Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • Sweet! I was looking forward to it, actually <3

    New challenge is up. Need I say more?

  • Dang, Franky, killing your dad like that... Hmm, you did the right thing.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Magnus's arms tightened around his son, Franklin. The boy kicked and yelled, but it proved no match to Magnus's strength. The gun in Ash'

  • Thank you, it means a lot. :')

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Sweet! I was looking forward to it, actually

  • You're doing a great job as usual, man. :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Oh....My.....God.....that is beautiful and I MUST partake in this! I have an idea for this and will surely get on the wagon and take off with this!!!

  • I love Rose's way of saying things. She'd totally be that way in the comics :)

    I also love Tez, he's too adorable <3 I ship him and Rose to the max XD

    Jersey's reaction to Rose XD He seems like the kind of guy she'd know!

    Good chapter, glad to see one from you in such a long time :)

    After procrastinating for the longest time, the next chapter for Tezoth is finally done. I also blame college for taking me out of the mood

  • Sorry AGAIN for a late chapter review. Been super busy and haven't been able to read things >.<

    LOVE the pics! As always :) Emily is seriously my favorite XD That's awesome that someone on deviantart drew fan art of your fan art XD

    Madeline should just NEVER tell anyone XD It should stay secret forever!

    I don't know if I said this before, but I love Oliver's accent. I can hear it in my head, and it makes a good picture as to how he is, you know? I like him again, even if he was an idiot and did shitty things.

    We usually see Peter the one doing the interrogating and attacking, so I was sort of surprised to see Junior being the one to loose his patience with Oliver. I suppose it's the mirror getting to him, as well as the fact that a beloved family member is missing.

    Oliver gave a slight nod; he knew better than to mess with Emily Porgie. Out of Georgie's kids, she was the one he'd hate to cross in a dark alley.

    Me too, Oliver. Me too. XD

    Awwww Lyla and her Mom :'(

    How long has John been dead now? I don't think you specified that either, though it seems fairly recent. I KNEW you would tie this into your challenge somehow!

    Man, Penny finally changing to a wolf was a particularly powerful scene. I can see her being reluctant to do so, but knows that she has too. For Hope.

    Gotta keep your eyes on those troublesome devils ;) I can't imagine what they're going to run into. I hope they stay safe, especially while Josiah is with them!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Chapter 31 'Meant to be' Emily parked beside the mailbox; Peter was not too far behind, as he and Ethan exited the car and trailed thr

  • I'm going to elaborate on his past a little more in the future, but yeah. He did do the right thing, Magnus was an asshole.

    Dang, Franky, killing your dad like that... Hmm, you did the right thing.

  • edited November 2014

    Yep! I believe I've been staying true to her personality in the past 3 parts or so, thank you again for thinking they'd be perfect for a ship. :3

    I'm glad too. I can always count on you guys to make awesome comments regarding my story. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I love Rose's way of saying things. She'd totally be that way in the comics I also love Tez, he's too adorable I ship him and Rose to t

  • Harmony held Ashlyn in her arms.

    "She's barely breathing," She whispered, rocking her sweet baby girl back and forth. "We have to do something. We have to leave so I can perform a healing spell. Someone help me."

    Noah stood, now unchained like the rest of his family, and helped carry his sister with his mother. His face was only partially healed; There would forever be a scar across it. Being the strongest of his siblings, he bore most of Ashlyn's weight as they exited the Asylum.

    Franklin, who'd been in a daze since ending his father, turned to the remaining siblings. "We need to find Mr. Wolf," He said. He sounded rather distant, but determined.

    "Lead us," beckoned Elora,"I want to help him murder the fucker who caused this."

    "Very well," Franklin replied. They headed in the opposite direction, toward the offices. Toward Bigby Wolf.

    Bigby followed William as he blabbered on and on about how he was much smarter and stronger than the average Fable.

    "You see, you cannot penetrate my invisible magic bubble. Doing and sort of violent act to me will automatically ricochet to yourself. You'll only be hurting yourself."

