Now THIS is how you spend Valentine's day! Forget dinners, candles, romance-throwing pies in the face! Now THAT screams love! XD I loved the image, the songs are wonderful and it was neat listening to them. Happy V-day to you, too, T man.
Thanks Pudding! This song brought out major feels when I was a younger Tetra and played Persona 3 FES and I feel like it fit a moment like this! I've never played DDR maybe I should XD
Celeste and Makoto are too cute! Love the drawing. Very intimate, these two are. And the song is badass, too! Reminds me of my summer days spent playing DDR. XD
Damn, Cath, hard on Mikhail much? Oh well, guess I'll consider it hard love or something. :P
And to answer your question at the bottom: Fables can be Glamoured into animals. It's got to be a specific spell made by one of the 13th floor witches, I think.
Beginnings Part 2
Catherine and Mikhail walked all night to the portal. Catherine had Mikhail fly high in the air so the darkness would c… moreamouflage him.
"Catherine? How much longer? I'm really tired and it's tiring to fly" Mikhail complained
You want to know what helps? She thought to Mikhail
"What?" Mikhail asked
Not being lazy and complaining. She thought to Mikhail
"That's really mean Catherine..." Mikhail said
That's why I care She thought in joyful mood
After a few hours of walking they came up on a portal that she used to use with Luke when she was younger. He took her there when she was sad to play on the playgrounds or to meet certain people. Mikhail landed next to Catherine.
Alright dumb ass when we go in there PLEASE stay in the skies the mundys see you and we're fucked. She thought to Mikhail
"Gotcha don't worry I'll stay super quiet and high in the sky!" He said
She nodded and walked into the portal… [view original content]
Damn, Cath, hard on Mikhail much? Oh well, guess I'll consider it hard love or something. :P
And to answer your question at the bottom: F… moreables can be Glamoured into animals. It's got to be a specific spell made by one of the 13th floor witches, I think.
~Chapter 3~
Whiskey Lullaby and Cigarette lights
The rumors flew. Word spread fast in this town but nobody knew how much he blames him… moreself. For the years that would follow. Gren did his best to hide the whiskey on his breath; no one was going to stop him and he had a plan to mask the pain just long enough. Robert, however, was his breaking point. He figured drink the memories away; he was a Fable and several bottles, at that, was only a tiny amount. Plus, he was a towering beast with menacing features. He could handle his alcohol.
Gren stumbled through the dark streets and looked for a quiet place to rest. He hated the noise of the city. It made his head spin and severe headaches to return. Clinging to a bottle of Jack Daniels, Gren finds a empty spot near the dumpster. The neon light above his body created a glow to his skin. Gren was drunk; the colors ran together like spilled water on ink. Covering his body with a newspaper, the w… [view original content]
"You think your dad ever fucked your mom when she was a Wolf?"
Mary's unusual questions sometimes left Emily astounded and unsure how to … moreanswer them. Emily and Lyla never discussed their sexual 'adventures' and were very careful when the children were home. Like any couple with older children, late at night (or in the back of the car. Ew.) was the only time they could really express their love without a tiny knock being heard ten minutes into it. As the children aged, they learned what sex was and knew their parents still engaged in it.
Emily shakes her head at the mere thought. Bloody Mary was just a sick, twisted individual; this is the same woman that used to sneak through the mirrors and watch Junior shower when he was a teen. The same woman that entered Gren's apartment when he and Emily first began dating. The SAME woman that, for some reason, just had to watch. Now, playing on the floor with the quads, was asking Emily if her fat… [view original content]
Yeah she just loves the big lug and cares for him a bit too much XD
Alright cool, I'm really behind when it comes to the comics and I've never had time to read them so thanks dragon!
"Soooooo, who's YOUR crush?" Ash's voice came from on top of Elora's bunk bed. Elora's room was decorated with light blue floral wallpaper, … morea neat bunk bed with stairs to the top, instead of a ladder, and a built-in bookcase on one side. There was a desk across the room with a red ikea swivel chair, and a laptop decorated with stickers. She had a closet on one side of the room and a vanity covered in make-up and hair products.
"What do you mean?" Elora's face reddened a little, because she knew her response was not convincing enough for her sister.
"Oh, you know EXACTLY what I mean," Ash responded. her head hung off the side of the bed upside down and she stared at Elora as her sister was putting away some laundry.
Elora sighed. She put away her socks and turned to face her older sister. "Do you really want to know?"
"Oh, I have a few guesses, actually," Ash responded, then blew a bubble with her gum. It got about as big as her lo… [view original content]
Nancy and John
'Like a Virgin' played on a nearby boombox while the girls practiced. Tracy continued to chew her gun like a cow does … moreto its cud. Several times the gym teacher asked kindly for her sparky friend to spit out the gum. She did but minutes later, Tracy was smacking on yet another wad. Several boys stayed after class to watch the girls in practice in their infamous shorts.
Nancy, however, was not concerned about the gawking boys or the shril voice of her coach. Nancy was preoccupied with the stange man, now sitting in the parking lot, watching through the chain linked fence. His buddy was asleep in the passenger seat but the tall, dark and handsome stanger leaned forward once more. Nancy noticed the striking smile across his face, strands of hair flying along his perfect jaw line. Nancy did not notice the oncoming ball and was struck in the head.
Giggles and taunts filled the air. She could hear the whistle blow and sto… [view original content]
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!
Got a hot date with this little beauty while mommy and daddy go out tonight. Uncle JJ is ready, baby girl! Love this little puddingpie!
Valentine's Day; Fabletown
Every couple known to Fabletown was preparing for the mundies' annual attempt of showing their 'love'; they'd … moreshower their significant other with lavish gifts that included diamond something, flowers, candies, stuffed animals and a sexy dance. Gren used to find this 'celebration' obnoxious and overrated. Even when he was still with Carla, the two never engaged in Valentine's. Gren was beginning to suspect there was a sick reality as to WHY Carla never made a big deal towards Gren. She was getting it from someone else.
This year, however, was different. Gren was determined to give Emily a romantic evening. The children were already claimed by John and Nancy to watch all four, plus Katie's thirteen, Josiah and even Mary and Junior's six spawns from the depths of hell. Gren chuckled; Nancy was nearly running her own private daycare with all those children but she and John insisted. According to John, Nancy was ha… [view original content]
Thanks Like I said, it's basically how me and my friends and sisters talk to each other on a daily basis XD
Elora is a bit on the innocent side of most things (Sort of reminds me of Harmony, back in the day.) And she's getting used to re-learning a lot of it. I wouldn't call it a luxury, more of a curse XD
Oh man, you know it! I picture Anubis as this polite guy who will treat anyone he's with the way they deserve to be treated. Basically, a dream man, lol XD
This was excellent! You're getting really good at these crush conversations between siblings, Em.
Also, glad to know Elora is getting us… moreed to doing feminine things now, she deserves that (I suppose luxury is the right word?) for herself.
secretly crosses fingers for Elora and Anubis too
Valentine's Day; Fabletown
Every couple known to Fabletown was preparing for the mundies' annual attempt of showing their 'love'; they'd … moreshower their significant other with lavish gifts that included diamond something, flowers, candies, stuffed animals and a sexy dance. Gren used to find this 'celebration' obnoxious and overrated. Even when he was still with Carla, the two never engaged in Valentine's. Gren was beginning to suspect there was a sick reality as to WHY Carla never made a big deal towards Gren. She was getting it from someone else.
This year, however, was different. Gren was determined to give Emily a romantic evening. The children were already claimed by John and Nancy to watch all four, plus Katie's thirteen, Josiah and even Mary and Junior's six spawns from the depths of hell. Gren chuckled; Nancy was nearly running her own private daycare with all those children but she and John insisted. According to John, Nancy was ha… [view original content]
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!
Got a hot date with this little beauty while mommy and daddy go out tonight. Uncle JJ is ready, baby girl! Love this little puddingpie!
Valentine's day. A day for budding romance and kindling the flames of love in each separate Fabletown household. Let's visit a few of our favorite fables, shall we?
Bigby's fist slammed on the alarm clock with the ferocity of his inner beast. He was not getting up. It was a holiday, and old dogs like him didn't work on holidays. After turning the sound off, he pressed his head hard into the pillows. Just a few more hours. Please.
Well, old dogs also didn't always get what they wanted. He heard the creak of the door opening slowly, and made an effort to ignore it, but he knew that the person entering the room would not grant the request of solitude. Petite, clumsy feet, is what they were, as they pattered across the wooden floor to greet him.
"Grampa!" Her voice squealed happily as she climbed up the bed, using her arm strength the pull on the covers and lift herself up. Her little hands and feet were climbing all over his body, and Bigby held in a painful groan as she kneed his gut. "Gramma, get up!"
Bigby felt Snow shift beside him, rolling onto her back as Charlotte squeezed in between them, pulling herself under the covers. Bigby rolled over to face the middle, and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes wearily. "Can you let us go night-night for a little longer, honey?"
"Nooo," Charlotte said. "No because today is special!"
Bigby sighed, but Snow chuckled. "Is it really?" She'd asked.
"Yes yes yes!" Charlotte giggled back. "It's Valentime's Day!"
