Fanmade Sam & Max Comic

edited August 2008 in Sam & Max Comics
I've been working on a Sam & Max comic today, starting off as a strong impulse in the evening and ending up as 1 and a half pages of sketchy panels an hour or two later. I've been writing a nice script for it too and I've revised it many times to make it as Sam-and-Maxy as it can get. Whenever possible i'll scan it, add in teh word bubbles, and show you guys (of course) :D
Expect to see it some time in the next week, unless i can't find a scanner to use ;)


  • edited July 2008
    Can't wait.:)
  • edited July 2008
    I've been rough drafting/sketching out a comic too, but every time I review it, it just doesn't feel like Sam and Max. Comedy is hard to write and I'm just too use to writing serious things. So I admire your ability!

    I can't wait to read it. B)
  • edited August 2008
    Thanks you guys. I pretty muched finished the first 2 page comic, I just have to ink it now. Its pretty short, but I revised the script 5 billion times to make sure it sounds like Sam & Max. I'll also put up some other goodies with it :P
  • edited August 2008
    Snocat wrote: »
    Thanks you guys. I pretty muched finished the first 2 page comic, I just have to ink it now. Its pretty short, but I revised the script 5 billion times to make sure it sounds like Sam & Max. I'll also put up some other goodies with it :P
    You mean "Caution: Bizzare Perspective"-style goodies?
    Man, I loved that sign.
  • edited August 2008
    I talked with famous cartoonist Roy Doty over the phone today (I met a friend of his) and ended up sending him my almost-finished comic in the mail. He's 87 now, so i figured I'd get it out there while he still has time to comment on it. Yup
  • edited August 2008
    Snocat wrote: »
    I talked with famous cartoonist Roy Doty over the phone today (I met a friend of his) and ended up sending him my almost-finished comic in the mail. He's 87 now, so i figured I'd get it out there while he still has time to comment on it. Yup

    That's neat being able to talk to Mr Doty. At first, I didn't recognize his name until I checked out his website. I STILL don't recognize his name, but I totally recognize his drawings. ^^; His art has been used in a lot of books and newspapers.
  • edited August 2008
    Yea, he's illistrated almost 140 books, I'm sure a lot of people know him better than they think they do
  • edited August 2008
    I FINALLY got my letter and comic back from Roy. He has deadlines to meet so I'm not suprised it took 2 weeks for it to get back. He pretty much stuck it to me and called me an ameteur. But that just means I have lots of area to improve in :D
    He also says to make some of my own characters instead of "copying" them. But he obviously doesn't know about Sam & Max too well, lol. I have plenty of time to find some inspiration to make a character of my own before I start cartooning anyways.

    Moving on, I'll see if i can finally finish this small comic up and get it out to you guys, I know the suspense is killing you.
  • edited August 2008
    Snocat wrote: »
    I have plenty of time to find some inspiration to make a character of my own before I start cartooning anyways.

    I don't know if you have plenty of time. You should already have some right now. (I myself had a couple of reoccurring characters while in elementary school.) You probably have some characters, but don't even know it. Look back at some old original drawings of yours. If you see something that has an inch of potential, build upon it and polish it up to how you draw now (because I bet your art style has changed since).

    It's really cool that Mr. Doty took the time to read and answer your letter. I really respect people like that... ^_^

    And yes, the suspense is killing me. Hurry up because I don't know how much longer I could last against Suspense's onslaught...
  • edited August 2008
    Okay, i'll finish it up, but i don't have a scanner! :(
    Looking back on old characters i may have previously made, me and my friends just drew funny pictures of our teachers (and some students). We had millions of brilliant inside jokes.
    But that's just it, it's only inside jokes.
    I do have some recent characters though, like Mr. Borris, a sophisticated evil clown villian who wears a monicle and likes to stomp (quite litterally) on any who oppose him. Maybe i could put up a picture if you want. :o

    Edit- Some of the best characters aren't those thought up straight out of the head. They are the ones that have some source of inspiration
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