    "I'll find a way, goddammit." Bigby said. He was growing more impatient with William, yet had no idea what he could do. He was at a stand still.

    "You know, I rather liked that frog boy. A little socially awkward, but I guess that's what happens when you're raised in such a shitty household."

    "At least he had his father," Bigby said.

    William glared."Funny."

    "I try my best, I do," Bigby replied.

    "I'm sure you'd like to know this: I've already got people retrieving him. The boy DID know his location, you know. Down the Witching Well. Very clever of you, Bigby. I know that you have dungeons for the damned down there. I also know about the gold-egg laying goose, and the-"

    Bigby chuckled,"You really believed TJ when he said the Crooked Man was in the Witching Well?"

    "Do I have reason not to?" William said defensively.

    "I'll tell ya what," Bigby said smuggly. "TJ didn't know he was lying to you, for what it's worth."

    Red faced, William slammed his hand on the mahogany desk underneath his bottom,"I KNEW I shouldn't have trusted second hand information! Gah!"

    Just then, the door blasted open. Three wolves and a little vampire boy entered the room, ready for the fight. In the midst of the surprising entrance, Bigby looked back at where William had been sitting. William was gone.

    "What the-" Bigby stammered.

    "He's gone? He must have...." Frankling murmured.

    "What? He must have what?" Elora asked, fury in her tone.

    Franklin's arms slumped forward,"He must have been studying spells, like your mother was. He is gone."

    Discouraged, Bigby turned to his human self. He embraced his now safe family members. They were all alone in the abandoned asylum. Franklin loomed in the background, watching them all hug. He felt a pang of sadness in his heart.

    "We'll catch him," Scarlett whispered. "One day. At least we are safe, Grandpa."

    Bigby let go of his granddaughters and grandson, then turned to face the boy. He refused to make eye contact out of fear, knowing Bigby generally disliked his kind.

    Bigby patted Franklin's head. "Good job, son., saved my family."

    Franklin looked up, then smiled. "It had to be done."

    Everybody went home, happy to be reunited and safe.


    ....for now....

    Well, that's it :/ I figured they would run into further problems in the future, but for now, it's intermission time :) Time for some good times. This won't be the last of William, though. He's still around, still looking for his father >.> Dun dun dun!

    Meh. I feel like I could have done this a little better. Feels sloppy on my part, but who am I to say? I always underestimate myself :L If you like it, comment below. If you don't, then well.....tell me I suck because I deserve it XD

  • I don't think I'll have Maddie tell anyone; makes it more fun that way and her sisters use it to their advantage. XD

    I wanted to give Oliver that REALLY thick British accent. Glad its worked out. :) And Junior is letting the mirror get to him; his ability to keep 'cool' is starting to show and although he does not like this to happen, it slips. And Peter, well...he's REALLY trying to keep it together.

    Emily is something else. I'd also hate to cross her in a dark alley. I ain't coming out alive. XD And John. He has been dead a little after Mary and Junior married; the twins she is pregnant with now are not born yet in the story, so, I'd say about a year if not, year and a half. I wanted to make that and the halloween challenge all come together. :)

    And she did finally change. The anger is getting to her finally....and the girls are indeed up to something. Someone has their sibling and they are on a mission to find Hope!! :D

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Sorry AGAIN for a late chapter review. Been super busy and haven't been able to read things >.< LOVE the pics! As always Emily is

  • Must be. I wanted to make her pretty, in an evil kind of way. :P

    And I will find out at the end of this month! EVERYONE says girl, so we will see. :)

    To be fair, I find Echidna to be rather cute. Must be the eyes, I think. ^_- And, since you made a picture with Johann and Penny holding

  • That image! XD

    JJwolf posted: »

    that Ecko seatshirt, Georgie! XD Haha okay! Just the idea of Georgie hunting is a wineer in itself! XD XD I can't wait to see where this

  • #TeamMagnus XD . Glad he got what he deserved, though.....

