Crash upon start up

I bought and downloaded the first episode and played through it with no problems... twice. The only issue I found was a little lag and not being able to access the Book of Fables from the pause menu (I have read this is a known issue). After completing the first episode, I purchased the episodes 2-5 pack. After this downloaded, the game no longer starts. When I try to start it, it will go to a black screen for a second and then immediately go back to my main screen. Sometimes the black screen with flash "loading..." for a split second.

I am playing on the iPhone 5 with iOS 7.0.4

I have gone through the recommended trouble shooting. I exited all my apps and turned the phone off for a few minutes. When the phone is turned back on, the same problem continues. I have also tried deleting it from my phone and reinstalling.


  • I have the same problem .. Has any help been received on your end ??

  • Nope. The only fix I found was closing all apps and turning the phone off or re-downloading. I tried both and neither worked. I saw one thread where the admin said if that didn't work then it must be the device. IT IS NOT THE DEVICE. If this many people are having the exact same problem, it is a problem with the game.

  • WTF .. What are we supposed to do now ???

    I sent an email to telltale but only had an automated response , I don't really know what else to do but wait it out lol

  • I figure I'm not going to get too worked up about it until the new episodes start coming out. If. Updates are going through and it is still unplayable then I will be looking for a way to get my money back.

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