Well, this is me. I had to really talk myself into doing it XD
On the up side, I went driv… moreing today! And I signed up for SAT's. And I might have a job, if I fill the application out and hand it in on Monday! So yeah! Getting my life in order!
SELFIE! I'm not great at taking pictures of myself but, hey, why not? XD Californian swagger ain't something I can pull off - @JJwolf @puddi… moren_pie you're looking good guys XD - so, I thought I'd go for English eccentricity. Because, I don't even smoke and I've got a pipe!
Yeeeah. xD
Well, this is me. I had to really talk myself into doing it XD
On the up side, I went driv… moreing today! And I signed up for SAT's. And I might have a job, if I fill the application out and hand it in on Monday! So yeah! Getting my life in order!
Fayde had her arms tightly wrapped around the girl, to prevent her from doing any kicking, punching, or escaping. "Just tell me where I am!" Harmony still attempted to wiggle out of her grasp. "It's all simple, really!"
"Please," Fayde tried to reason more. "I don't wish to hurt you, I-"
BOOM! A gunshot rang from outside the vehicle.
"Get the hell away from my niece, NOW!" Rose opened the car door, having her pistol aimed at Fayde's head the entire way. Fayde let go of the scared girl, for she had no choice in the matter.
Harmony scooted out of the car and practically ran towards Rose's safety, while tears started to form in her eyes.
Rose pulled her close to hug her tight. "Are you okay, Harmony? Did she hurt you in any way?"
"Her face," Harmony began to sob. "Her face was, was, was-"
Rose holstered her gun, and let Harm bury her face into her shoulder to cry. "It's okay, Harm. Shhhhh, everything's okay now."
Fayde continued to sit in the car, feeling bad for what she did to the poor girl. "Listen, um, Rose Red?"
Rose made the most disgusted expression at her. "What do you want?"
She sighed and moved over to the driver's seat. "I know you're definitely mad at me for what I've done, especially when it involved me hurting your friend earlier. But I can promise you, it wasn't me back there who had done it."
Rose gently let go of Harmony, and told her that she'll be right back. Rose walked to back to the vehicle, only to aim her gun at Fayde's head again. "You expect me to believe that shit? A person like you would say anything to try and get out of a problem unscathed!"
"I understand if you don't believe me. But believe me, I am telling the truth. You even thought I was possessed - I've heard your words, before your friend tried to knock me out. In fact: I've heard a lot of stuff while I was out, actually."
"Regardless, I don't blame you for wanting to put a bullet in-between my eyes, but I know you're better than that. And yes, I admit I was reckless in my actions earlier, alright? Just... do what you will with me."
"You're right, I could still kill you right where you're standing. But I won't, as it will be traumatizing for my niece and the kids inside, and another reason I won't particularly say."
Fayde carefully got out of the car and leaned against it. "As I said: do what you will. I don't plan on escaping anytime soon - wherever the hell I'm at."
Rose contemplated on what she should do with the girl, and quickly came to a conclusion. "Harmony, come on. Let's go see what the Munchkins are up to."
Harmony sniffed and grabbed Rose by the arm, not bothering to look back at the woman by the car.
Fayde continued to lean against the vehicle and looked at the sun setting in the distance, despite all of the pines and tree branches blocking the way.
"Way to start off your first day as a Fabletown citizen, you dummy." She whispered to herself. "They're probably going to send you back to Ireland after the wild goose chase you've lead them on. Or even worse."
Nancy and John stood by the entrance. "Rose, me and John saw what happened from inside. Are you and Harmony feeling alright?" She shut the door quickly after Rose helped Harmony inside.
"I'm fine, but as for Harmony, I have no idea. She seems a little shaken up after whatever happened to her inside that car." Rose sighed. "I shouldn't have left her with that girl."
John growled. "Well, whoever this person is, I wouldn't want her entering my house if she's going to continue being a problem. Nancy and I have children to look after, you know."
Rose rubbed her forehead. "I know, I know. It's just that, it was Harmony's idea to spare her, and I know I couldn't kill the girl on the spot like that either. Not with all the shit that's been going on today."
John diverted his attention over to Harmony. "It was her idea? Rose, Rose, Rose. You should know by now that listening to 'people' that aren't flesh-born obviously have no clue what they're talking about."
"What the hell, John? That's my niece you're talking about!"
"Of course, who else would I be referring to? If she's the reason you brought that woman out here - to OUR house. I have every right to do whatever it takes to make sure it doesn't happen again. Now get out of the way, Rose. You too, Nancy."
"Blow it out your ass, John. You're not coming anywhere near Harmony if you're going to be an asshole towards her."
Nancy stood between them. "Rose, that's enough! And John, what's gotten into you? You adore Harmony, you and I know both that!"
He responded with a sneer. "Not if she was the reason behind the decision of bringing a possible threat to our home!" More wolfish growls were heard from him the moment he got closer and closer to Harm, carefully pushing Rose and Nancy out of the way. "Just what exactly are you hiding from us, Harmony? Huh? ANSWER ME!"
"N-n-nothing, sir. Please, leave me be." Tears were streaming down her face again.
