Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

edited September 2008 in General Chat
If you enjoy things that are:
  • Musical
  • by Joss Whedon
  • starring Neil Patrick Harris

You might enjoy Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. It's an online miniseries by the aforementioned Joss Whedon. It is, as promised, also a musical. Episodes one and two are up now, and three comes in a couple of days. The whole thing's free to watch on their site 'til the 20th. Highly recommended! They pull off some nice stuff given a total lack of budget :)

Also, we all want to support indie online distribution don't we? :)


  • edited July 2008
    I'm not so big on musicals, but two out of three is good enough for me. I've been meaning to check that out. :)
  • edited July 2008
    It's pretty hilarious so far :) can't wait for Act III
  • MarkDarinMarkDarin Former Telltale Staff
    edited July 2008
    This is definitely the most awesome thing I've seen all week!
  • edited July 2008
    Yeah, it's fun. I'm a little worried, though. The mood seems to be teetering a little. We'll have to wait for part 3 to find out if it goes off the dark end or resolves happily.
  • edited July 2008
    Part 3 spoilers:
    Man, I didn't expect it to go that dark. I'm a little disappointed in that ending, actually.
  • edited July 2008
    I agree, Doug.
    Was kind of abrupt too, but at least there may be room for sequels
  • edited July 2008
    Here's hoping.
  • edited July 2008
    For some reason, the people of the internet didn't Act 3 it so much...

    I loved it, though. Comedy, tragedy, adventure, vengeance, and...do I have to tag all this?
  • edited July 2008
    That ending was totally weak
  • edited July 2008
    tabacco wrote: »
    Part 3 spoilers:
    Man, I didn't expect it to go that dark. I'm a little disappointed in that ending, actually.

    agreed, i love it because it is by joss whedon and has nathan fillion in it. hopefully it will have a sequel series
  • David EDavid E Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2008
    Kedri wrote: »
    For some reason, the people of the internet didn't Act 3 it so much...

    I loved it, though. Comedy, tragedy, adventure, vengeance, and...do I have to tag all this?
    I liked act 3 as well. Very awesome classic comic-style origin story, which I hope they use as a springboard for more horribleness. If not, it was still a quite enjoyable experiment.
  • edited July 2008
    That was really awesome, even though the ending kinda made me go "wait, what?" I definately wouldn't mind seeing a sequel or something along the same lines!
    And wow, I actually feel really bad for Captain Hammer even though he's a self-centered jerk. D:
  • edited July 2008
    I utterly loved it all. That ending really shocked me, in a good way. I can't say I disliked any of it.
  • MarkDarinMarkDarin Former Telltale Staff
    edited July 2008
    It pretty much went the way I expected. It's the path of a super villian after all. I enjoyed Act 3.

    I was under the impression that these three acts were acting as the set up for the DVD release. I could be wrong, but it makes sense to me.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2008
    Kedri wrote: »
    For some reason, the people of the internet didn't Act 3 it so much...

    The Internet often doesn't like the ending of things (especially things that they get heavily invested in, like the works of Joss Whedon, JK Rowling, etc), because, I imagine, 1) it means they can't expand the universe to extreme extents in their collective imagination anymore once primary character arcs are officially sewn up by the creator, and/or 2) it didn't play out the exact way they would have done it. People eventually seem to come around, though, unless the ending is actually poor.
  • MarkDarinMarkDarin Former Telltale Staff
    edited July 2008
    ... Or it's the ending of Monkey 2. The internet will never come around to that one.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2008
    MarkDarin wrote: »
    ... Or it's the ending of Monkey 2. The internet will never come around to that one.

    Many people have, surprisingly.
  • edited July 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    Many people have, surprisingly.
    Not me!

    I liked all of Dr. Horrible, a lot, which surprised me because I'm one of the only fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer who didn't like the musical episode. I've read people saying that the ending of Dr. Horrible didn't work because Joss Whedon always does that kind of thing; all I know is that it worked for me. I was surprised by it, and it's a lot more memorable than the ending I was expecting would've been.
  • edited July 2008
    I loved every minute of that show :P
  • edited July 2008
    At first the ending through me off guard and I wasn't sure what to think. After watching it a couple times I realized it couldn't have ended any other way and love the project as a whole.
  • edited July 2008
    l love the whole musical. My fav song is at the beginnin of act III called the perfect day

    Too bad, the musical is taken off the site and is now only at itunes for a small fee. Cannot wait for the musical to come out on dvd!
  • edited July 2008
    I paid the $3.99. Well worth it to support those guys. Also, Scott's under strict orders to buy me stuff at comiccon if they have something good.
  • edited July 2008
    It's a great price, but I refuse to buy anything off iTunes. It's kind of sad that such a great production has to lose my purchase due to their choice of vendor. It would have been different if they were simply offering video downloads direct from their site, but meh.

    However, the DVD is coming soon. At least, according to their Twitter:

    "Get it on iTunes! We're working on iTunes international access. CD coming soon, DVD to follow, both will be available all over the world."

    Emphasis mine.