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Magnus's arms tightened around his son, Franklin. The boy kicked and yelled, but it proved no match to Magnus's strength. The gun in Ash'

  • XD why am I not surprised.

    I figure that I'll elaborate in regards to Franklin and his past in the future. I have a bit of writers block, I suppose. I'll sleep on it :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    #TeamMagnus XD . Glad he got what he deserved, though.....

  • edited November 2014

    But first....let's all take Selfies

    Note: If these offend anyone in ANY way, I'll take them down. :)

    Enjoy <3

    Sorry for the shit quality. Damn. Its raining and its REALLY dark. Oh well. :)

    Alt text

    #Dinner Time

    Alt text

    #Englad Won THIS round

    Alt text

    #ForeverHis #Photobomb

    Alt text

    #MorningBitches >:D

    Alt text

    #Friday nights <3 #Nope #F this....calling next time

    Alt text

    #<3 my bros

    Alt text

    #Me and DA homies

  • I think this was great it was intense the whole way through! I also like the amount of content you put out! Can't wait for the next part EMMYPESS :D

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Harmony held Ashlyn in her arms. "She's barely breathing," She whispered, rocking her sweet baby girl back and forth. "We have to do some

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited November 2014

    Robert looks soooo freaking hot.... O_o; like wow!!! Dinner time!? Lol

    Georgie looks REALLY good!! I like the rubber duck tattoo! And lyla! :) and the scar. Love that you added that.

    Love that Emily is photo bombing everyone!!

    The junior and Mary one is my fav!!!! XD poor Emily!! Call next time! #friday night nice!!

    The brothers! <3 guess junior was busy at the moment. Lol

    And penny!!! XD Johann is a lucky man! :) she is really pretty.

    And that bottom one!! Lol Gren has a rape face, Hans looks stupid, Jersey looks typical and Georgie's face!! XD

    Good work! I love these so much dude!!!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    But first....let's all take Selfies Note: If these offend anyone in ANY way, I'll take them down. Enjoy Sorry for the shit qualit

  • It's a girl. :) I bet you!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Must be. I wanted to make her pretty, in an evil kind of way. :P And I will find out at the end of this month! EVERYONE says girl, so we will see.

  • Oh my lol

    pudding_pie posted: »

    But first....let's all take Selfies Note: If these offend anyone in ANY way, I'll take them down. Enjoy Sorry for the shit qualit

  • Thanks! I've noticed a bunch of your stuff recently, and I'll get around to reading them in due time :)

    Tetra posted: »

    I think this was great it was intense the whole way through! I also like the amount of content you put out! Can't wait for the next part EMMYPESS


    Was that Emily photobombing several of them? She's awesome!


    These are beyond awesome, I swear!

    I still can't get over the one with Junior and Mary I think it's the best one XDDD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    But first....let's all take Selfies Note: If these offend anyone in ANY way, I'll take them down. Enjoy Sorry for the shit qualit

  • XD Why did I already know you'd say that 'bout Robert. lol Glad you liked both him AND Georgie.

    I'm a bit worried about the Junior and Penny one, too. But...they are not that bad. If it get's too much negative comments or cause probs, I'll just take those down. :)

    Glad you liked them.

    JJwolf posted: »

    Robert looks soooo freaking hot.... O_o; like wow!!! Dinner time!? Lol Georgie looks REALLY good!! I like the rubber duck tattoo! And lyl

  • Throws self at Georgie NOOOOO!!! I'll protect you! :0

    Looking forward to Luke and Naoto's journey. :3

    Tetra posted: »

    Back at the business office "Luke? What the FUCK was that thing?" Bigby asked "It was a part of my inner self, my investigation team a

  • Yeah; she was totally photo bombing her siblings. THINK she regrets Junior's, though....>.>;

    Whew! I was a TAD worried 'bout posting THAT one but I've seen worse on this forum, so, if it becomes an issue, I'll take it down. I just thought it fit their relationship. XD

    Glad it put a :D on your face!