Rose knelt down to try and comfort Harmony. "I hope you're fucking happy, John. As if she didn't have enough stress on her already." She retorted.
John felt like crap after his sudden outburst. "Rose, I-"
"Save it. Don't even want to hear it."
John then turned to Nancy. "Honey, I didn't mean-"
"Please John, no excuses. You should have controlled your anger like a proper gentlewolf, instead of venting out your frustration on a sweet girl like Harmony."
Rose stood up. "Well, before the wolf raged -no offense to your husband, Nance- I was going to recommend if Fayde could come inside for a little while. Y'know, before me, Tez, and Harm go back to Fabletown again."
"What a fantastic idea, Rose. You four are more than welcome to stay for a few hours. Heck, you guys can even stay until morning if necessary."
John stuttered. "But, but-"
Nancy grinned. "Our guest outside can come in now. I'm going to go see where my two girls are hiding at."
Rose smirked. "Alright, cool. What about it, Harm? You okay with this?"
She looked up at Rose, still sniffling. "Yeah, um, that'd be great."
"Then it's settled, be right back." Rose opened the door to go outside.
"Brrr, hopefully Rose will be back soon." Fayde said to herself as she rubbed her arms. "I guess you could turn back into your original form and take a peek inside the house. But, I have to be polite to these people."
Suddenly, footsteps were heard coming toward her.
Rose crossed her arms. "It's your lucky break, Fayde-leaf-clover. Get your sorry-self inside before I change my mind."
Fayde screamed internally and smiled in response. "Thank you, thank you so much!"
"Yeah, yeah. Don't get all teary-eyed or whatever." Rose lead her to the door, and opened it for her. She walked in, only to be amazed at how big and welcoming the place was. It reminded Fayde of her home in Ireland.
"Hmm, just stay put while I go get someone. I'll be back."
Down a hallway, and to the left...
"Girls, now is not the time to be playing games. Come on out, please."
"We don't wanna!" Crying was heard from inside the closet.
"Uh-oh, what is it this time, Nance?"
"Oh, hey there, Rose. I'm afraid my daughters won't listen to my constant pleas for 'em to get on out of there. Maybe you can try?"
Rose laughed. "Oh man, all of a sudden I'm the errand girl for everyone today. I'll give it my best shot, Nance."
She knelt down to peek through the closet door. "Lyla? Carla? Why are you hiding?"
Lyla speaks. "Me and Carla don't like it when Daddy yells, Rosey Red. If Dragon Tez was here, he would know how to make things better. Did you come here with him, Rosey Red?"
Rose looked at Nancy, and back to the door again.
"As a matter of fact, I have, little wolf. Wanna go see him now?"
Excited gasps and a little howl were heard from inside. "Yes, please!"
Rose chuckled. "Alright, then. Rosey Red is going to open the door. Don't dare think on running away from me and your mom now."
Carla laughed. "We wooooon't."
The two girls ran toward the unsuspecting Rose and opened their arms to 'smother' her with lots of hugs.
"Okay, okay, haha! It's good to see both of you too. Now let go of me so I could get up, you little troublemakers."
And they did just that. Rose looked at Nancy. "I told the 'guest of honor' to wait in the entrance hall. I'm going to bring your girls with me to see Tezoth, as well as her."
"Alright, just be careful. I wouldn't want anything else to spiral out of control in my home this evening." Nancy turned her attention to her girls. "Now, while you two go with Rose, I'm going to make the most delicious dinner for ya'll tonight."
"Mmm, sounds great Mrs. S. I'm starved. Well, let's go see the dragon, the lot of you."
Lyla and Carla cheer. "Yay!"
"See you at the table, Nance."
"You too, Rose Red. And thank you."
END, of Chapter 8 part 1.
Part 1 of chapter 8 is finally here! Enjoy like usual, and, now that most of everyone has been taking selfies all of a sudden - I've been thinking on taking one myself! So be on the lookout for that.
Well, this is me. I had to really talk myself into doing it XD
On the up side, I went driv… moreing today! And I signed up for SAT's. And I might have a job, if I fill the application out and hand it in on Monday! So yeah! Getting my life in order!
Well, this is me. I had to really talk myself into doing it XD
On the up side, I went driv… moreing today! And I signed up for SAT's. And I might have a job, if I fill the application out and hand it in on Monday! So yeah! Getting my life in order!
Man, you've captured both John and Nancy so well. John MAYBE the top Wolf but Nancy wears the pants; it was nice to see him lose his cool and be a gentlwolf, as Nancy puts it. Poor Harmony. Ya' think she'd be used to screaming wolves by now. And Rose to the rescue! Adorable Carla and Lyla...always getting into trouble, those two. Seems like Gina and Mary are avoiding the new strangers their parents have over.
Can't wait for more, man. And blame JJ for the recent outbreak of selfies. :P To be honest, ALWAYS wondered what you looked like simply cause you're the main man on this thread.
Chapter 8, Part 1: Sudden Blame
"Get away from me!"
Fayde had her arms tightly wrapped around the girl, to prevent her from doing any … morekicking, punching, or escaping. "Just tell me where I am!" Harmony still attempted to wiggle out of her grasp. "It's all simple, really!"
