Futurama: The Beast with a billion backs!
Anyone seen the 2nd dvd movie of Futurama? I have seen it and imo, it isn't as good as Bender's Big score despite probably being funnier. Just that plot seems to jump from one topic to another quickly, much like how an episode of the Simpsons starts. Without spoilers, the episode starts off with where they left off from the previous DVD and then to something new and then jumps to something else after quickly finishing the previous event. The story seems more convoluted to me.
Bender's big score is more emotional and heart-felt while Beast with a billion backs is more comedic and hilarious. However, the latter seems to sacrifice the more stable storyline as seen iin the first film with comedy.
Bender's big score is more emotional and heart-felt while Beast with a billion backs is more comedic and hilarious. However, the latter seems to sacrifice the more stable storyline as seen iin the first film with comedy.
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But over all it's more Futurama so its all good.
That said, this movie was inferior to the previous one in almost every way. I don't think it's funnier.
Anyone else think the titling of these movies is a bit ridiculous? Bender's Big Score... Best with a Billion Backs... These wouldn't make sense to some who aren't more than halfway through watching the movies.
tabacco's theory seems very logical. Logical since groanin said that comedy centre apporached them for new eps when big score was almost complete and went back to make them into four different eps. They probably didn't have time to modify the bender movie a whole lot, resultin in havin one big storyline.
as for the other movies, they probably rewritten the bulk of the storyline to make them more episodic
I was joking, y'know.
Well, saying it's inferior in almost every way is bit of a personal judgment, wouldn't you say? My assessment is that it's superior in almost every way. Less cohesive story, but more clever jokes. I laughed much more often at BBB. So really, we're both correct.
As for titles, why do they need to make immediate sense? Great Expectations, Lord of the Flies--there are many stories with titles that only make sense once you've read or watched the whole thing. Which I personally prefer, as I get bored if the story's handed to me on a platter.