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  • Merry Christmas, MasterStone and to all my fellow TWAU fans and writers

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    Happy Holidays and here is to another wonderful New Year. From the biggest Georgie fan, his leading lady and a future FABLES fan in the making. Be safe. :)

    MasterStone posted: »

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

  • Happy Holidays to you as well, my Christmas pudding 'n pie! XD Sorry! I just had to! XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Merry Christmas, MasterStone and to all my fellow TWAU fans and writers Happy Holidays and here is to another wonderful New Year. From the biggest Georgie fan, his leading lady and a future FABLES fan in the making. Be safe.

  • And to you, my little Dragon theif of the thread! xD Hope you and the Grinch didn't go too overboard while trying to steal Christmas. :D

    Happy Holidays to you as well, my Christmas pudding 'n pie! XD Sorry! I just had to! XD

  • I figured it was more of a warning than an attack on the Clan themselves. As I recall from your past stories and what you've told me, the war was not an easy one and it kept an invisible fence between the two. I personally never understood why they felt the need to be this way but then again, who really KNOWS why people do what they do. :(

    I'm looking forward to seeing how this all plays out; I still think Jumbo knows or had something to do with it and curious to see how this all plays out in the end. And I'm glad to see Emily's story finally unfolding; the idea of her becoming the next Georgie Porgie was neat and all but I wanted more for my favorite Porgie kid. :)

    Seems like Vivian is trying to send hints at her. cough Gren cough Can't wait for more, like always! :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Well, I'm glad you like the picture. I had to explain it to the guy sitting beside me. xD They are dealing with a Folker that is indeed t

  • Merry Christmas Pie to you, Tammy and little miss Emily. :) I'll be seeing you three later this afternoon! :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Merry Christmas, MasterStone and to all my fellow TWAU fans and writers Happy Holidays and here is to another wonderful New Year. From the biggest Georgie fan, his leading lady and a future FABLES fan in the making. Be safe.

  • Happy Holidays to you Stone and everyone else on this lovely thread. Be safe out there and have a wonderful time with friends and family! :)

    MasterStone posted: »

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

  • Well, me and him didn't exactly come to agreeable terms... so I ended throwing him off of a building rooftop.

    Anyways, I was planning to steal from multiple restaurant locales to give food to the poor, ya see. :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    And to you, my little Dragon theif of the thread! xD Hope you and the Grinch didn't go too overboard while trying to steal Christmas.

  • Thank you!

    JJwolf posted: »

    Happy Holidays to you Stone and everyone else on this lovely thread. Be safe out there and have a wonderful time with friends and family!

  • Thank you!

    Merry Christmas, StoneMaster!

  • It's in her point of view and I'm almost done with chapter 1. It's short, but not too short lol.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Oh, man, sorry for doing that! Yes, Fayde all the way! Faye is done with, she wasn't Irish or particularly charming towards the end, so the confusion should go soon. XD

  • edited December 2014

    The Story of Aizaax, The Demon Knight

    Aizaax was born in a dark kingdom in the European Homelands where the moon illuminated the fields and pasture of the lands and created shadows of the towering mountains. As a youth he hoped to become a brave and wise knight just like his father and uncles who faught along with the Knights of Round Table.

    He grew up and became one with the sword homing swordsmanship. He trained with his uncles until he decided to ween off snd trained on his own. Then finally as he became man, he traveled other worlds including the Mundane world.

    There he fell in love with a beautiful fable woman who could transform into a flaming bird like creature. The two shared a strong connection with eachother. Being intimate very often resulting in his lovers pregnancy.

    He was excited that he was going to have a baby girl for who he would cherish along with his lovers daughter Viera, who he also loved like a daughter. Time passed, and Aizaax was called into for as his kingdom would go to war with their sister kingdom, The Kingdom of Light.

    He faught in the long and bloody battle, losing many people close to him including his uncles, brothers and mother. His niece and nephew lost and the painful thought anchoring on his shoulders know that he would never see his an loved ones again.

    He stood there, and watch as the two worlds begin to twist apart. He fell to his knees and began to pray to the divine knight to free him from his suffering. Then suddenly a dark dreary sword appeared before him

    He was hesitant, but extremely desprate so he picked up the ominous sword and held the blade to his chest and shouted "Mr. Darks power... will save us... or destroy us..." then impales himself.

    He wakes up into the Homelands who are still under siege of the Adversary, but he only cares about one thing. Resurrecting his falle world, but first he needs to ensure the safety of his family.

    Aizaax returns to his fable lover and his daughters. They share a brief reunion untill Aizaax reveals his true intentions of using Viera and Nisa's power to reclaim what he lost..

    "Aizaax...what are you doing??!"

    "I... need. The sword... it said if I bring two eternal flames... I can.." Aizaax gripping the sword.

    "Aizaax, that thing... it.. its twisting your mind! Please stop this!"

    Aizaax then cuts down his lover...then drops the sword and regain his senses. He is crushed at what he have just done and attempts to take his own life. But he hears a noise in the other room. He goes there and notice Viera and Nisa are no where to be found.. they are gone.

    Years passed since that day. And now Aizaax who has conquered a dragon kingdom awaits for his daughters to find their way to him. It will set in motion something that would spawn a series of events that would eventually lead up to a epic and climatic battle. But that is another story for another day.

    Next up, The Story of Boogey Man, The Fable of Fear

    Working on a Fable Avengers 2 also.

  • Merry Christmas to yourself, Stone! :D

    MasterStone posted: »

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

  • Happy Holidays! And may all of you always keep smiling. :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Merry Christmas, MasterStone and to all my fellow TWAU fans and writers Happy Holidays and here is to another wonderful New Year. From the biggest Georgie fan, his leading lady and a future FABLES fan in the making. Be safe.

  • Don't worry too much about length - short chapters are often the easiest to read!

    It's in her point of view and I'm almost done with chapter 1. It's short, but not too short lol.

  • Happy Holidays to you, JJ! Hopefully you had a wonderful day. :D

    JJwolf posted: »

    Happy Holidays to you Stone and everyone else on this lovely thread. Be safe out there and have a wonderful time with friends and family!

  • Merry Christmas, DragonButter! Hopefully you had a great day. :D

    Merry Christmas, StoneMaster!

  • I did, actually! I can only think the same happened for you too. :D

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Merry Christmas, DragonButter! Hopefully you had a great day.

  • edited December 2014

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    The hours flew by before Emily woke up. She was still in the bathroom, the cold tile beneath her body and the musky smell of Gren's apartment all around her. She blinked her eyes several times before she focused on the room. It was pitch black; the sounds of the city continuing outside the walls, as she tried to lift herself up from off the floor.

    Emily noticed the pain on her right side. The area was tender to the touch. As she tried to stand, using the sink for support, the severe pain became more noticeable. Emily nearly crumbled back to the ground.

    "Fook..." Under her breath, she continued to crawl up the sink. "Fook, this thing 'urts like 'ell...."

    "Careful, sweetie." Emily turned her head to the darkness. "I can help you if you like..."

    Emily squinted her eyes. The passing vehicles and neon billboards outside of the window allowed some light into the tiny bathroom. She could make out the silouhette of a woman, her legs crossed, sitting on the edge of the bathtub. Emily knew automatically who it was and continued to pull herself up.

    "Fine. If ya' think ya' can handle me-"

    "Oh, sweetie-" Vivian laughed, as she grabbed Emily's arms and pulled up. "I had to deal with your father's stubborness for centuries. Someone like you is nothing too much to handle."

    Emily tried to find the humor in her joke but either it was the pain or lack of sleep, for she did not find a single chuckle within herself. Instead, as Vivian lifted, Emily pinned herself to the corner and leaned her head back. Tilting to look up, Emily heavily breathed in and out; the pain in her ribs was expanding but she knew this was the only way to brush it off.

