Website redesign?
Might want to fix that.
The forums aren't looking too happy.
EDIT: Actually, a nice Ctrl+F5 fixed me up. Don't you web designers just love caching?
Liking the new nav bar.
Might want to fix that.

EDIT: Actually, a nice Ctrl+F5 fixed me up. Don't you web designers just love caching?
Liking the new nav bar.
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...When they, y'know. Work.
Ouch, burn. Its not too hideously buggy, at least not once you clear your cache. The fancy rollovers on the 3 buttons probably aren't going to work on the forums, but they should work elsewhere.
Everything's working fine for me.
The forum is pretty much unaware that the rest of the site exists, I guess. =p
Hello there
How about Howdy-ho?
"Hey", "It's", and "Sup", it seems.
"It's, Rather Dashing!" does look a bit odd grammar wise. I think. But I'll take it, just 'cause the site seems so happy to see me.
Looks nice
Well, thank you! My eyes are going to have to get adjusted to the menu bar being smaller.
Thank you Jake and Mike!
Especially the "Howdy-ho"
Looks great guys. And yes, most of the bugs do disappear upon subsequent refreshes. Marvelous!
furthermore, i absolutely like how the website greets me now, most of the times even in an appropriate way. greetings, salutations...a little hail and praise might not hurt as well. how does the page know me, does is judge my posts? pretty aweome. it knows i'm not some internet punk, since i never get a "'sup" or anything.:D