I didn't realize that she was dressed like Sybil until you pointed it out. Can't really see the full costume though anyways. Maybe if she had a stuffed Abe head instead.
It took me a few moments before it twigged. I was thinking, wow she actually looks like Sybil too!
I don't know if this is more awesome or disturbing.
Those kids were awesome! That costume captures the Cheat's impossible-to-exist-in-3Dness 100% perfectly. They apparently also had a Trogdor costume, but left it at home.
Dear Strongbad, how do you sign things with boxing gloves on?
Either that guy or one of the other Strong Bads we met asked us if the game was boxing glove-compatible. I think we dodged the question, but it was a good question.
Oh man super burn. I thought someone said that they grabbed and posted a photo of someone as Raz. Apparently there was a failure somewhere (possibly in my brain for allegedly remembering someone saying that).
It's nice to see that the Sam & Max Season One and Two spines match. For some reason, I didn't think to check that in person (I'm a season subscriber, so mine will likely ship sometime next month, or later).
Yeah, if I was there I'd be tempted to buy one, but I would already be getting one for free in the mail. Well, at least I'd get to check it out in person I guess. See what the back cover looks like etc. Any word on what the insert looks like?
How many of these could they have possibly sold, I wonder? I mean, who going to that booth wouldn't...already own the games?
A surprising number of people. Many people walked by, saw our Strong Bad and Sam & Max banners, and said either "whoa, there's a Strong Bad game?!?!?" or "oh man, Sam & Max!!" and some (many, in fact) of those people purchased games from us. Many people also bought books and t-shirts. We sold out of Strong Bad shirts, figurines, and CDs in the first two days of the show, despite them all already being available from our store and from homestarrunner.com. Surely some people didn't buy them from the website because they wanted to get them signed, or didn't want to pay shipping, or didn't really think they needed to buy them until they saw the games in person, etc etc etc etc etc. I don't know if your logic follows, really.
I met a few people on my train trip Saturday that had heard of Strong Bad, but had no clue that there was a game in development. I have no idea if they ever visited the booth (the ones that were on route to Comic-Con), but it further shows that there are quite a few Strong Bad fans that are still unaware.
Yes, that costume was actually a lot more trouble than I expected. It's zipped up the front, and all the little horizontal straps are sewn on at one end and the other ends were held in place by tiny magnets! My hair was both not dark enough nor long enough, so I dyed it (twice, actually, as it rejected the dye the first time) and bought an artificial bun to pin over my real hair in the back. For the tattoos I ordered this temporary ink from Australia that didn't work at ALL. I ended up using Sharpie. You can see part of the tattoo on my right arm there, which came out just fine, but for some reason the skin of my left arm wouldn't take the ink and it not only looked too faint but I got green all over Max's back. I have no idea if it will ever come out. It looks like Max has some green mold on him now.
At the S&M/Strongbad panel someone tried to buy Max. I wouldn't even make her an offer. Now, let me make a v.2, THEN I may consider it, lol...
Yes, that costume was actually a lot more trouble than I expected. It's zipped up the front, and all the little horizontal straps are sewn on at one end and the other ends were held in place by tiny magnets! My hair was both not dark enough nor long enough, so I dyed it (twice, actually, as it rejected the dye the first time) and bought an artificial bun to pin over my real hair in the back. For the tattoos I ordered this temporary ink from Australia that didn't work at ALL. I ended up using Sharpie. You can see part of the tattoo on my right arm there, which came out just fine, but for some reason the skin of my left arm wouldn't take the ink and it not only looked too faint but I got green all over Max's back. I have no idea if it will ever come out. It looks like Max has some green mold on him now.
At the S&M/Strongbad panel someone tried to buy Max. I wouldn't even make her an offer. Now, let me make a v.2, THEN I may consider it, lol...
Thanks for pointing out what you did with your outfit... I first only glanced at the picture, and did not notice the finer details... the tattoos and small touches are great! And I just noticed your photos of the plush Max on your profile... they are great too. I think I detect a hint of jealousy in my typing.
Thanks, man. And the comment you left in my album reminds me Derwin: we DID bring Max's penny-conscious moon gear and about a half dozen human models...but we never used them. :P Poop.
I finally got a photo of me with Steve. I never remembered to do it before, lol.
Also we stopped to stretch our legs during the drive down at some gas station with a big plastic buffalo out front. I had to take this:
The sign on the pole says: "This area is for the enjoyment of our customers, NOT PETS. Thank you." In other words, "Please to not be letting your dog poop on our buffalo kthx."
...I got green all over Max's back. I have no idea if it will ever come out. It looks like Max has some green mold on him now.
Although Max and "mold" seem almost natural together, you can always try some Oxi-Clean or a bleach pen on him. I had the same problem with inks and my white work uniform. As long as it wasn't marked on directly, the ink would come off. ...hopefully in your case. ^^;
Yes, that costume was actually a lot more trouble than I expected. It's zipped up the front, and all the little horizontal straps are sewn on at one end and the other ends were held in place by tiny magnets! My hair was both not dark enough nor long enough, so I dyed it (twice, actually, as it rejected the dye the first time) and bought an artificial bun to pin over my real hair in the back. For the tattoos I ordered this temporary ink from Australia that didn't work at ALL. I ended up using Sharpie. You can see part of the tattoo on my right arm there, which came out just fine, but for some reason the skin of my left arm wouldn't take the ink and it not only looked too faint but I got green all over Max's back. I have no idea if it will ever come out. It looks like Max has some green mold on him now.
