Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • Can't wait!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Yeah im finished now be up in the next hour just editing out mistakes now

  • edited May 2014

    The Lie Among Us part 4


    Bigby sprinted to the cafe his lust for blood overpowering every sense he was a man with a plan set on his goal he was unstoppable. Suddenly Gren appeared outside the Cafe the street was silent with only Gren and Bigby as their eyes met.

    Gren: You enter my city kill it's citizens and break my rules yet you still run ignorantly for Snow and think this will not go unpunished you underestimate me again BIGBY!

    Bigby: I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!(Bigby Sprinted toward Gren then froze in Fear)

    Gren: You think I'll let you kill me on the street like a dirty lapdog!. I have Snipers surrounding the buildings with Silver bullets aimed for your head and a detonator ready to kill Snow if you try to save her. You attack me your KILLED, try Save Snow your KILLED even run and I'm going to shot you in the head GAMEOVER!

    Bigby:(growls) I know you killed my mam GREN!!

    Gren(smiles) HAHAH your mother I was a hero don't you understand when you were a kid Bigby you were a loose cannon say you fail a maths question get angry and kill hundreds of innocent school children you left me with no choice your mother used to follow the rules until you came along she refused to see you as you truly were a monster letting you go to school and interact with our kind. She left me with no other choice then to put that bitch down my only regret is not killing you since then you spread like a cancer in this city your a MONSTER!!(Grens talks into his walkie talkie "SHOOT NOW")(The walkie talkie grew silent as no one was on the other end)

    Bigby:(smiling) You underestimated me Gren this city doesn't let fear dictate their lifes or be controlled by pieces of shit like you. You were to busy talking shit like usually your so predictable while my friend Beast killed all the snipers on the roofs. YOU SEE I'M NOT A MONSTER, I'M JUST AHEAD OF THE CURVE!!

    Gren: Checkmate!!(Gren picks up the detonator from his pocket and is about to push the button setting off the explosives in cafe)

    Snow sees Bigby outside the cafe empowering her. The hope inside regained and anger filled her blood for that lie by Gren. She was sick of being the damsel in distress and the taught of being the girl that got kidnapped and killed in the cafe explosion that finally destroyed Bigby mind angered her. Everything was going in slow motion for Snow she removed a gun hidden in her sock and shot at Gren the bullet skimmed his head and knocked the detonator out of his hand.

    Bigby: That's my girl(As Bigby looked into her eyes he remembered what he was fighting for then turned to Gren)

    The street grew silent it was only Gren and Bigby they unleashed the beasts the final confrontation arrived. Bigby roared at Gren the street windows all smashed the noise deafened his ears and blew Gren backwards.

    Gren simply laughed and smiled at Bigby removing a pistol from his pocket then shot 4 silver bullets two into Bigby's legs and two in his chest flattening the beast lifeless as he slowly walked towards him surely his last bullet was for Bigby's head.

    Gren :(standing over Bigby) I have mercy this last bullet is not for you Bigby NO! Your punishment must be more severe you will watch helplessly as I shoot and kill Snow with my last bullet then you will have my permission to DIE!!

    Gren turned to Snow about to pull the trigger. Bigby watched helplessly as he clinged to life every breath could be his last. He failed again unable to protect the people he cared about the harder he tried the more damage he did now the last sight will be the death of the only thing he ever lived for Snow.

    “NO NOT AGAIN” a voice screamed inside him the monster within him roared you see Bigby has finally embraced the beast no longer restricting it’s powers it feeds on anger and desire. Bigby turned and looked into Snow’s eyes they empowered him making him invincible. Bigby jumped up and ran towards Gren he clenched his claws sinking them into Gren’s shoulders and pushed him into the café. Gren couldn’t move he was trapped.

    Bigby :( Screaming) PRESS THE DETONATOR SNOW!!


    Bigby: DO IT NOW!!

