Anyways, there were a few mistakes. I'm sure its whatever. We get what your saying. I DId have a question: The Porgie kids were older in your last story and here, they are kids. I mean, its cool. I like it either way.
Poor T man! Gren was too funny in here! I loved it! Can't wait to see the rest, man!
Great! I didn't mess up the last one with the OC's! -wipes forehead- The OC's introduced shall continue; now, I'd like to add @Dragonbutter … moreand his well know character. Wonder how Robert will feel....I'll add the remainder of the OC's in the next chapter. Also, HUGE apology to @pudding_pie. Sorry, man....we still cool?
Rose Red was half way up the porch when she turned to see Tez, kicking a garden Gnome and talking to himself. He carried a tray of Brownies and cups.
"Tez sweetie, please...not now."
"Why are we even here, Rose...ROBERT is there-"
Rose rings the doorbell. "Robby is a sweetheart, my coal bucket. He won't mess with you-"
"THAT'S the problem! Last time, we got into a fight. I forgave him. We all got together, like promised and had a good ol' time. But after that, he's been an ass and-"
"Oh hush, Tez. It will be fine. Just eat, drink, scream like lunatics and call it good.."
Stil mumbling to himself, Gren is … [view original content]
Oh man, so much awkwardness for poor Tez, goddamn Grendels. XD Besides, @JJwolf you made the right choice to have Tez decline Jersey's offer of wearing the cheese head. XD
It's alright, dude. I'm cool.
Anyways, there were a few mistakes. I'm sure its whatever. We get what your saying. I DId have a question… more: The Porgie kids were older in your last story and here, they are kids. I mean, its cool. I like it either way.
Poor T man! Gren was too funny in here! I loved it! Can't wait to see the rest, man!
EDITE: Dude! You forgot Tetra's OC! :0
I don't intend on making her evil, but there will definitely be something strange going on with her. Don't worry though, she'll be cool in t… morehe long run.
Glad you liked that little easter egg I absolutely adore what your doing, keep it up
She's better than a genie because you're not limited to three wishes, lol XD
Tez in the beginning, lol XD Carrying those brownies and kicking the gnome like a boss! And then Gren, at the door XD Rosey Posey is a cute nickname, Rose literally has like a thousand different ones XD
"NO!" Tez runs to the living room. "No, no, no, no-DON'T want to hear about Georgie's penis and-"
Georgie stops in front of the doorway. "Why ya' gotta talk 'bout me penis for, eh Tez?"
"I'm NOT, Georgie! Rose said-"
I laughed so hard XD
"WHAT!? That is the rule-cheese heads here and Cowboys over there! THE end."
Another laughing moment XD
The part where Gren just keeps talking and making Jersey laugh so hard was hilarious and awkward, and poor Tezzy, he doesn't seem to be having a good time at all!
And then poor Junior He always gets the bad end of the stick, lol. Let's hope the jalapenos don't haunt him for the rest of the night!
"It was an accident. I, uh...was spooked."
Oh Tez.... XD Great job, man! Can't wait for more, as I said before! (I can rhyme now, woohoo!)
Great! I didn't mess up the last one with the OC's! -wipes forehead- The OC's introduced shall continue; now, I'd like to add @Dragonbutter … moreand his well know character. Wonder how Robert will feel....I'll add the remainder of the OC's in the next chapter. Also, HUGE apology to @pudding_pie. Sorry, man....we still cool?
Rose Red was half way up the porch when she turned to see Tez, kicking a garden Gnome and talking to himself. He carried a tray of Brownies and cups.
"Tez sweetie, please...not now."
"Why are we even here, Rose...ROBERT is there-"
Rose rings the doorbell. "Robby is a sweetheart, my coal bucket. He won't mess with you-"
"THAT'S the problem! Last time, we got into a fight. I forgave him. We all got together, like promised and had a good ol' time. But after that, he's been an ass and-"
"Oh hush, Tez. It will be fine. Just eat, drink, scream like lunatics and call it good.."
Stil mumbling to himself, Gren is … [view original content]
Oh man, so much awkwardness for poor Tez, goddamn Grendels. XD Besides, @JJwolf you made the right choice to have Tez decline Jersey's offer of wearing the cheese head. XD
Tez in the beginning, lol XD Carrying those brownies and kicking the gnome like a boss! And then Gren, at the door XD Rosey Posey is a cute … morenickname, Rose literally has like a thousand different ones XD
"NO!" Tez runs to the living room. "No, no, no, no-DON'T want to hear about Georgie's penis and-"
Georgie stops in front of the doorway. "Why ya' gotta talk 'bout me penis for, eh Tez?"
