Cant download episode 3

edited January 2014 in Site Support

Connection lost - every time i try do download it. My wi fi connection ii is ok. What i have to do ?


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Can you please clarify what platform you are attempting to download it on? If you are on an iOS device, please restart your device, and make sure all other applications running in the background are closed. This should free up necessary system resources. (To close an app running in the background on iOS 6 and before: double tap the home button to make all running apps appear at the bottom of the screen, hold down on an app you wish to close and red buttons will appear, tap the red buttons to close the apps. If on iOS 7, double tap the home button and swipe up on the open apps to close them).

    After doing this, your device should be able to download the episode successfully.

    If you are on PC/Mac or PS3/Xbox, please restart the computer/system, and restart the download again. I apologize for any inconvenience this causes.

  • Cannot download episode 2, season 1 of "the Walking Dead".

    I am running the program on a Macbook Air. The download takes about 6-8 hours while the % downloaded counts up to 99 then the program sits there at 99% download forever and nothing happens. My connection speed allows the streaming of video and other programs from different sites, it's not super fast but also not that slow.

    Please help if you know how to resolve this issue.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the problem you are experiencing. We are aware of this issue, and currently investigating a potential solution. Please try shutting down the game application and restarting your computer before attempting the download again. If you have a firewall or anti-virus software running, please disable them as this may interfere with the game connecting to our server.

    If you are unable to resolve this issue you may find some further assistance in our forum. One of moderators put together an unofficial guide for Mac users here - Please take a look at this thread and see if this solution works for you. This may appear complicated on the surface, but the 'Manual Download' option should be fairly straight forward if you'd like to try it.

    noodlearms posted: »

    Cannot download episode 2, season 1 of "the Walking Dead". I am running the program on a Macbook Air. The download takes about 6-8 hours w

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