"Please," Fayde tried to reason more. "I don't wish to hurt you, I-"
BOOM! A gunshot rang from outside the vehicle.
"Get the hell away from my niece, NOW!" Rose opened the car door, having her pistol aimed at Fayde's head the entire way. Fayde let go of the scared girl, for she had no choice in the matter.
Harmony scooted out of the car and practically ran towards Rose's safety, while tears started to form in her eyes.
Rose pulled her close to hug her tight. "Are you okay, Harmony? Did she hurt you in any way?"
"Her face," Harmony began to sob. "Her face was, was, was-"
Rose holstered her gun, and let Harm bury her face into her shoulder to cry. "It… [view original content]
If you want a picture of the phone cover, I'll post a pic of it XD I tend to swap them frequently, although I used to have a battery case until it broke >:( I was REALLY mad when that happened XD
The quads were bathed, dressed and ready for the evening. Emily packed a diaper bag of all the necessery things they would need: diapers, wipes, crackers and some bottles. Penny and Johann were on their way; Penny was not attending Remembrance Day this year and offered to watch Emily's children while she and Gren were gone. George, Mary and Junior's son, was in charge of watching his younger siblings that night. Despite his young age, George was extremly responsible and eager to prove he was mature enough to handle this task.
Katie and Jersey left their thirteen girls with Hans and Gina. Gina was home in bed with a broken foot but was willing to take all the girls in while the couple was gone for a few hours. Last Emily heard, Hans Junior and Mini would be there; Mini was not much for parties and Hans Junior was nervous around large crowds. Not to mention alcohol, even though he was around it for quite some time during his employment with Emily.
Vivian sat on the bed and watched Emily spray on perfume, add a touch of foundation and powder to her face and finish off with some Mascara. Music played softly from her iphone. Emily stood up, hooked her strapless bra on and began dressing in a form fitting dress. A simple Robin egg's blue with a V-neck line and slit on the side of Emily's right leg. While Gren finished off his touches, Vivian assisted Emily with the buttons on the back of the dress.
"You look beautiful tonight, Emily."
Emily lifts her hair up to allow Vivian easier access. "Thanks, Viv. I feel like a bloody fool sometimes in these things."
"You have a killer body, Emily. Don't be afraid to show it off. You remind me of your mother when she and your father would head out on dates."
"Ya' know 'bout that?"
"Some. Not all."
Vivian finishes with the final button. Emily takes this time to check the diaper bag for the tenth time that evening within twenty minutes. She mumbled to herself, checking every compartment and section the bag contained. Vivian sat back and watched; she'd allow Emily the opportunity to play 'new mommy' for a bit. Emily had every right to frantically count, check oof and repeat. Vivian would wait for Gren; he was always the one person that managed to calm Emily down, even in her moments of pure energy.
"It never changed, Emily..."
"Sssh!" Emily holds her finger up. "I just wanna make sure and-"
"I'm sure Hans and Gina have plenty of things there, too."
"It's been YEARS since they've had bloody any babies around."
Vivian adjusts in her seat. "It was just the twins, right?"
"Yeah, just the two."
"They never wanted more, or-"
Emily pauses to look out the window. She noticed a Robin perched on the ledge, chirping away against the sounds out the outside world. Emily would never have seen magnificant things like this in the city.
"It was difficult fa' them ta' conceive the twins. Took them a long blody time, accordin' ta' me mum and aunt."
"Wow..." Vivian scratches her arm. "I had no idea..."
"Eh, it was hard on 'em at first. Me uncle Hans always wanted a bug family."
"I recall that..."
That's right, thought Emily. Vivian and Hans used to 'secretly' play house when Georgie was away. "Well, they just gave up and ta' be honest, it works. Two is enough."
"And you had four."
Emily snorts, as she begins to slip on her shoes. "I neva' even wanted ONE baby."
Vivian beams. "Can I ask you something, Emily? And, I want you to be honest with me."
"Alright...woot is it?"
"Would you, ummm, have-" Vivian clears her throat. "-Ummm, have TAKEN care of it, Emily, if things with Gren never happened the way it did?"
Emily inflicts a sour look towards Vivian. "The fook ya' askin' me, Viv?"
"Well, let's just say it WAS a one night stand and Gren wanted NOTHING to do with either YOU or the babi-"
"Why are ya' askin' me this, Viv?"
Vivian leans back and begins to sink into the bed. "I'm just curious, Emily. Conversation-"
"No, conversation is askin' me 'bout the fookin' weather or if I'm fookin' hungry or if I need ta' take a shit. Not...THIS!"
Vivian pulls back her hair. "I'm....sorry, Emily...I was just wondering."
Emily exhales and sits at her makeup station. Emily knew were Vivian was coming from; no one, especially Emily, ever thought she'd be a mother. Emily could barely handle herself, let alone another human being. Although they had a connection laid out for them, what would have happened if Gren never agreed to raise the babies. Could Emily have truly been able to handle all four alone? Or, would she, like Vivian stated, 'taken' care of it?
"I know ya' be, Vivian. I'm sorry fa' yelling at ya'."
"I just wanted to know, Emily...that's all."
"Ya' wanna REALLY know, Vivian?"