"I'm NOT, Georgie! Rose said-"
I laughed so hard XD
"WHAT!? That is the rule-cheese heads here and Cowboys over there! THE end."
Another laughing moment XD
The part where Gren just keeps talking and making Jersey laugh so hard was hilarious and awkward, and poor Tezzy, he doesn't seem to be having a good time at all!
And then poor Junior He always gets the bad end of the stick, lol. Let's hope the jalapenos don't haunt him for the rest of the night!
"It was an accident. I, uh...was spooked."
Oh Tez.… [view original content]
Had to read this and the first chapter in one go: so entertaining. XD You've done a grand job of it so far, with some very funny moments, like with Georgie, Tez, and Harmony is being her loving self, not to mention Robert playing it nice and cool with Tez and Gren being somewhat, um, inebriated. Top notch writing, dude. XD
Looking forward to seeing everyone else's OC's. (Also, if I'm honest, I read '"Mary, Nick, Draco, Lydia and Percy."', and at first had no idea who Percy was XD which is kinda embarrassing, but I love that you called him by his first name )
Great! I didn't mess up the last one with the OC's! -wipes forehead- The OC's introduced shall continue; now, I'd like to add @Dragonbutter … moreand his well know character. Wonder how Robert will feel....I'll add the remainder of the OC's in the next chapter. Also, HUGE apology to @pudding_pie. Sorry, man....we still cool?
Rose Red was half way up the porch when she turned to see Tez, kicking a garden Gnome and talking to himself. He carried a tray of Brownies and cups.
"Tez sweetie, please...not now."
"Why are we even here, Rose...ROBERT is there-"
Rose rings the doorbell. "Robby is a sweetheart, my coal bucket. He won't mess with you-"
"THAT'S the problem! Last time, we got into a fight. I forgave him. We all got together, like promised and had a good ol' time. But after that, he's been an ass and-"
"Oh hush, Tez. It will be fine. Just eat, drink, scream like lunatics and call it good.."
Stil mumbling to himself, Gren is … [view original content]
Woahwoahwoah! Hades! Greek god of the underworld?! Seriously didn't see that one coming.
The whole ribbon-off turning into a Cerberus-like creature is an awkward gift - or curse, depending how you consider it - but then, that calls Hades forth?
Gren sat on the floor, Viviana before him. The little girl returned to normal. And Gren found out just how. Each time someone pulled the rib… morebon, it disappeared and either she'd change to her Ceberus creature or her human form. After five minutes, the ribbon returned. Gren pulled it off each time.
Lyla brewed some coffee while Georgie paced in the kitchen. Rubbing his head and trying to understand, Georgie mumbled to himself. Lyla could hear him say 'Vivian' and bitch' in the same sentence every few seconds. Georgie sat on the chair and stared blankly towards the table.
"Sweetie, you want sugar and cream with your coffee?"
Georgie shakes his head. "I can't fookin' believe it...Vivian. Muthafookin' around MY daughter and now cursed MY granddaughter with that bullshit!"
"Stop it!" Lyla slams his cup down, nearly spilling some coffee onto the table. "You NEED to relax and let this go! WE are the grandparents-NOT her mothe… [view original content]
"I just think there's," Harmony whispered across her husband's chest. They were lying in the guest bedroom, a window cracked to neutralize the otherwise hot bedroom. Old heaters were definitely good at conducting heat, and Harmony felt like she was choking down the stuffy air in the room.
"Please," Tim said. "Don't talk about it right now. I want to enjoy what I have with her; She's my sister, for Christ's sake. Harmony..."
She tugged the blankets off her shoulder, to air out in between the covers. "Fine, I'll stop. But I'm telling you..."
"I hear you, plain and clear. Let's go to bed."
Harmony sighed, rolling to face away from her husband. So far, the vacation had gone from pleasantly romantic, to joyous reconnection, but with that also brought a sort of longing over her husband, which Harmony interpreted as blindness to what was really going on. He seemed to refuse that his sister may or may not have something dark she's not telling them, as if she were still the same little angel she'd been when they were children.
Instead of making the night theirs, they slept apart from one another.