"Valentine's," Bigby corrected, though he doubted it would go very far. He smiled though, because even though his nights tended to be restless, he was still happy to see his granddaughter's face every morning.
"So what should we do then?" Snow asked her, sleep heavy in her voice. Bigby was staring at his wife's face, which was still a mask of tiredness, her hair tangled and falling into her line of sight. He reached over Charlotte to push it out of the way.
"We should make heart-shaped pancakes," Charlotte said. "And um....wear the color pink all day!"
Bigby chuckled this time, and sat up in the bed. He stretched his arms, flexing his muscles, and stood up. The sun was peaking over the horizon as he opened the blinds, and he had to squint for a moment to get used to the brightness. He scratched his butt through the material of his boxers, and slipped his toes into a pair of plaid slippers.
"I'm gonna wake Momma and Daddy up," Charlotte said, scooting off the bed. "They can make cards with me!" And with that, the girl was gone, leaving Bigby and Snow alone.
Snow sat up, the straps of her nightshirt falling around her shoulders. She barely payed attention though, as she was never a morning person. She stood and her feet shuffled across the floor, heading for the bathroom. Bigby, in the meantime, gathered some clothes from his dresser to prepare himself for the day. A pair of regular old suit-pants, a white button up, grey socks, and his black shoes. Normally, if he were still living in Fabletown, he'd be wearing his trench coat, but there was no need to in the comfort of his home. If it were just him and Snow, he'd be walking around in his birthday suit, if he so pleased. But, there were many youngsters who'd be scarred for life if that were to happen, so he played it appropriately comfortable.
Snow emerged, wearing something that very well could have made Bigby's eyes pop out of his head. A black pair of risque underwear, something she must have put away for some time, was adorned on her body, and she smirked as she watched his reaction.
"Not until tonight, Wolf." Bigby couldn't take his eyes off of her or her body. He watched carefully as she pulled a casual shirt and a pair of pants on, and walked over to give him a kiss. "Good morning, by the way."
Bigby moaned with longing as she pulled her lips away. "M-morning. Snow..."
Snow just laughed again. "Calm it. I expect our little angel to be paying us another visit in about 5 sec-"
As if on queue, Charlotte head popped through the doorway. "You coming? Mommy and Daddy are awake and they're making the pancakes!"
Bigby sighed, but smiled again. He followed his wife out of the room, down their long halls to the kitchen. Today was going to be a nice day.
Mary sat across from Hans at the diner, a special lunch date set up for the two of them. Rachel and Eleanor wanted so badly to see Harmony's babies, so it was arranged that they would spend the day helping out over there. Franklin tagged along, most likely just to see Ash though.
Hans flipped through the menu, his free hand clasped with Mary's free hand. Her other one lay across her slowly growing belly, still not quite noticeable to the public, but there, nonetheless.
"I guess I'll get a club sandwich," Hans said. "You?"
"I want every fucking thing on this list," She replied. "But, we're not exactly rich. I'll get....a grilled cheese, a pickle, and some muffins."
"That's a new one," He smiled up at her. "This baby making you crave a lot?"
"Oh hell yes," Mary said. "There's still a ton of other things I want, but I can't..."
"Get whatever you want, babe. I'll buy it."
"You sure?"
Just then, the waitress came back with their drinks. She had a fake smile and red curly hair that bobbed around her face. Her skirt was far too short for her. "What can I get y'all?"
Hans ordered his food. Mary took another look at the pages. "Can I get....." She paused, reading the little description of each meal. "Can I just....get this entire page?"
The waitress laughed. "I know, it's all so good, so hard to choose from!"
"No," Mary said. "I think you misunderstood me. I want the entire page for lunch."
"...Oh! Okay, um..." The waitress glanced at the page a few times. "Are you sure?"
"I'm pregnant, lady. I'm fucking positive." This made Hans hold in a bursting laugh.
"Okay, Mary," He said inbetween loud chuckles. "Be nice."
Mary rolled her eyes, just as the waitress left the area. "Fuckin' mundies. We should've gone to the Eggman."
"You said you weren't craving the Eggman this morning.."
"Well I am fucking now," Mary replied.
Hans just smiled. "If you want, we'll leave now and go there."
"No," Mary said. "It's fine. I'll eat the shit here, probably tastes the same."
"What ever you want, babe," He said, as he did before. "Happy Valentine's Day."
Mary smirked as he sipped down his glass of cola. "Happy fucking Valentine's Day. I fucking love you."
Elora was a pit of nerves. She glanced across the emergency room as doctors shuffled in and out of the double-doors. Anubis should be there soon....
"Glad you waited for me," His friendly deep voice said as he slipped into the plastic chair beside her. His voice had scared her, so she jumped, and turned to face him. She pushed his shoulder, but was laughing softly.
"Hey!" She said. "You were supposed to be here ten minutes ago!"
"Sorry," Anubis said. "I got held up. Patience is a virtue, young lady."
Elora sighed, standing up. She wore light tights under her denim skirt, and a thick stylish sweater over-top a women's sleeveless white button down. Ash said it was cute, so it must be. She grabbed Anubis's hand, a gesture she was still kind of getting used to. He understood that she wanted to take it slow, and she was glad she'd said it. She couldn't imagine what would happen if they kissed any time soon. She might pass out. They walked to the elevators and headed down, talking as they always did, because Anubis never stopped talking. She loved it though, how he always had something to say. He was so tall, too, and she felt safe whenever they were together. The sun rays bounced off of his dark skin as they exited the building through the front doors, and were greeted by crowds of couples hurrying off to spend the day with their loved ones.
"The cinema is around the corner," Anubis said. "You pumped for the movie?"
"Am I? Of course!" She said, happily. They weren't going to see 50 Shades like most other couples, nor were they into watching an action film or a scary movie. The Spongebob Movie was what was printed across their pre-bought tickets as they entered the cinema. They bought popcorn, despite the horrendous prices, and a large soda to share while the movie played. Now THIS was a date.
The couple took a nice spot in the middle of the rows, and noticed how alarmingly sparsely the room was seated compared to the loads of people in line for tickets to other movies.
"This is perfect," She whispered to Anubis as the previews played. "Wouldn't want it any other way."
"I wouldn't want to be with any other person," He replied. He kissed the back of her hand, which sent nervous chills up her spine. She'd never felt this way with anyone else.
This must be what love felt like.
This is all I can write for now I want to do one more Valentine's day chapter tomorrow, because I have a few I didn't cover during this chapter. So stay tuned ^-^ Hope you all had a wonderful day with your significant others, or if you're like me, you had fun buying crappy chocolate for yourself and played video games until you couldn't sit comfortably in your chair anymore XD My Valentine is to be able to go to sleep tonight in my bed XD
Tez and Weasel guided the group of captured Fables towards the room where Robby, Meg and Georgie were taking on the colossal gargoyle. To avoid being noticed by the fearsome creature, they found another way out. Tez could feel a small breeze blowing through the hall, as there must have been an exit close by. However Lyla noticed her Georgie and ran to his aid.
Tez tries to stop her but she is already halfway across the room by now.. into Gergies arms.
Carefully and quietly making their way past Tez tries to force the large door open, but fails. Too many chains around the handles. He uses his dragon claw to break the chains part and push open the door to freedom.
From the other side, Omnimaax carrying an unconscious Lydia on his shoulders blocks the exit. He catches a glimpse of the Fables behind Tez and Weasel, then looks directly into Tex face before placing Lydia down and drawing his weapon.
“Where do you think you're going, young dragon?”
“Umm Tezoth, we are likely going to have to deal with this one...” Mr. Weasel implied.
Then Tez, look at Omnimaax and gave and asked him to step aside, making it clear that this would be Omnimaax only warning. And of, he didn't pay him no mind. Onmimaax executes his demonic night transform and tries to stab Tez with with blade. Tez avoids it with ease then places Mr. Weasel down safety then resume his battle.
He transforms into his dragon and forces Onmimaax through the doorway with might, sending him crashing into a near by field where the battle would resume.
“Ugh... son of a.... Fucking dragons.” Omnimaax finding his way up. Then is surprised by Tezoth once more.
Meanwhile, Mr. Weasel is in charge of guiding the capture Fables to safety. Using some some magic, he transforms into a karate master just in case he have to lay down the pain on someone on the road. The time came, soon as Mr. Weasel and the Fables hit the corner, he his grabbed by Barney who is holding a hunting knife.
“Unhand this instant! You brute fuck!”
“A weasel? I use to hunt these when I was a lad. Not the talking kind neither... I wonder if your guts look the same as.. -OUCH” Barney after being bitten by Mr. Weasel.
He strike a fighting pose....
….Then delivers a flurry of punches into Barney's face sending him flying batch against the wall. Then followed by a flying kick into his chest. Barney is pissed off beyond comprehension, he is getting his tail whoop by a two foot Weasel. He falls to the ground and appears defeated and the Fables behind Mr. Weasel cheer him on shouting 'KUNG-FU WEASEL'.
“Why thank you, all in the days work.... WOAH-” Weasel as he is grabbed by Barney again who attempts to stab him. However, unfortunately for him, Barney is defeated again when Weasel spins around Barney's neck like Sonic the Hedgehog then hits him in the balls. He finally send one powerful blow to Barney's face. He won't be getting up any time soon.
