What I Last Bought?

edited September 2008 in General Chat
pretty simple

i bought a new dell vostro laptop, as mine is so dead.

and a microsoft keyboard for my 360


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2008
    Welcome to the world of tomorrow!
  • edited July 2008
    I last bought...

    2000 Wii Points Card

    and I reserved Spore
  • edited July 2008
    My last purchase...
    Well, I guess I downloaded that song about the balloons because it was stuck in my head.
    But before that I got the 15th anniversary edition of Another World. Good game, that. Really damn hard, though.
  • edited July 2008
    I last bought: a pre-seasoned cast iron skillet and a teflon scraping spoon.

    Wow, I sound like a boring person...
  • edited July 2008
    You'll probably still need to season it you know :)
  • jmmjmm
    edited July 2008
    Last big thing: Drapes for my new digs (FYI: The carpet does not match the drapes)
    Last thing: Some crackers (Sadly, no Wensleydale) and a coke
  • edited July 2008
    What I last bought:
  • edited July 2008
    Beef Jerky, Pepsi and the newest Mad magazine.
  • edited July 2008
    tabacco wrote: »
    You'll probably still need to season it you know :)

    I will just cook really greasy foods in it and not wash it... that should work, right? ;)
    Now we just need perma-seasoned cookware and my life will be complete.
  • edited July 2008
    should do! You can kind of cheat and oil it up and bake it at 350 for a half hour every now and then, too.
  • edited July 2008
    2000 wii points.
  • edited July 2008
    i bought some salad and a bread roll...like for lunch. also, i bought half a house...not that i could afford one.
  • I bought a Nintendo Power Magazine... which inside i found an AD for Sam and Max Wii! XD

    PLus, in the last issue, there was a whole section devoted to SCG4Ap
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2008
    Umm... a cup of coffee on Monday? I've only got four dollars in my wallet and I'm trying to make them last. :D
  • edited August 2008
    PLus, in the last issue, there was a whole section devoted to SCG4Ap

    There was?All I saw was a little blurb about it.In that issue there was also a section about Sam and Max.
  • edited August 2008
    I bought a Nintendo Power Magazine... which inside i found an AD for Sam and Max Wii! XD

    PLus, in the last issue, there was a whole section devoted to SCG4Ap

    I bought that too!I can't wait for Jack Thompson to have a heart attack when Mad World comes out!
  • There was?All I saw was a little blurb about it.In that issue there was also a section about Sam and Max.
    A Blurb? I don't think so- there were Two Pages for it!

    I still have the mag, so I'll upload some scans later.
  • edited August 2008
    There was?All I saw was a little blurb about it.In that issue there was also a section about Sam and Max.

    Maybe you're both reading editions from different countries?
  • edited August 2008
    Badwolf wrote: »
    Maybe you're both reading editions from different countries?
    Maybe, but that's forgetting the fact that foreigners don exits.
  • edited August 2008
    A Blurb? I don't think so- there were Two Pages for it!

    I still have the mag, so I'll upload some scans later.

    Maybe I have a different one than you're talking about.The one I have's cover story is the music games.It probably is an old one.I got it at a hasting's when I was on vacation in June, as there are no stores that sell nintendo power in my area anymore.I should think about subscribing...
  • edited August 2008
    Uh....I can't remember. It was either the Cloverfield dvd or South Park season 10.
  • edited August 2008
    Nintendo power?o_o
  • edited August 2008
    Just bought Hot Fuzz on DVD!
  • edited August 2008
    I recently bought The World Ends With You, like 2 days ago? Awesome game 'tis.
  • edited August 2008
    Earlier today, I ordered two DVDs on Amazon.com to complete my Mel Brooks (directorial) collection. They were The Twelve Chairs and Silent Movie. Also, Telltale loves me, because I just bought some stuff from them, too. I ordered the Flaming Max Hat (Green) and the "Telltale Texas Hold'em" soundtrack.

    I wonder when the Max & Crossbones Hat will return...
  • edited August 2008
    Last I bought was Season 2 from Telltale, and some other stuff on the site.