"Please." Her green eyes practically begging as her lips moved. "I need to know."
Emily leans into her chair. She began to hear the constant footsteps of Gren in the other room; the quads, all in their jumpers, bounced around, cooed and tried playing with one another.
Vivian was shocked by her answer. "No?"
"Ya' heard me, Viv. No. IF Grendel had fookin' knocked me up and left me alone, I'd still have those little bugga's ova' there."
Vivian tried to hold back tears. Although Emily was labled the 'back sheep' and the next Georgie Porgie to this wretched town, Emily had a heart of solid gold. It showed, especially this past year. Vivian was overjoyed.
Before long, Gren enters the bedroom, attempting to tie a simple bow around his collar. Emily chuckles; his fingers move in a quick pace, looping and scattering the ends in various directions.
"Damn fucking piece of...UGH! Hate formal attire! Fucking look silly!"
Emily stands up and begins the process of creating abow. "Ya' look good, love."
Gren grabs Emily's hips and pulls her closer. "Yeah. So do you..."
"Gren, stop. I'm tryin' ta' fix this. My sister should be here any moment."
Gren swallowed back his nervousness and stood perfectly still. It had been years since his last attendance to Remembrance Day and with the word spreading of Grendel becoming a father, everyone was anxious to see him. Part of that had to do with Emily; many were incredulity to know that she and a beast of Gren's stature and history managed to get together and start a family.
"Carla ain't she?"
Emily did not hesitate to answer. "She refuses ta' associate with Fables now. Good fookin' riddance."
Since the separation, Calra shunned herself from the world andspent most of her time in either her new apartment, working or with her fiance. She rarely spoke to either of her sisters or parents; Carla refused to see her neices and nephews, especially Emily. Last she heard, Carla labled Emily in the same category as her mother: a whore. Emily giggled at the thought but Gren did not find any of this to be humerous; he insisted on taking care of Carla but Emily knew what that meant. Emily occasionally missed the thought of having her aunt Carla but those would eventually pass. They always did.
"I fucking agree."
Gren despised Carla but tonight, it was not about her. Emily was looking forward to a nice evening out with her boyfriend, eat a wonderful meal, dance, drink and have a pleasurable time. There was a knock at the door, sending Puddles into her usual barking fit.
"Puddles, shut up!" Gren runs down the stairs. "PUDDLES-shut UP!"
Pushing the barking dog to the side, Gren opens the door to find Johann. He was careful not to step on Puddles.
"Well, don't we look dashing tonight. Strange seeing Grendel in a suit."
Gren and Johann walk towards the kitchen. "Yeah, I feel fucking ridiculous but its what the misses wants."
"Emily always got what she wnated but Remembrance Day is a neat little function."
"Sad you're not going?"
"Nah. To be honest, Penelope and I were looking forward to nice, quiet evening."
"Hmmm.." Gren bites into an Apple. "Not sure how QUIET you'll be having."
Before Johann could speak, the clicking of heels echoed along the halls. Clutching her purse, Emily greets Johann with a warm embrace. Trailing behind her, are the quads; it still surprised Johann and the others to see the babies float in such a manner.
"Thank you again, Johann."
"Hey, my pleasure. Love seeing these little cuties."
Johann pinches each of their cheeks. Gren stares at the colck on the wall. "Uh, Emily-"
"Oh, right." Emily pins the bag against Johann's chest. "They have extra clothes, diapers, wipes, toys, books, wash cloth. Medicine, bottles, crackers, juice, breast milk is here-PLEASE fookin' put these away! Shoes, socks, bows-"
"Emily, Emily." Johann grabs her hand. "GO. I got this. Have a GOOD time, alright?"
Kissing the children goodbye, Emily and Gren head to the ongoing function in downtown Fabletown. A horse drawn carriage arrives to pick the couple up, courtesy of Peter and Ethan. Johann waves goodbye as the couple slowly disappear into the distance.
Nervous, they arrived to the center. Fables from all over were there. Holding out his hand, Gren leaps from the carriage to assist Emily.
"My dear."
Tonight, was a special night. Emily had no idea. This was indeed a night to remember.
Oh no I was joking, since me and JJ guessed it right. xD But if you want, by all means! I do that to mine, too. I'm always dropping this damn thing, though.
If you want a picture of the phone cover, I'll post a pic of it XD I tend to swap them frequently, although I used to have a battery case until it broke >:( I was REALLY mad when that happened XD
And thanks
Shit, I forgot about Gina and Mary... that's something I may need your help on, then. A PM about my questions for the two will be sent to you shortly. :P Happy you're satisfied with the way I've been doing your characters ever since I've included them. I think you'll enjoy dinner time with the family and the guests - I'm currently imagining the scenario now. XD
Concerning the selfie, I'm planning on taking one tonight.
Man, you've captured both John and Nancy so well. John MAYBE the top Wolf but Nancy wears the pants; it was nice to see him lose his cool an… mored be a gentlwolf, as Nancy puts it. Poor Harmony. Ya' think she'd be used to screaming wolves by now. And Rose to the rescue! Adorable Carla and Lyla...always getting into trouble, those two. Seems like Gina and Mary are avoiding the new strangers their parents have over.