    Snow pressed the detonator “BANG” the café erupted like a volcano the raw force vibrating making buildings down the street shake. Everything was going in slow motion as building burst into million pieces the sound burst Snow’s eardrums. The colours were a beautiful sight like a firework display and the heat would burn the coldest heart. The silence which followed seemed louder than the blast as it started pouring rain. Ash was the only thing left of the café as the ash blew in the wind. A coffee cup lay in the middle of the road almost mockingly. The dark consumed the terror before Snow as she dropped to her knees

    it seemed the pouring Rain was not as heavy as her tears as poured out like an uncontrollable waterfall.

    Snow:(mind) I never told Bigby I loved him or how much this town appreciated his work, how much he changed this town for the better while we treated him like dirt all he did was stick by us and protect this city without question without even a thank you then he sacrificed his life for the people who see him as no more than lapdog he was a true hero MY HERO!(shaking with tears)


    Suddenly a shadow appeared from the fog and grabbed Snow tightly in a hug picking her up from the ground and the stranger kissed Snow

    Bigby:(smiling) I never saved you Snow you always saved me from the day I met you!!

    Snow:(wiping away tears) BIGBY!! BUT HOW!!

    Bigby: You don’t think you can get rid of me that easy I’m the Big Bad Wolf!

    Snow: (laughing) You’re not so bad

    Bigby: I survived you didn’t I

    Bigby and Snow formed an unbreakable bond and found the perfect partner to save the town they patrolled and guarded the city till the end of time solving all corruption each citizen being Mundie or fable no longer looked at each as a threat or an enemy but a friend or a neighbour. The schools mixed fables and mundy’s the kids were never as happy they seen the fables as superheroes like Bigby the head investigator. Bigby built statue of his mam in the centre of the town with her story to remind the city of it’s past and where hate can lead to but also to remind himself of what he was fighting for the symbol of an angel to him. Bigby finally had his dream and never wanted to wake up it was like a fantasy to him he was truly happy he succeeded like his mam always said he would.


    The End

    Thank for reading my story hope you enjoyed it and yes they were Dark Knight quotes

  • edited May 2014

    Thanks :) I actually had to do it twice as my computer shut down randomly when finished it last time and I didn't save it took me while to get motivated so gutted

    Can't wait!

  • I really loved the ending, Mark. Fantastic job!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    The Lie Among Us part 4 WHO'S SCARED OF THE BIG DEAD WOLF!! Bigby sprinted to the cafe his lust for blood overpowering every sense he

  • Thanks for taking the time to read and leaving a review I really appreciate it reading pudding pie inspired all the romance in my chapters lol

    moral of the story(all my stories have a hidden message)

    it's about accepting who you are to never feel you are weird whatever makes you different makes you unique and special to never give up hope for a happy ending. It's always darkest before the dawn

    I really loved the ending, Mark. Fantastic job!

  • JonesJJonesJ Banned
    edited May 2014

    Awww, Snow....:) Go get em! Good work! You made Gren such a dick! lol Sucks it kept crashing on you! -.- Hate that! Can't wait for more.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    The Lie Among Us part 4 WHO'S SCARED OF THE BIG DEAD WOLF!! Bigby sprinted to the cafe his lust for blood overpowering every sense he

  • edited May 2014

    Thanks finished now that's part 4 my final chapter I'm taking a break till I get inspired again thank you for reading and the review

    Yeah I actually like Gren really weird why do I keep making him the villain more of tribute for me for some reason

    JonesJ posted: »

    Awww, Snow....:) Go get em! Good work! You made Gren such a dick! lol Sucks it kept crashing on you! -.- Hate that! Can't wait for more.

  • I agree with JonesJ. Love how Gren is such a dick! XD And glad my cheesy pages have inspired you. :) Appreciate it. Nice work you have going here. Can't wait to read more! I'm curious as to how this will all go down.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    The Lie Among Us part 4 WHO'S SCARED OF THE BIG DEAD WOLF!! Bigby sprinted to the cafe his lust for blood overpowering every sense he

  • edited May 2014

    Thank you and my story is finished now. I'll do another one in the future with different story when I get a good concept and get inspired .. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing my story also keep up great work yourself just quality not cheesy at all but superb so deep.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I agree with JonesJ. Love how Gren is such a dick! XD And glad my cheesy pages have inspired you. Appreciate it. Nice work you have going here. Can't wait to read more! I'm curious as to how this will all go down.

