Episode 2 (100% Downloaded & Unable to Download)

I forgot to download the episode yesterday and apparently it was for the better. All I've read is that people are having consistent issues. I logged in today and after trying to figure out how to get it to download (this is before reading that there was an issue), I got it to show up in my download que.

Unfortunately, after downloading the game to 100%, I got an error message stating that the game was unable to download. I kept trying to re-download the game and was constantly finding myself unable. There is no option to manually download or re-download.

I exited the game, deleted the "corrupt" data, cleared the system cache, restarted my system, re-downloaded the title update, played around with the options and was somehow able to get the game to start downloading, again.

Same issue persists.

Can't Download
The Wolf Among Us: Episode 2 - Smoke and Mirrors

What the hell?

That sure is a lot to go through just to find out, again, that my download is useless.

And to the admin that replies to this post, don't tell me to read the FAQ listed here:


That's a bullspit automated reply and this is OBVIOUSLY not the same issue that others are having. If you guys are unable to get this download to work for people, there's a very simple work-around (there's actually a LOT of solutions, I'll list a couple for you).

  • Give users a download code so that we can download the episode directly.
  • Give users credit to download it via a different platform (if they so choose).
  • Give credit (or a download code) to purchase a different TTG title as compensation and a means to tide over the upset gamers until a solution can be resolved.

It's not hard to verify the purchase of the season pass, you guys have access to it.

When Sony got hacked into, they gave out 2 free PlayStation 3 games and 2 free PlayStation Portable games, to EVERY PSN account holder.

Microsoft has had issues as well and given away free games. I remember getting Undertow for free (I forget why) because of one such issue.

When there are issues with a paid service, you compensate your customers and take the hit.

How much of a hit would you take on giving away episode 2 for free? Let's see, episode 1 was free at one point (not sure if it's still free) and the Season Pass went on sale for $10 at one point. But assuming that episode 1 is no longer free, that's all of $2 for one episode. Even if episode 1 IS still free and considering the sale price, that's $2.50, just so you can apologize to the people that have faith in your company by purchasing a game in FULL before it's ever released. Even at the height of profit, $20 for the season pass now, episode 1 being free, that means that you would be giving away the episode for $5. Which is already being done to those that buy the game and call Microsoft to get their money back.

Why not save us a step?

I'd be happy getting the poker game (sadly the name escapes me at the moment) for free as compensation. I really want to play episode 2, but if I get compensated for having to wait ANOTHER month so that you guys can figure out why it's not working properly, I will patiently sit back and wait. But if you are just going to keep telling us to "sit tight and wait, a fix is coming?" We already heard that. That's why this release was 4 months late, wasn't it? You ran into "unforseen" issues?

But hey, that's just my $.02

EDIT: I understand that people are going to be pissed about this and I'm sure you guys are tired of seeing these threads popping up. But please keep in mind that I am trying to offer solutions and get more information from you guys, because that "FAQ" that you have posted, is crap.

FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions

And to these questions, you are SUPPOSED to post answers. That way people don't have to keep asking them. There is no question there, just an insult. Which is exactly how I took that post.

I am also trying to be professional here by NOT being rude, giving detailed information and being thorough. Please extend the same courtesy to me by NOT giving me a craptastic reply that answers nothing.


  • UPDATE: Microsoft just sent me a message through the XBL service.

    You bought The Wolf Among Us Season Pass and didn't receive Episode 2: Smoke and Mirros! Here's your free code (code exempt) to redeem for Episode 2 at account.Xbox.com or on your console.

    Not happy it took so long, but all things considered, if they still can't seem to get it fixed, at least they credited me a workaround so I can play while they work things out.

    All in all, pissy customer is now satisfied.

This discussion has been closed.