sbcg4ap chat

post any thing about or sbcg4ap


  • edited July 2008
  • edited July 2008
    You put three "n"s in runner. You get a life!
  • edited July 2008
    ohspelling, spellinghomest
  • edited July 2008
  • edited July 2008
    Wow, this whole section of threads was here to accomplish this very thing! You just made a sub-thread, where we post stuff that are too small to be whole threads...?

    Yeah... I'm gonna hit Back Button now...
  • edited July 2008
    These forums have gotten moody and cynical in the past year... :(

    But yeah, I'm afraid an open chat doesn't make sense when we have the ability to open topics on specific aspects...
  • edited July 2008
    Subtopical subtopics...freaky!
  • edited July 2008
    My brain hurts...General Chat forum thread that encourages General Chat...*Head asplodes*
  • edited July 2008
    Your head engsmsplode
  • edited July 2008
    Kedri wrote: »
    These forums have gotten moody and cynical in the past year... :(

    But yeah, I'm afraid an open chat doesn't make sense when we have the ability to open topics on specific aspects...
    I wouldn't say 'in the past year.'
    I'd say 'ever since SBCG4AP was announced.'
    I think the progression is something like this:
    1. To start off, there were some cynical people floating around (like myself) who were quite happy to have a forum free from most of the GameFAQs-style idiots that lost of other games forums seem to have garnered.
    2. Then, SBCG4AP was announced, and a lot of the older Telltale-ites were quite happy. A great studio making a great game based off a great cartoon? Awesome. A lot of the Homestar fans were happy with this, too. So far, we're fine. There're lots of cool people in the H*R fanbase.
    3. But then, things start to go south. It seems that some of the people attracted here by Homestar aren't such cool people. It's a small minority, only a handful of people... but they start making tons of posts on stupid topics and they try and set up forum game-type things that remind me terribly of 4Kids and...
    Well, you get the idea.
    4. The already cynical people (once again, like me) see this happening, and are dismayed. Fancharacters? People who don't get sarcasm? Bad grammar? This can't be happening! And then they all start getting worked up about it, and the fanbase becomes more and more volatile to the point where posts like this get responses like this.

    Now, personally, I'm okay with this. I was one of the people who barely even put up with people like TomSuperman (sorry, I didn't want to name names, but...) to begin with, and so I'm loving the somewhat-accepted ability to make jabs at this kind of thread. But, I'm just a little bit concerned that the forum's becoming a little too volatile and might explode at any second, causing most of the regulars to take their leave and most of the discussion with them. And that's terrible.

    I guess the moral of the story is, let's try to tone it back just a bit. Be more receptive to newcomers, be more gentle in explaining that we don't do things that way here.
    And while you're doing that, I'll be adding barbs to the sarcasm pile. See ya!
  • edited July 2008
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    It seems that some of the people attracted here by Homestar aren't such cool people

    The uncool people think they are cool, but the cool people differ. Question: If there are more uncool people thinking they ARE cool, and LESS cool people that think differently, would that make the uncool people cool, due to the fact that the cool people population is small, and makes them uncool for being different??
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2008
    I guess the moral of the story is, let's try to tone it back just a bit. Be more receptive to newcomers, be more gentle in explaining that we don't do things that way here.

    Good advice. :)
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