  • "Let's put a smile on that face Bigby"



    Markd4547 posted: »

    The Lie Among Us part 4 WHO'S SCARED OF THE BIG DEAD WOLF!! Bigby sprinted to the cafe his lust for blood overpowering every sense he

  • edited May 2014

    You think I wouldn't why so serious? you still liked it though hopefully lol

    MasterStone posted: »

    "Let's put a smile on that face Bigby" -Gren lol

  • edited May 2014

    Chapter 6

    "Grendel and the mundy"

    NOTE: Hopefully my next chapter will have a picture. Since we can post them, it should give everyone a better view. :)
    EDIT: Got one. Sorry again for the bad quality.

    Alt text


    Mary continued to sleep, even as her father arrived to the club. Georgie, along with Hans and Henry, were currently trying to clear up the mess. John rubbed his temple, as he viewed the mess and the person that caused it. Carla was still sitting with Lyla; she had nothing more to say. She was regretting saying a word to Mary about Gren; she, along like her father, would never truly understand. John walked over to Carla, who instantly stood up.

    "Daddy," said Carla. "I don't want trouble, okay? I just want to go up to my room and get some sleep. It's been a long day for me and I'm sure for you..."

    "Carla, sweetie. I don't want to hear it. I've had this headache all day and now, this. Your sister called me and said I needed to come down and stop Mary from tearing you apart. Now, what I want to know, is why the hell your sister turned and lost control?"

    Carla was stumped; her father's eyes were stern and dark. His facial expression show cased he already knew the answer. She couldn't understand his logical thinking. He and the sheriff had been friends for years; he's been involved more with Fables, then he has with the Council or Folkers alike. Yet, he was still hell bound on keeping her away from Fables, from their world. Why was he determined to keep it a secret from her? Not like her family was exactly the 'normal' type; this wasn't Leave it to Beaver.

    With every ounce of courage and logic still left, she answered.

    "Daddy, it was nothing. I promise. We were having a conversation and-"

    "And it involved that monster, Grendel, huh?"


    Carla was appalled by her father's remarks; she had never heard him speak to anyone in that manner. In her eyes, they were all monsters' she was looking at one right now. Everyone in the club looked over at John. Georgie was disappointed in John; there was yet so much he had to learn. That was an insult; saying he was a monster was the same as saying it to his own kin.

    "Watch it, John," shouted Gerogie. "You are hitting awfully close to home..."

    "Stay out of this, Georgie," said John. "I don't need you to put in your two cents. You have no idea..."

    "What is wrong, daddy," begged Carla. "Why are you so against Gren but with Georgie and Lyla, you were upset but allowed them to continue this without any hesitation or concern-"

    John released out a loud roar, slammed his knuckles to the ground and created a small, but frighting rumble. His eyes were turning a solid yellow, his teeth changing. Carla was growing the sudden urge to run; Lyla continued holding her suddenly shaking sister. Although she wanted to comfort Carla, she knew better; Carla was having a hard time understanding the difference. That is were her weakness was; all she saw was beauty and the good in this world. Carla was too naive to see the truth.

    "My CONCERN has always been you girls," John said with a deep roar. "I've had STRUGGLES raising you girls, especially you, Carla! For years, we tried to hide this world from you. You and your mother were too fragile for this, for ANYTHING that dealt with anything more than mundies. But you can only cover your eyes for so long and before we knew it, your curiosity got the best of you. You're a mundy, Carla...."

    That word was like a knife to Carla's chest-mundy. That's all she was.