    So I think I'll get that version. Physical copy, which is always nice. Also, no iTunes DRM. I understand the point of DRM, and if it generally stays out of my way in normal use then I'll accept it. But the iTunes stuff has made it prohibitively difficult to simply get the files onto a non-Apple MP3 player. I honestly don't *want* an iPod. So no iTunes for me, because I consider "Moving legally purchased music files from my computer to my legally purchased MP3 player" to be within the realm of normal use.
  • edited July 2008
    So I think I'll get that version. Physical copy, which is always nice. Also, no iTunes DRM. I understand the point of DRM, and if it generally stays out of my way in normal use then I'll accept it. But the iTunes stuff has made it prohibitively difficult to simply get the files onto a non-Apple MP3 player. I honestly don't *want* an iPod. So no iTunes for me, because I consider "Moving legally purchased music files from my computer to my legally purchased MP3 player" to be within the realm of normal use.

    its pretty easy to remove drm from itunes music, in a way that i cannot see as illegal. you only need a writable cd.

    the only reason i have an ipod classic is because there is no other mp3 player which i can fit all of my music on for sale in the uk.
  • edited July 2008
    I have several issues with the CD writing method, the least of which being the compression issues. I would rather get my music in MP3 form and get it on my player of choice. It's simply not adequate for me. Further, that method doesn't exactly work for videos. Like, say, Dr. Horrible. =p
  • edited July 2008
    I have several issues with the CD writing method, the least of which being the compression issues. I would rather get my music in MP3 form and get it on my player of choice. It's simply not adequate for me. Further, that method doesn't exactly work for videos. Like, say, Dr. Horrible. =p

    personally i don't like mp3 i have always used other formats, if possible. Also if i can avoid it I will avoid downloading at all costs, and buy the cd, hence my 300 ish cd collection and about 30-50 downloaded songs of itunes and the like.
  • edited July 2008
    First of all, it's video. Second of all, it's only $4. Up to you, though.
  • edited July 2008
    I loved it to bits. I have been waiting for another Whedon musical since that buffy episode, "Once More with Feeling." Oh gosh that was nerdy.
    I mean I was surprised by the end too at first, but then again it's Joss Whedon and he's always killing of nice characters in his stories.
  • edited July 2008
    I liked the third act mostly, it was only the VERY end I didn't get what happened to Dr. Horrible, seemed like an odd reaction, but then again love can make you do weird things, so maybe...
  • DanHDanH Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2008
    I don't think it could or should have ended any other way. Was anyone really expecting him to
    fall in love, turn good and have a happy life with the woman of his dreams?
    As Mark said, it is the path of the super villain. His main goal in life was to be a super-villain, and he would never be able to completely achieve that until
    he suffered a great tragedy that fulfills his life goals, has him carry the tremendous guilt of destroying his one chance at happiness and severs the last ties he had to humanity
    ...or something.
  • edited July 2008
    It wasn't even that so much as that it was so ABRUPT, though. And
    His reservations about killing to join the Evil League of Evil, the show of Captain Hammer's complete jerkitude, and Dr. Horrible's advancing relationship with Penny....dramatically speaking, seemed to be leading to SOMETHING. I wasn't sure what, and yeah the "turn good and live the life of his dreams" was one. I certainly thought he was going to denounce the Evil League of Evil at some point, just because the way they did things was so contrary to what he wanted.
  • edited July 2008
    DanH wrote: »
    His main goal in life was to be a super-villain, and he would never be able to completely achieve that until
    he suffered a great tragedy that fulfills his life goals, has him carry the tremendous guilt of destroying his one chance at happiness and severs the last ties he had to humanity
    ...or something.

    That's it! I couldn't put my finger on it, but that's why I liked the ending.
  • edited July 2008
    It wasn't even that so much as that it was so ABRUPT, though. And
    His reservations about killing to join the Evil League of Evil, the show of Captain Hammer's complete jerkitude, and Dr. Horrible's advancing relationship with Penny....dramatically speaking, seemed to be leading to SOMETHING. I wasn't sure what, and yeah the "turn good and live the life of his dreams" was one. I certainly thought he was going to denounce the Evil League of Evil at some point, just because the way they did things was so contrary to what he wanted.

    This was exactly my problem with the ending in better words. Thanks.
  • edited July 2008
    I thought that the whole thing was well-scripted, well-made, well-acted, well-written, and uh... well, well-everything. I'm definitely buying the DVD, and this miniseries is sure to become a cult-classic.
  • edited July 2008
    For those who missed it, it's now free on Hulu, but with some commercials:
  • edited July 2008
    I just checked the official Twitter, and Dr. Horrible is back up in an ad-supported form.


    Perfectly allowed, the content creators added the ad-supported version.

    EDIT: Stupid tabacco.
  • edited July 2008
    <3 Hulu.

    I like this show a lot. Just campy enough to work brilliantly.
  • edited August 2008
    On the ending:
    Just finished watching it, and... well, I've seen this kind of ending before. Watchmen, which I just finished, had one, too (although the effect of said ending is on a different level; Watchmen was far darker in tone). It's an ending that's morally ambiguous and brings no real conclusions. It's an ending that you wish was something different, but you know that it couldn't have been anything different, because anything else just wouldn't have had the same impact.
    I mean, I wasn't expecting it, even after looking at some of the spoilers here. It was sad, but it wasn't too sad. The villain protagonist becoming an unfeeling sociopath I can deal with. The hero antagonist being a wussy and needing therapy I can deal with; hell, it was funny. What really brought it home was the very last shot.
    The implication (which I may have just made up) that he still had some humanity left somehow only made everything worse.
  • edited September 2008
    Thanks to Rock Band DLC, I have discovered a song that fits Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog almost perfectly. It is from 2004, and from the beautiful mind of Jonathan Coulton. It is called Scullcrusher Mountain. Take a listen. You can get it free off of his website at http://www.jonathancoulton.com/store/downloads/ by clicking the smiley face next to the song (the album is Where Tradition Meets Tomorrow). If you like it, you can support him by buying the song for a dollar, or buy the whole album, or buy it on Rock Band. It is sweet.

    "The voices that control me, say I shouldn't kill you yet"
  • edited September 2008
    You might find a few of his songs that fit. Check out the tracks Better or The Future Soon :)
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