Login Error

Hey guys,

I try to start season II for the first time and all I get is the message: "Login Error - Can't connect to Telltale servers"
What can I do?


  • I have the same issue here. I played the first season on Steam, but I had no problems with other Telltale Games until now.

  • Still no fix? I preoredered the game and can't play it :(

  • I logged onto season 1, kept season 1 on and loaded season two. Worked for me. :) I just exited season 1 out when I was done.

  • I tried that and worked! But all my Season 1 saves are gone!!!!

    Where can I find them on my PC? They can't be deleted, I never uninstalled Season 1 fearing that this could happen.

  • OK... I went to C:\Users[Me]\Documents\Telltale Games\The Walking Dead
    and found like 84 saves but when I open the game there are none!
    I tried deleting the prefs.prop file, but didn't work.

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