Can't wait for more, man. And blame JJ for the recent outbreak of selfies. :P To be honest, ALWAYS wondered what you looked like simply cause you're the main man on this thread.
Hey, u look like a real dude!!!
Yet another face for a username
I have to get on this bandwagon now, I feel obliged to do so
So you live in New Jersey then? I've been there a couple of times, really nice place
Hey, hey! Another face to put to a name!
Now it's just me, Tetra and DragonButter...
I'll get mine up on Monday (If I pluck up the courage to do so :P)
Thanks. She's very playful too and sassy, lol
It's a faster paced Jazz
Thanks. She also has a sister too named Salt.
The pipe! Man guess I gotta do this. Might as well I locked myself out like an idiot trying to get myself food. XD
Goddamn it now I have to do it! XD like Hazza said another face for a name!
Salt and Pepper. Awwwww that's so cute
So your roommate decided "He's fine, he can get his own food" :P
Chapter 8, Part 1: Sudden Blame
"Get away from me!"
Fayde had her arms tightly wrapped around the girl, to prevent her from doing any kicking, punching, or escaping. "Just tell me where I am!" Harmony still attempted to wiggle out of her grasp. "It's all simple, really!"
"Please," Fayde tried to reason more. "I don't wish to hurt you, I-"
BOOM! A gunshot rang from outside the vehicle.
"Get the hell away from my niece, NOW!" Rose opened the car door, having her pistol aimed at Fayde's head the entire way. Fayde let go of the scared girl, for she had no choice in the matter.
Harmony scooted out of the car and practically ran towards Rose's safety, while tears started to form in her eyes.
Rose pulled her close to hug her tight. "Are you okay, Harmony? Did she hurt you in any way?"
"Her face," Harmony began to sob. "Her face was, was, was-"
Rose holstered her gun, and let Harm bury her face into her shoulder to cry. "It's okay, Harm. Shhhhh, everything's okay now."
Fayde continued to sit in the car, feeling bad for what she did to the poor girl. "Listen, um, Rose Red?"
Rose made the most disgusted expression at her. "What do you want?"
She sighed and moved over to the driver's seat. "I know you're definitely mad at me for what I've done, especially when it involved me hurting your friend earlier. But I can promise you, it wasn't me back there who had done it."
Rose gently let go of Harmony, and told her that she'll be right back. Rose walked to back to the vehicle, only to aim her gun at Fayde's head again. "You expect me to believe that shit? A person like you would say anything to try and get out of a problem unscathed!"
"I understand if you don't believe me. But believe me, I am telling the truth. You even thought I was possessed - I've heard your words, before your friend tried to knock me out. In fact: I've heard a lot of stuff while I was out, actually."
"Regardless, I don't blame you for wanting to put a bullet in-between my eyes, but I know you're better than that. And yes, I admit I was reckless in my actions earlier, alright? Just... do what you will with me."
"You're right, I could still kill you right where you're standing. But I won't, as it will be traumatizing for my niece and the kids inside, and another reason I won't particularly say."
Fayde carefully got out of the car and leaned against it. "As I said: do what you will. I don't plan on escaping anytime soon - wherever the hell I'm at."
Rose contemplated on what she should do with the girl, and quickly came to a conclusion. "Harmony, come on. Let's go see what the Munchkins are up to."
Harmony sniffed and grabbed Rose by the arm, not bothering to look back at the woman by the car.
Fayde continued to lean against the vehicle and looked at the sun setting in the distance, despite all of the pines and tree branches blocking the way.
"Way to start off your first day as a Fabletown citizen, you dummy." She whispered to herself. "They're probably going to send you back to Ireland after the wild goose chase you've lead them on. Or even worse."
Nancy and John stood by the entrance. "Rose, me and John saw what happened from inside. Are you and Harmony feeling alright?" She shut the door quickly after Rose helped Harmony inside.
"I'm fine, but as for Harmony, I have no idea. She seems a little shaken up after whatever happened to her inside that car." Rose sighed. "I shouldn't have left her with that girl."
John growled. "Well, whoever this person is, I wouldn't want her entering my house if she's going to continue being a problem. Nancy and I have children to look after, you know."
Rose rubbed her forehead. "I know, I know. It's just that, it was Harmony's idea to spare her, and I know I couldn't kill the girl on the spot like that either. Not with all the shit that's been going on today."
John diverted his attention over to Harmony. "It was her idea? Rose, Rose, Rose. You should know by now that listening to 'people' that aren't flesh-born obviously have no clue what they're talking about."
"What the hell, John? That's my niece you're talking about!"
"Of course, who else would I be referring to? If she's the reason you brought that woman out here - to OUR house. I have every right to do whatever it takes to make sure it doesn't happen again. Now get out of the way, Rose. You too, Nancy."
"Blow it out your ass, John. You're not coming anywhere near Harmony if you're going to be an asshole towards her."
Nancy stood between them. "Rose, that's enough! And John, what's gotten into you? You adore Harmony, you and I know both that!"