    "Fook...." She continued to breath, trying to focus on the ceiling. "This fookin' shit 'urts now, Vivian."

    "Perhaps you should let Gren know and-"

    Fuck, thought Emily. Gren was still outside the door. How long had he'd been there? The last she remembered was runnning inside and baracading herself behind the wooden door. She recalled Gren calling her name and doing his best to enter the bathroom. That's all Emily could recollect. Or, so what her mind would allow.

    "He still bloody out there?"

    Vivian glares. "You know he is. He's worried about you, Emily."

    Turning to face the door, Emily's hand reaches out and grabs the knob. With a jerky twist, she opens the door. Silence. The only noise around her is the constant honking of cars and the movement from either upstairs or out in the city that never sleeps. Emily carefully guides herself through the dark. Vivian is right behind, as Emily moves along the apartment.

    "Do you see him?" Vivian tries to search the darkness. "I don't see Gren anywhere-"

    But before she could get an answer from Emily, Vivian looks over and notices her standing over a couch. Sleeping on it, wrapped in a thick layer of blankets, is Gren. The apartment is very frigid. The heater, as Emily could tell, is broken once more.

    "Great." She touches his cheek. Cool to the touch. "Of all the bloody nights for that fookin' thing ta' go out...."

    The instant she spoke, Gren's eyes fluttered open. "Emily..." He stood up. "You alright, sweetie? I didn't mean to-"

    "Oh shut the fook up, Gren." Emily, with his assistance, sits on the couch. "I didn't even know I had fallen asleep in there."

    "I assumed you were fuckin' ignoring me, Ems."

    "Nah...." Emly reaches for the blanket. "If I was gunna ignore ya', I would STILL be in there."

    Gren smiles. "Sorry 'bout the heater. Damn thing breaks every other fuckin' weekend, I swear..."

    "It's alright, Gren. Least ya' have blankets...."

    Emily leans beside Gren and presses her head against his chest. He was warm against her cheek, as she buried her face deeper into his shirt. She could hear the heavy breathing, his chest lifting with every gasp he took. Gren's heart raced along. Emily felt his hands caress her back. The sensation was superb and her mind revoked the reason why she ended up in the bathroom in the first place.

    "This alright?" Gren's voice seemed to collide with the noise outside.


    Before long, the two were silent once more. Vivian did not want to interject. She sat in the corner, under the moonlight and casually watched the two. Her heart soared, for there was indeed a flicker of hope. Emily was not a lost cause. Gren was no longer aimlessly wandering the forgotten path. They had met up half way, took each other's hands and were heading down the path together.

    Two lost souls. Just like her father and mother all those years ago.

    "You're going to make what?"

    Vivian seemed surprised by Emily. She sat on the couch with the young woman; Gren had gone to work, leaving Emily alone in his apartment. Peter and Ethan were the next in line to check up on the girl. Her mother and father had just left, her sisters Penny and Katie took time from their schedule to see Emily; even Junior took some time to visit Emily. He nearly scared the life out of her, when Junior jumped from the bathroom mirror into her world. At times, Emily forgot he could do that.

    "Dinner. Ya'"

    Vivian folds her arms. "I had no idea you knew how to cook, Emily."

    Emily takes a pen and scribbles on a napkin. "I have my bloody talents..."

    "So full of mystery you are."

    "I wanted ta' do something nice fa' Gren. He didn't need ta' take me into his fookin' apartment."

    "He cares about you, know that."

    Emily ends the list with 'breadcrumbs'. She ignored the woman in the purple dress, as she stands up and slowly walks over the the counter. Reaching into her bag, Emily pulls out a fresh shirt, jeans and socks. The bag of very much needed supplies was brought to her by Lyla during her visit.

    Emily sat on the couch and peeled off her pajamas. Since Gren was at work and she was the only one, Emily took advantage and enjoyed the peace and serenity.

    "Who is going to take you?" Vivian leans across the couch. "You can't go alone-"

    "I'll have Peter or Ethan go with me-"

    "They are busy with the case and-"

    "-AND from what Ethan said earlier today when I fookin' called him, he and Peter need a break. Woot more than' bloody fresh air and a walk with their lovely big sister?"

    Vivian snorts. "You're full of shit sometimes, Emily."

    Searching her contacts, Emily winks and chuckles. "Ya' know me too well, woman...."

    "You're making what, Emily?"

    Deja Vu today, as Peter, Emily and Ethan stroll down the sidewalk. They cross the busy intersections and reach a nearby grocery store not too far from Gren's apartment.

    "Dinner, Ethan." The group heads inside. "I'm makin' Gren some dinner."

    "Why?" Peter grabs a hand basket. "It ain't got poison in it, right Emily?"

    Emily sarastically laughs. "Oh bloody, ha ha, Sheriff. So fookin' funny ya' are today."

    Peter smirks. "I try, sis. I'm here all week."

    Ignoring her brother, Emily heads to the produce section. She picks up a bag of Garlic bulbs, a bag of potatoes, fresh Tomatos and a yellow onion. Not too far from her location, Ethan searches for several pounds of hamburger meat. Peter scans the Steaks; perhaps later, after the test results from Swineheart, he'd return and grab two. He wanted to see Holly and with Emily bitten by the dinner making bug, perhaps Peter would do the same for the lovely bartender. He needed a break.

    "How 'bout this one, Peter?" Ethan holds up an enormous packet. "Think this is enough?"

    "It should be. Not like Emily eats alot." Ethan and Peter head back to Emily, who is now looking at ketchup and brown sugar. Peter cocks his eyebrow, when he notices certain ingredients in the basket.

    "Since when do you cook, Emily? Brown sugar? You going to kill the guy-"

    Emily rolls her eyes. "Don't bloody fookin' start with me, Wolf. Mum always had brown sugar in her sauce, ya' know that."

    "I do." Peter fingers through the containers of sugar. "I just didn't know YOU did. You and dad spent the dinners inhaling the food to even bother ASKING what was in it."

    Emily chuckles, as she hands the basket to Peter. "Here-put them Wolf arms ta' the test and hold this."

    Doing what a little brother was meant to do, Peter grabs the basket and follows Emily down the different aisles. She nearly has all the ingredients. Only thing left was tin foil; Gren had some pans to cook the meal in but Emily worried it would stick and burn. Finding the heavy duty foil, Ethan took the pen and crossed out the final item. Grinning, Emily looks over the basket one last time and nods.

    "Think that's everything, boys."

    "You really should get off your feet, Emily and not be doing this-"

    "It's a fookin' bruised side, Peter. I didn't break me back or bloody legs."

    "You were almost killed, Emily. You're struggling to walk right now..."

    "Ah, I'll be fine, Peter....ya' need ta' worry 'bout what's goin' on out there...."

    Peter sighs, as he and Ethan place the items on the conveyer belt. The cashier scans them, as Ethan bags.

    "We are worried about what's going on but I'm also concerned for my sister. You were nearly beaten to death."

    Emily pulls out her check book. "Peter, for the bloody last time-I'm fine. A little sore but it ain't nuthin' I'm used ta'."

    After all the items were scanned and bagged, Emily writes the cashier a check and the three head out of the store. By this time, the sun was heading above the tall buildings. The frigid wind returned, indicating to Emily it would be another chilly night. Thank God Gren stocked up on blankets and quilts. Rubbing her hands together, Ethan and Peter stand beside her. Emily nearly chuckled; their faces were so serious and they had the apperance of gurads protecting a fragile and very rare treasure.

    "Lighten' up, boys." She punches Peter in the arm. "Ya' look miserable."

    Ethan sighs. "We have not slept since this whole thing began."

    "Any more murders?"

    "Nope." Peter rubs his eyes. "Nothing besides the Tailor and the victims from your club."