    "....This world, this world will eat you up alive," continued John. "You don't belong here, in that office....with him. He's a MONSTER, Carla. You're a MUNDY; FABLES and MUNDIES can not mix! It never wo-"

    Carla managed to free herself from her sister's grip. Her mind was no longer swimming in his words but now drowning; she couldn't comprehend his way tonight. He was playing both sides; they were no longer children. She didn't want to be sheltered; she wanted knowledge of a world she wanted to know about. Her father was forgetting: She had Folker blood coursing through her veins. Carla grabbed her coat and as she finished with the final button, she felt a hand grab her arm. It was Lyla; Georgie and Henry behind her. Their faces said it all.

    "What, Lyla..."

    "Carla, where are you going? Just, ignore dad. You know how he gets. Let him go home and-"

    "This is beyond all that, Lyla. I'm sorry but these rules-these silly, idiotic rules-make no sense to me. We are ALL in the same boat; Folkers and Fables alike. I do not see a difference in any of this! I'm starting to question WHO the monsters are in all of this..."

    Carla tried looking over at her father but he was avoiding any eye contact with her. He knew who she was making that statement to. With that, Carla gave Lyla a kiss on the cheek, said goodbye and walked down the dark streets.

    "CARLA," Lyla yelled, as she watched Carla head down the strreet. "Carla, please! Come back! Don't-"

    Lyla wanted to run after her sister; slap some sense into her and hope for the best. But Georgie grabbed her hand before she could make that decision. She wanted to fight it; chase her down and try. His grip was tight and he had her against his chest; her face buried deep into his shirt.

    "She'll come back, love, " whispered Georgie. "She has to do you think we did it....."

    Carla paid for her Hot dog and drink, found a seat and began eating. She looked around; the lights were shining bright and noise was louder in the evening. The city that never sleeps, thought Carla. Looks like you got a new member. Carla could only think about what her father and his reactions. Why did he have this sudden growing hatred towards the Fables? Why Gren? Carla was so lost in thought that she didn't see Gren walk up behind her; even her nose was not in the right state of mind. Gren noticed it was Carla, smiled and headed her direction. He stood behind her and cleared his throat. Carla was startled.


    "Hey. mm, that looks good. Mind if I sit with you?"

    Gren grabbed the chair and took a seat. He watched Carla finish her meal and drink what was left of her beverage.

    "So, what are you doing here? Last time I saw you, I had just dropped you off at the Pudding & Pie...."

    "Stupid bullshit," sighed Carla. "Just...really dumb shit went down and I need to get out. So tired of Councils and Fables and rules; these 'rules' that do nothing but cause problems."

    Gren knew who Carla was speaking of; John was not exactly the first person to throw a party in his honor. Carla sighed again.

    "I wish...oh never mind...."

    "What? You wish what?"

    "I want to know about your world, Gren. I have no idea, nothing but stories I've been told or heard as a child. I hear nothing but good things; clear night skies, bubbling cool rivers, forest of bullshit...."

    Carla sighed. Gren knew he couldn't go back to the homelands but he knew of a place where she could get the idea.

    "Come with me, Carla.....let me show you that world."

    Carla was confused; surely Gren was joking but his smile and eyes said something different. She took his hand and without another word, Gren lead her far from the city and into a world she knew so little of.

  • JonesJJonesJ Banned
    edited May 2014

    Oh were is Gren taking Carla? I remember she made a comment about the stars and how she wished she could see them?? Great like always. Can't wait to read more. Feel bad for Carla and Gren! Hopefully her father will back up?

    EDIT: Wow! I love the pic, btw. You did em' in TTG style. Not saying your way is bad! lol Carla is beautiful. :)
    Alt text

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Chapter 6 "Grendel and the mundy" NOTE: Hopefully my next chapter will have a picture. Since we can post them, it should give everyone

  • Some place to make her understand. She may work at the Business office but she still knows so little. You will just have to wait for the upcoming pages. :) I'm glad you and everyone is enjoying it so far. :D

    JonesJ posted: »

    Oh were is Gren taking Carla? I remember she made a comment about the stars and how she wished she could see them?? Great like always. Can't

  • edited May 2014

    I'm gonna make it my goal to read this tonight, I must! Maybe reread some of the earlier chapters again to refresh my dragon mind about Carla's shenanigans.

