Cow discussion

Cows are fascinating creatures. Since they feature such a big role in the next chapter of Bone, I thought we could here discuss these amazing animals.
Which breed is your favorite? I myself am partial to longhorns and guernsies.
Which breed is your favorite? I myself am partial to longhorns and guernsies.
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A fact about cows that is probably false: Cows are really just fat deer.
When Aggie was about two the people who ran the farm had to decide what to do with her. They were talking about selling her as a breeder because she was "such a beautiful cow." (I don't know if I'd go that far, but we kids all loved her because we were there when she was born.) Ultimately, though, they decided to butcher her because that was supposed to be the cows' purpose, and that fall at the harvest fest they were selling Aggie burgers.
As a completely random aside, in the bottom picture on the farm's homepage, the guy on the far right was my first boyfriend ever. This was like 15 years ago... I can't believe they still use that picture in their marketing materials. It was originally taken for a brochure, long before they (or anyone else) had a website.
EDIT: Found a picture! Rose is the one in the back.
I like cows. Cowing away. Cowingly. So quiet and slow for such big solid creatures. Jesus I feel stupid reading what I've just written.
So, was that you in the paddock with the 2 bovine I saw when taking the motorway into the city today?
Now that I know you're out standing in your field, I shall have to pay more attention to your posts.
but then again, i live in norway.
i was ofcourse expecting an icebear.
I pity those cows, actually, with the weather we've been having down here lately. Got woken up this morning by hail. That can't be fun to stand around in all night
But I can imagine it's not much fun. It's a problem that plagues all outdoor creatures, though, not just cows. I propose a massive deforestation of all of nature and just cover the entire earth in shelter, so the animals won't get bothered by rain or snow or hail. Or sunlight.
Earth: Now featuring a retractable roof!