“Okay, everyone. Right this way please.”
Weasel lead the Fables to safety and Tez continues his battle with Omnimaxx, Robby, and Meg continues to battle the gargoyle. And Draco finally catches up with Boogey who is holding his son captive.
“Hello Draco, it's.... been a long time since we met. You we're young during that time. My have you matured into this wise, heroic... strong and humble dragon. You have a wife, a son, and... a beard. How devoted!”
“I didn't come here to talk Boogey. I came for my son and nothing else. Now-”
“Now Draco, you and me both know damn well you came here for more than that. Now come on man. Let's be real. I took your little lizard, assaulted your mother, mocked your father and don't my past actions. Killing the fucking vampire boy, Marco right in front of your face. You mean to tell me your not here for a little payback? A little good ole fashion revenge?!”
“Screw it.” Draco as he transforms into dragon a let's out a loud and powerful roar that echoes through the facility. He then turns towards Boogey preparing to kill the monster..
“That is more like it Draco, don't even bother holding back. I wont.... And now young Marcelo, watch me kill your father!”
Boogey destroys his glamour and leaps into battle against Draco. Blood quickly spills on sight splashing all over like rain drops, and Marcelo can't tell whose blood it is....
He covers his eyes and hear the terrifying sounds of flesh tearing and roars echo throughout the dark room. He starts crying, fearing that if he looks he will see his father laying in a pool of blood under Boogey's feet. Marcelo never been so afraid in his life...
I always forget Weird Al was in the 80's; makes me wonder if either John or Nancy listened to him. Seems more like a Malcom thing....XD Glad the prologue for them is getting good. Having too much fun writing about their relationship and the 80's itself. Also, Ferris Bueller's Day off rocked.
Since you had the girls dance to Like a Virgin - I just HAD to post this in response. Plus, Weird Al was around in the 80's so it'd be perfe… morect!
This prologue's getting really good, it's like I'm watching a never-before-seen scene of Ferris Bueller's Day Off or something. XD
However Lyla noticed her Georgie and ran to his aid.
Tez tries to stop her but she is already halfway across the room by now.. into Gergies arms.
This is so them! XD I chuckled, just picturing all this. And damn-T man and Weasel ain't playing in this section! >:D Dynamic Duo these two have become; love Draco and his 'fuck it' attitude and simply turns into a Dragon. I've always loved Boogey. One badass muthabeeper!
Chapter 9, Prison Break Part 2
Tez and Weasel guided the group of captured Fables towards the room where Robby, Meg and Georgie were ta… moreking on the colossal gargoyle. To avoid being noticed by the fearsome creature, they found another way out. Tez could feel a small breeze blowing through the hall, as there must have been an exit close by. However Lyla noticed her Georgie and ran to his aid.
Tez tries to stop her but she is already halfway across the room by now.. into Gergies arms.
Carefully and quietly making their way past Tez tries to force the large door open, but fails. Too many chains around the handles. He uses his dragon claw to break the chains part and push open the door to freedom.
From the other side, Omnimaax carrying an unconscious Lydia on his shoulders blocks the exit. He catches a glimpse of the Fables behind Tez and Weasel, then looks directly into Tex face before p… [view original content]
A father and son played catch in Central park. The world returned to its normal pace after the twenty-four hour period of dinners, romance and sexual encounters. Birds chirpped, the traffic continued to backup in the streets and groups of mundies traveled together to reach their next destination.
The young boy did not catch the Football; it slipped from his grasp, bounced three times and landed behind a thick mass of bushes and trees.
"I'll get it!" He shrieked to his father. "I saw it go over here."
The boy ran through the thick leaves and nearly stumbled over petruding roots and fallen branches. As he walked closer, he heard music. Curious, as all children are, heads towards the unfamiliar sounds. Peeking around the corner, the boy notices a tent like structure with scattered sun dried Rose petals, a bucket of melted ice and an empty bottle of Champagne. Stepping closer, the boy's ears pick up he sounds of snoring. His foot steps on a twig; cracking sounds echo for a mere second and before the boy could react, the noise of rustling sheets and whispers could be heard. The boy inches forward.
"Hello?" Shaking, the boy reaches for the opening. " somewhere there-"
Before he could react, two unknown individuals scatter, laugh and run off into the darkness. The boy, unaware there were people, screams into the daylight. He runs past his father, worried now for his son's sudden change and screams. Little did the boy know he'd just come upon the love nest of Grendel and his fiancee Emily, the daughter of the infamous Georgie Porgie.
"Stoopid fookin' kid!" Emily snorts, while Gren laughs beside her. "Did ya' see his bloody face and-"
Peter, standing in front of the couple, slams the paper down. The front cover of the New York Times: unknow assaliant and lover caught in the park: was it aliens, drunk teens or something more? The picture showed an artist's rendemption of what Gren and Emily MAY have looked like; the young boy too stupid for his own good, was the only sole witness and even he could not get the image right. Gren looked like the Marshmellow guy from the movie Ghostbusters and Emily a cross between Katy Perry and a Moose.
"You think this is funny you two? ALL of New York knows about your little love making session in the park!"
Gren tosses the paper to the side. Liam notices the scattered sheets of black and white, picks it up and chews. He immediatly spits it up, noticing it was not a tasty snack.
"Fuckin' relax, Peter! The kid didn't really SEE us and no one else knows we even exist."
"THIS will not go away quickly, Gren! Mundies LOVE to push things further and further into the ground."
"Look, we didn't know some fuckin' snot nosed bastard would come up on the tent! I placed it FAR away from the mundies and-"
"The park!?" Peter pushes back his hair to expose a concerned face. "YOU two, had sex, IN the park-CENTRAL Park, I may add-where MUNDIES go, EVERY single day!?"
Grent huffs. "Please. We ain't the only fuckin' Fables to bone in that park."
"I don't CARE about-"
Gren sits up. "Oh, so because Emily and I did it, makes it a bad thing, right?"
"YOU two were nearly caught by mundies and-"
"Have you SEEN the image!?" Gren holds up the paper, now covered in drool. "Look at this fuckin' shit, Sheriff. WHO is going to know its me or Emily, huh? For all they know, the kid made it up! There was nothing THERE when the cops fuckin went back and-"
Confused, Peter looks over at Emily. "I thought you guys said there was a tent and-"
Emily scans the floor. "I've got me connections, Peter. Ya' know that...and besides, it does not bloody matter. Ta' be honest, this whole thing will fookin' blow ova' in a week. No evidence. No proof. Nuthin'. Not our fault little Junior son-of-a-bitch felt the need ta' get his fookin' hands in places he shouldn't be puttin' 'em."
Peter sighs. He'd fix this. Was going to cost an arm, leg and possibly his soul but he'd fix this. Ethan was not going to like this. However, it did not matter. Emily and Gren did have a point. No one REALLY saw them and Fabletown won't point the finger immediatly at the two.
"I'll take care of it." Peter finishes off his coffe. " more careful next time guys, alright?"
Emily and Gren nod. "Got it, Sheriff."
"Did you at least have a good night?"
"Cant remember the last time I had that much fun with something romantic." Gren grabs Emily's hand. "It was a really nice evening, just the two of us."
"It was." Emily beams, picking at her muffin. "I'm not sure I've eva' had somethin' like that happen' before. Nice dinner, wonderful music...alone time."
"What about you, Sheriff?"
Peter gleams like a child on Christmas. It may not have been much; a home cooked meal, romantic movies on Netflicks, massage and music. The baby made it difficult for the two to engage in sex but for all it was worth, Peter and Holly did have a wonderful night. Just being there, holding his fiancee in his massive arms, was enough for the Wolf. Next year, he had bigger plans. Peter wouldn't have had it any other way, though.
"Holly and I had a wonderful time. It was nice, just her and me."
"Did Ethan ever go to nana and papa's last night? We went to pick up the quads and he wasn't there..."
Peter takes a bite from his Blueberry muffin. "He was at the Business Office, cleaning up and what not. Said he wanted to stop by but never did."
Emily felt sorry for her brother. The breakup was hard of Ethan. It happened unexpected and without warning; there were no clues, no signs, anything that would indicate to Ethan his long time relationship was on the verge of crumbling to the ground. They had plans to marry, adopt and live their lives. Now, alone and heartbroken, Ethan did all he could to avoid anything related to Henry, love or relationships. He was talking about returning to Paris for a year. Just to get away. But he'd never leave. Even Emily knew that.
Before long, the house grew to an eerie silence. All four babies looked over towards the hallway. Gren noticed Seraphina and Liam on their hind legs and listening. Viviana remained still, as the hair on Chloe's back pinned back, along with her ears. A tiny growl could be heard. Emily looks over.
"The bloody fook...woot is it, loves?"
Both Peter and Gren sniff the air. "Hmmm. Smells familiar."
Emily looks over at Vivian. A sout, pouty look on her face. Arms and legs folded, the guardian looks over once, turns and faces the window. Emily immediatly knew who was coming just by Vivian's facial expression. Judging by her hesitation, it must have been Mary. No sooner had she thought this, her sister-in-law walts into the room. All four babies notice who it is and begin their journey across the floor.