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    XDDDDDDDD Was that Emily photobombing several of them? She's awesome! THE ONE WITH JUNIOR AND MARY! I'M DYING OMG! These are beyond awesome, I swear! I still can't get over the one with Junior and Mary I think it's the best one XDDD

  • I actually really liked georgies character so I decided not to kill him off.....for now ;p nah I'm just playing I don't really know what I'm going to do with him yet but I don't want him dead that's for sure. Thanks! Support is appreciated :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Throws self at Georgie NOOOOO!!! I'll protect you! :0 Looking forward to Luke and Naoto's journey.

  • Cries

    You are like the only one, besides perhaps a few others here, that think he was awesome and do not want him dead! :D

    I look forward to your continuation of their story.

    Tetra posted: »

    I actually really liked georgies character so I decided not to kill him off.....for now ;p nah I'm just playing I don't really know what I'm going to do with him yet but I don't want him dead that's for sure. Thanks! Support is appreciated

  • Me and him are similar in some ways like his smart ass comments, and I'm going at some point to get a bunch of tattoos as well :p I look forward to yours as well! :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Cries You are like the only one, besides perhaps a few others here, that think he was awesome and do not want him dead! I look forward to your continuation of their story.

  • Quite a traumatic start in life!

    MasterStone posted: »

    Prologue 2 A long time ago Bufkin and Linabuf lived happily with their parents in the homelands, in a forest surrounded by many fruits an

  • edited November 2014

    That was quite the fight scene! I like how you've weaved your characters into the actual plot of TWUA in this chapter and you last one; the scenes are easy to recall and it's fun imagining them with someone else playing a part. :D

    @pudding_pie Your dedication to saving Georgie is something we can all aspire to. :P

    Tetra posted: »

    Back at the business office "Luke? What the FUCK was that thing?" Bigby asked "It was a part of my inner self, my investigation team a

  • Straight through the heart - he definitely had it coming. I hope you have Franklin at least mentioned in some of your future writing as I've come around to him, but it's entirely your choice, of course. :)

    Also, I like how you emboldened (I think) Bigby's speech; and the line:

    "H-how do you know," Ashlyn started,"That I'm a wolf? I could be a-....A fox. It's rather dark in here."

    Just has to be one of the best things said to a Vampire ever! :D

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Magnus's arms tightened around his son, Franklin. The boy kicked and yelled, but it proved no match to Magnus's strength. The gun in Ash'

  • That nefarious William! Who knows when he'll next turn up. Otherwise, I think this went great. :) Magnus is dead, William is still out there, and everyone's back together! You shouldn't underestimate yourself so, as the rest of the story has been fantastic, too! XD

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Harmony held Ashlyn in her arms. "She's barely breathing," She whispered, rocking her sweet baby girl back and forth. "We have to do some

  • It was difficult to pull off but thanks! :D I had to swap around some scenes. In the fight scene I didn't want georgie to die so instead I killed off Dee instead and Jersey after last time didn't want any part of that lol XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    That was quite the fight scene! I like how you've weaved your characters into the actual plot of TWUA in this chapter and you last one; the

  • That one of Junior and Mary is brilliant from that angle! xD I can just imagine Emily in the background having a few select words for them, before she walks back out! ;D

    No wonder it's dinner time with Robert - you could grate cheese on those abs!