    Emily pauses and suddenly, that horrible night returns to her mind. Every so often, Emily found herself thinking. Wondering. Felicia occasionally popped up. When this happened, Emily would shake the thoughts away and return to reality. Her heart was full of sorrow and anguish. Sometimes, Emily placed the blame for what occured at her club. To be honest, Emily had no desire to return to the Pudding n' Pie. At least, not just yet.

    "Take a break." Emily shakes her head and allows those thoughts to vanish. "Go out. Go home. Take a bath or just sleep. One night ain't gunna fookin' kill ya'."

    "We can't." Ethan opens the door to the apartment complex. "We need to stay focus and-"

    "Hmmm. Emily is right for once." Peter guides his sister up the stairs with Ethan trailing behind, hands full of grocery bags. "Maybe we do need a night off. Besides, Swineheart is testing that braclet we found."

    "Yeah but-"

    Peter ignores Ethan. "Think I will do all that, Emily."

    Ethan sighed, as Emily took a key and opened the apartment. There was no need to argue with Peter. He did what he wanted. Placing the groceries on the counter, he watched Peter take out his phone and text message. Ethan did need a break. For once, Emily made sense.

    He helped Emily take out the items and watched her begin the preperations for the meal. Ethan took out his phone and looked at the time. A movie would be nice to see. Dinner. A bubble bath. Decompress from all the madness. Michelle was able to handle it. Perhaps a night off would help ease his mind.

    "Yeah, alright....I need to rest these old bones anyway."

    Emily points a pair of tongs at Ethan. "Now ya' be talkin', Ethan."

    Peter looks at the clock. "Well, you going to be alright, sis?"

    Emily smiles. "I got this, ya' two. Thanks fa' going with me. I'm gunna make dinner, listen to some music, have a glass of Wine and relax. Ya' BOTH need ta' do that same."

    Ethan and Peter head to the door. "Well, call us if you DO need anything. And for God's sake, will you take it easy?"

    Emily holds a thumb up. "Got it, Sheriff. Deputy."

    Shutting the door behind him, the brothers head down one flight of stairs before they hear a lock behind them. Emily returns to her post, as she begins the preperations for tonight. Sitting on the couch, is Vivian; the blonde haired woman has her eyes glued to Emily and can not help but chuckle at the woman, now dancing in place and slicing Onions.

    Emily was in a good place for once.

    Any questions, you know the drill. :) Had a wonderful Christmas; I hope you all can say the same and can you believe this year is almost over? :) My final semester of school begins in two weeks and my mini-me is almost here! :D All in all, this was a pretty damn good year.

  • Indeed I did. :)

    I did, actually! I can only think the same happened for you too.


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    Oh Emily....Emily, Emily, Emily. XD And Vivian....

    Emily cooking?! Can't wait to see how THIS will end up. Hopefully Gren won't come home to a burned down apartment. :) Ethan and Peter are too cute helping Emily. DAWWW! And Peter with Holly. <3 I hope they have a date night.

    I love the calm before the storm; this makes me worry and hope nothing too bad happens while they all take a break. I can't wait to see what happens next. This is getting good!!

    Gah!! Babies!! Gren and Emily babies!!!! Peter! Ethan! STORY!!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The hours flew by before Emily woke up. She was still in the bathroom, the cold tile beneath her body and the musky smell of Gren's apartmen

  • edited December 2014

    Hey guys! Sorry I've been absent for two days, but CHRISTMAS man! Plus, my parents forgot to pay the cable bill so we had no internet for a day or two BUT THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT! Lol...I had an awesome Christmas, and I hope all of you did too :) Got a bunch of things I wanted, which was nice, and I even went on a trip to NY yesterday (yet another reason not to be posting on her.) I saw the Freedom Tower and the 9/11 memorial and we went to Madison Square Garden and passed a bunch of places, and I took millions of pictures (I'm such a tourist XD) and I had so much fun! So yeah ~ Feeling under the weather today, actually. The City took a lot out of me XD Just a bit achy and bleh feeling but I'll probably write something soon (Now or later, idk) so yeah! Stay awesome, my fellow writers!

  • Haha! All these puns lately...

    More soon, I've got some stories freshly brewing in my mind, hopefully they'll be good!

    Wow, all of these side crushes going on behind the scenes - I love it! Robert has a good eye for Beauty too, if ya know what I mean...

  • edited December 2014

    Harmony peeled her aching body from the floral patterned sheets of her bed. Tim was moving slightly, but it was evident he was not going to get up unless she brought the crying baby to him. She sighed, her eyes focusing on the little green numbers on her alarm clock. Two'o'clock in the morning. She groaned, her feet slipping in to a nice pair of slippers as she tread across the wood floor. They'd set the bassinets across the room, which she was regretting now because it was way too far from her bedside. She adjusted her nightshirt as she lifted the little boy from his bed. Jason, all covered in light brown fur, whimpered once in his mother's arm, his little button nose sniffing her rapidly.

    "I'm here, little cub," She whispered tiredly. Her body slunked into the armchair which was expertly placed in between the middle bassinets. The two girls were sleeping on the right side of the chair, and the boys on the left. She tucked her son's head into the crook of her neck and patted his back. His grunts suggested that his tummy was unsettled, and she slowly rubbed her hand in circular patterns while he squirmed in her grip. A burp towel was stuff on to her shoulder and down her back, as a safety measure.

    Letting out his gassy burps, the baby cooed and calmed down, and went stiller as he fell back asleep in her arms. She swaddled him in a green and blue striped blanket, his head loosely moving as she adjusted him in her arms. Sleeping so peacefully. If she weren't so painfully exhaused, she would have smiled, and started to hum a lullaby. His little mouth hung open, his gums already showing signs that canines would be coming in shortly. They always came faster when they were wolves. Her finger grazed his hairy face as she stood and lifted him back into his crib, next to Gabriel's bed.

    Gabriel was the one she was more concerned about. He was much smaller than the others, and Swineheart had told her to keep an eye on him, especially his breathing. After all, there was slight issues in his birth. She loosened the collar of his far too big baby pajamas, letting her head get close enough to his face to hear him breath.

    He was breathing, steadily as always. There hadn't been any issues yet. She was relieved, and her tired legs brought her back to the side of the bed.

    Tim mumbled,"They alright?"

    She stuffed her head into her pillow, murmuring a brief,"Mmhm."

    Both parents fell asleep.

    Mary tipped her glass to her red painted lips again as her body danced against Hans's in the club. He'd set up a lovely New Years party, and it was still raving approximately three hours after the ball had dropped. His tousled blond hair shone bright pink and blue in the lighting, as friends of theirs danced with the dancers and the strippers were allowed to clock out and have fun for as long as they'd liked. Mary even saw Hazel smiling, after so long of being down and a little depressed.

    Hans caught Mary looking at her friend, and sighed. "Do you think she's finally accepting it?"

    Mary shook the daze from her head. "Huh?"

    "Hazel," He whispered. "Do you think she's accepting what happened, finally?"

    "About Jackson? Sure, I mean-"

    "No," He whispered, his lips nearly pressed into her ear. "About the thing with Charles."

    Mary's body paused a moment, just as the beat that the DJ played changed. She started up again, a little slower. Even now, after so many years, his name haunted her. How could it not?

    "No, I don't know if she'd ever get over it. She doesn't like to talk about it, and I'm her closest friend. I don't know, Hans."

    He sighs, pulling her elbow with him to the bar. Mary placed her glass down, the dizziness of being drunk messing with her head.

    Hans pressed his lips on her, pushing her up against the bar with ferocity. Oh, how Mary loved when he was drunk. He could be both a buffoon, and the most romantic horny man on the face of the planet. She tugged his shirt collar, which was stained with alcohol and sweat. The smell of the club invaded her nostrils as she placed her lips on his neck.