"Morning jerkoffs." Mary picks up Chloe. "Hope you all had a wonderful night. I know I did."
"How was that movie?" Emily was determined to find out. "I mean, was it-"
Mary glares over. "Fucking...stupid..."
Gren tries to hold back the laugh. "Really now? THAT bad?"
Mary takes a seat besides Mary. She notices the muffin, takes a chunk and snacks on it. The babies gather around their aunt and patiently wait for their playmate to finish her meal and return her attention on them.
"I'm sorry. First off, the ENTIRE theater, except for us and a few others couples, were nothing but middle-aged women, panties all in a bunch and watching this crap. I'm sorry but if THAT turns you on, watch a fucking porn! No offense! No chemistry, terrible acting, I wanted to laugh in a few parts; Junior and I made comments from beginning to end and we would have left and hour into the movie but we paid $24.57 for the tickets, plus popcorn AND a drink."
Gren extends his hands. "The fuck you think, that movie was going to be the best fuckin picture of the year or what?"
Mary shakes her head and flaps her hand around. "No, no, Gren. I never SAID it was going to be Oscar worthy. ALL I said, was I read the books and they-"
Emily looks over. "-Were straight up fookin' porn, Mary."
Mary glances at Emily, who is now tearing little pieces off and feeding it to the quads. "Excuse me, Emily?"
"I read the fookin' book. Borrowed it from Penelope. Fookin' stupid bullshit that these mundies write. THAT'S not romance. That was fookin straight up porn. I'll watch a bloody porno film next time I'm in the mood fa' chains, whips and fingers in me pussy under the gooddamn dinner table."
Peter nearly spits up his coffee. "THAT'S in the book!? Did they show that or-"
"No." Mary sighs. "It was just all bad. I've never been more bored in a theater than I was. But Junior and I made our OWN version last night that would have made that movie look like church and-"
Emily holds her hands up. "Stop. No. Ewww. Stop."
"Just don't get pregnant again." Peter chuckles. "You two already have six and not sure how much bigger an aparment can get and-"
"Trust me. I can't get pregnant now. Thank the lord. Six is enough."
Gren looks over. "The hell do you mean?"
"Got 'ol Porgie puddin' pie got snipped. Ain't going through THAT again. We have our babies. No more."
Emily agrees. "Only way. Mundie birth control pills don't work on Fable women and condoms are touch and go half the fookin' time. I know this is going ta' sound fookin' random but me father is fixed. Mum said as soon as Peter and Ethan were born, that was it fa' them."
Mary seems repulsed. "Oh wow, eww! And she told you this WHY?"
"Oh, so ya' wantin' ta' know if he's fooked her while she was in Wolf form is alright but the idea of being fixed makes ya' sick ta' ya' stomach?"
Gren chuckles. "Then what is the point of having sex? Nothing comes out-"
Mary rolls her eyes. "You know nothing, do you Gren?"
"I KNOW what fixed is, Mary! What I'm saying is, since they go in and like, tape it off and some shit, that means you can't fuckin blow your load and shit right?"
Peter glowers at Gren. Seriously? "I love these early morning conversations....thank you, Mary. NEVER fails when you come around."
"I try."
Peter sighs. "No, Gren. The man can still, I can't believe I'm saying this...ejaculate during sex. You know...that part where-"
"I KNOW, Peter! I know how it works. OBVIOUSLY!" He points to the ground. "Can't miss THOSE little buggers!"
Peter continues. "A Vasectomy is a lot more safer and effective than a woman getting her tubes tied. A permanent method of birth control. What it is, Gren, is the doctor goes in, ties and seals off the vasa deferentia that aloows the seminal stream to escape. You can still, well, you know...'finish' but there won't be anything THERE to fecundate the egg. You're golden and baby-free."
Gren was speechless. "The fuck..."
Emily was startled to hear he'd never heard of this procedure. "Ya' seriously had no idea, love?"
"NO! Oh my God-so, Junior AND Georgie let Swineheart go in and snip a part of their junk out?"
Peter exhales. "Not OUT but yeah. You get the picture."
Gren covers his groin area. "Are YOU doing that shit, Peter?!"
"Yes. When Holly and I are through having kids, I'm doing it. No point in birthcontrol. They don't work and forget condoms-not to sound graphic but I'm a Wolf and she's a Troll. VERY, very fertile creatures we are...."
Mary wraps one hand around Gren and the other around Emily. "I just love these early morning breakfast talks with you people. NEVER a dull freakin' moment when there is a Porgie in the room."
Emily glances. "Ya' bloody started it..."
"Yeah." Mary burps loudly, causing the babies to look up. "I did, huh? Man, all this sperm and Vasectomy talk has me hungry now. Who's in the mood for some good after-sex food, huh? Eggman diner is having a special today...."
Peter smiles. "Yeah. Hams, eggs, hashbrowns and toast sound freaking good right now." Peter pats Gren's hand. "So, ready for tommorow, Gren?"
Gren still remained surprised by what took place. "Uh, what?"
"Tomorrow? The job..."
"Oh, right. Yes. I'm looking forward to it, Peter. Thank you again."
"My pleasure." Peter scoots out and jumps out of his seat. "Be there on time. Ethan and I want to go over a few things before yout start."
While Mary ordered food and Peter played with the quads, Emily and Gren head to the bark porch to smoke a cigarette. Gren was still in temporary shock; the whole precedure didn't sound too bad but the idea of never having children. He'd eventually like more.
"Emily." Gren lights his cigarette. "Do you want more kids?"
Emily leans against the boards of the fence. "Not sure, love. The quads alone need so much attention."
Gren smiles. " MAY happen in time?"
Emily shrugs her shoulders. "Who knows."
Gren snatches Emily by the hips, pulls her close and kiss. Mary taps on the window; a finger in her mouth, making a 'I'm going to vomit face' and waving her free hand around.
"Get a room!" Mary taunts the couple. "EWWW! Maybe its YOU two that need to be careful ya'll don't get preggers again!"
Flipping Mary off, the two remain locked in a tender embrace. Gren caresses Emily's back, kissing her neck and lips. The sensations returned all along Emily's body. Gren stops to look Emily in the eyes.
"So, did you like it last night or-"
"I did." Emily cups Gren's face. "I fookin' loved it all, love. Thank ya' for the special night."
"Love you, Katy Perry Moose thing."
Emily chuckles. "Love ya' more, Marshmellow guy from Ghostbusters."
Holding hands and finishing off their cigarettes, Emily and Gren watch the remainder of the sun rise up from the mountains.
Any questions, you know the drill. Well folks...I did it! Made it through. I agree with Mary. So stupid. I read the book; wanted to see what the hype was about and to be honest, no. The movie....sucked. My fiancee and I wanted to leave but we paid all that money. Had a nice time, though. Movie, dinner and some other things. I know @JJWolf had a blast. Thanks again, man.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!
Got a hot date with this little beauty while mommy and daddy go out tonight. Uncle JJ is ready, baby girl! Love this little puddingpie!
Thanks a bunch, Ems. Love that little puddingpie. Looks more & more like mommy every day. Glad to hear you had a wonderful Valentines with video games and 'crappy' chocolates. XD
I always forget Weird Al was in the 80's; makes me wonder if either John or Nancy listened to him. Seems more like a Malcom thing....XD Glad… more the prologue for them is getting good. Having too much fun writing about their relationship and the 80's itself. Also, Ferris Bueller's Day off rocked.
I meant luxury as in like, her finally getting to do these feminine things instead of just reading a book or pondering what life is about most of the time. It doesn't seem like a curse to me that she has to relearn a lot of this stuff. Anyway, better to start off with a clean slate sometimes, y'know?
Thanks Like I said, it's basically how me and my friends and sisters talk to each other on a daily basis XD
Elora is a bit on the innoce… morent side of most things (Sort of reminds me of Harmony, back in the day.) And she's getting used to re-learning a lot of it. I wouldn't call it a luxury, more of a curse XD
Oh man, you know it! I picture Anubis as this polite guy who will treat anyone he's with the way they deserve to be treated. Basically, a dream man, lol XD
Valentine's day. A day for budding romance and kindling the flames of love in each separate Fabletown household. Let's visit a few of our fa… morevorite fables, shall we?
Bigby's fist slammed on the alarm clock with the ferocity of his inner beast. He was not getting up. It was a holiday, and old dogs like him didn't work on holidays. After turning the sound off, he pressed his head hard into the pillows. Just a few more hours. Please.
Well, old dogs also didn't always get what they wanted. He heard the creak of the door opening slowly, and made an effort to ignore it, but he knew that the person entering the room would not grant the request of solitude. Petite, clumsy feet, is what they were, as they pattered across the wooden floor to greet him.
"Grampa!" Her voice squealed happily as she climbed up the bed, using her arm strength the pull on the covers and lift herself up. Her little hands and feet were climbing all over his body, and B… [view original content]
Chapter 9, Prison Break Part 2
Tez and Weasel guided the group of captured Fables towards the room where Robby, Meg and Georgie were ta… moreking on the colossal gargoyle. To avoid being noticed by the fearsome creature, they found another way out. Tez could feel a small breeze blowing through the hall, as there must have been an exit close by. However Lyla noticed her Georgie and ran to his aid.