    Ahh, I love all these - they're so fun. :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    But first....let's all take Selfies Note: If these offend anyone in ANY way, I'll take them down. Enjoy Sorry for the shit qualit

  • Dee was never particularly nice anyway; Geogire has many more redeeming qualities. :D Yeah, I'm not sure how Jersey would look minus anymore limbs! :P

    Tetra posted: »

    It was difficult to pull off but thanks! I had to swap around some scenes. In the fight scene I didn't want georgie to die so instead I killed off Dee instead and Jersey after last time didn't want any part of that lol XD

  • I always liked georgie more than Dee and was quite sad I had to kill him other than Dee plus it was the perfect revenge for my character after they tortured them. I was actually thinking of my character (Luke) killing Jersey anyway and have some conflict with Naoto but I decided against it. :p

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Dee was never particularly nice anyway; Geogire has many more redeeming qualities. Yeah, I'm not sure how Jersey would look minus anymore limbs! :P

  • Chapter Four - 'Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.'

    The street that positively bustled only moments before now stands still, the citizens standing upon it all gazing upwards. Well, almost all of them gaze: one man is pushing and shoving his way through the crowd, forced to use his elbows to nobble people out of the way, they are so dumbfounded.

    "Get out of my way!" He yells. "MOVE!" It proves as effective as passing through a brick wall without the assistance of Harry Houdini.

    The man's heart doesn't so much sink as plummet when he sees the woman lying on the ground; but this weight of emotion causes him to trip over an unseen walking stick, and fall nose first onto the cobblestones. The apparent wife of the walking stick's owner looks to the fallen man while he brushes himself off, and is confused as to why he should have been moving at all.

    "The sky! Haven't you seen the sky, young man?" Her incredulity towards the events in said sky are almost matched by the man simply ignoring her and carrying forwards.

    "Dixa!" He exclaims, the anguish evident in his voice. She lies face up, with eyes closed, blood pooling around her head, forming rivers of thick, crimson liquid between the smooth stones; yet, wonders the man who kneels beside her, yet is this not a good sign? She would surely be dead if her head were splattered about the place, but it is not. He goes to check the body's wrist for a pulse, stops when he notices the transformed limbs, and places his fingers gently on her neck instead, brushing away her tangled hair.

    There! A pulse of the faintest beat, but present nevertheless. The man slides his left arm below Dixa's neck, careless of any blood that might stain his grey jacket, and hooks his right arm around the underneath of her knees; despite a height advantage to the woman, the man is determined to carry her.

    It is as he steadies himself with her weight while her head lies limp against him, closing his eyes in order to better concentrate on where his arms are to be best angled, that for the first time in minutes he gazes to the sky upon opening them again, and finds a dark sight. The grey clouds that had split only in parts throughout the entire morning are being swallowed - or, more accurately, smothered - by blackness; a blackness that, rather than floating as a cloud, claws with a tenticular writhing below them. Till the last spot where feeble sunlight shines is expunged in the preternatural night, and silence falls.

    15 minutes earlier

    Henry Jekyll nods to John, the man at the Woodlands front door, as Flycatcher, Bigby and himself make their way out.

    "Come on, it's not too far away!" Encourages Fly.

    "Just how sure are you that he's actually dead?" Bigby asks while buttoning up his woollen overcoat; there's much of a chillness in the air, he notes. Fly then starts leading the Sheriff and Henry.

    "There was blood everywhere! But, I guess I didn't stay around long enough to ask him."

    "Fine! No need to get snippy," replies Bigby. "I just doubt that Prince Charming is lying dead in some alley behind the 'Glass Slipper'; and you do have a habit of over-exaggerating and misinterpreting situations, Fly."

    Fly turns to stand square in front of Bigby, a look of hurt noticeable in his eyes. "I'm not Tobias, Bigby!"

    "Sorry," interrupts Jekyll, doing so to clarify something he wonders might be relevant, "who's Tobias?"

    Bigby looks at him. "The boy who cried wolf, but it's really not relevant." Bigby turns back to Fly. "Okay, Fly. Let's just go."

    "If he's still alive you'll be sorry for wasting time!" With that, Fly walks briskly on.

    And walk on briskly is what they all do for the minutes, all the while Henry conscious of the similarities in account between Dixa, and Beauty and Beast, until they are standing outside the 'Glass Slipper', where Bigby unexpectedly stops.

    "Now what?!" Asks Fly.

