software. As Tabacco said, EA is only the boxed retail publisher fo VALVe's works under a signed contract thanks to the souring attitudes of VU Game's directors towards VALVe and underestimating the power STEAM would carry into digital publishing.
I clicked it, and I was enlightened, but I missed the part that supports the specific claim you are making and I'd love for you to copy+paste that radness.
Half-Life had been in development for more than a year and a half before the TF gentlemen were anywhere near Valve. I'm sure in the subsequent months they supported HL development in various ways, as they were simultaneously working on TFC/TF2, but does that make them the "core team"?
This tangent we're on is kind of weird, but I don't really understand how it's unacceptable that Valve had nothing to do with the original Team Fortress at its inception. That is what we're talking about right?
Agreed. After all, Portal happened the same way. Valve picked up on an indie project, and made a commercial version by hiring the developers. (Narbacular Drop was the original game, for those who weren't aware)
EDIT: Hmm, or are they? Well GAME says that they are developers aswell, so... correct?
In other words: Valve is to EA as Telltale Games is to The Adventure Company
i don't know if they are owned by them but good enough. they did the ps3 conversion as valve hate the ps3 (or something)