What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)



  • I get enough hate for not loving Kenny. He's only nice to you if you help him kill an old man.

    Zyphon posted: »

    I'm done talking to you.

  • How long is the break gonna be? I don't want it to be too long...

    Can I have a request? Once we're done with the break, could I start episode 2 off, with mine and AWESOME0's new character's? It's a pretty big request, but I think I could do a lot with it.

  • Me either, I hate when this thread goes on break. :(

    It's the most interactive thread on here (Besides Meme and fun thread)

    How long is the break gonna be? I don't want it to be too long...

    1. Not true.
    2. I was only joking as the majority of people worship Kenny's moustache. :p

    But seriously, it's probably not a good idea to get into it any further since Kenny is one of my favorite Walking Dead characters in the entire franchise.

    I get enough hate for not loving Kenny. He's only nice to you if you help him kill an old man.

  • Well, I won't be able to use my computer for at least an hour or two starting in five minutes or so...

    Pretty long, sorry.

    How long is the break gonna be? I don't want it to be too long...

  • Well....

    I can't actually start the episode for an hour or two, can we figure it out later(I'm getting off the computer right now, so I won't even be able to respond until I get back...)

    Can I have a request? Once we're done with the break, could I start episode 2 off, with mine and AWESOME0's new character's? It's a pretty big request, but I think I could do a lot with it.

    edited February 2014

    1k comments! CONGRATULATIONS!

  • Never mind.. While I was gone the episode ended... Ah Well I guess I could find you in E2

    Sure. I won't be on in a while though.

  • Lilly 4 life

    Zyphon posted: »

    * Not true. * I was only joking as the majority of people worship Kenny's moustache. But seriously, it's probably not a good idea to get into it any further since Kenny is one of my favorite Walking Dead characters in the entire franchise.

  • edited February 2014


    Phoenix has begun to get more and more tired by the week. "Lauren... I'm starving.. Do you think we could ever stop running and just.. you know.. stay in one place... move in and have a life...?" Phoenix asks. remembering his life before the ZA. Homeless, and friendless, in fact, the ZA is a much better life for him, then what it was before.

    Lauren stays silent after his question, and begins chopping zombie heads with her katana.

    Phoenix starts cutting them with his knife hand.

    Your probably wondering.. What is a knife hand? The first couple of weeks into the ZA, Phoenix was bit on the palm, Lauren knew she couldn't lose him, so she cut his hand off. The only part left on his hand was his pointer finger. it is now replaced with a gun knife.

    Lauren takes her time to answer Phoenix's question... She begins to speak.

    The knife hand: Alt text

  • Wait, is this the start of episode 2?

    Phoenix Phoenix has begun to get more and more tired by the week. "Lauren... I'm starving.. Do you think we could ever stop running and ju

  • Yes.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Wait, is this the start of episode 2?

  • I think the start of The Camp's Episode 2 should be them about to leave the road because it's not safe anymore.

  • Yeah, maybe they could go back to the cabins.

    I think the start of The Camp's Episode 2 should be them about to leave the road because it's not safe anymore.

  • Yeah, maybe we can have my character arrive first, since he was already on his way, the last time I wrote his part.

    Yeah, maybe they could go back to the cabins.

  • It would make sense, since my character Han has his brother Hal at the cabins, so going back there would make sense.

    Yeah, maybe we can have my character arrive first, since he was already on his way, the last time I wrote his part.

  • Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Plus Anton, and Daniel have no reason to not inform the group about it.

    It would make sense, since my character Han has his brother Hal at the cabins, so going back there would make sense.

  • And Trev---Oh wait :(

    Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Plus Anton, and Daniel have no reason to not inform the group about it.

  • I'm going to sleep a little earlier tonight, so don't progress too much, please.

  • And Larr- Oh Wait ;(

    And Trev---Oh wait

  • Han

    Han was about to move down the hill and go towards the group. But then he saw everything, he saw a little girl kill a older man. He thought to himself What kind of people would teach a girl to kill, this guy could of been one of there own. He looks around, he spots another dead body, this time the guy has his head blown off and many other injuries to go along with pieces of brains everywhere. He whispers too himself "What kind of people are they?"

    He than tries to lean over to see anything else, he starts to slip on the wet mud and falls over the hill and into a bush making his landing not as painful and making non of his bones broken. He moves out of the bush and moves towards the group looking as innocent as possible, he drops his gun and says "Hello?".

  • You left Hal!