He responded with a sneer. "Not if she was the reason behind the decision of bringing a possible threat to our home!" More wolfish growls were heard from him the moment he got closer and closer to Harm, carefully pushing Rose and Nancy out of the way. "Just what exactly are you hiding from us, Harmony? Huh? ANSWER ME!"
"N-n-nothing, sir. Please, leave me be." Tears were streaming down her face again.
Rose knelt down to try and comfort Harmony. "I hope you're fucking happy, John. As if she didn't have enough stress on her already." She retorted.
John felt like crap after his sudden outburst. "Rose, I-"
"Save it. Don't even want to hear it."
John then turned to Nancy. "Honey, I didn't mean-"
"Please John, no excuses. You should have controlled your anger like a proper gentlewolf, instead of venting out your frustration on a sweet girl like Harmony."
Rose stood up. "Well, before the wolf raged -no offense to your husband, Nance- I was going to recommend if Fayde could come inside for a little while. Y'know, before me, Tez, and Harm go back to Fabletown again."
"What a fantastic idea, Rose. You four are more than welcome to stay for a few hours. Heck, you guys can even stay until morning if necessary."
John stuttered. "But, but-"
Nancy grinned. "Our guest outside can come in now. I'm going to go see where my two girls are hiding at."
Rose smirked. "Alright, cool. What about it, Harm? You okay with this?"
She looked up at Rose, still sniffling. "Yeah, um, that'd be great."
"Then it's settled, be right back." Rose opened the door to go outside.
"Brrr, hopefully Rose will be back soon." Fayde said to herself as she rubbed her arms. "I guess you could turn back into your original form and take a peek inside the house. But, I have to be polite to these people."
Suddenly, footsteps were heard coming toward her.
Rose crossed her arms. "It's your lucky break, Fayde-leaf-clover. Get your sorry-self inside before I change my mind."
Fayde screamed internally and smiled in response. "Thank you, thank you so much!"
"Yeah, yeah. Don't get all teary-eyed or whatever." Rose lead her to the door, and opened it for her. She walked in, only to be amazed at how big and welcoming the place was. It reminded Fayde of her home in Ireland.
"Hmm, just stay put while I go get someone. I'll be back."
Down a hallway, and to the left...
"Girls, now is not the time to be playing games. Come on out, please."
"We don't wanna!" Crying was heard from inside the closet.
"Uh-oh, what is it this time, Nance?"
"Oh, hey there, Rose. I'm afraid my daughters won't listen to my constant pleas for 'em to get on out of there. Maybe you can try?"
Rose laughed. "Oh man, all of a sudden I'm the errand girl for everyone today. I'll give it my best shot, Nance."
She knelt down to peek through the closet door. "Lyla? Carla? Why are you hiding?"
Lyla speaks. "Me and Carla don't like it when Daddy yells, Rosey Red. If Dragon Tez was here, he would know how to make things better. Did you come here with him, Rosey Red?"
Rose looked at Nancy, and back to the door again.
"As a matter of fact, I have, little wolf. Wanna go see him now?"
Excited gasps and a little howl were heard from inside. "Yes, please!"
Rose chuckled. "Alright, then. Rosey Red is going to open the door. Don't dare think on running away from me and your mom now."
Carla laughed. "We wooooon't."
The two girls ran toward the unsuspecting Rose and opened their arms to 'smother' her with lots of hugs.
"Okay, okay, haha! It's good to see both of you too. Now let go of me so I could get up, you little troublemakers."
And they did just that. Rose looked at Nancy. "I told the 'guest of honor' to wait in the entrance hall. I'm going to bring your girls with me to see Tezoth, as well as her."
"Alright, just be careful. I wouldn't want anything else to spiral out of control in my home this evening." Nancy turned her attention to her girls. "Now, while you two go with Rose, I'm going to make the most delicious dinner for ya'll tonight."
"Mmm, sounds great Mrs. S. I'm starved. Well, let's go see the dragon, the lot of you."
Lyla and Carla cheer. "Yay!"
"See you at the table, Nance."
"You too, Rose Red. And thank you."
END, of Chapter 8 part 1.
Part 1 of chapter 8 is finally here! Enjoy like usual, and, now that most of everyone has been taking selfies all of a sudden - I've been thinking on taking one myself! So be on the lookout for that.
And it's all because of JJ :P
Apologies my phone is dumb!
Sadly he had work I actually managed to get here though XD only took a couple stops!
So I had to shuffle my way to get dinner. Not impressed that papa Johns wasn't open XD Here I am! I can't smile for shit though XD
That sucks :P
At least you made it
Wassup with it?
Made me double post
Looking sharp lol. Get well soon.
Oh that beard is calling to me XD
Well now it's just me and Dragon left... It's like 11pm over here so maybe I'll post it up tomorrow... thanks man!
Wanted to shave but I had little to no energy to do so XD maybe next time this happens I will shave and wear my suit :P
Ah another face for a username! The dog looks awesome!
I just shave it XD
The Bigby outfit!
I trim my beard so it looks neat :P
I don't know whether to selfie in regular clothes or in my Bigby Wolf outfit...
