Drama! Can You Guys Help Me Out?

edited May 2006 in Sam & Max Comics
Alright, so I have to write a movie for a year-long project in animation school, and it's a drama about a guy turning into a werewolf. While he's transforming, he hallucinates appearing into his own mind and talking to his psyche. I have two ideas for the movie's closing line and I'm not sure which one to use. Sam represents the werewolf, and Max represents the psyche. Here is the first line:


And here is the second:


Which line do you think is better? Can you think of a better one?


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2006
    It's a little hard to take the psyche seriously with that big grin on his face! :))

    I think I like the first one better.
  • edited May 2006
    Agreed, the first one is better. That grin is the best though :)) How can I not laugh. Especially when it has to do with blood.
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