Great Cow Race + Screen captures with FRAPS -> Freeze game?

edited April 2006 in Game Support
Dear TellTale guys,

First of all, let me thank you for the wonderful job you did on Cow Race! I really enjoyed playing it!

However, I have noticed some strange game freezes when trying to capture Screenshots using FRAPS ( Everytime I hit F10 (default shortcut for screenshots), the game would get stuck (unable to move the mouse, dialogue and music hanging), and the only way to get it running again was to hit ESC to get back to the menu, and select continue.

Is this a "Bone" bug, or should I direct my request to FRAPS?

I did't have this issue with Out from Boneville, though!




  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2006
    Interesting. We use Fraps to take screenshots. All the screenshots that have been released for The Great Cow Race were taken with Fraps. I'll ask around, but I don't know of anyone here having trouble with it.

    (I'm moving this thread into the Cow Race forum, by the way. :))
  • edited April 2006
    It probably isn't necessary to use a frame capture program with the Telltale Games engine. The tried and true method of Alt Printscreen works fine for me with Bone: The Great Cow race.
  • edited April 2006
    Thanks for your reply Emily (and for moving the topic in the correct forum)!

    It's odd that these problems only occur to me... maybe I'll check if they released a new version. On the other hand, I have experienced some strange stuff on my PC lately (WindowsUpdate not wanting to update my Genuine PC,...), so I might consider formatting it soon (when I've got time to clean-up and back-up all (save)games that are installed on it!).

    As for the Alt-PrtScreen shortcut, I know it as well, but if you have to take a lot of screenshots in order to write a review, you'd prefer using Fraps, who creates screenshots at the stroke of a key, and automatically saves them in a predefined directory, so you can continue to enjoy the game (instead of alt-tabbing to Gimp or any other drawing program).
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2006
    As for the Alt-PrtScreen shortcut, I know it as well, but if you have to take a lot of screenshots in order to write a review, you'd prefer using Fraps, who creates screenshots at the stroke of a key, and automatically saves them in a predefined directory, so you can continue to enjoy the game (instead of alt-tabbing to Gimp or any other drawing program).

    I agree with you there. On the other hand, The Great Cow Race alt-tabs gracefully (unlike many games), so if you have to go that route, at least you don't have to quit and restart your game every time you take a screenshot.
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