    EDIT: Read your story yesterday night, really loving the drawing!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Chapter 6 "Grendel and the mundy" NOTE: Hopefully my next chapter will have a picture. Since we can post them, it should give everyone

  • Sweet pictures :)

    MasterStone posted: »

    Here of some pics to get an idea what the characters of my story would look like. The Heroes Draco the Dragon: Viera the Phoeni

  • edited May 2014

    Superb! You kept momentum throughout, had a particularly tense scenario, and gave closure at the end. I particularly liked your paragraph on the description of the explosion - very vivid. Nice mention of Beast too, he hasn't been brought into many, if any, stories on here so far I think.

    Quite the agent of chaos that Gren ;)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    The Lie Among Us part 4 WHO'S SCARED OF THE BIG DEAD WOLF!! Bigby sprinted to the cafe his lust for blood overpowering every sense he

  • Poor Carla :( looking forward to see where Gren takes her though :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Chapter 6 "Grendel and the mundy" NOTE: Hopefully my next chapter will have a picture. Since we can post them, it should give everyone

  • Thanks not just for reading but the review and Lupine who doesn't love a supervillain with method to his madness yeah explosive part was essential to get right to get the moment across so tried to be as descriptive as possible

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Superb! You kept momentum throughout, had a particularly tense scenario, and gave closure at the end. I particularly liked your paragraph on

  • Chapter 7

    "A long time ago"

    The air was still; Carla looked behind her into a world she had already forgotten. There was so much she still had yet to learn; school only covered so much and even as she continued to educate herself, she found herself still unfolding pages in the book; pages she was never allowed to see. There was silence in the air, except for the occasional cricket and the noise of small frogs. Gren still had her by the hand, walking down a path he seemed all too familiar with. Carla was beginning to question how often Gren was here.

    "Gren," Carla said, still trying to catch her breathe. "Where are you taking me? We are so far from the city. All I can see is the distant fading lights. I assumed you were going to show me a book or-"

    "A book," laughed Gren. "No book would ever get it right. And besides, you even said it yourself you wanted to understand my world. Well, that's were we are going."

    "To the homelands," asked Carla. "But, no one is allowed back there-"

    Gren never answered Carla; she already knew she had hit a sore spot. She dropped the subject all together. Gren continued pushing back tree branches and large bushes. The crunching of the dried leaves and the green moss below her feet were the only sounds echoing. Carla had Gren stop for a few seconds.

    "What are you doing," asked Gren, as he watched Carla toss her shoes to the side.

    "I want to feel the ground, feel the air, the trees-this is beautiful so far. I want to know everything you do, Gren."

    Gren smiled, took her hand and continued pushing forward. They finally reached a large clearing; trees creating a wall surrounding them and the moon brightly sitting above. Carla looked up with astonishment; she couldn't remember seeing anything more spectacular in all her life. The moon nestled between several clouds, the twinkling of the stars scattered all around. Carla was lost in the beauty she had no idea still existed.

    "Still think the city is beautiful," asked Gren.

    Carla was startled; she had forgotten Gren was also with her. He was sitting on a large rock. His appearance was different in the moonlight; it was alluring and magnificent. His smile glistened under the stars, his eyes twinkling along with them.

    "No," replied Carla. "This all right here, this little slice of heaven, is marvelous. I can't remember ever being embraced by such beauty; I've seen them in books and movies but they don't do this any justice. How did you know about this place? I thought New York-"

    "This is Adirondack Park," said Gren. "This entire area is protected by the Environmentalists; nothing or no one will ever touch it. Been like this since the 20th century, I believe. It's known as the park that is 'forever wild.' Just like us, Carla."

    Gren looked over. Carla was currently tracing her fingers along the bark of a Bir tree; she was amazed in what she saw before her. She had heard of Adirondack park but assumed it was nothing more than a story; nothing like that ever existed, according to her father.

