Does it matter? You seem to be watching them regardless.
Anyways, I cannot wait. The last film was amazing.
Haha, sorry about that bitterness. It wasn't supposed to come out that bad.
But yeah, I'm kind of forced to see the films. Not on my tab, gladly, but I end up seeing them at some point. Despite my virulent protests. Which could attribute to my unnaturally high disdain for the films.
I'm a purist at heart, too. So, I tend to dislike the films more the more they deviate from the good but overly-hyped books they're based on.
I'm a purist at heart, too. So, I tend to dislike the films more the more they deviate from the good but overly-hyped books they're based on.
I'll always prefer books over movies, and I'm definitely a purist too. But the two mediums are so different in the way they tell a story that it would be ineffective to try and stick too close to the source material. Though for every movie like Hogfather that does it well, we get movies like Starship Troopers that completely miss the point.
As far as Harry Potter goes, I enjoy the movies because I've never read the books.
Have you read the books? They cut out so much plot from the fifth movie that the seventh movie is going to have a hell of a hard time making sense to audiences that haven't read the books.
Have you read the books? They cut out so much plot from the fifth movie that the seventh movie is going to have a hell of a hard time making sense to audiences that haven't read the books.
I'm a Terry Gilliam fan, so I'm quite accustomed to not knowing what the hell's going on for half the movie, but finding the experience enjoyable nonetheless.
The seventh movie is apparently split into a seventh and eighth movie.
I think that the fifth movie held its own just fine if you didn't know the books -- where it went a little wonky was with people who DID know the books and were expecting every beat to be there, and then got tripped up when parts of the story were cut.
I think that the fifth movie held its own just fine if you didn't know the books -- where it went a little wonky was with people who DID know the books and were expecting every beat to be there, and then got tripped up when parts of the story were cut.
I disagree. I don't mind a bit of trimming down, but they removed some very important things. For example: *spoilers below*
Petunia receiving Dumbledore's letter.
Harry's outburst and reconciliation with his friends at Grimmauld Place.
Harry's anger at Dumbledore, which is integral to the rest of the story.
Kreacher tricking Harry into visiting the Ministry, thus setting off the events that lead to Sirius' death.
Along with many other things that are indispensable to the plot. Not to mention things that happened out of order, or were explained away with a spinning newspaper headline.
I don't know, maybe they know what they're doing. But as a writer, I'd hate to see my work butchered like that.
Have you read the books? They cut out so much plot from the fifth movie that the seventh movie is going to have a hell of a hard time making sense to audiences that haven't read the books.
Of course I've read the books! I know they cut so much out, but I treat the films and books differently. Sure it would be nice to have all the extra stuff in, but if the people making the film felt it didn't fit in, then I'm cool with that.
Harry's outburst and reconciliation with his friends at Grimmauld Place.
Harry's anger at Dumbledore, which is integral to the rest of the story.
I'm pretty sure both of these things were in the film. Harry shouts at Ron and Hermione for not writing to him and letting him know what was happening, as does he with Dumbledore - the line "LOOK AT ME!" when Dumbledore kept avoiding talking with Harry showed this pretty clearly.
I haven't read the books, but I thought that Harry's anger at Dumbledore came across pretty well in the movie. Not that it couldn't have been done better, mind you, but I take into account that Harry's a teenager. Emotions run high, and it's pretty easy for frustration to quickly jump to anger.
The fifth, to me, suffered from a necessary evil. It felt like a preparatory movie, where the characters are gearing up for something major in the plot. Scenes like this are necessary to any story, but they can also slow it down.
Now, if they'd condensed the whole thing down into a sports training montage, and backed it with a catchy 80's tune, it would've been perfect.
Ouch. Been there, done that, never going back.
Is Power On still around? Because that was freaking addictive. There's no way you could ever keep up with all those posts...
Wow lol, i just watched the 5th movie again a week ago. Coincidence? The ending was amazingly good, as was most of the movie. And i've read the books too. Good movie.
The only movie I didn't like as much out of the series was the 4th movie (it seems a little short-cut), even though the 4th book was one of the best. Oh well, they made up for it
Never liked Harry Potter but I've only watched the first movie and read a bit of the first book. I prefer fantasy aimed at adults. Not that I don't like stuff for kids as well, though - I love Disney cartoons for instance.
Does it matter? You seem to be watching them regardless.
Anyways, I cannot wait. The last film was amazing.
But yeah, I'm kind of forced to see the films. Not on my tab, gladly, but I end up seeing them at some point. Despite my virulent protests. Which could attribute to my unnaturally high disdain for the films.
I'm a purist at heart, too. So, I tend to dislike the films more the more they deviate from the good but overly-hyped books they're based on.
"Who are you?"
Oh-ho-ho! Amusing, amusing.
Sneaking Doctor Who refrences, are they?!
*Pulls out Buckshot*
I'll always prefer books over movies, and I'm definitely a purist too. But the two mediums are so different in the way they tell a story that it would be ineffective to try and stick too close to the source material. Though for every movie like Hogfather that does it well, we get movies like Starship Troopers that completely miss the point.
As far as Harry Potter goes, I enjoy the movies because I've never read the books.
Wha-- the fifth film was the best so far, and the sixth is directed by the same guy, David Yates.
But the script was adapted by the dude who did the first four screenplays.
Have you read the books? They cut out so much plot from the fifth movie that the seventh movie is going to have a hell of a hard time making sense to audiences that haven't read the books.
I'm a Terry Gilliam fan, so I'm quite accustomed to not knowing what the hell's going on for half the movie, but finding the experience enjoyable nonetheless.
I think that the fifth movie held its own just fine if you didn't know the books -- where it went a little wonky was with people who DID know the books and were expecting every beat to be there, and then got tripped up when parts of the story were cut.
I disagree. I don't mind a bit of trimming down, but they removed some very important things. For example: *spoilers below*
Along with many other things that are indispensable to the plot. Not to mention things that happened out of order, or were explained away with a spinning newspaper headline.
I don't know, maybe they know what they're doing. But as a writer, I'd hate to see my work butchered like that.
Of course I've read the books! I know they cut so much out, but I treat the films and books differently. Sure it would be nice to have all the extra stuff in, but if the people making the film felt it didn't fit in, then I'm cool with that.
I'm pretty sure both of these things were in the film. Harry shouts at Ron and Hermione for not writing to him and letting him know what was happening, as does he with Dumbledore - the line "LOOK AT ME!" when Dumbledore kept avoiding talking with Harry showed this pretty clearly.
But the "LOOK AT ME" line could way too easily be construed as temporary frustration instead of a deep-seated doubt.
(Am I being far too obsessive about the Potter universe yet?
nah the 4th was the best, the 5th had less action
Now, if they'd condensed the whole thing down into a sports training montage, and backed it with a catchy 80's tune, it would've been perfect.
im a Nsider forums refugee...:(
Is Power On still around? Because that was freaking addictive. There's no way you could ever keep up with all those posts...
The only movie I didn't like as much out of the series was the 4th movie (it seems a little short-cut), even though the 4th book was one of the best. Oh well, they made up for it
But Harry Potter didn't do it for me
Not saying it's bad though! Just not my taste.
Omg really?
that just sucks...