    His office. They stumbled across the crowd, hand in hand, their wedding bands rubbing against each other. No one turned their head a second time as he opened the door and shut it behind them.

    She flicked a light on quick, so they could see each other. Their lips pressed tightly and with passion. Mary found herself wondering the last time they'd even had sex. Ages ago, is all she could come up with. He skirted her dress up softly as she sat on a messy paper covered corner of his desk.

    A baby. She wanted one. Another one. And they'd talked so many times about how they were done after Eleanor.

    Just one more, she felt her head whispering, in the back of her mind.

    Her hand shoved his wallet stealthily in an open drawer. If he didn't see it, he wouldn't think to be protected. More kissing, more grasping each other lovingly. A couch sat in the corner of his room, and she watched as he unbuttoned his shirt to show his muscles. So strong, so loving. Despite he ability, he would never hurt her. She knew that for a fact. She pounced on him, pressing him in to the leather of the couch.

    "Happy New Years," She whispered longingly into his ears.

    He laughed. "You too, babe."

    No one dared to interrupt. They had the rest of the night to themselves.


    I've been feeling gross today. Achy and tired, mostly. I stayed in bed for so long >.< I hope you liked this chapter! After all, Harmony's cubs need some cousins around their age XD Plus, Mary just wants one more. Hopefully one more is what she gets <3 I think I'm going to lie down again after this, my head hurts.

    Merry Christmas! I wasn't here for a couple days, but I'm back!

  • Hey welcome back and glad you had a safe and wonderful Christmas. :) Awesome that you got the gifts requested; lucky you had a chance to go and see NY city and the picture taking reminds me of my fiancee when we go places. xD While on your trip, you didn't happen to see Fabletown, did ya'? :D

    Ugh sorry to hear you're sick. :( Take it easy. Trips like that DO take a lot out of you. My Christmas was awesome, too. Again, glad to hear you had a wonderful holiday season and looking forward to the next chap.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Hey guys! Sorry I've been absent for two days, but CHRISTMAS man! Plus, my parents forgot to pay the cable bill so we had no internet for a

  • breathes out Intense! Another four brought into the wonderful world of Fables. :) I wonder how the, erm, first set of children (?) will find their new siblings over time. Either way, you were very sharp in your writing with this chapter!

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "Nobody panic, nobody panic!" Tim's nervous voice spits out into the air as the room is a frenzy of activity. Harmony is a mixture of surpri

  • Alt text

    Nothing to do with the story but I loved it so much, had to share with you all. :3

    Emily now remembered why she never bothered with either Garlic or Onions. The intense smell caused her nose to run and eyes to water. The robust smell lingered on her fingers, as the knife sliced through the pungent food. Emily grabbed a towel nearby and wiped her eyes. Vivian, trying to contain her laughter, sat on a nearby stool and watched.

    "The fook ya' laughin' at, Vivian?"

    Vivian covers her mouth. "Nothing, Emily....just, umm, enjoying your face right about now..."

    Emily ignored her ranting. She carefully added the finely chopped onions into the meat; also inside, was a cup of bread crumbs, an egg yolk, two tablespoons of ketchup, seasoning and chopped Bacon. With her hands, Emily mixed the ingredients. When all was mixed together, she placed the meat inside and crafted a loaf out of it.

    "Smells good already, sweetie and its not even cooked yet."

    Smiling, Emily grabs the ketchup bottle and squirts a hefty amount inside a mixing bowl. Next, Emily adds some Brown Sugar and pepper to taste. Stirring the ingredients, Emily reaches for a spoon, scoops the mixture and adds it to the top of the Meatloaf.

    "There." Emily grabs the pan and heads for the oven. "Now this is a fookin' meal."

    Adjusting the temperature, Emily grabs the bottle of Merlot and pours herself a glass. She indeed deserved a little treat. She sits beside Vivian, who is still astonished with Emily's demeanor.

    "Hmmm very interesting, Emily. I never took YOU for a chef. Katie yes, perhaps Junior. Hell, even Peter knows how to boil a pot of noodles now and than. But YOU-"

    Emily sips from her Wine glass. "Thought ya' was me guidance, Vivian? Ain't ya supposed ta' know these things?"

    "To be honest, this was one thing I wasn't prepared for...."

    Emily stands up and heads to the sink. Following, Vivian leans against the counter and watches Emily pour the bag of Potatoes inside the sink. After carefully washing and peeling, Emily cuts them up and adds them into a large pot of boiling water. With a sprinkle of salt, she covers the top and checks on the Meatloaf. Vivian peers inside. The top is begining to brown and the juices seeping from inside.

    Vivian inhales deeply. ", Emily. This smells fantastic."

    "Thanks." Emily covers the top with foil. "Just another thirty minutes and it should be ready."

    Just as Emily and Vivian return to their seats, the sound of clinking keys and heavy footwork are heard outside the apartment door. Vivian, although could not be seen by Gren, immediatly becomes silent and sits on the couch. Emily watches as Gren enters the apartment; he tosses his lunch box, coat and shoes to the side. His sour look turns within seconds when he notices Emily up.

    "Hey Ems." Gren plants a kiss on her forehead. "How you feeling?"

    "Alright. Me side kinda 'urts but Peter and Ethan came by and gave me some Asprin."

    Gren pauses to sniff the air. "Are you....making dinner?"


    "What are you making?"

    "Meatloaf and mashed Garlic Potatoes."

    Gren rubs his stomach. It had been awhile since he had a homecooked meal. Even when he and Carla were still 'together', she rarely cooked or even attempted to have a family meal. To be honest, Gren was looking forward to having a nice, quiet meal with Emily. But first, he needed a shower to remove the day's work from his skin.

    "Wow. Sounds fucking delicious. I'll be in the shower, so-"

    "It should be ready in thirty minutes or so."

    Gren removes his shirt and heads to the bathroom. "Excellent. I have time than."

    Gren disappears into the bathroom, leaving Emily and Vivian alone in the kitchen. Emily circles her finger around the opening of the glass. Her other hand touches the spot where Gren's lips touched. Emily felt a warm sensation, as she continued to rub the area. Vivian noticed her behavior and said not one word. All she could do was smile.

    Emily looked towards the bathroom. Perhaps it was the wine speaking but Emily's curiosity was getting the best. Lifting herself up and drinking the remainder of the wine, she heads towards the restroom.

    "Emily!" Vivian waves to grab Emily's attention. "PSSST! Emily-where are you going?"

    "Wanna take a bloody peek."

    "A peek!?" Vivian jumps up and runs towards Emily. "Are you mad!? You can't just go in there and-"

    "Ah, ya' be no fun, Viv."

    Vivian grabs her elbow but Emily pushes herself by and presses her cheek to the bathroom door. She could hear the shower water and Gren removing the rest of his clothes. Without another word, Emily peeks from the crack. She had never seen a naked man before. Only in books and movies but she couldn't count that.

    Vivian stood by, as Emily continued to observe Gren. Removing his boxers, Gren stood exposed and waited for the water to heat up. Emily was startled by the massive appendage. A tuft of curly black hair sat upon his groin. Emily was staggered to see how slim Gren truly was; his back curved, as he reached for the knob and turned the water. Emily leaned closer to examine more of his body.

    "EMILY!" Vivian again tries to pull Emily back. "Get away from there!"

    Adrift in the moment, Emily did not hear Vivian's continuing pleas. She watched Gren enter the shower and allow the water to trickle down his body. Emotions never felt before waved over her body. Emily did not know what to think of this all. What was wrong with her, she thought. Since when was she so fascinated by the male anatomy? And GREN of all people?

