
I just bought Episode 2 ; Smoke and Mirrors.
Just starting up the game was even more laggy then playing a online game with downloads in the backgrounds.
I start Episode 2, and the game freezes ( This happens about 4-5 times. )
I get past the loading screen, I hear 'frog' and freeze again, after 20 attemps I finally get though to find the next problem ; Everything is in slowmotion, like a FPS (frames per second ) of 10-15!?!
Restarted the game multiple times, and the times I could play, it was seriously laggy and unplayable.

This episode is rushed and not finished clearly.
I demand a GOOD solution, or I want my money back, because 5 euro's to play something broke, no thanks!

I have updated latest firmware, I have the latest patch for the wolf among us, I have enough free memory, everything is fine on my xbox.
So instead of giving me a random solution, please just tell me if you intent to fox this with a update, or you just gonna **** around with random solutions?

Ofcourse, kind regards, Marcus~=)


  • edited February 2014

    Have the same problem (though not that severe...)
    I got pretty bad lagging in this flashback at the beginning of ep. 2 though, I saw 5 sec of blank screen after every cut, which was damn annoying. Actually, I thought performance issues would be fixed in the second episode, but it actually even got worse.
    I see this blank screen after almost every change of camera angle and the loading screens are ridiculously long.
    Sometimes also dialog or other audio tracks start during loading screens, but then stop and then continue 10 seconds later, when finally also visuals set in.
    These lags don't appear on PC, so I guess this is a general problem of the xbox version?! Is it going to be fixed?
    I also realized that the level of lagging during gameplay differs when playing the same scene again?! Why is that?
    Hope the suppert got any solution ready...

  • I've also had similar issues; initially I also froze at the same "frog" speech. Then after a reboot, was able to get past that but froze during the interrogation. Restarted twice more, was able to get past that but kept freezing while interviewing TJ. I was only able to get past that part by skipping examining any of the items in the office (and several more restarts), but I am now at the wishing well and froze again during the examination.

    While the season pass issue was disappointing, now that I have the game I've only been able to play a few minutes at a time before everything freezes and I am forced to restart and run through the same sections again. It's even worse because I really like the pacing of the game and where the story seems to be going, only to get stopped at the point where I am really getting into it.

    At this point, I think I'm going to hold off playing any further until a patch is released...

  • Had the same problem - no answer from telltale, so I experimented a little.
    Solution: The Savegame HAVE to be on hard disc - not on flash memory of xbox or USB-Memory stick. I copied the savegame - voila - Game doesn't freeze.

    The low FPS are a result of carelessly programmed code. Thank you Telltale for this "feature". Telltale should prefer games publish as soon as they are READY, rather than ripping off.

  • Duh, that's standard for me, so it's no solution for me and doesn't help at all haha. Thanks anyway

    hasendeddy posted: »

    Had the same problem - no answer from telltale, so I experimented a little. Solution: The Savegame HAVE to be on hard disc - not on flash mem

  • Thanks for the suggestion, but the game and my save are both already on the hard drive, so I don't think that's the issue. I do have an earlier gen Xbox; not certain if that is part of the problem (but I'm not buying another one). I also have the Walking Dead series (all of what is so far available), never had nearly as much trouble with that.

    Tried it once more again, although I got a little further I'm still hanging before I can get to the next save point. The only way I got this far was by skipping parts; kinda defeats the purpose of the game though...

    hasendeddy posted: »

    Had the same problem - no answer from telltale, so I experimented a little. Solution: The Savegame HAVE to be on hard disc - not on flash mem

  • On 360 the game just chugs along. very disappointing. thinking about playing the rest on ps3. just wondering if that version is just as bad

  • After emailing support on the issue, they had me delete the first and second chapters (I did not delete my save or the recent update) and re-download them. That seems to have resolved the issue. Hopefully this helps other people experiencing the same issue.

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