Maniac Mansion Online

i've expressed this idea before, but it would be great if telltale could recreate the first maniac mansion with online capability. In other words, letting online players be their character of choice in a game of maniac mansion, rather than switching from one character to another (single player). A chat screen or the choice of online microphones would be great; to communicate back and forth from player to player (as if the characters had walky talkies). A 3d point and click version of this would be awesome. Maybe this idea could be implemented in DOTT as well.

I am also for a maniac mansion 3, i just love DOTT and maniac mansion (VERY MUCH!).

Has any idea like this been executed before?


  • edited August 2008
    Normally I'd give you the standard "Telltale doesn't have the rights to Maniac Mansion and probably never will" speech, but that's a really cool idea. Should find the people who made "Maniac Mansion Deluxe" (a fan remake) and pitch that idea to them.
  • edited August 2008
    That just put a horrible, horrible image in my head.

    LawlGameleets: what buttin is shoot guns wif?/
    Screennameguy: lol nub no guns in maniac munchin!
    Lawlgameleets: OMG lame bai
    *Lawlgameleets disconnected
    Happihax2131231: how does i put humster in macrowave?
    Disissparta: Alt f4 lolololololol
    Squippythewonderllama: OMG HAX!1
  • edited August 2008
    Oh please that's just dumb! A Maniac Mansion episodic game, now that would be the shizzit!
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