    To avoid being caught and further temptation, Emily returns to the kitchen to finish dinner. With the potatos boiled, she adds Milk, Butter, Cream, a cup of Mayo, Garlic and cheese. To top it off, Emily adds chopped Bacon, Green Onions and a dallop of sour cream.

    Vivian clears her throat. "Hello, Emily-you, uh, going to explain that back there?"

    Emily covers the Potatos. "Woot was woot, Vivian?"

    "THAT!" Vivian points. "All THAT just now-"

    "Ain't ya' the one that told me 'bout him and-"

    Vivian slaps her forehead. "Yeeeeees...I did! BUT there are limits, Emily! You can't just GO peeking in showers and-"

    Emily chuckles. "Ya' worry too much, Vivian."

    Just as she sets the table, Gren enters the kitchen. His hair is slicked back and the only article of clothing are his socks and blue jeans.

    "Hopefully this ain't no fancy attire dinner."

    Emily covers her mouth with a plate. "Noo...."

    "Perfect cause I'm starving!"

    Vivian sighs and sits back on the couch. Emily wanted to say something but instead, hands Gren a plate. As she hands it off, his fingers gently brush against her's. He takes notice in the warmth and gently rubs her hand with his index finger. Gren's breathing became heavy, as Emily, now flushed, opens the oven.

    "Uhhhh, I hope ya' like Meatloaf...."

    Gren rubs his neck. "Yes, yes, yes....I do...."

    "Perfect." Emily places the complete meal on the counter. "Well, I'll slice it up and it will be ready."

    Gren smiles. "Perfect, Ems....perfect."

    Cutting into the meat, Emily tries to ignore her feelings. But she couldn't.

    And neither could Gren.

    Any questions, you know the drill. :)

  • I don't care! I <3 this so much! :)

    Anyways, FREAKING Emily! 1st off, that food sounds wonderful! I love me some meatloaf and potatos. Seems like Miss Emily is keeping A LOT from us. 2nd, here sneaking a 'peek' at Gren. That made me laughing so hard. XD XD XD I just pictured this female Georgie, sneaking around and watching Gren shower. Priceless!

    Vivian sighs and sits back on the couch. Emily wanted to say something but instead, hands Gren a plate. As she hands it off, his fingers gently brush against her's. He takes notice in the warmth and gently rubs her hand with his index finger. Gren's breathing became heavy, as Emily, now flushed, opens the oven.

    UGH! The feels! God! The feels! I hope these two just get it on and QUICK! There is so much sexual tension, it ain't even funny! Great work again, pie! :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Nothing to do with the story but I loved it so much, had to share with you all. Emily now remembered why she never bothered with eithe

  • Oh my god, I was raving to my friends as we were walking in Manhattan about how Fabletown could turn up at any corner and to keep their eyes peeled, but sadly it didn't show. I'm too mundane to see passed the glamours, damn it XD

    Thanks, I've been in bed pretty much all day :( It's all good though, I had fun and I have plenty of books to keep my mind busy! Plus, checking in on here every once in a while usually raises my spirits!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Hey welcome back and glad you had a safe and wonderful Christmas. Awesome that you got the gifts requested; lucky you had a chance to go an

  • edited December 2014

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    I'm going to have a go at writing a Christmas tale even though after seeing all the writers here and reading their stories I'm very intimidated and feel completely out of my depth even attempting something tbh XD But I miss this place so why not

    But it was was fun and warning their is some bad language in this sry I wanted to stay true to bigbys character :)

    The Christmas Gift

    It was Christmas eve in fabletown snow covered the ground and excited kids ran through the streets you could sense the Christmas spirit in the air.

    Our story begins with Bigby and his son building a snowman in his yard deep down bigby hated the holiday but always drew a fake smile to compensate as he always wanted the best Christmas for his family.

    Wolfy: What’s wrong Dad?

    Bigby: Nothing lets finish this snowman son

    Wolfy: Dad you’re always the same around Christmas ANSWER ME!!

    Bigby: Look Santa never brought me any presents as a kid and stole my best gift

    Wolfy: Don’t worry dad he could never steal my best gift?

    Bigby: (smiles) I know I’d kill him if he did

    Wolfy: Yep that’s how I know though no one would ever steal you Dad

    Bigby: (tear comes to bigby eye) Thanks Son you just want a bigger present don’t you?

    Wolfy: (smiles) Maybe

    Alt text

    Snow calls Bigby out of the yard into the kitchen


    Bigby: I’d never tell my son this pain is mine to bear

    Snow: He will be back one day don’t worry(hugs Bigby)

    Bigby: This day always reminds me of what happened always torturing me

    Snow: You were only a kid there was nothing you could do drink your eggnog please

    Bigby: (tears roll down bigby face) I loved Christmas until that day we were all excited together me and my bro. I awoke the place was covered in presents it seemed like heaven but my bro didn’t he was stolen I never saw him again. Suddenly all the gifts mean’t nothing all colour disappeared in my life, every year the only thing on my Christmas list was my bro and every year I cried when he wasn’t there on Christmas day yet the next year I’d do the same hoping I’d awake to see him

    Snow: Maybe this year

    Bigby: (smiles and hugs snow) maybe

    Later that night Bigby is asleep after tucking wolfy in he knew the nightmares will haunt him again tonight but at least the sight of his son and his presents will cheer him up in the morning as Santa grew near but as he awoke the next morning it became a worse one

    Snow: OH MY GOD(shaking)



    Bigby smacked his head again the wall hoping he would wake up from this nightmare but he never did

    Snow: Bigby you gotta save him

    Bigby: HOW!!

    Snow(falls to her knees crying) I don’t know

    A rage took over bigby he headed straight for cranes office and kicks in the door

    Bigby: WHERE IS HE?

    Crane: WHO?

    Bigby: SANTA?

    Crane: (laughs) Are you insane he doesn’t even exist

    Bigby: YOUR TALKING TO THE BIG BAD WOLF you live in a town of fables and yet you still feed me that BS

    Crane: Erm…the north Pole says the legend look your brothers dead bigby let it go and I will not allow you to leave fabletown you’re a detective this is your district you swore an oath you leave this town you can’t return and I will fire you

    Bigby: My oath is to my family my job is to protect them at all costs without them my job and this town is not worth saving so you can shove it up your hole

    Bigby was gone by morning heading into the unknown seeking a legend that might not even exist he sacrificed everything for a magic man in red what a fool he thought he was he searched the north pole looked through miles of snow he saw nothing he was going to die here deep down he wanted to he had nothing left to live for.

    Suddenly a small creature appears afar it seemed like a rabbit but it grew closer it turned out to be an elve

    Elve: Please remove yourself from this area sir this is sacred land

    Bigby: I came to visit Santa TELL ME WHERE HE IS

    Elve: SHUT YOUR MOUTH you dirty creature is getting nowhere near mr S

    Bigby: (laughs) You’re a sassy little guy aren’t you, you look tasty

    Elve: We are both little guys except you are the one going to be eaten

    Bigby: (laughs) Eat me you’re so small you would choke on a strand of hair of mine

    Elve: ME? They wouldn’t be afters to feed on for me when the polar bears attack

    Bigby: WHAT!!

    Suddenly a massive polar bear appeared behind bigby 3 times the size of him

    Bigby turns and stares the beast in the eyes

    Bigby: You don’t want to do this I mean you no harm I just want to get my son back and leave

    The beast smiles and rips his claw into bigby face with a swing of it’s arm

    Bigby: (spits out blood) Oh man you just f**ked up

    Bigby rage turns him into a massive beast his claws rip out like Wolverine

    Bigby’s claws ripped apart the polar bear like a knife through butter and then he turned to the Elve
    He picked him up

    Elve: (spits at bigby and laughs) BAD DOG look up at the mountain there are hundreds more polar bears coming for you, you’re dead

    Bigby: You underestimate me

    Bigby Roars at the mountain causing a massive avalanche instantly killing all the remaining polar bears heading his way

    Bigby: We have one minute before that avalanche reaches us you don’t tell me we both die your choice

    Elve: SHIT!! You filthy creature follow me quickly

    The avalanche was seconds from hitting when the elve brushed some snow away on the ground to reveal a metal door beneath the snow an entrance to Santa’s workshop

    Bigby: Thank you did you ever hear of the elve who died in an avalanche?