Ugh I hate tying the tie
Whatever, if you want the Bigby look (as close as I can get to it at least) then you got it :P
... Might throw in an unlit cigarette and make it a black and white picture :P
Nah I'll post it normal. Me in a suit shirt with a loosened tie, not quite how I dress in daily life but what the hell
1st're not NJ trash, ya' silly goose. xD 2nd love the pic. Nice bathroom, too! xD Also, no Hello kitty phone cover? :P
AH! Papa John's was not open!? :0 For shame! Also, NOT at all what I pictured but I'm lving the facial hair going on. Hope ya' get better soon, man!
Yeah our papa Johns on campus blows! Hahaha XD thank you Pudding!
Man, you've captured both John and Nancy so well. John MAYBE the top Wolf but Nancy wears the pants; it was nice to see him lose his cool and be a gentlwolf, as Nancy puts it. Poor Harmony. Ya' think she'd be used to screaming wolves by now.
And Rose to the rescue! Adorable Carla and Lyla...always getting into trouble, those two. Seems like Gina and Mary are avoiding the new strangers their parents have over.
Can't wait for more, man. And blame JJ for the recent outbreak of selfies. :P To be honest, ALWAYS wondered what you looked like simply cause you're the main man on this thread.
If you want a picture of the phone cover, I'll post a pic of it XD I tend to swap them frequently, although I used to have a battery case until it broke >:( I was REALLY mad when that happened XD
And thanks
Nice pic, man!
The quads were bathed, dressed and ready for the evening. Emily packed a diaper bag of all the necessery things they would need: diapers, wipes, crackers and some bottles. Penny and Johann were on their way; Penny was not attending Remembrance Day this year and offered to watch Emily's children while she and Gren were gone. George, Mary and Junior's son, was in charge of watching his younger siblings that night. Despite his young age, George was extremly responsible and eager to prove he was mature enough to handle this task.
Katie and Jersey left their thirteen girls with Hans and Gina. Gina was home in bed with a broken foot but was willing to take all the girls in while the couple was gone for a few hours. Last Emily heard, Hans Junior and Mini would be there; Mini was not much for parties and Hans Junior was nervous around large crowds. Not to mention alcohol, even though he was around it for quite some time during his employment with Emily.
Vivian sat on the bed and watched Emily spray on perfume, add a touch of foundation and powder to her face and finish off with some Mascara. Music played softly from her iphone. Emily stood up, hooked her strapless bra on and began dressing in a form fitting dress. A simple Robin egg's blue with a V-neck line and slit on the side of Emily's right leg. While Gren finished off his touches, Vivian assisted Emily with the buttons on the back of the dress.
"You look beautiful tonight, Emily."
Emily lifts her hair up to allow Vivian easier access. "Thanks, Viv. I feel like a bloody fool sometimes in these things."
"You have a killer body, Emily. Don't be afraid to show it off. You remind me of your mother when she and your father would head out on dates."
"Ya' know 'bout that?"
"Some. Not all."
Vivian finishes with the final button. Emily takes this time to check the diaper bag for the tenth time that evening within twenty minutes. She mumbled to herself, checking every compartment and section the bag contained. Vivian sat back and watched; she'd allow Emily the opportunity to play 'new mommy' for a bit. Emily had every right to frantically count, check oof and repeat. Vivian would wait for Gren; he was always the one person that managed to calm Emily down, even in her moments of pure energy.
"It never changed, Emily..."
"Sssh!" Emily holds her finger up. "I just wanna make sure and-"
"I'm sure Hans and Gina have plenty of things there, too."
"It's been YEARS since they've had bloody any babies around."
Vivian adjusts in her seat. "It was just the twins, right?"
"Yeah, just the two."
"They never wanted more, or-"
Emily pauses to look out the window. She noticed a Robin perched on the ledge, chirping away against the sounds out the outside world. Emily would never have seen magnificant things like this in the city.
"It was difficult fa' them ta' conceive the twins. Took them a long blody time, accordin' ta' me mum and aunt."
"Wow..." Vivian scratches her arm. "I had no idea..."
"Eh, it was hard on 'em at first. Me uncle Hans always wanted a bug family."
"I recall that..."
That's right, thought Emily. Vivian and Hans used to 'secretly' play house when Georgie was away. "Well, they just gave up and ta' be honest, it works. Two is enough."
"And you had four."
Emily snorts, as she begins to slip on her shoes. "I neva' even wanted ONE baby."
Vivian beams. "Can I ask you something, Emily? And, I want you to be honest with me."
"Alright...woot is it?"
"Would you, ummm, have-" Vivian clears her throat. "-Ummm, have TAKEN care of it, Emily, if things with Gren never happened the way it did?"
Emily inflicts a sour look towards Vivian. "The fook ya' askin' me, Viv?"
"Well, let's just say it WAS a one night stand and Gren wanted NOTHING to do with either YOU or the babi-"
"Why are ya' askin' me this, Viv?"
Vivian leans back and begins to sink into the bed. "I'm just curious, Emily. Conversation-"
"No, conversation is askin' me 'bout the fookin' weather or if I'm fookin' hungry or if I need ta' take a shit. Not...THIS!"
Vivian pulls back her hair. "I'm....sorry, Emily...I was just wondering."
