logon failure profile



  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    We have implemented a fix that will help most affected customers log in. Please try logging in again alternating between your username and your email address. If you still encounter a Login Error, this may indicate an issue with your login information in your registry. To correct this, please open a command window (Below are instructions on how to open a command window).

    Windows XP: Go to your start menu and click on run. Type in "cmd" and press enter
    Windows Vista / 7: Press the Windows key. Type in "cmd" and press enter
    Windows 8: At the start screen, type in "cmd" and press enter

    Then copy the command line below and paste it into the command window, press enter, and confirm the question (to confirm the question, type “y” and press enter):

    REG DELETE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Telltale Games\Launcher”

    (Please make sure when you copy the above text that you do not copy a space before or after the text, as that will produce an error message)

    Also please make sure your password ONLY contains a-z, A-Z, and 0-9 and no other characters. If you have an " or \ or any non-ASCII characters in your password, please login to your account on our website and change your password.

    Also, please make sure you are using the correct username/email and password. You can verify this information by logging into your account on our website. Please also note that your login credentials are case sensitive.

    If you are still encountering an error message after trying these suggestions, please reply and specify the exact error message you see.

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