At the S&M/Strongbad panel someone tried to buy Max. I wouldn't even make her an offer. Now, let me make a v.2, THEN I may consider it, lol...
Wow, you DO look like Sybil... XD
@ max on bull:
Ride 'em cowboy! *Max runs over Soda Poppers with Bull*
The suit is forever trapped in Austria (JoWood paid for it, so they get to keep it).
Damn you Jowood!
(btw, who the hell is Jowood?)
Anyways, the Con's over... *sniff* I'm going to miss it. Unfortunatly to the poor people going to the next Con, they will be all possesed... by my awesome Shambling Corperate Presence Costume I'm making! Seriously! I love that guy! or... Girl... I'm not sure what it is.
I didn't have a computer with me during the Con, so the photos I was taking had to wait until I got back home. I've dumped them all over here if you want to take a look. A couple of random video captures occurred on the last day which amused me slightly, so enjoy!
I didn't have a computer with me during the Con, so the photos I was taking had to wait until I got back home. I've dumped them all over here if you want to take a look. A couple of random video captures occurred on the last day which amused me slightly, so enjoy!
Hahahahahaha... the pre-shutdown dance party... I have never wanted to attend Comic-Con before as much as I do now.
....well, I had to do a double-take. xD
That Math Kickers box art is even funnier than the Snake Boxer art! xD
I'm 100% in love with Videlectrix right now. I'm more excited about Math Kickers than I am about the actual episode 2! O_O
It took me a few moments before it twigged. I was thinking, wow she actually looks like Sybil too!
Yes I am retarded.
Reminds me of a certain someone...
That is absolutely hilarious. Thank you, PhotoBucket, for making sure we keep it clean.
Daaang. I had no idea how much bigger the new Season Two print was compared to the Season One print. I'm kinda regretting not getting one.
I may have to get a Season 1 print too. IDK if I have space to hang it though.
...Still need that Season 1 print.
But it will be interesting to see how that print ships. I've had fairly small packages so far, nothing much bigger than a DVD case.
I'll take one!
It's a shame I have to wait until September (or later) to get my copy of Season 2 but you win some, you lose some.
Either that guy or one of the other Strong Bads we met asked us if the game was boxing glove-compatible. I think we dodged the question, but it was a good question.
It's nice to see that the Sam & Max Season One and Two spines match. For some reason, I didn't think to check that in person (I'm a season subscriber, so mine will likely ship sometime next month, or later).
A surprising number of people. Many people walked by, saw our Strong Bad and Sam & Max banners, and said either "whoa, there's a Strong Bad game?!?!?" or "oh man, Sam & Max!!" and some (many, in fact) of those people purchased games from us. Many people also bought books and t-shirts. We sold out of Strong Bad shirts, figurines, and CDs in the first two days of the show, despite them all already being available from our store and from homestarrunner.com. Surely some people didn't buy them from the website because they wanted to get them signed, or didn't want to pay shipping, or didn't really think they needed to buy them until they saw the games in person, etc etc etc etc etc. I don't know if your logic follows, really.
Also, whose logic follows at 3 in the morning anyway?
...I should be asleep.
K, now the only thing the comic-con needs are the Chapman's making a guest appearnence.
Come on, they have to come out of hiding...
Yes, that costume was actually a lot more trouble than I expected. It's zipped up the front, and all the little horizontal straps are sewn on at one end and the other ends were held in place by tiny magnets! My hair was both not dark enough nor long enough, so I dyed it (twice, actually, as it rejected the dye the first time) and bought an artificial bun to pin over my real hair in the back. For the tattoos I ordered this temporary ink from Australia that didn't work at ALL. I ended up using Sharpie. You can see part of the tattoo on my right arm there, which came out just fine, but for some reason the skin of my left arm wouldn't take the ink and it not only looked too faint but I got green all over Max's back.
At the S&M/Strongbad panel someone tried to buy Max. I wouldn't even make her an offer. Now, let me make a v.2, THEN I may consider it, lol...
Thanks for pointing out what you did with your outfit... I first only glanced at the picture, and did not notice the finer details... the tattoos and small touches are great! And I just noticed your photos of the plush Max on your profile... they are great too. I think I detect a hint of jealousy in my typing.
I finally got a photo of me with Steve. I never remembered to do it before, lol.
Also we stopped to stretch our legs during the drive down at some gas station with a big plastic buffalo out front. I had to take this:
The sign on the pole says: "This area is for the enjoyment of our customers, NOT PETS. Thank you." In other words, "Please to not be letting your dog poop on our buffalo kthx."
Although Max and "mold" seem almost natural together, you can always try some Oxi-Clean or a bleach pen on him. I had the same problem with inks and my white work uniform. As long as it wasn't marked on directly, the ink would come off. ...hopefully in your case. ^^;
Max on a buffalo? Full of win! XD
@ max on bull:
Ride 'em cowboy! *Max runs over Soda Poppers with Bull*
Edit: Awesome, you guys had your booth next to Mega 64, oh you goony gooner goons love to stick together. ;-)
(btw, who the hell is Jowood?)
Anyways, the Con's over... *sniff* I'm going to miss it. Unfortunatly to the poor people going to the next Con, they will be all possesed... by my awesome Shambling Corperate Presence Costume I'm making! Seriously! I love that guy! or... Girl... I'm not sure what it is.
Hahahahahaha... the pre-shutdown dance party... I have never wanted to attend Comic-Con before as much as I do now.
And will be going on youtube after work. HUZZAH.