    Han Han was about to move down the hill and go towards the group. But then he saw everything, he saw a little girl kill a older man. He tho

  • lol, My other post before mentioned that I left Hal in a boarded up cabin(boarded up with mattresses so no one can open the door). And Hal is autistic so it wouldnt be so smart to take him to a group of people who could harm him.

    You left Hal!

  • (?) Hal will remember you left him.

    Han Han was about to move down the hill and go towards the group. But then he saw everything, he saw a little girl kill a older man. He tho

  • Phoenix

    Phoenix once again begins to think back to the moment Lauren saved his life...

    He was sitting against a tree... He was homeless... nothing to live for... He had heard people talking about the "Zombies" but he tried to ignore them. A couple of days had gone by, and the things surrounded him, and in a fast motion, he climbed up the tree. They had him surrounded for days, until she came.

    She fired at them with assault rifles, and told Phoenix to come down. Her hair waved around her face, and Phoenix got his first good look at her. She was a beautiful young woman, and Phoenix instantly fell in love with her.

    In fact, the reason he had got bit on his palm, was for that very reason. He was admiring her during an attack, and was bit.

    Of course he'd never tell her that. He'd never tell her about his feelings for her.

  • edited February 2014



    Lilly 4 life

  • That picture is basically what Daniel's revolver is.

    Phoenix Phoenix has begun to get more and more tired by the week. "Lauren... I'm starving.. Do you think we could ever stop running and ju

  • I think I may do a sort of "solo" fan-fic following a similar course as this one.

    This one would continue, but my solo one would basically go a bit slower, be a bit more detailed in terms of the writing, and have slight changes(also not as many characters). It probably won't be up for quite a while, but I'm just telling people here as I've been thinking of using some of the characters from this, if that's okay.

    Also, I won't be posting on this anymore today, for my own reasons... Mainly, I don't want to, and not everyone's here, so I don't see the point. :/

  • You should pick me as one of the few you allow in. :P

    Zyphon posted: »

    I think I may do a sort of "solo" fan-fic following a similar course as this one. This one would continue, but my solo one would basicall

  • Not allow in, ask permission to use your characters.

    You should pick me as one of the few you allow in. :P

    edited February 2014


    "You're right, safety in numbers we have to find people, we shoul-"

    Lauren didn't notice that there was a zombie coming towards Phoneix, he didn't notice it, daydreaming probably, shit..
    She quickly ran towards the zombie and sliced his head to pieces just before he bit her friend

    "Phin, they don't care that you're daydreaming, or do you want them to pause once you're deep in your thoughts?"

  • Oh, I see.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Not allow in, ask permission to use your characters.

  • Phoenix

    He looks over at Lauren, watching her speak. When all of a sudden a katana goes straight in front of his face, cutting a zombie's face to pieces.

    "Phin, they don't care that you're daydreaming, or do you want them to pause once you're deep in your thoughts?

    Phoenix looks back at her, giving a smile. "The hell you smiling for" Lauren says. "It's- It's nothing..." Phoenix says as he begins to take notice of the walkers in front of him. "So.. you were saying..." Phoenix says hoping she'll restart her answer, he didn't hear a word she had said...

    edited February 2014


    "I said that we need to find a group, a safe zone of some sort, safety in numbers, we need to take care and be taken care of".

    "At least we have each other, I would go crazy if I were to end up alone".

  • Aaron

    Aaron had changed. He was still in pain from losing his arm, but... it wasn't as bad. He couldn't climb though. He had to learn to shoot a gun, he can't fight close up as easily anymore. First though, he had to get used to climbing without his right hand. He had began to climb up a tree with his axe, but the branch broke and he fell, as he couldn't grab on to anything.

    "SHIT!" He yelled as he hit the ground with a thump, reopening the wound on his arm. His bandage began to redden. "Fuck..." he mumbled as he began to stumble back to camp.

  • You should use Aaron. Or Ivy.

    Zyphon posted: »

    I think I may do a sort of "solo" fan-fic following a similar course as this one. This one would continue, but my solo one would basicall

  • Phoenix

    "You sure.. I mean.. you sure we don't just start a life.. you know.. just the two of us...? And who knows.. we might be the only survivors left."

  • Are you guys starting this episode immediately after or...?

  • Not really much of a reason for a break, unless you really want one.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Are you guys starting this episode immediately after or...?

  • I didn't say a break, I was just wondering if you guys were continuing from the exact point that the last episode had ended.

    Not really much of a reason for a break, unless you really want one.

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