The next morning was much lovelier than the night, with the same servant as before walking cautiously in, a long bed tray in her arms. Harmony stirred awake from Tim's voice, which sounded slightly groggy as he thanked the woman for bringing them food.
"Tea?" Tim's voice cleared up as Harmony sat up some. She leaned over, grabbing a warm glass cup, warming her chilly fingers.
"We probably should have closed the window back up, when it was cool enough. Now it's freezing in here."
"It's alright," Tim said, with a small smile. "When we're done here, do you want to see if my sister's awake?"
"I'm sure she is," Harmony replied. "Who else would have sent the maid in with out breakfast? What time is it, anyway?"
Tim scanned the walls for a clock of sorts. With out luck, he was forced to lean over and snatch his phone from the charger. "It's 8:45 AM."
"Exactly. She seems the type to rise at 6 on the dot."
"I suppose..." Tim trailed off. They finished the toast together, and the side of scrambled eggs and bacon. Tim lowered the tray to a small coffee table nearby, and began changing into another outfit he packed. Harmony needed a quick shower, to scrub any lingering grime from the prior day's activities. She emerged back out of the attached bathroom shortly after, and noticed her husband was already gone.
"He never gets dressed that quickly when we're at home," Harmony mutters. She lets out a deep breath, drying her hair with the portable blow dryer she bought at one of the stores there in London. Afterwards, she let her towel drop and got dressed as quickly as she could. She was downstairs in the living room by 9:30.
"...And then, I told her that I couldn't find the kids, because the kids disappeared. Man, was I in for it!" Tim was retelling a story of the past to his sister, who was cracking up across the table from him. Belinda had a cup of Tea in front of her, and she was mixing in some sugar. On the floor, playing with wooden soldiers, was her estranged son.
"Hello," Harmony greeted everyone in the room as she stepped in. Her bare feet against the aged wood floors felt nice, felt like the wood floors she had at home. She enjoyed the style of Belinda's apartment very much, but she was also feeling a little homesick to what she was used to seeing every day. The family photos of her children down the halls, the tropical fruit smelling wax melters in all of her bathrooms. Even cleaning up after her small babies was something that tugged on her heart strings.
"Good morning," Belinda's features were benign and genuine looking, which eased Harmony at least a little bit. "Tim was telling me a few stories."
"Did he tell you about the time he left Elora on the playground and took the wrong child home?"
Tim's cheeks reddened slight with embarrassment. "All babies look the same when they're born!" This made Belinda stifle a laugh.
"The kids were 3, Tim," Harmony said, but she was laughing. "And the child you brought home was a boy. Granted, it was another fable baby, but come on, Tim. It could have been a mundy baby, and you really were paying more attention to-"
"That's enough," He told Harmony. Clearly, he was trying to impress his sister for some stupid reason. Harmony rolled her eyes and looked away, turning to the boy on the floor. He was still playing with his soldiers, but now he was moving, as if he felt Harmony's gaze on his back. He walked over to the couches, and his face only briefly turned to see Harmony.
For a second, she thought his eyes were entirely black. But then, there was a glimmer, and they were normal gray-blue, as before. She shivered slightly.
"So," Belinda said after a moment. "What do you want to do today? There's a brilliant museum not too far from here."
"Sounds good," Tim said, his emotions back to normal. He stood slowly, using the back of the chair to help himself. Normally, he'd ask Harmony to help him up, but he hadn't even tried to grab her attention as he stood, and reached for his crutch. Even then, he seemed to be trying not to use it as much as he needed it.
"I'll get Matthew ready and meet you back down here," Belinda said. She took her son's arm and pulled him softly away from his playing, and he silently obeyed her with out protest. That wasn't something normal in children so young. Harmony's chest felt heavy again, as if seeing the boy disturbed her inner soul.
When Belinda was out of the room, Harmony had a stern talk with her husband.
"Tim," She said, in a low tone. "You're acting strange."
"What are you talking about?" For a moment he looked confused, but then he must have known what Harmony was talking about it, as a flash of realization crossed his face. Still, he played it moderately dumb.
"You know what I mean," She said. "And I want you to stop. I'm your wife, and whatever you need I'll help you with. Don't put on a show for your sister, she deserves to see the true you."
"Harmony..." Tim's voice was distant, a twinge of sadness around the edges. "What is the real me, though?"
Harmony's expression went from stern to a bit confused. "Excuse me? Tim, you're acting strange-"
"I have no idea what you're talking about!" Tim's voice was angry, but still low so no one could hear in any other rooms. "Is this about that funny feeling you got about my sister? Why don't you just drop it. It doesn't make sense, you don't make sense!"