    "I come here all the time," continued Gren. "Every so often, I will take the entire night to walk out here and enjoy what little sanity I can collect from this place. It's the only area in this dirty fucking city that has anything worth looking at now. The only place were I can TRULY be who I am. I've seen other Fables out here sometimes...."

    "Do mundies come out here," asked Carla.

    "Sometimes but mostly during the day. By this time, all you have around you are your thoughts and the many miles of wood and peace of mind."

    Gren watched as Carla gathered a handful of dirt into her hands. She cupped it for awhile, then slowly opened a small space between and watched the dirt fall gently onto a pile on the ground. As she watched the final layer of dirt escape her hands, she felt Gren come up behind her and grab her hands. He gently placed them beside her hips; his face now resting on her shoulder, his mouth close to her ear.

    "Close your eyes," whispered Gren. "I want you to see what I do every time I come out here. Picture this, in the daylight; mounds of green hills, the sun beaming from above. A large mere with running water and a bubbling waterfall. Do you see it, Carla? Do you see the homelands?"

    Carla's vision of the description Gren gave her was pleasing. She could see it all; the very world she was not allowed to know about-the Homelands; a place so many like Gren had to leave and end up in the city. Carla didn't want this moment to end. She could feel the wind blow through her hair, Gren's beating heart against her back. Gren too, had his eyes closed; he was his true form sitting beside the Mere, drinking the crisp, refreshing water, watching the birds fly ahead. Carla felt his grasp loosen; he was standing by a tree, looking forward. Carla walked up behind him, unsure at his sudden vacancy.

    "What's wrong, Gren," said Carla. "Did...did you not like-"

    "No, no, that's not it, Carla. I can't stop thinking about it but....I have to know something. Do you REALLY know the difference, Carla?"

    "Difference? I dont-"

    "With your folks and Fables; did your school really define that? Does your father even truly believe in all this bullshit? I mean, look all around you; we ALL lived like this not so long ago, Carla. Yet, I'm the monster in all of this still...."

    Carla tried to picture it, try and understand the definition. For Fables, they were short stories to teach a lesson. For Folktales, they were driven by popular culture, usually passed on from person to person. There was not much of a difference, Carla thought. She was taught, like everyone else, to believe this. There was not a difference; Folkers and Fables were similar in so many ways. Then there were those like her and the babies; Halfers. But did that really matter? Carla glanced at Gren, who was smiling. She trudged on to Gren's side. She took his hands and examined his eyes; the right one, like always, was that milky color. She reached up and gently touched it. As she did, Gren pressed his cheek against her palm.

    "Show me the rest of the homelands, Gren," whispered Carla. "Show me EVERYTHING about your world...."

    She waited, hoping he would understand her question. He did; Carla was temporarily blinded by the green light escaping Gren's body. She looked over, however, he was no longer glamoured; the giant Grendel towered over her. She could hear this heavy breathing, see the terrifying characteristics he owned. He lowered his giant head until it was starring into Carla's eyes; they didn't show fear, only understanding. Carla reached both her hands out and grabbed his face; his skin was tough and icy to the touch. She didn't see a monster or Fable; all she saw was him. Gren didn't see a mundy; all he saw was Carla. The sun would be rising soon, they both knew of this. But for now, they were lost in the moment and worlds they knew so little of.

    Carla and Gren finally made their way back to the Pudding & Pie. Carla was prepared to have her sister lecture her; ready to see what her father had ready for her return. As they turned the corner, Carla was relieved to find her father's car long gone. They both stopped in the back of the club; Carla wanted to avoid anyone inside for the remainder of the day. She had lost track of time; she would be heading to work in two hours.

    "Thank you for everything, Gren," said Carla. "That was beautiful. I hope we get a chance to do that another time?"

    "Well, I was going to ask if maybe tonight, you would care to join me again? Make this a new routine? Maybe we can teach each other about our worlds?"

    Carla smiled and agreed.

    "I would like that very much...."

    "Okay, then. I will meet you at the office. Deal?"