    The thing I bought before that was 3 weeks ago.. and it was a doctors appointment (eye check).. where the damn useless doctor used the wrong kind of eyedrops to dilate my eye (fortunately he only dilated one of my pupils!). They use these drops to dilate the pupil so they can have a good look inside the eye and the effect is supposed to wear off after a few hours, up to a day.
    However, this damn doctor used drops that dilated my pupil for 2 weeks (!!!) and I had to be very careful not to look at strong light etc during that time.. so I could not use the computer much. GRR :p
  • edited August 2008
    I hate those eye drops.
  • edited August 2008
    My last purchase (not counting all the food I bought at a county fair) was Freakazoid Season 1, Robot Chicken Star Wars, and Harold of Kumar 2.

    Plus a ton of Graphic novels from borders. Including (but not limited to) Invincible Hardcover 3, Berserk 24, School Rumble 10, Monster 15, Batman: Joker's Last Laugh, and tpb of a comic series written by Micheal Sangicomo, a local newspaper writer who used to write a weekly comics article but now is basically just a regular reporter, called Phantom Jack.
  • edited August 2008
    Last purchase: DS charger kit and Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials And Tribulations.
  • edited August 2008
    Dedlok wrote: »
    My last purchase (not counting all the food I bought at a county fair) was Freakazoid Season 1, Robot Chicken Star Wars, and Harold of Kumar 2.

    Plus a ton of Graphic novels from borders. Including (but not limited to) Invincible Hardcover 3, Berserk 24, School Rumble 10, Monster 15, Batman: Joker's Last Laugh, and tpb of a comic series written by Micheal Sangicomo, a local newspaper writer who used to write a weekly comics article but now is basically just a regular reporter, called Phantom Jack.
    Wait- there's a Freakazoid! DVD?
    How did I miss this!?!
  • edited August 2008
    Yup. Came out last Tuesday. I saw it announced months ago via the City of Heroes boards. Tiny Toons Season 1 Part 1 came out too.
  • edited August 2008
    I last bought a kit-kat and a gatorade. Now that's what I call a power lunch! If you couldn't tell I'm currently broke :(
  • edited August 2008
    Planet of the Apes Ultimate Collection, came in a cheesy ape head box.

    I really only like the first movie though.. the second one is ok but the rest are awful (especially 4 & 5, they really screw up the storyline there.. apes evolving in 20 years or so?!? Sheesh!).

    It also comes with the animated series and the regular series, never seen those so it'll be fun to see what they are like. I don't have my hopes up though :p
  • edited August 2008
    Telltale Texas Hold'em.. I don't really like card games but it's a little neat how the characters will talk to eachother.. and Boris is there so it's somewhat connected to S&M :p

    And it was the only Telltale game I didn't have, too.

    EDIT - it's too bad the CSI games aren't downloadable, I got them too not very long ago but I have to wait for the discs to arrive :( But I understand why they're not downloadable, of course.
  • edited August 2008
    Last thing i've bought was: a tshirt in an online shop from paul frank.

    Cheers, murphy
  • edited August 2008
    a bottle of glenfiddich
    a bottle of JD
    a haircut
    ninja gaiden 2
  • edited August 2008
    I just broke down and put Season 1 of Get Smart on my credit card. It was only $17 at Target, and I just couldn't pass it up. I love that show!
  • edited August 2008
    Pre-ordered Strong Bad. Telltale is making me broke with all these cool things they keep pumping out :D
  • edited August 2008
    Armakuni wrote: »
    Planet of the Apes Ultimate Collection, came in a cheesy ape head box.

    I really only like the first movie though.. the second one is ok but the rest are awful (especially 4 & 5, they really screw up the storyline there.. apes evolving in 20 years or so?!? Sheesh!).

    It also comes with the animated series and the regular series, never seen those so it'll be fun to see what they are like. I don't have my hopes up though :p

    I love the planet of the apes films. Sure they get cheesy and cheap, but that's part of the fun. The TV series is actually pretty good. Better then some of the movies.
    I've been meaning to pick up the cartoon show one day. I love this crap!

    Oh and I bought a coffee.
  • edited August 2008
    Armakuni wrote: »
    Pre-ordered Strong Bad. Telltale is making me broke with all these cool things they keep pumping out :D

    No kidding, same here.
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