Tez tries to stop her but she is already halfway across the room by now.. into Gergies arms.
Carefully and quietly making their way past Tez tries to force the large door open, but fails. Too many chains around the handles. He uses his dragon claw to break the chains part and push open the door to freedom.
From the other side, Omnimaax carrying an unconscious Lydia on his shoulders blocks the exit. He catches a glimpse of the Fables behind Tez and Weasel, then looks directly into Tex face before p… [view original content]
"Catch the ball, Billy!"
"I got it dad!"
A father and son played catch in Central park. The world returned to its normal pace after th… moree twenty-four hour period of dinners, romance and sexual encounters. Birds chirpped, the traffic continued to backup in the streets and groups of mundies traveled together to reach their next destination.
The young boy did not catch the Football; it slipped from his grasp, bounced three times and landed behind a thick mass of bushes and trees.
"I'll get it!" He shrieked to his father. "I saw it go over here."
The boy ran through the thick leaves and nearly stumbled over petruding roots and fallen branches. As he walked closer, he heard music. Curious, as all children are, heads towards the unfamiliar sounds. Peeking around the corner, the boy notices a tent like structure with scattered sun dried Rose petals, a bucket of melted ice and an empty bottle of Champagne. Stepping closer, the boy's ears… [view original content]
Freaking Billy. xD That poor kid will have nightmares for DAYS until Peter can erase his mind.
Little did the boy know he'd just come upon the love nest of Grendel and his fiancee Emily, the daughter of the infamous Georgie Porgie.
LMAO. Never mind, Billy. Have ALL the nightmares you can have, kid! Just imagine....0.0
Gren looked like the Marshmellow guy from the movie Ghostbusters and Emily a cross between Katy Perry and a Moose.
ROFL! Oh what the hell!!! This just made my day!
Mary is priceless in your stories; its so her style when she talks about sex, love, babies, food, etc. I can hear her voice when I read these stories. HAHA she hated the movie! :P WHO didn't hate it, though? lol
Gren and Peter's discussion about getting 'fixed'. lol This is too good! And no problem, man. She's a great little girl and loved watching (i think she liked it) romantic movies with her uncle. XD
"Catch the ball, Billy!"
"I got it dad!"
A father and son played catch in Central park. The world returned to its normal pace after th… moree twenty-four hour period of dinners, romance and sexual encounters. Birds chirpped, the traffic continued to backup in the streets and groups of mundies traveled together to reach their next destination.
The young boy did not catch the Football; it slipped from his grasp, bounced three times and landed behind a thick mass of bushes and trees.
"I'll get it!" He shrieked to his father. "I saw it go over here."
The boy ran through the thick leaves and nearly stumbled over petruding roots and fallen branches. As he walked closer, he heard music. Curious, as all children are, heads towards the unfamiliar sounds. Peeking around the corner, the boy notices a tent like structure with scattered sun dried Rose petals, a bucket of melted ice and an empty bottle of Champagne. Stepping closer, the boy's ears… [view original content]
The movie's been getting a lot of negative reviews already, and I've looked at the trailer for the first time. It looks... abysmal.
I act… moreually learned something from this chapter as well, besides the whole "50 Shades of Grey sucking" part. Love you Bloody Mary. XD
The movie's been getting a lot of negative reviews already, and I've looked at the trailer for the first time. It looks... abysmal.
I act… moreually learned something from this chapter as well, besides the whole "50 Shades of Grey sucking" part. Love you Bloody Mary. XD
Haha XD Ooh, I'll patiently for those future chapters, then. ^_^
If I'm remembering correctly, the chapter had Franklin being a bit snippy with Ash, but she followed him through Wolf Manor to a quiet room where he was going to read his comic, and I think Franklin mentioned the age thing then and was a little upset about it. Either way, you've explained it here so that's all good; and I'll go find that chapter now!
Oh man, I know XD This is basically me and my sisters and my friends XD I've been thinking of featuring everyone at some point in the future… more, where they stand, if they have any children of their own, if they're married, and such. Soon enough ^-^
Well, as I noted a while back, and I'm not sure if you've read that particular chapter, but Franklin is growing up faster than normal. He's supposed to be about 8 or 9, but he currently looks 12 and not everyone has caught on just yet. It's both an issue and a blessing, in some ways, because it means that Ash will be able to be with him soon enough, but at the same time he's basically being stripped of his childhood, which he has expressed how much he dislikes that fact. I will certainly write more about it very soon (Today, even.) and hopefully you enjoy it as much as you enjoyed this chapter ^-^
Ohh, Tez. XD I love how he's just standing there all casual while Rose has this look that you just know means she's up to something, and then the pie gets thrown. XD Actually, all of Rose's expressions in this are excellent; good Valentine drawing! And excellent foot-tapping tunes!
Happy Valentine's Day everybody! I've made this picture just in time for the special occasion today. Again, enjoy the picture!
Rose Red… more's V-Day 'gift' to Tezoth.
"Haha, I still can't believe you actually got served by my cream pie! I thought you thieves were supposed to have quick reflexes?"
"Ah, you just simply... caught me off-guard, is all."
"Sure, Tezzy, sure. Well, here's to our first Valentine's Day together! Did you get me anything?"
"Of course I have, I wouldn't have come empty-handed. A nice big stuffed dragon on the couch and some roses in that jar over there."
"Oh, Tez, admit it. Did you steal these for me?"
"Yes, yes I have. Purchasing gifts with mere Mundy money is too boring for me."
"Ah, I agree. Regardless, I appreciate your amazing gifts to me. They're better than anything Jack has ever gotten me in the previous years. Now, get your dragon butt over here and cuddle with me."
"Yes ma'am." Tezot… [view original content]
To you too, Robert! How're things with little Em? :P
Who doesn't love Genesis?
By the way, welcome back man. How's Germany?
Thanks Pudding! This song brought out major feels when I was a younger Tetra and played Persona 3 FES and I feel like it fit a moment like this! I've never played DDR maybe I should XD
Damn, Cath, hard on Mikhail much? Oh well, guess I'll consider it hard love or something. :P
And to answer your question at the bottom: Fables can be Glamoured into animals. It's got to be a specific spell made by one of the 13th floor witches, I think.
Yeah she just loves the big lug and cares for him a bit too much XD
Alright cool, I'm really behind when it comes to the comics and I've never had time to read them so thanks dragon!
It's crazy how Robert mostly didn't show any 'concern' for Gren in previous times. I always had the feeling he did.
Everything about this chapter was pure win, I just simply love the way you do Mary's dialogue, it's so her! XD
I'm still pretty far behind myself, as I've still lots of issues to read online and all that. :P But no problem!
You'll get used to it if you keep on drawing them. Or you can look at online tutorials or something!
I might have to try the online tutorial! Hopefully I can do both if anything
This was excellent! You're getting really good at these crush conversations between siblings, Em.
Also, glad to know Elora is getting used to doing feminine things now, she deserves that (I suppose luxury is the right word?) for herself.
secretly crosses fingers for Elora and Anubis too
I'll message you a video or two on here that might help you with your dragon drawing - very soon.
Since you had the girls dance to Like a Virgin - I just HAD to post this in response. Plus, Weird Al was around in the 80's so it'd be perfect!
This prologue's getting really good, it's like I'm watching a never-before-seen scene of Ferris Bueller's Day Off or something. XD
This cute little Mundy has a lot to experience in our world.
Dang, Emily really had quite the V-Day for herself, hasn't she? She's lucky to have Gren at her side.
Awesome, dude! And don't say that, you're a cool guy for looking after his kid!
Well that makes two of us :P
Except that it's 12:46am in England right now so Valentine's is over for us XP
I know. I joke.
I'm actually looking forward. Let Pie and the misses have a good time.
I adore that little girl.
Like I said, it's basically how me and my friends and sisters talk to each other on a daily basis XD
Elora is a bit on the innocent side of most things (Sort of reminds me of Harmony, back in the day.) And she's getting used to re-learning a lot of it. I wouldn't call it a luxury, more of a curse XD
Oh man, you know it! I picture Anubis as this polite guy who will treat anyone he's with the way they deserve to be treated. Basically, a dream man, lol XD
Happy Valentines Day!
Happy Valentines Day!
Valentine's day. A day for budding romance and kindling the flames of love in each separate Fabletown household. Let's visit a few of our favorite fables, shall we?
Bigby's fist slammed on the alarm clock with the ferocity of his inner beast. He was not getting up. It was a holiday, and old dogs like him didn't work on holidays. After turning the sound off, he pressed his head hard into the pillows. Just a few more hours. Please.
Well, old dogs also didn't always get what they wanted. He heard the creak of the door opening slowly, and made an effort to ignore it, but he knew that the person entering the room would not grant the request of solitude. Petite, clumsy feet, is what they were, as they pattered across the wooden floor to greet him.
"Grampa!" Her voice squealed happily as she climbed up the bed, using her arm strength the pull on the covers and lift herself up. Her little hands and feet were climbing all over his body, and Bigby held in a painful groan as she kneed his gut. "Gramma, get up!"