    "Make sure this time to either call ahead of time or just wait outside by the gates. I'm not in the mood to hear Snow bitch about the rules and my father, bleh, bleh, bleh!"

    They both laughed. Carla reached over, grabbed Gren and hugged him tightly. He was taken back; it had been awhile since he's felt such love and care in a tender embrace. Carla watched as Gren headed down the alley. He turned around and waved goodbye. He was gone before she could return the gesture. Gren continued walking into the city that never sleeps; the sounds of the city slowly coming to life. He tried to avoid them clouding his thoughts, as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

    "Uh, fucking mundies," he whispered, as he headed to his apartment; he still had an hour before work. He needed to freshen up anyways. As he walked around the corner, there they were.

    "Fucking kidding me," said Gren.

    There, standing by his apartment door, were Bigby and John.

  • "Forever wild." Nicely said, Gren.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Chapter 7 "A long time ago" The air was still; Carla looked behind her into a world she had already forgotten. There was so much she s

  • JonesJJonesJ Banned
    edited May 2014

    This was brilliant and very touching. I've heard about that park. Good choice. Carla wants so bad to know of that world and it shows. I did like that 'forever wild' part as well. Not happy to hear the sheriff and John are at his apartment, though. Can't wait to read more.
    imagephoto Happy_gif_zpse92a711e.gif" alt="Alt text" title="Optional title" />

  • edited May 2014

    So sweet and romantic with the all so lovable Gren cool guy really sweet and awesome this story

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Chapter 7 "A long time ago" The air was still; Carla looked behind her into a world she had already forgotten. There was so much she s

  • Gren and Carla really deserve each other, no matter hard things get. I hope we see some baby gren/carla in future. :)

  • edited May 2014

    Just a reminder to everyone, is that I am currently done with the list of categorized awards for the storytellers of May, it features summaries for certain stories and everything. I may tweak or add some things, but overall, I think it's finished. Expect the discussion to be posted tomorrow morning sometime.

    I hope it proves to be worth the wait.

  • Can't wait to see this such a brilliant idea

    Just a reminder to everyone, is that I am currently done with the list of categorized awards for the storytellers of May, it features summar

  • edited May 2014



    Markd4547 posted: »

    Can't wait to see this such a brilliant idea

  • Can't wait to see this list as well. :)

    Just a reminder to everyone, is that I am currently done with the list of categorized awards for the storytellers of May, it features summar

  • edited May 2014

    I'll bet mine has something to do with giblets...

    Just a reminder to everyone, is that I am currently done with the list of categorized awards for the storytellers of May, it features summar

  • I think you'll love it dearly, Porgie! Just like you love your own club to death. XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Can't wait to see this list as well.

  • edited May 2014

    Genius! Story award for most-gruesome imagery of Mundies being eaten! But nah, you will see, you have given me an idea for next month's awards though.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    I'll bet mine has something to do with giblets...

  • LMFAO! I'm practically the president of 'Georgie is not a dick' club XD

    I think you'll love it dearly, Porgie! Just like you love your own club to death. XD

  • I sure hope this thread carries on after Episode Five :)

  • We need the electronic equivalent of a red carpet ;)

    Markd4547 posted: » The awards are up!!

  • Oh it will, it definitely will. I already thought of some more creative ideas for the upcoming months, in addition for more award categories to be given!

    LupineNoir posted: »

    I sure hope this thread carries on after Episode Five

  • Hey, DragonButter, do we make our own stories or what?

    Oh it will, it definitely will. I already thought of some more creative ideas for the upcoming months, in addition for more award categories to be given!

  • That is pleasing, and I'm highly curious regarding your ideas. I look forward to whenever you share them :)

    Oh it will, it definitely will. I already thought of some more creative ideas for the upcoming months, in addition for more award categories to be given!

  • I plan on doing this long after the game has ended. :) Make my own TWAU! lol XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    I sure hope this thread carries on after Episode Five

  • Yes. It is highly recommended that you create your own stories, and your own character if possible.

    Gobananas01 posted: »

    Hey, DragonButter, do we make our own stories or what?

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