    Elve: No?

    Bigby: I did

    Bigby grabbed the elve and threw him into the avalanche just before it hit as he jumped down and closed the metal hatch hidden in the snow

    Alt text

    To be continued...

    I hope you enjoyed it I'll finish the final section tomorrow :)

  • edited December 2014

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    Now this is just made my day just beautiful :) merry christmas

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Merry Christmas, MasterStone and to all my fellow TWAU fans and writers Happy Holidays and here is to another wonderful New Year. From the biggest Georgie fan, his leading lady and a future FABLES fan in the making. Be safe.

  • My reaction when seeing your name on the thread again

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    1st off, nice to see you again, Mark. :) Wonderful to see a familiar face once more. 2nd, this had me cringing due to Bigby and him being so serious and against Christmas. Well, I would be to if Santa forgot me and my son was taken away. Plus, killer Elves, the snow...yeah...

    I loved this. Can't wait to see about that whole trap door. Hopefully Bigby finds his Christmas spirit but, you's Bigby. xD

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm going to have a go at writing a Christmas tale even though after seeing all the writers here and reading their stories I'm very intimida

  • edited December 2014

    Alt text

    Thanks and I'm honored a writer of your calibre enjoyed it I have been so impressed with your level of consistency and quality of stories here in this thread not just that but your tales have a deeper meaning great morals and lessons to be learned from each tale which I appreciate :)

    2nd, this had me cringing due to Bigby and him being so serious and against Christmas. Well, I would be to if Santa forgot me and my son was taken away. Plus, killer Elves, the snow...yeah..

    I wrote a paragraph explaining but I got rid of it but I will after maybe no spoilers :x

    XD With my stories just enjoy the insanity :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    My reaction when seeing your name on the thread again 1st off, nice to see you again, Mark. Wonderful to see a familiar face once mo

  • Lol, hey!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm going to have a go at writing a Christmas tale even though after seeing all the writers here and reading their stories I'm very intimida

  • Literally mine too!

    Great to see you around, Mark!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    My reaction when seeing your name on the thread again 1st off, nice to see you again, Mark. Wonderful to see a familiar face once mo

  • Ethan sat in the bathtub, warm water dancing across his legs. The bubbles grew quickly and piled around his body. Ethan takes his index finger and begins poking the larger bubbles; the steam envelopes the bathroom and allowed Ethan to inhale and sink deeper into the water. It felt wonderful against his skin. Madame Butterfly plays softly from his ipod. Emily was right for once; taking the time for himself is indeed what he wanted and desperatly needed. He'd never admit it to Peter though.

    Ethan grab a near by rag and gently presses it along his arm and legs.

    "Ohhhh yeah...this is nice..."

    Without warning, Peter runs into the bathroom. Wearing only his boxers, he frantically searches the medicine cabinet and nearby Whicker baskets. Glaring at his brother, Ethan watches the train wreck unfold before his very eyes. Peter grabs the ipod and examines the artist.

    "You like this stuff, bro?"

    Annoyed, Ethan throws the wet rag at Peter's belly. "YES! Now, what is it that you're looking for so I may continue to bask in the glorious-"

    "Found it." Peter holds up the Aftershave. "I thought I had some in my bathroom but-"

    "Where are you going?"

    Peter grabs a nearby blade and applies a thick layer of shaving cream onto his face. Taking the blade, he carefully presses down and moves up. Ethan sits in silent; he could be a complete asshole and distract his brother in the hopes he'd 'accidentally' slice his own face. THAT would teach him a lesson. But he didn't and continued to cup the water and pour down his neck.

    When Peter was complete, he wipes his face and adds the liquid to the shaved area. Patting his cheeks and jaw line, he cringes as the blue touches his face. He never looked forward to this part but a clean shaven face was in dire need for tonight.

    Ethan clears his throat. "Where are you going, Peter?"

    "No where."

    "Soooo....THIS is how you'd spend a relaxing day off? Shaving, walking around in your under garments and bothering me? You did this plenty of times during high school and the only difference NOW is mom isn't here to constantly pester you to put on pants."

    Peter chuckles, taking a seat on the toilet. "You still remember that, huh?"

    "How could one NOT remember? It became a routine around the Porgie home and half the time, think you did it because it bothered her."

    "Don't know WHY it did..." Peter leans back and closes his eyes. "Dad did it, I can recall Junior doing it.....hell, EMILY did it there for awhile."

    Ethan snorts. "Oh yeah, huh? Well, perhaps all that hair you have growing on your chest, arms and legs frightened our poor mother."

    Peter holds out his middle finger. "You're an ass Ethan, you know that?"

    "I know. But you love me, so it evens out."

    Peter nods in agreement. He tried to turn his mind off and enjoy the peace within his own bathroom. He wanted to attempt forgetting about the murders, the victims and the possible threat that was bestowed upon Fabletown in a matter of hours. Peter wanted to catch this crook and find out the reasoning behind the need to attack Fables and Halfers all of the sudden. He tried; Peter did everything he could to forget but it was no use. There it was again: a destroyed Pudding n Pie, deceased Fables and Halfers and his injured sister. All of it.

    Peter inhales. "Smells like Lavender." He needed a distraction.

    "Why, that nose of your's Peter works like a charm." Ethan holds up a bottle. "It is Lavender. Helps me relax."

    "I might use some later tonight-"

    "Sooooo...." Ethan flicks some bubbles at Peter's legs. "WHAT are you doing tonight?"

    Peter sits up. "Holly is coming by. I'm making dinner and-"

    "Holly?" Ethan turns the water off. "The bartender from the Trip Trap?"


    "Here? In THIS apartment?"

    "No...." Peter chuckles. "On the bloody damn moon, Of COURSE here, silly."

    Ethan rolls his eyes. "Oh sarcasm. Very funny, Peter. I'm AND her....are you two, ummmm...."

    Peter sits up and looks at his phone. "You knew this, dear twin of mine. Don't act like you didn't."

    "Well, to be honest, I assumed Holly was not a fan of, errr, um....Wolves."

    "Well, she seems to like me, so let's jst take that possibility and throw it out the window. I'm going to cook us some Steaks, Scalloped Potatos, Green beans and bread."

    "You....Peter Porgie....cook?" Ethan tosses his hands up. "The fuck!? Between YOU and Emily, all these hidden abilitites and secrets. Then, what about me-the fuck am I going to do while you play Betty Crocker?"

    "Isn't Henry home?"

    "He's at a meeting until Tuesday."

    Peter leaves the room. For a moment, Ethan secretly hoped he'd stay gone. He loved Peter but the guy was often rowdy and too loud, even for his own good. Ethan sunk lower into the tub, closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. It ended quickly, when Peter returned. He slammed down two twenties onto the counter.

    "And WHAT, may I ask, is THAT for?"

    "For all this." Peter holds his hands out. "This wonderful show starring you."

    "Fuck off, Peter. I'm serious-"

    "Go OUT. See a show. EAT."

    "You're kicking ME out of our own apartment?"

    "Just for tonight."

    Ethan sighs. "Am I expecting Miss Holly to still BE here when I return?"

    Peter laughs. "Weeeeell, if you DO hear the radio, than-"

    "STOP!" Ethan holds up his hand. "Just....ewwww. Stop. Please."