Bigby felt Snow shift beside him, rolling onto her back as Charlotte squeezed in between them, pulling herself under the covers. Bigby rolled over to face the middle, and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes wearily. "Can you let us go night-night for a little longer, honey?"
"Nooo," Charlotte said. "No because today is special!"
Bigby sighed, but Snow chuckled. "Is it really?" She'd asked.
"Yes yes yes!" Charlotte giggled back. "It's Valentime's Day!"
"Valentine's," Bigby corrected, though he doubted it would go very far. He smiled though, because even though his nights tended to be restless, he was still happy to see his granddaughter's face every morning.
"So what should we do then?" Snow asked her, sleep heavy in her voice. Bigby was staring at his wife's face, which was still a mask of tiredness, her hair tangled and falling into her line of sight. He reached over Charlotte to push it out of the way.
"We should make heart-shaped pancakes," Charlotte said. "And um....wear the color pink all day!"
Bigby chuckled this time, and sat up in the bed. He stretched his arms, flexing his muscles, and stood up. The sun was peaking over the horizon as he opened the blinds, and he had to squint for a moment to get used to the brightness. He scratched his butt through the material of his boxers, and slipped his toes into a pair of plaid slippers.
"I'm gonna wake Momma and Daddy up," Charlotte said, scooting off the bed. "They can make cards with me!" And with that, the girl was gone, leaving Bigby and Snow alone.
Snow sat up, the straps of her nightshirt falling around her shoulders. She barely payed attention though, as she was never a morning person. She stood and her feet shuffled across the floor, heading for the bathroom. Bigby, in the meantime, gathered some clothes from his dresser to prepare himself for the day. A pair of regular old suit-pants, a white button up, grey socks, and his black shoes. Normally, if he were still living in Fabletown, he'd be wearing his trench coat, but there was no need to in the comfort of his home. If it were just him and Snow, he'd be walking around in his birthday suit, if he so pleased. But, there were many youngsters who'd be scarred for life if that were to happen, so he played it appropriately comfortable.
Snow emerged, wearing something that very well could have made Bigby's eyes pop out of his head. A black pair of risque underwear, something she must have put away for some time, was adorned on her body, and she smirked as she watched his reaction.
"Not until tonight, Wolf." Bigby couldn't take his eyes off of her or her body. He watched carefully as she pulled a casual shirt and a pair of pants on, and walked over to give him a kiss. "Good morning, by the way."
Bigby moaned with longing as she pulled her lips away. "M-morning. Snow..."
Snow just laughed again. "Calm it. I expect our little angel to be paying us another visit in about 5 sec-"
As if on queue, Charlotte head popped through the doorway. "You coming? Mommy and Daddy are awake and they're making the pancakes!"
Bigby sighed, but smiled again. He followed his wife out of the room, down their long halls to the kitchen. Today was going to be a nice day.
Mary sat across from Hans at the diner, a special lunch date set up for the two of them. Rachel and Eleanor wanted so badly to see Harmony's babies, so it was arranged that they would spend the day helping out over there. Franklin tagged along, most likely just to see Ash though.
Hans flipped through the menu, his free hand clasped with Mary's free hand. Her other one lay across her slowly growing belly, still not quite noticeable to the public, but there, nonetheless.
"I guess I'll get a club sandwich," Hans said. "You?"
"I want every fucking thing on this list," She replied. "But, we're not exactly rich. I'll get....a grilled cheese, a pickle, and some muffins."
"That's a new one," He smiled up at her. "This baby making you crave a lot?"
"Oh hell yes," Mary said. "There's still a ton of other things I want, but I can't..."
"Get whatever you want, babe. I'll buy it."
"You sure?"
Just then, the waitress came back with their drinks. She had a fake smile and red curly hair that bobbed around her face. Her skirt was far too short for her. "What can I get y'all?"
Hans ordered his food. Mary took another look at the pages. "Can I get....." She paused, reading the little description of each meal. "Can I just....get this entire page?"
The waitress laughed. "I know, it's all so good, so hard to choose from!"
"No," Mary said. "I think you misunderstood me. I want the entire page for lunch."
"...Oh! Okay, um..." The waitress glanced at the page a few times. "Are you sure?"
"I'm pregnant, lady. I'm fucking positive." This made Hans hold in a bursting laugh.
"Okay, Mary," He said inbetween loud chuckles. "Be nice."
Mary rolled her eyes, just as the waitress left the area. "Fuckin' mundies. We should've gone to the Eggman."
"You said you weren't craving the Eggman this morning.."
"Well I am fucking now," Mary replied.
Hans just smiled. "If you want, we'll leave now and go there."
"No," Mary said. "It's fine. I'll eat the shit here, probably tastes the same."
"What ever you want, babe," He said, as he did before. "Happy Valentine's Day."
Mary smirked as he sipped down his glass of cola. "Happy fucking Valentine's Day. I fucking love you."
Elora was a pit of nerves. She glanced across the emergency room as doctors shuffled in and out of the double-doors. Anubis should be there soon....
"Glad you waited for me," His friendly deep voice said as he slipped into the plastic chair beside her. His voice had scared her, so she jumped, and turned to face him. She pushed his shoulder, but was laughing softly.
"Hey!" She said. "You were supposed to be here ten minutes ago!"
"Sorry," Anubis said. "I got held up. Patience is a virtue, young lady."
Elora sighed, standing up. She wore light tights under her denim skirt, and a thick stylish sweater over-top a women's sleeveless white button down. Ash said it was cute, so it must be. She grabbed Anubis's hand, a gesture she was still kind of getting used to. He understood that she wanted to take it slow, and she was glad she'd said it. She couldn't imagine what would happen if they kissed any time soon. She might pass out. They walked to the elevators and headed down, talking as they always did, because Anubis never stopped talking. She loved it though, how he always had something to say. He was so tall, too, and she felt safe whenever they were together. The sun rays bounced off of his dark skin as they exited the building through the front doors, and were greeted by crowds of couples hurrying off to spend the day with their loved ones.
"The cinema is around the corner," Anubis said. "You pumped for the movie?"
"Am I? Of course!" She said, happily. They weren't going to see 50 Shades like most other couples, nor were they into watching an action film or a scary movie. The Spongebob Movie was what was printed across their pre-bought tickets as they entered the cinema. They bought popcorn, despite the horrendous prices, and a large soda to share while the movie played. Now THIS was a date.
The couple took a nice spot in the middle of the rows, and noticed how alarmingly sparsely the room was seated compared to the loads of people in line for tickets to other movies.
"This is perfect," She whispered to Anubis as the previews played. "Wouldn't want it any other way."
"I wouldn't want to be with any other person," He replied. He kissed the back of her hand, which sent nervous chills up her spine. She'd never felt this way with anyone else.
This must be what love felt like.
This is all I can write for now
I want to do one more Valentine's day chapter tomorrow, because I have a few I didn't cover during this chapter. So stay tuned ^-^ Hope you all had a wonderful day with your significant others, or if you're like me, you had fun buying crappy chocolate for yourself and played video games until you couldn't sit comfortably in your chair anymore XD My Valentine is to be able to go to sleep tonight in my bed XD
Chapter 9, Prison Break Part 2
Tez and Weasel guided the group of captured Fables towards the room where Robby, Meg and Georgie were taking on the colossal gargoyle. To avoid being noticed by the fearsome creature, they found another way out. Tez could feel a small breeze blowing through the hall, as there must have been an exit close by. However Lyla noticed her Georgie and ran to his aid.
Tez tries to stop her but she is already halfway across the room by now.. into Gergies arms.
Carefully and quietly making their way past Tez tries to force the large door open, but fails. Too many chains around the handles. He uses his dragon claw to break the chains part and push open the door to freedom.
From the other side, Omnimaax carrying an unconscious Lydia on his shoulders blocks the exit. He catches a glimpse of the Fables behind Tez and Weasel, then looks directly into Tex face before placing Lydia down and drawing his weapon.
“Where do you think you're going, young dragon?”
“Umm Tezoth, we are likely going to have to deal with this one...” Mr. Weasel implied.
Then Tez, look at Omnimaax and gave and asked him to step aside, making it clear that this would be Omnimaax only warning. And of, he didn't pay him no mind. Onmimaax executes his demonic night transform and tries to stab Tez with with blade. Tez avoids it with ease then places Mr. Weasel down safety then resume his battle.
He transforms into his dragon and forces Onmimaax through the doorway with might, sending him crashing into a near by field where the battle would resume.
“Ugh... son of a.... Fucking dragons.” Omnimaax finding his way up. Then is surprised by Tezoth once more.
Meanwhile, Mr. Weasel is in charge of guiding the capture Fables to safety. Using some some magic, he transforms into a karate master just in case he have to lay down the pain on someone on the road. The time came, soon as Mr. Weasel and the Fables hit the corner, he his grabbed by Barney who is holding a hunting knife.
“Unhand this instant! You brute fuck!”
“A weasel? I use to hunt these when I was a lad. Not the talking kind neither... I wonder if your guts look the same as.. -OUCH” Barney after being bitten by Mr. Weasel.
He strike a fighting pose....
