TWD Episode 4 Black Screen problem
Hi there,
I've looked around the forums and found similar threads in the past, but they're either old enough, or for the PC version (I'm on Mac, so most of the path names are different or don't exist). For a reference though, my problem is pretty much the same as this thread.
black screen
Except for the fact that the episode that causes my problems is 4 (can finish 3, but when I try to continue onto 4, black screen).
I ran the support tool linked in the support area of the forums, so here's the download link for that:
support info
And in case that file goes away (free user of sendspace, as suggested in another post), here's a dropbox link to the same support data file:
support data--alternative
This problem, specifically at this point, is fairly recent. I've certainly been able to play through the entire game before, and I've wiped all TWD game data from my computer, and done a fresh reinstall before, trying to solve this. But that hasn't worked.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Can't say for sure if I fixed it, but the game continues normally now, no corruption or anything. What I did was reinstall TWD, making sure to delete all the extra TWD folders after uninstalling was completed. Cleared the recycle bin. So, nothing relating to TWD (season 1 of course, no need to mess with 2) was on my computer.
Then, I started different save games on my computer. Since entering ep. 4 was the problem, I decided to fast forward to that. Then, I rewound to ep. 3. I played through ep. 3 again so I could test if the game let me proceed through the end and into ep. 4.
Yes, that worked. No problems now. From this, I'm guessing my save file was just bad from the start, or something in the save file got corrupted when that particular save file tried to interact with ep. 4.
In any case, I'm not sold on the necessity of reinstalling, that may very well have just been me being a tad paranoid, or maybe not. Another thing I thought about after I deleted the original saves to start from scratch was that maybe playing that ep. 3 save file until the very end (when you inform Kenny of your and Clem's plans), then stop the episode there, manually skip to ep. 4 instead of waiting to finish the last few seconds of the episode and chancing the game would work correctly. Could have worked, no idea.
All I really know is what I did above, and that worked for me. Not very technical, but hope it can help someone.
change the game settings to lowest, 640x480 etc. then try to start the episode
Sounds extreme, and I'm able to play fine up until the start of ep 4, so I seriously doubt reducing my graphical settings at this point will do anything. Like I said, I've been able to play through the entire episode run many times with no noticeable problems (beyond the occasional glitch not dealing with saves); I don't think it's graphics.