Emily exhales and sits at her makeup station. Emily knew were Vivian was coming from; no one, especially Emily, ever thought she'd be a mother. Emily could barely handle herself, let alone another human being. Although they had a connection laid out for them, what would have happened if Gren never agreed to raise the babies. Could Emily have truly been able to handle all four alone? Or, would she, like Vivian stated, 'taken' care of it?
"I know ya' be, Vivian. I'm sorry fa' yelling at ya'."
"I just wanted to know, Emily...that's all."
"Ya' wanna REALLY know, Vivian?"
"Please." Her green eyes practically begging as her lips moved. "I need to know."
Emily leans into her chair. She began to hear the constant footsteps of Gren in the other room; the quads, all in their jumpers, bounced around, cooed and tried playing with one another.
Vivian was shocked by her answer. "No?"
"Ya' heard me, Viv. No. IF Grendel had fookin' knocked me up and left me alone, I'd still have those little bugga's ova' there."
Vivian tried to hold back tears. Although Emily was labled the 'back sheep' and the next Georgie Porgie to this wretched town, Emily had a heart of solid gold. It showed, especially this past year. Vivian was overjoyed.
Before long, Gren enters the bedroom, attempting to tie a simple bow around his collar. Emily chuckles; his fingers move in a quick pace, looping and scattering the ends in various directions.
"Damn fucking piece of...UGH! Hate formal attire! Fucking look silly!"
Emily stands up and begins the process of creating abow. "Ya' look good, love."
Gren grabs Emily's hips and pulls her closer. "Yeah. So do you..."
"Gren, stop. I'm tryin' ta' fix this. My sister should be here any moment."
Gren swallowed back his nervousness and stood perfectly still. It had been years since his last attendance to Remembrance Day and with the word spreading of Grendel becoming a father, everyone was anxious to see him. Part of that had to do with Emily; many were incredulity to know that she and a beast of Gren's stature and history managed to get together and start a family.
"Carla ain't she?"
Emily did not hesitate to answer. "She refuses ta' associate with Fables now. Good fookin' riddance."
Since the separation, Calra shunned herself from the world andspent most of her time in either her new apartment, working or with her fiance. She rarely spoke to either of her sisters or parents; Carla refused to see her neices and nephews, especially Emily. Last she heard, Carla labled Emily in the same category as her mother: a whore. Emily giggled at the thought but Gren did not find any of this to be humerous; he insisted on taking care of Carla but Emily knew what that meant. Emily occasionally missed the thought of having her aunt Carla but those would eventually pass. They always did.
"I fucking agree."
Gren despised Carla but tonight, it was not about her. Emily was looking forward to a nice evening out with her boyfriend, eat a wonderful meal, dance, drink and have a pleasurable time. There was a knock at the door, sending Puddles into her usual barking fit.
"Puddles, shut up!" Gren runs down the stairs. "PUDDLES-shut UP!"
Pushing the barking dog to the side, Gren opens the door to find Johann. He was careful not to step on Puddles.
"Well, don't we look dashing tonight. Strange seeing Grendel in a suit."
Gren and Johann walk towards the kitchen. "Yeah, I feel fucking ridiculous but its what the misses wants."
"Emily always got what she wnated but Remembrance Day is a neat little function."
"Sad you're not going?"
"Nah. To be honest, Penelope and I were looking forward to nice, quiet evening."
"Hmmm.." Gren bites into an Apple. "Not sure how QUIET you'll be having."
Before Johann could speak, the clicking of heels echoed along the halls. Clutching her purse, Emily greets Johann with a warm embrace. Trailing behind her, are the quads; it still surprised Johann and the others to see the babies float in such a manner.
"Thank you again, Johann."
"Hey, my pleasure. Love seeing these little cuties."
Johann pinches each of their cheeks. Gren stares at the colck on the wall. "Uh, Emily-"
"Oh, right." Emily pins the bag against Johann's chest. "They have extra clothes, diapers, wipes, toys, books, wash cloth. Medicine, bottles, crackers, juice, breast milk is here-PLEASE fookin' put these away! Shoes, socks, bows-"
"Emily, Emily." Johann grabs her hand. "GO. I got this. Have a GOOD time, alright?"
Kissing the children goodbye, Emily and Gren head to the ongoing function in downtown Fabletown. A horse drawn carriage arrives to pick the couple up, courtesy of Peter and Ethan. Johann waves goodbye as the couple slowly disappear into the distance.
Nervous, they arrived to the center. Fables from all over were there. Holding out his hand, Gren leaps from the carriage to assist Emily.
"My dear."
Tonight, was a special night. Emily had no idea. This was indeed a night to remember.
Any questions, you know the drill.
Oh no I was joking, since me and JJ guessed it right. xD But if you want, by all means!
I do that to mine, too. I'm always dropping this damn thing, though. 
Shit, I forgot about Gina and Mary... that's something I may need your help on, then. A PM about my questions for the two will be sent to you shortly. :P Happy you're satisfied with the way I've been doing your characters ever since I've included them. I think you'll enjoy dinner time with the family and the guests - I'm currently imagining the scenario now. XD
Concerning the selfie, I'm planning on taking one tonight.
I see that you're rockin' your pajamas like I do. XD Very cool pic and dog, man!