….Then delivers a flurry of punches into Barney's face sending him flying batch against the wall. Then followed by a flying kick into his chest. Barney is pissed off beyond comprehension, he is getting his tail whoop by a two foot Weasel. He falls to the ground and appears defeated and the Fables behind Mr. Weasel cheer him on shouting 'KUNG-FU WEASEL'.
“Why thank you, all in the days work.... WOAH-” Weasel as he is grabbed by Barney again who attempts to stab him. However, unfortunately for him, Barney is defeated again when Weasel spins around Barney's neck like Sonic the Hedgehog then hits him in the balls. He finally send one powerful blow to Barney's face. He won't be getting up any time soon.
“Okay, everyone. Right this way please.”
Weasel lead the Fables to safety and Tez continues his battle with Omnimaxx, Robby, and Meg continues to battle the gargoyle. And Draco finally catches up with Boogey who is holding his son captive.
“Hello Draco, it's.... been a long time since we met. You we're young during that time. My have you matured into this wise, heroic... strong and humble dragon. You have a wife, a son, and... a beard. How devoted!”
“I didn't come here to talk Boogey. I came for my son and nothing else. Now-”
“Now Draco, you and me both know damn well you came here for more than that. Now come on man. Let's be real. I took your little lizard, assaulted your mother, mocked your father and don't my past actions. Killing the fucking vampire boy, Marco right in front of your face. You mean to tell me your not here for a little payback? A little good ole fashion revenge?!”
“Screw it.” Draco as he transforms into dragon a let's out a loud and powerful roar that echoes through the facility. He then turns towards Boogey preparing to kill the monster..
“That is more like it Draco, don't even bother holding back. I wont.... And now young Marcelo, watch me kill your father!”
Boogey destroys his glamour and leaps into battle against Draco. Blood quickly spills on sight splashing all over like rain drops, and Marcelo can't tell whose blood it is....
He covers his eyes and hear the terrifying sounds of flesh tearing and roars echo throughout the dark room. He starts crying, fearing that if he looks he will see his father laying in a pool of blood under Boogey's feet. Marcelo never been so afraid in his life...
To be continued
I always forget Weird Al was in the 80's; makes me wonder if either John or Nancy listened to him. Seems more like a Malcom thing....XD Glad the prologue for them is getting good. Having too much fun writing about their relationship and the 80's itself.
Also, Ferris Bueller's Day off rocked. 
This is so them! XD I chuckled, just picturing all this. And damn-T man and Weasel ain't playing in this section! >:D Dynamic Duo these two have become; love Draco and his 'fuck it' attitude and simply turns into a Dragon.
I've always loved Boogey. One badass muthabeeper! 
"Catch the ball, Billy!"
"I got it dad!"
A father and son played catch in Central park. The world returned to its normal pace after the twenty-four hour period of dinners, romance and sexual encounters. Birds chirpped, the traffic continued to backup in the streets and groups of mundies traveled together to reach their next destination.
The young boy did not catch the Football; it slipped from his grasp, bounced three times and landed behind a thick mass of bushes and trees.
"I'll get it!" He shrieked to his father. "I saw it go over here."
The boy ran through the thick leaves and nearly stumbled over petruding roots and fallen branches. As he walked closer, he heard music. Curious, as all children are, heads towards the unfamiliar sounds. Peeking around the corner, the boy notices a tent like structure with scattered sun dried Rose petals, a bucket of melted ice and an empty bottle of Champagne. Stepping closer, the boy's ears pick up he sounds of snoring. His foot steps on a twig; cracking sounds echo for a mere second and before the boy could react, the noise of rustling sheets and whispers could be heard. The boy inches forward.
"Hello?" Shaking, the boy reaches for the opening. " somewhere there-"
Before he could react, two unknown individuals scatter, laugh and run off into the darkness. The boy, unaware there were people, screams into the daylight. He runs past his father, worried now for his son's sudden change and screams. Little did the boy know he'd just come upon the love nest of Grendel and his fiancee Emily, the daughter of the infamous Georgie Porgie.
"Stoopid fookin' kid!" Emily snorts, while Gren laughs beside her. "Did ya' see his bloody face and-"
Peter, standing in front of the couple, slams the paper down. The front cover of the New York Times: unknow assaliant and lover caught in the park: was it aliens, drunk teens or something more? The picture showed an artist's rendemption of what Gren and Emily MAY have looked like; the young boy too stupid for his own good, was the only sole witness and even he could not get the image right. Gren looked like the Marshmellow guy from the movie Ghostbusters and Emily a cross between Katy Perry and a Moose.
"You think this is funny you two? ALL of New York knows about your little love making session in the park!"
Gren tosses the paper to the side. Liam notices the scattered sheets of black and white, picks it up and chews. He immediatly spits it up, noticing it was not a tasty snack.
"Fuckin' relax, Peter! The kid didn't really SEE us and no one else knows we even exist."
"THIS will not go away quickly, Gren! Mundies LOVE to push things further and further into the ground."
"Look, we didn't know some fuckin' snot nosed bastard would come up on the tent! I placed it FAR away from the mundies and-"
"The park!?" Peter pushes back his hair to expose a concerned face. "YOU two, had sex, IN the park-CENTRAL Park, I may add-where MUNDIES go, EVERY single day!?"
Grent huffs. "Please. We ain't the only fuckin' Fables to bone in that park."
"I don't CARE about-"
Gren sits up. "Oh, so because Emily and I did it, makes it a bad thing, right?"
"YOU two were nearly caught by mundies and-"
"Have you SEEN the image!?" Gren holds up the paper, now covered in drool. "Look at this fuckin' shit, Sheriff. WHO is going to know its me or Emily, huh? For all they know, the kid made it up! There was nothing THERE when the cops fuckin went back and-"
Confused, Peter looks over at Emily. "I thought you guys said there was a tent and-"
Emily scans the floor. "I've got me connections, Peter. Ya' know that...and besides, it does not bloody matter. Ta' be honest, this whole thing will fookin' blow ova' in a week. No evidence. No proof. Nuthin'. Not our fault little Junior son-of-a-bitch felt the need ta' get his fookin' hands in places he shouldn't be puttin' 'em."
Peter sighs. He'd fix this. Was going to cost an arm, leg and possibly his soul but he'd fix this. Ethan was not going to like this. However, it did not matter. Emily and Gren did have a point. No one REALLY saw them and Fabletown won't point the finger immediatly at the two.
"I'll take care of it." Peter finishes off his coffe. " more careful next time guys, alright?"
Emily and Gren nod. "Got it, Sheriff."
"Did you at least have a good night?"
"Cant remember the last time I had that much fun with something romantic." Gren grabs Emily's hand. "It was a really nice evening, just the two of us."
"It was." Emily beams, picking at her muffin. "I'm not sure I've eva' had somethin' like that happen' before. Nice dinner, wonderful music...alone time."
"What about you, Sheriff?"
Peter gleams like a child on Christmas. It may not have been much; a home cooked meal, romantic movies on Netflicks, massage and music. The baby made it difficult for the two to engage in sex but for all it was worth, Peter and Holly did have a wonderful night. Just being there, holding his fiancee in his massive arms, was enough for the Wolf. Next year, he had bigger plans. Peter wouldn't have had it any other way, though.
"Holly and I had a wonderful time. It was nice, just her and me."
"Did Ethan ever go to nana and papa's last night? We went to pick up the quads and he wasn't there..."
Peter takes a bite from his Blueberry muffin. "He was at the Business Office, cleaning up and what not. Said he wanted to stop by but never did."
Emily felt sorry for her brother. The breakup was hard of Ethan. It happened unexpected and without warning; there were no clues, no signs, anything that would indicate to Ethan his long time relationship was on the verge of crumbling to the ground. They had plans to marry, adopt and live their lives. Now, alone and heartbroken, Ethan did all he could to avoid anything related to Henry, love or relationships. He was talking about returning to Paris for a year. Just to get away. But he'd never leave. Even Emily knew that.
Before long, the house grew to an eerie silence. All four babies looked over towards the hallway. Gren noticed Seraphina and Liam on their hind legs and listening. Viviana remained still, as the hair on Chloe's back pinned back, along with her ears. A tiny growl could be heard. Emily looks over.
"The bloody fook...woot is it, loves?"
Both Peter and Gren sniff the air. "Hmmm. Smells familiar."
Emily looks over at Vivian. A sout, pouty look on her face. Arms and legs folded, the guardian looks over once, turns and faces the window. Emily immediatly knew who was coming just by Vivian's facial expression. Judging by her hesitation, it must have been Mary. No sooner had she thought this, her sister-in-law walts into the room. All four babies notice who it is and begin their journey across the floor.
"Morning jerkoffs." Mary picks up Chloe. "Hope you all had a wonderful night. I know I did."
"How was that movie?" Emily was determined to find out. "I mean, was it-"
Mary glares over. "Fucking...stupid..."
Gren tries to hold back the laugh. "Really now? THAT bad?"
Mary takes a seat besides Mary. She notices the muffin, takes a chunk and snacks on it. The babies gather around their aunt and patiently wait for their playmate to finish her meal and return her attention on them.