    "Bigby?" Says Jekyll. "Everything okay?" The Sheriff has an unusual look upon his face, an expression combing puzzlement with an ounce of trepidation, and does not respond straight away.

    "It's the wind."

    "Care to clarify?" Prompts Jekyll.

    "It's stopped."

    Two key things occur after this comment: seeing the men standing outside her shop in an odd fashion, Cinderella opens the door out of curiosity (her presence announced to the trio by that chirpy bell above the door), in order to enquire what they are doing. Simultaneously, Miss Muffet - the very same who sat on a tuffet - emerges from a gap down the side of Cinderella's shop, looking anxiously about.

    "There you are, Fly!" Exclaims Miss Muffet. "You've been gone for so long!"

    "I know, I know. Bigby wouldn't believe me."

    "Sheriff! Prince Charming needs our help!"

    Cinderella speaks next: "What's wrong with him? I saw him walk past not long ago."

    "He's back here," replies Miss Muffet. "Something's attacked him; oh, but it's getting dark and I daren't move him!"

    Jekyll looked upwards to inspect the patch of sky visible between the tall buildings: it was getting darker.

    "One moment," says Cindy. "I've got a lamp in here."

    The Sheriff's authority kicks in. "Right, Jekyll: you stay here and wait for Cindy. Flycatcher, Miss Muffet: take me to the Prince." The Prince is certainly not in a royal state, however: around the back of the 'Glass Slipper', where he is crumpled against a wall and where he had been walking in order that he might accost Miss Cinderella for "trifling" financial considerations, marks of wild evisceration blaze across his face and body; a deep gouge across his left thigh pumps out grievous amounts of blood with every heartbeat; and his awareness of the world around him swings from a cold blur to a hideous brightness. This is how Miss Muffet, Fly, and Bigby find him, while Cindy and Jeykll make their way around the shop, lit lamp in hand.

    It is at this point that the conquest of the sky by the unknown, yet surely malevolent darkness that Mr. Weasel bore witness too further up the page occurs for the five written about here.
    Jekyll freezes. "Cindy. Look at the sky."

    She's immediately still. "That's not natural."

    The two rush around a corner, Cindy's lamp swinging in an increasingly brighter orange glow as the light around them recedes, and find the Sheriff curled on the ground, hands gripped over his own ears. Fly and Miss Muffet are as far back as they can get, pushed against a wall, while Prince Charming is motionless.

    "What's wrong with him?!" Asks Cindy

    "I don't know!" Answers Fly. "He just collapsed and started writhing, shouting about making the screaming stop or something!"

    "What's happening to the sky?" Frets Miss Muffet, when anything natural left in it is at last covered, and the only illumination that carries for a round metre comes from that lamp of Cindy's.

    There's a very brief silence, and then Cinderella speaks up.

    "Okay. No one panic."

    "Arrrgh!" The Sheriff's writhing becomes frantic; Charming lets out a grown.

    "Tell me!" Says Jekyll. "What happened to Prince Charming?!"

    "Does that matter now?" Replies the anxious Miss Muffet.


    "He muttered something about a man in a coat, with fire in his face!" She shouts.

    So, it's the same thing, Jekyll realizes.

    "Arrghghooo!" The noise comes from Bigby; and, undiscernibly in the weak light of the lamp, the faces of Cinderella, Miss Muffet, Flycatcher, and Dr. Jekyll blanche, losing any colour that still remained. Wide-eyed, they all look at one another, before slowly lowering their collective gaze to the writing Sheriff upon the floor.

    "ARROOOO!" An unmistakable howl, but a painful one, accompanied by the hideous crunch of cracking bone. Bigby's body contorts: his feet snap and stretch, claws pierce his shoes. His face is shuddering to behold: the lower jaw elongating, skin stretching, vicious teeth protruding upward, saliva dripping downwards. The nose flattens, while the skull collapses - with a terrible cry from Bigby. He is still for a moment; the four stand aghast in terror.