    "Terrific." Peter slaps Ethan's back and begins dressing. Peter adds a flannel shirt, blue jeans and his black converse. Even to Ethan, it was strange seeing him in casual clothes and not his usual business attire.


    "Oh calm your tits. I'll be back in a bit. Need to pick up a few things."

    "Alrighty." Ethan waves. "See ya' later than."

    Peter waves back, grabs the keys and leaves the apartment. Ethan rolls his eyes, as he reaches for his ipod. He cranks the volume up to the highest point; if he was to have a day of rest to himself, now was the time. He adored Peter but there were times he wanted to take a leash and tie him out back.

    But 'Madame Butterfly' made all those evil thoughts vanish.

    "This was fucking delicious." Gren was on his third helping of food. ", fuck Ems."

    The Meatloaf was nothing but two slices, the mashed Garlic Potatoes had vanished and her homemade dinner rolls were crumbles of dough on the plate. Emily was satisfied, however, to see Gren so pleased. He didn't have the sour look or desperation in his eyes. They twinkled against the lights, as he sank his teeth into the meat.

    "Glad ya' like it, Gren."

    "Like it? This is fucking delicious. I LOVE it! It's been a LOOOOOOONG time since I've eaten THIS good."

    Vivian sat quielty beside Emily. She watched Gren devour his third plate of food. Emily was still on her first but she never did eat much. She had a hunch that this food would not make it to the end of the night. A Grendel was a beast, despite being in glamour or not, that had a mighty appetite and could finish off any meal provided to them.

    "Well, I'm glad I went with the bloody Meatloaf than."

    Emily carefully stands up and grabs her dish. She piles it onto the empty bowl of what used to contain the potatos. Gren immediatly stands up. His chair falls to the ground, as he grabs Emily's hands.

    "What ARE you doing?"

    Emily scans the room. "Uhhh....gunna fookin' clean up?"


    " this one of ya' trick questions 'cus I ain't neva' been too good at these and-"

    "It's not a trick, Emily. WHY are you cleaning up? You're hurt and you made dinner. Let ME take this into the kitchen."

    "But ya' be eatin' still and I REALLY want ta' get these done-"

    Gren snatches the plates and walks over to his kitchen sink. He leaves just his plate on the table. He forces Emily to sit back into her seat.

    "THERE-Now, all of the dishes are in the sink."

    "But they need ta' be washed and-"

    "Sshh!" Gren places his index finger on Emily's lips. " quiet, Porgie and SIT. You need to fucking take it easy."

    Emily rubs her side. "It ain't that bad taday-"

    "That's nice." Gren finishes off the remainder of food. "You still need to sit down and-"

    Emily stands up. "I'm bloody gunna do those fookin' dishes, Gren! Ya' can't stop me!"

    Gren rubs his forehead. "Why the fuck do you have to be so fucking difficult, Emily!?"

    Before she could answer, Emily hobbles her way to the kitchen. Gren rolls his eyes; Emily was a spitfire and always had been, even as a young girl. She did what SHE wanted and although you'd beg, plead or bribe her with gifts, Emily never listened. She was a wild one. Gren loved that about her. Perhaps this is why, even after all this time, why he adored the Georgie look-alike.

    Gren found Emily using the counter for support; in her hands was a sponge soaked with water and soap. He immediatly grabbed the item and tossed it to the side.

    Emily trys to catch her breath. "Ya' think ya' can stop me-TRY, Grendel!"

    "Emily, stop-I'll get these later. They don't HAVE to be done now-"

    "NO! I got 'em, Gren! SIT!"

    Gren struggles to keep Emily still. "Why....are fucking stubborn like your mother AND your father!? They'll get done! I'm off for the next three days and-"

    "Let go of meh, ya' fookin' animal! I got it! GO sit down-"

    Gren manages to pin Emily against the counter. His fingers dig into her flesh. Emily could feel his chest lift with each breath he took; their eyes were glued to each other's and their bodies pressed against one another. That smell again, as Emily inhaled. His colonge, the musky swamp smell Grendels had. It was so intoxicating. Emily watched as Gren leaned closer, his nose touching the tip of her own.

    "No..." He seemed to whisper. "You need to sit down, you fucking stubborn ass Porgie."

    Emily pants. "Fook ya', Gren-"

    The two stand in silence, before Emily wraps her arms around Gren's neck. Their lips lock onto each other, as he unties her hair and runs his fingers through the ebony forest. Vivian, taken back by their sudden eruption of passion, slinks away and hides in the shadows. Continuing to kiss, Emily begins to strip Gren's clothes off. Gren's fingers slip to her buckle, as he fumbles to unhook and undress Emily.

    "The...the bedroom...." Gren pants, as he carries Emily. "We can....finish undressing-"

    But Emily did not give Gren a chance to finish, as the two continued in the kitchen. Gren slides his hand under Emily's shirt, pulls it over her head and nibbles on her neck. Unhooking her bra, Emily allows the piece of clothing to fall to the ground, exposing her bare breasts for Gren to see. He was taken back by her beauty. Cupping one in his hand, Gren continues to kiss Emily's neck; her hand aggresively pulls on his hair, as the other tightly wraps around his neck.

    "Fuck, Gren....." Emily wraps her legs around Gren's waist.

    "You're so fucking gorgeous, Emily-"

    Emily pulls Gren's pants and boxers down, exposing everything. Although she had a sneak peek earlier in the bathroom, Emily was still surprised by it all. Gren continued to play with Emily's hair, as she adjusted herself on the counter. She wanted Gren. She desired him. Emily loved him. It had been YEARS since she had sex, let alone with a man. Her body could no longer pretend.

    Emily cups Gren's face and passionatly stares into his eyes. Both are a slight milky texture with a hint of his natural green color.

    "I want ya', Gren...I want-"

    Gren intensely kisses Emily's lips. "Let me love you, Emily....I want ALL of you..."

    With those words, Emily allows Gren inside. Both could no longer deny or pretend; it made sense now what Vivian said to her several days prior to the inccident back at the club. Why Gren and Carla's relationship never worked. Why she remained lost and confused. What fate TRULY meant.

    Gren and Emily owned the night, as the two remained as one on the kitchen floor.

    Any questions, you know the drill. :) I was going to add a huge warning indicating there is a little scene in here that some MIGHT find inappropriate but decided not to. It's just sex. Nothing TOO graphic. :P

  • Mark! What a pleasant surprise. :D My eyes widen also at the sight of you and Joker with a Santa hat on. xD

    Poor Bigby having his brother taken, and now his and Snow's son being taken! It surely can't be Santa that's been stealing them, can it? Either way, Bigby sure showed those polar bears who's boss; and he even got in on the Joker act himself with the joke at the end as he threw the Elve into all the snow.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm going to have a go at writing a Christmas tale even though after seeing all the writers here and reading their stories I'm very intimida

  • Thanks and I'm honored a writer of your calibre enjoyed it I have been so impressed with your level of consistency and quality of stories here in this thread not just that but your tales have a deeper meaning great morals and lessons to be learned from each tale which I appreciate :)

    Alt text

    Well, I'm glad you still enjoy, even after all this time. :) ALL my stories are connected in the end.

    Ah yes, those damn spoiler. xD I still can't wait to see more; I've always enjoyed your stories. Serious, than comical, then serious again. Glad to see you back, Mark. :3

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Thanks and I'm honored a writer of your calibre enjoyed it I have been so impressed with your level of consistency and quality of stories he

  • Robert sat impatiently on the edge of his messy bed with an empty notebook page in his hand.

    "What should I say?" He said to himself out loud. He tended to talk to himself when he was alone. Pulling the cap off of his pen, he began to doodle on the page for inspiration.

    "I wish I could draw like Elora..." He said to himself. "Or play instruments like Ash, or sports like Noah. Damn it, I'm such a loser..."

