I saw this thread title and thought, yeah, I'd like to see that as a steel cage match, let Max do some damage
In this corner, the baddest of bad grammar people, the prez who sez "Childrens, do learn.", George Dubya Bush!In the other corner, the most hyperkinetic of the hyperkinetic rabbit thingies, the most violent, and can somehow carry around a luger without hands while completely naked (not counting fur), Max!
Max at least knows that he plans to screw us. Bush did it by mistake!
Yet somehow people think he has the initiative, drive and cunning to frame Iraq in an elaborate scheme involving commercial airplanes, the World Trade Center and a national coverup operation.
I just don't think President Bush wanted to work this hard, he wanted to coast through his eight years like the Carter administration.
I think that Max would do a better job of combating terrorism. I mean, Bush has to start a war if he wants to be even close to being effective. All Max would have to do is bite one of their heads and problem solved! It worked on Hitler!
I think that Max would do a better job of combating terrorism. I mean, Bush has to start a war if he wants to be even close to being effective. All Max would have to do is bite one of their heads and problem solved! It worked on Hitler!
My vote's for Max!
Makes you wonder why they elect village idiots, but no cartoony violence loving rabbits.
I think you people are forgetting the number one threat to American peace, whom Max is ready to fight. It's not commies, terrorists, or libertarians, it's Abraham Lincoln! Max is the only candidate who's not afraid to combat this foe.
The fact of the matter is, the association of Hippies and Communists is, rightfully, synonymous.
Way to go. Seriously. It's good to see that McCarthy is still alive and well.
Did Walt Kelly teach us nothing?
And how the hell are hippies and commies synonymous?
(Hint: They're not.)
As for your original question, no. Not at all. You see, I take Orwell's position on Communism: It's a pleasant idea- everybody's equal, nobody has more than anybody else, etc., but people will never, ever, ever be able to make it work.
I think you people are forgetting the number one threat to American peace, whom Max is ready to fight. It's not commies, terrorists, or libertarians, it's Abraham Lincoln! Max is the only candidate who's not afraid to combat this foe.
Wow. That seals my vote. Thanks for redirecting us all (or at least me) to the real issue. *votes Max* If Lincoln's statue could come to life and run amok, what's stopping Garfield, Roosevelt, or Jefferson? Scary thought...
Sam and Max would have already found Bin Laden and brought him to a violent end...after Max got done testing out his newfound knowledge of weasel-boarding,of course.
Max said it not me
Just 99.9% of one.
Max is 100%. And always on the right path.
i did but not for george i vote john bush
i'd pick Max in a second oh right i did!
*wears pin from Season 1 set*
Well, in so many words- yes
In this corner, the baddest of bad grammar people, the prez who sez "Childrens, do learn.", George Dubya Bush!In the other corner, the most hyperkinetic of the hyperkinetic rabbit thingies, the most violent, and can somehow carry around a luger without hands while completely naked (not counting fur), Max!
Yet somehow people think he has the initiative, drive and cunning to frame Iraq in an elaborate scheme involving commercial airplanes, the World Trade Center and a national coverup operation.
I just don't think President Bush wanted to work this hard, he wanted to coast through his eight years like the Carter administration.
My vote's for Max!
Makes you wonder why they elect village idiots, but no cartoony violence loving rabbits.
Makes me wonder what level of seriousness you can take an intrinsically dumb and decidedly impossible hypothetical question
Makes me wonder why kids try to rage people on message boards for no good reason... :mad:
I was sarcastic!
The fact of the matter is, the association of Hippies and Communists is, rightfully, synonymous.
Did Walt Kelly teach us nothing?
And how the hell are hippies and commies synonymous?
(Hint: They're not.)
As for your original question, no. Not at all. You see, I take Orwell's position on Communism: It's a pleasant idea- everybody's equal, nobody has more than anybody else, etc., but people will never, ever, ever be able to make it work.
Mainly because everyone would be better than bush.
Ps: Hi everyone.
Wow. That seals my vote. Thanks for redirecting us all (or at least me) to the real issue.
Bush, of course. No contest.
EDIT: Oh, you mean George W. Sorry, my mistake. Max.
we tried that, it didn't work...
oh boy! Habitat for huge manatees! its Jimmy carter!....time for a little target practice.....now where did i leave that browning elephant gun??