    Loudly, Bigby manages to hack out a single word from his constricting throat: "Run."

    Sorry I took so long before writing another chapter! Due to certain reasons I've been pretty burnt out of late, and what I did manage to write wasn't so great. Still, in the next chapter what's going on should be revealed! I'm going to stick writing this for now, as I've never actually take part in Thanksgiving first-hand, so please excuse me for being behind! Anyway, I hope you like it. :)

    Also, I always thought the quote 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned', was one from Shakespeare, but it's actually from a later writer called William Congreve. How does the quote relate to what's going on? We shall find out in time.

  • Woah! This was a good read! And right after class as well. I look forward to the next chapter LupineNoir :D

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Chapter Four - 'Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.' The street that positively bustled

  • Delicious and intense action, just what I love!

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Chapter Four - 'Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.' The street that positively bustled

  • Chapter 1

    Etan and Daren has arrived in the realm of Asgard without setting off a disturbance. Upon their arrival, they notice a very large bird resembling a mundy turkey. This immediately catches Etan's eye.

    "Did you just see that Daren?"

    "See what?"

    "I giant turkey... about 2 stories tall..."


    "Nevermind that, we have work to do. We need to find the Gargoyle Elite base."

    "And why are we marching directly into the enemy hands?"

    "Because Daren, to prevent our imminent destruction, we should try to reason with them and understand why they want us. Who knows...maybe it would work.."

    "Or you are planning something.."

    "Possibly. Hey, there one of them, lets follow it, and maybe they would lead us to its base."

    "The two then carefully followed the gargoyle hoping to be lead to it's base. However they are stopped by a flying monkey who is hell bent on stopping them.

    "That's far enough!" The monkey as she begins to conjure up some kind of spell.


    "'s not him Daren, she does look exactly like him though.."

    "Bufkin... hey how do you know my brother?!"

    "Ah so you are related to him."

    "Long ago we were separated. We were taken in and raised in separate fraction, until the day would come where would finally be reunited. This is that day!"

    "Unfortunately, we have no idea where Bufkin is right now, but he is still alive I assure you."

    "I see.. well, I will still continue my search once I rid my self of these treacherous gargoyles."

    "It would they are after you too, perhaps we could form an alliance to handle this much quickly?"

    "That seems plausible, let's do it. My name is Linabuf, by the way.

    "I am Etan"

    "And I'm Daren"

    "Alright then fellow cat and dog, lets find those gargoyles!"

    The three then traced the gargoyle to a mountain fortress where they witness the hundreds of gargoyles in the area. Trembling in brief fear, the group discussed an idea on how to get inside and find the leader. An idea that involves a little bit of glamour and some courage..

    "So...Lina are you sure this will work..?"

    "It should Mr. Werecat. Well... we would look like gargoyles and all, maybe they are too dumb to notices."


    "I can use some of my trickery magic to assist us, but it won't last long. But we would already found the leader by that time.."

    "Let's get to work boys!

    As they careful walk towards the gate, they are eyed by two gargoyle guards, who Lina winks at them. Their draws drop and are scolded by their captain allowing the group to get passed without notice.

    Now inside, they look for clues that would lead them to the leader.

    "Something about this place reminds me of Dark Souls.."

    "You played the game Etan?"

    "My kids have, that game is.... not friendly towards noobs..."

    "I've found something gentlemen!"

    "What is it Lina?

    "I was eavesdropping on the nearby guards, and I found out where their leader is hiding. Follow me!"

    "You never bothered to tell us that guards were near by??!

    "Come on Daren, before the glamour dispell.

    To be continued

  • No wonder it's dinner time with Robert - you could grate cheese on those abs!

    This. THIS made my day! XD

    And dear, sweet Junior and Mary. Think Emily will think twice before just showing up.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    That one of Junior and Mary is brilliant from that angle! xD I can just imagine Emily in the background having a few select words for them,

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