"I'm sorry. First off, the ENTIRE theater, except for us and a few others couples, were nothing but middle-aged women, panties all in a bunch and watching this crap. I'm sorry but if THAT turns you on, watch a fucking porn! No offense! No chemistry, terrible acting, I wanted to laugh in a few parts; Junior and I made comments from beginning to end and we would have left and hour into the movie but we paid $24.57 for the tickets, plus popcorn AND a drink."
Gren extends his hands. "The fuck you think, that movie was going to be the best fuckin picture of the year or what?"
Mary shakes her head and flaps her hand around. "No, no, Gren. I never SAID it was going to be Oscar worthy. ALL I said, was I read the books and they-"
Emily looks over. "-Were straight up fookin' porn, Mary."
Mary glances at Emily, who is now tearing little pieces off and feeding it to the quads. "Excuse me, Emily?"
"I read the fookin' book. Borrowed it from Penelope. Fookin' stupid bullshit that these mundies write. THAT'S not romance. That was fookin straight up porn. I'll watch a bloody porno film next time I'm in the mood fa' chains, whips and fingers in me pussy under the gooddamn dinner table."
Peter nearly spits up his coffee. "THAT'S in the book!? Did they show that or-"
"No." Mary sighs. "It was just all bad. I've never been more bored in a theater than I was. But Junior and I made our OWN version last night that would have made that movie look like church and-"
Emily holds her hands up. "Stop. No. Ewww. Stop."
"Just don't get pregnant again." Peter chuckles. "You two already have six and not sure how much bigger an aparment can get and-"
"Trust me. I can't get pregnant now. Thank the lord. Six is enough."
Gren looks over. "The hell do you mean?"
"Got 'ol Porgie puddin' pie got snipped. Ain't going through THAT again. We have our babies. No more."
Emily agrees. "Only way. Mundie birth control pills don't work on Fable women and condoms are touch and go half the fookin' time. I know this is going ta' sound fookin' random but me father is fixed. Mum said as soon as Peter and Ethan were born, that was it fa' them."
Mary seems repulsed. "Oh wow, eww! And she told you this WHY?"
"Oh, so ya' wantin' ta' know if he's fooked her while she was in Wolf form is alright but the idea of being fixed makes ya' sick ta' ya' stomach?"
Gren chuckles. "Then what is the point of having sex? Nothing comes out-"
Mary rolls her eyes. "You know nothing, do you Gren?"
"I KNOW what fixed is, Mary! What I'm saying is, since they go in and like, tape it off and some shit, that means you can't fuckin blow your load and shit right?"
Peter glowers at Gren. Seriously? "I love these early morning conversations....thank you, Mary. NEVER fails when you come around."
"I try."
Peter sighs. "No, Gren. The man can still, I can't believe I'm saying this...ejaculate during sex. You know...that part where-"
"I KNOW, Peter! I know how it works. OBVIOUSLY!" He points to the ground. "Can't miss THOSE little buggers!"
Peter continues. "A Vasectomy is a lot more safer and effective than a woman getting her tubes tied. A permanent method of birth control. What it is, Gren, is the doctor goes in, ties and seals off the vasa deferentia that aloows the seminal stream to escape. You can still, well, you know...'finish' but there won't be anything THERE to fecundate the egg. You're golden and baby-free."
Gren was speechless. "The fuck..."
Emily was startled to hear he'd never heard of this procedure. "Ya' seriously had no idea, love?"
"NO! Oh my God-so, Junior AND Georgie let Swineheart go in and snip a part of their junk out?"
Peter exhales. "Not OUT but yeah. You get the picture."
Gren covers his groin area. "Are YOU doing that shit, Peter?!"
"Yes. When Holly and I are through having kids, I'm doing it. No point in birthcontrol. They don't work and forget condoms-not to sound graphic but I'm a Wolf and she's a Troll. VERY, very fertile creatures we are...."
Mary wraps one hand around Gren and the other around Emily. "I just love these early morning breakfast talks with you people. NEVER a dull freakin' moment when there is a Porgie in the room."
Emily glances. "Ya' bloody started it..."
"Yeah." Mary burps loudly, causing the babies to look up. "I did, huh? Man, all this sperm and Vasectomy talk has me hungry now. Who's in the mood for some good after-sex food, huh? Eggman diner is having a special today...."
Peter smiles. "Yeah. Hams, eggs, hashbrowns and toast sound freaking good right now." Peter pats Gren's hand. "So, ready for tommorow, Gren?"
Gren still remained surprised by what took place. "Uh, what?"
"Tomorrow? The job..."
"Oh, right. Yes. I'm looking forward to it, Peter. Thank you again."
"My pleasure." Peter scoots out and jumps out of his seat. "Be there on time. Ethan and I want to go over a few things before yout start."
While Mary ordered food and Peter played with the quads, Emily and Gren head to the bark porch to smoke a cigarette. Gren was still in temporary shock; the whole precedure didn't sound too bad but the idea of never having children. He'd eventually like more.
"Emily." Gren lights his cigarette. "Do you want more kids?"
Emily leans against the boards of the fence. "Not sure, love. The quads alone need so much attention."
Gren smiles. " MAY happen in time?"
Emily shrugs her shoulders. "Who knows."
Gren snatches Emily by the hips, pulls her close and kiss. Mary taps on the window; a finger in her mouth, making a 'I'm going to vomit face' and waving her free hand around.
"Get a room!" Mary taunts the couple. "EWWW! Maybe its YOU two that need to be careful ya'll don't get preggers again!"
Flipping Mary off, the two remain locked in a tender embrace. Gren caresses Emily's back, kissing her neck and lips. The sensations returned all along Emily's body. Gren stops to look Emily in the eyes.
"So, did you like it last night or-"
"I did." Emily cups Gren's face. "I fookin' loved it all, love. Thank ya' for the special night."
"Love you, Katy Perry Moose thing."
Emily chuckles. "Love ya' more, Marshmellow guy from Ghostbusters."
Holding hands and finishing off their cigarettes, Emily and Gren watch the remainder of the sun rise up from the mountains.
Any questions, you know the drill. Well folks...I did it!
Made it through. I agree with Mary. So stupid. I read the book; wanted to see what the hype was about and to be honest, no. The movie....sucked. My fiancee and I wanted to leave but we paid all that money. Had a nice time, though. Movie, dinner and some other things.
I know @JJWolf had a blast. Thanks again, man. 
:'D She's sooooooooooooooooo CUTE! Happy (late) Valentine's Day JJ and Emily and Pie and his Fiancee!
Thanks a bunch, Ems.
Love that little puddingpie. Looks more & more like mommy every day. Glad to hear you had a wonderful Valentines with video games and 'crappy' chocolates. XD
I think Just Eat It would be Malcolm's song, since you had him snack on those Twinkies last chapter. XD
I agree, I agree! You should have Crazy Tracy force Nancy to watch it with her at some point.
I meant luxury as in like, her finally getting to do these feminine things instead of just reading a book or pondering what life is about most of the time. It doesn't seem like a curse to me that she has to relearn a lot of this stuff. Anyway, better to start off with a clean slate sometimes, y'know?
Maybe I went too deep with this one? :P
LOL, they went and saw the Spongebob movie instead? Genius!
P.S. - I did the same on my V-Day too, except that I was sitting on my bed so my butt was pretty comfortable. XD
Holy shit @LupineNoir, you kicked ass (and balls) in this chapter!
I fight a demon as well? This is just getting more and more awesome.
Happy (late) V-day to you too, Ems.
I spent mine with this little gal. Loved it, though. She adores her uncle Jacob. 
The movie's been getting a lot of negative reviews already, and I've looked at the trailer for the first time. It looks... abysmal.
I actually learned something from this chapter as well, besides the whole "50 Shades of Grey sucking" part. Love you Bloody Mary. XD
Freaking Billy. xD That poor kid will have nightmares for DAYS until Peter can erase his mind.
LMAO. Never mind, Billy. Have ALL the nightmares you can have, kid! Just imagine....0.0
ROFL! Oh what the hell!!! This just made my day!
Mary is priceless in your stories; its so her style when she talks about sex, love, babies, food, etc. I can hear her voice when I read these stories. HAHA she hated the movie! :P WHO didn't hate it, though? lol
Gren and Peter's discussion about getting 'fixed'. lol This is too good! And no problem, man. She's a great little girl and loved watching (i think she liked it) romantic movies with her uncle. XD
Oh man! XD There were a FEW places I can think of. lol Dear ol' Mary.
I'm with JJ's comment. I can only imagine but we all know how Bloody Mary can get sometimes....XD
It was just awful. I don't get the hype about it but the Mrs. wanted to see it so can't say no....:P
Haha XD Ooh, I'll patiently for those future chapters, then. ^_^
If I'm remembering correctly, the chapter had Franklin being a bit snippy with Ash, but she followed him through Wolf Manor to a quiet room where he was going to read his comic, and I think Franklin mentioned the age thing then and was a little upset about it. Either way, you've explained it here so that's all good; and I'll go find that chapter now!
Ohh, Tez. XD I love how he's just standing there all casual while Rose has this look that you just know means she's up to something, and then the pie gets thrown. XD Actually, all of Rose's expressions in this are excellent; good Valentine drawing! And excellent foot-tapping tunes!