Demo troubles

edited August 2008 in Sam & Max
I'm annoyed because I just played the demo of episode 101:"culture shock" and it was extremely short!I feel like I don't know if I like Sam and Max or not!I didn't have long enough to decide!I would have less of a problem with this except the Bone demos are much longer.


  • edited July 2008
    You can get the whole episode, Abe Lincoln Must Die! for free. It's what convinced me to get the other games :)
  • edited July 2008
  • edited July 2008
    Further, if you sign up for the newsletter in the next couple days, you can get a free copy of the first episode of Season 2!
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2008
    FYI, Culture Shock has the shortest demo of any of the episodes.
  • edited July 2008
    That doesn't sound very....

    ...well, I mean.

    If it's a person's logical first starting point, wouldn't you want to provide the longest demo of all of them for the first episode?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2008
    *shrug* Hindsight is 20/20. At the time Culture Shock was released, we thought it was a nice self-contained demo. It can be tough to find a good cut-off point for the demos. Because of how Culture Shock is structured, there isn't another good stopping point until much later in the game.

    A ton of people have started with that episode, so I don't think the length of the demo hurt us. But as the series went along we decided to make the demos a bit longer, to give people a bigger taste of the games.

    (We also didn't realize that so many people would start with that episode. I mean, it seems obvious now, but episodic gaming was brand new when Season One launched! We figured most people would start with whatever episode was most recent, rather than always starting at the beginning.)
  • edited August 2008
    I downloaded the demo for the culture shock game. I get through the 1st puzzle but am unable to get to go downstairs. Am I going crazy or is that the end of the demo?

    When it finishes crashing, I get a screen with bunny and a place to sign up for the email.

    If it is the end of the game its really short! I have played previous demos before with very little problems.

    Thanks for any help in advance
  • edited August 2008
    That's the end of the demo. You might be interested in Episode 104, Abe Lincoln Must Die. The whole game is free, so it's like a mega-demo :)
  • edited August 2008
    The whole "free episode" thing aside, I'm surprised it hasn't occurred to anyone, upon finding the first demo to be too short, to try a second demo. I mean, there are 11 of them.
  • edited August 2008
    Really? there are other demos of the game? I had no idea! Are they all this short?
  • edited August 2008
    No, Culture Shock is the shortest. And there's an entire free game, like I said before :)
  • edited August 2008
    Yeah, demos are terrible. I was never aware of this information at all. You have totally opened my eyes. I am a cynical bastard.
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