Release dates for The Wolf Among Us Episode 2
We have release dates for The Wolf Among Us Episode 2 - Smoke & Mirrors!
- Tuesday Feb 4th - PC/Mac, PlayStation 3 North America
- Wednesday Feb 5th - Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 Europe
And it’ll be out on iOS next week too!
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I can say I'm disappointed, it took you long enough...
It'll be interesting to watch the upcoming releases for The Walking Dead, and The Wolf Among Us.
Don't let us down again.
Its about time!
Hey! I have a great idea! Finish the majority if not the whole game before you release it! Wow!! Brilliant!!! How hard is that? Step your game up telltale.
They give more time to the wolf among us its great ..but they also have to give more time to the walking dead season 2 i think may be they forget that the walking dead is one of their biggest project ever lol
Don't worry, I think they know that. Unless they're blind.
customer lost.
Your creativity shows no bounds.
Damn. People are being douchebags up there. O.o
Thanks for all the hard work, Telltale! Stuff happens and that's life. I'm pumped to see where this next installment goes, and I'm sure I'll be hyped as hell for the rest. Tuesday can't come soon enough. =P
Part of why Telltale makes Episodic games is so they can make changes to the game/story based on user feedback. If they finished most of the episodes beforehand, that would just make the episodic structure redundant.
It's Feb 4th and the 2nd episode of The Wolf Among Us hasn't been release yet
Why ????
because its only 7 o'clock in the morning at telltale. It wont be out till later
according to telltale, right now im not connected to the internet to make my download...any explainations?
according to telltale, right now im not connected to the internet to make my download...any explainations?
Still waiting to download it on my Mac and it's Feb 5th now? Open the game and it still says 'Coming Soon' even though i bought the season pass? I wanna play
Looks like there is a problem with the servers. I tried launching the game and it still says "coming soon" for episode 2. I also tried re-downloading the installer from the website, guess what? At 99.99% server gave an error. I am now downloading episode 2 files from another source. Excuse me but this is ridiculous. I do love Telltale and their games. But people also pay money for this game. I have a season pass and that means I should be able to update my game legitimately from the official servers.
Will the Xbox 360 version come in North America tomorrow as well as the European Xbox 360 version?
Good point, but the episodic structure is completely worthless if it takes them 5 months plus to release one episode. I want to play the whole game in under 2 years please. All the excitement from episode 1 is gone. That's just unacceptable to take this long for one episode. You should at least agree with that. There has to be some kind of deadline that they stick to, whether it be one month or two months. Anything longer than that is just too long. Especially considering Telltale doesn't communicate with their fans worth a damn.
I agree four months is extremely long, but this was a very rare exception. The typical rule of thumb is to expect a 4-6 week gap between episodes, or possibly a bi-monthly gap if things go wrong.
I agree, that would be perfectly reasonable sir. I really hope they can continue a schedule like that. That would actually make the episodic experience great. When I bought TWD, all the episodes had already been released. Basically I was able to consistently go from one chapter to the next without delays and I enjoyed the ever living hell out of it. This whole TWAU debacle from episode 1-2 has been handled extremely poorly from Telltale. Many of the early adopters (like me) feel like they got screwed. Especially since the game went on sale on Steam after a couple months and there was still only one episode out. Lack of communication with the fans has been another big issue. Just let us know what's going on and waiting for the next episode wouldn't be so painful.
Ummm... I cannot find Ep. 2. I'm playing this on the Xbox 360 and it still says on Ep. 2 "Coming Soon". Are the Episodes released internationally? 'cause I do not live in America or Europe... Should I probably check tomorrow? It's already in the afternoon of Feb. 5 here in my place.....
P.S. Where can you make suggestions?
I had the same problem...what you have to do is go uninstall your game and then reinstall it by going to your profile, then my games, and then clicking on TWAU...when you do that it should re-download the entire game and the new episode and all your previous EP and choices shouldn't be changed or lost...that worked for me and I've already played it twice...hopefully it works for you too