    The door pushed open widely and with out warning. "You're not a loser," Ash said, kicking debris out of the way as she stepped in his room. "You write fantastically."

    "Then why can't I think of a single thing to say?" He asked her. He stopped draw and tore the page from his notebook out, crumpling it and throwing it into the abyss of garbage that was his room.

    "Because you want your words to mean everything in the world," She responded, plopping down next to him on his bed. "You should probably start with 'Dear Beauty' or something. You know?"

    "Right, yeah," He said, scribbling it down. He may not be able to draw, but his calligraphy was so neat that you could mistake it for his mother's writing.

    "That's a start," Ash said. She stood again, heading for the door. "Listen, I got the book. Meet me in my room when your finished."

    "Thanks again," Robbie said, just as the door shut between him and his sister. He boggled his mind, thinking of exactly what he wanted to say. It took another while, but it came out as sincere as he could possible be.

    Handing it to Ash was the easy part. The hard part was enduring the anticipation that it would both get to Beauty on time, as well as gather a good response on her end. His gut wrenched for a long time, and so he decided to distract himself by reading another one of the books he got for Christmas.

    Beauty stared out the window of Snow's manor as she awaited for Flycatcher to come and bring her and Bliss home from their vacation. He was the only way of transporting between Fabletown and Haven, and being the King often made it hard for her to get back on the days she wanted to get back on. She would have stayed here on the Farm until after New Years, but the closest day Fly would be able to pick her up after today would be February 27th. Patiently, she sat near her bags and watched as snow fell from the sky.

    Bliss entered the room, pulling her hair up into a pony tail. "Mom?"

    "Hmm?" Beauty wasn't paying much attention to her daughter, and was more mesmerized by the flakes that were sticking to the glass.

    "I went to go get my stuff that I left in the living room, and I saw another present under the tree. Has your name on it."

    Taking the package from her daughter's hand, she inspected the silver wrapping paper and the label attached.


    Her fingers tore it off, revealing a white box inside. She opened it, and saw the sparkling silver necklace with it's heart shaped pendant at the end. It was beautiful. And a note. Her daughter suddenly bored, left the room as Beauty unraveled the letter in her hands.

    Dear Beauty,


    My name is Robert. Well, you already know that. It's been several years now, and I think I am finally able to express my internal feelings about you. You are one of the most gorgeous people I've ever met. You're very kind, and witty, and incredibly charismatic. I'm deeply saddened on the loss you had to experience approximately 6 years ago, with your husband. But soon after that, I realized I truly liked you. I had a crush on you. I still do. I figured, since I'm nearly an adult now, that I would see if you held similar feelings or if you were willing to take me up on an offer to go out to dinner with me. If you don't want to for whatever reason, I understand. You can keep the necklace, even if you don't want to go out with me. But if you do, please contact me as soon as you can. You know my house phone number, I should be home.


    Sincerely and with kindest regards, Robert Cratchit

    She didn't know what to say. Or what to think. She hadn't had a gentleman caller in, well, centuries. It had always been Beast at her side. Beast. Her heart sank at the thought of him, but she was able to brush it off easily. She was used to brushing it off by now. She stared through the open doorway as her daughter zipped her last suitcase closed.

    Should she take the boy up on his offer? She figured it was odd, to say the least. Usually people thought it was unusual for a boy his age to like a woman her age. But they were Fables. It was always different when it was that way.

    And yet, part of her was unsure. Was she ready for a commitment of any kind? She had no clue what to think. No clue what to do.

    "Mom!" Bliss yelled. "Fly is here!"

    This was it. It was now or never. She stood, grabbing her bags and exited the room. Flycatcher and his wife, Red Riding Hood, stood in the foyer near each other as they chatted with Bigby and Snow. Bliss was texting on her phone, probably saying goodbye to her friends that she couldn't see before she left here.

    Beauty set her bags down just as Fly caught her eye. "Ms. Beauty!" He said happily. The man was always happy. Beauty smiled softly, crossing her arms.

    "All ready?" Bliss asked.

    Beauty's fist was still grasped around the necklace. "Actually...." This is it. Tell her. "You're going home alone."

    Bliss narrowed her eyes. "Why?"

    "Because....I have unfinished business in this world. You're old enough to be on your own for a little while. Just don't get drunk and party to hard while I'm gone."

    "Mom...are you okay?" She asked.

    "Completely ducky."

    Bliss raised her eyebrow, but didn't protest. Of course, she'd be happy to go home with out her mother. That meant that she didn't have to live with many rules for a while, and she could pretty much do whatever she wanted.Beauty didn't know if she was doing the right thing.

    Looks like she'll be heading home on February 27th.

    Still sick :( Better than yesterday, but still. Bleh. Coughing, sneezing, aching. Everything. Dammit. I'm going to go read my book and lie down a while. Have a good day.

  • Mark! :D I remember you! Although we knew one another for so little time, its nice to see you trollin' the threads once more. Welcome back and great story, btw. :)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm going to have a go at writing a Christmas tale even though after seeing all the writers here and reading their stories I'm very intimida

  • I loved everything about this. 1st off, I know have a better understanding of Ethan. I adore him with his Opera and bubble baths. :P And Peter just walking in; I thought it was funny when Peter returned with thse twenties and said they were for Ethan. XD

    "Soooo....THIS is how you'd spend a relaxing day off? Shaving, walking around in your under garments and bothering me? You did this plenty of times during high school and the only difference NOW is mom isn't here to constantly pester you to put on pants."

    XD XD Ethan indeed hase his comical moments. And I believe him when he states Peter did this in hs. :)

    Ethan sighs. "Am I expecting Miss Holly to still BE here when I return?"

    Peter laughs. "Weeeeell, if you DO hear the radio, than-"

    "STOP!" Ethan holds up his hand. "Just....ewwww. Stop. Please."

    These two together DO make quite a team; I can only imagine how the Business office is now and how Michelle, their assistant, feels about all of this, er umm, humor. XD I love them!!

    Now, Emily and Gren. Damn....three plates!!!? 0_o Although, it is true what Emily says: Grendels ARE pigs. XD And their argument with the dishes; for a mere second, I thought they were going to get into an all out rumble! I was like 'NOOOOO, pie! Don't make these two fight over dishes! DISHES for crying out loud!' And I just adore Gren and how attentive he is to Emily.

    That smell again, as Emily inhaled. His colonge, the musky swamp smell Grendels had. It was so intoxicating. Emily watched as Gren leaned closer, his nose touching the tip of her own.

    :D <3

    Vivian, taken back by their sudden eruption of passion, slinks away and hides in the shadows.

    ROFL! XD I'd do the same thing too, Vivian!!

    But Emily did not give Gren a chance to finish, as the two continued in the kitchen. Gren slides his hand under Emily's shirt, pulls it over her head and nibbles on her neck. Unhooking her bra, Emily allows the piece of clothing to fall to the ground, exposing her bare breasts for Gren to see. He was taken back by her beauty. Cupping one in his hand, Gren continues to kiss Emily's neck; her hand aggresively pulls on his hair, as the other tightly wraps around his neck.

    This. All of this. Such passion. It just pours from your words; these 'sex' scenes are never raunchy or dirty. I love them. Reminds me of my sister's romance books. XD

    "I want ya', Gren...I want-"

    Gren intensely kisses Emily's lips. "Let me love you, Emily....I want ALL of you..."

    Fangirls all over the place GAH! I love them! I ship Gren and Emily. Ohhhh what to call them....hmmm...Gremily. Yeah....Gremily! <3

    GREAT job, pie! Can't wait for more. I agree with Peter; hopefully the killer does not take their day off to commit more crimes. :(

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Ethan sat in the bathtub, warm water dancing across his legs. The bubbles grew quickly and piled around his body. Ethan takes his index fing

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