Harmony's face flushed. He'd never said those kinds of things to her....what was happening? She forced her lip not to quiver, held back the surfacing tears. "Well, if that's how you feel, then fine. I'm not going with you to the museum." And she walked off, before he could say another word.
Stopping there, only because my friends are coming over shortly, and I have stuff to do :P Yeah, Tim and Harmony are actually having an argument I have a plan though, so don't worry! Any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Oh, those two. XD Is nice seeing them so close after so long, though, as we've sort of been with them every step of the way.
Harmony imagined them coming again in the spring, when it was even warmer and a little less grey out.
Yeah, good luck with that weather, Harm. XD Admittedly, it's not always that bad. :P
Harmony's initial jealousy at Tim's embrace of Belinda is very realistic; but the later revelation of Charlotte's possible hand in it all makes everything to do with Belinda mysterious.
It's a lovely flat,
Belinda seemed blown away at that remark. "Bollocks
You've got the dialect down. Which reminds me of something: do you have 'flats' in America, or do you just call them apartments?
And Charlotte and time-travelling while she's asleep... or if she is... and has she changed the past again or she just seeing visions? I don't even know what questions to ask, but you're making a really great story here.
Day two in London was even better than the first. Harmony ripped Tim out of the comfort of their bed, persuading him with a delicious breakf… moreast at the restaurant around the corner. They dressed, resisted the urge to undress, and exited the hotel, eagerness plastered over their faces. So far it had been a lovely day, with few clouds and the temperature was above freezing. Harmony imagined them coming again in the spring, when it was even warmer and a little less grey out.
"We can see Westminster Abbey from here!" Tim was excited. Harmony loved the architecture of most of the buildings there, and especially this Church, gazing up incredulously. She clung happily to his arm, slightly supporting him, as they lifted her camera phone together and took a nice selfie, the building rising up behind them nicely.
"Do you think we can go to Buckingham Palace? It's not that far from here." Harmony asked.
"Well, I doubt we'll run into the mundane … [view original content]
I know. The reason why I said 'North Wind children' was because they have a little bit of the North Wind gene from Bigby, and therefore, causing them to have the ability to fly. Right?
The whole thing with Georgie's penis and then Robert and Lyla doing it.... Those scenes made me laugh so hard!! XD
It'll be interesting to see Nick in this fray... I don't care what side you put him on, matter of fact I/m very intrigued to see what you do do with him
I have faith in you JJ. Keep up the awesome work!!
Great! I didn't mess up the last one with the OC's! -wipes forehead- The OC's introduced shall continue; now, I'd like to add @Dragonbutter … moreand his well know character. Wonder how Robert will feel....I'll add the remainder of the OC's in the next chapter. Also, HUGE apology to @pudding_pie. Sorry, man....we still cool?
Rose Red was half way up the porch when she turned to see Tez, kicking a garden Gnome and talking to himself. He carried a tray of Brownies and cups.
"Tez sweetie, please...not now."
"Why are we even here, Rose...ROBERT is there-"
Rose rings the doorbell. "Robby is a sweetheart, my coal bucket. He won't mess with you-"
"THAT'S the problem! Last time, we got into a fight. I forgave him. We all got together, like promised and had a good ol' time. But after that, he's been an ass and-"
"Oh hush, Tez. It will be fine. Just eat, drink, scream like lunatics and call it good.."
Stil mumbling to himself, Gren is … [view original content]
I've got a plan for each of the quads; Viviana is right now, Seraphina and Liam will come later, as will Chloe. I'll explain more about the awkward gift, as I like to call it. Each time you pull the ribbon, it summons Hades closer; keeping the ribbon on saves Viviana's soul. HOW it can permanently be removed, well...that's a whole other section for another chapter.
Glad you're liking it so far. I'm having a blast with this and looking forward to adding more.
Woahwoahwoah! Hades! Greek god of the underworld?! Seriously didn't see that one coming.
The whole ribbon-off turning into a Cerberus-lik… moree creature is an awkward gift - or curse, depending how you consider it - but then, that calls Hades forth?
I'm kinda bowled over with the whole thing.
This is some brilliant writing, man! XD
Many years later after Mikhail had grown up he and Catherine were in the homelands hunting. Catherine seemed to have gotten herself into quite the fight as there were more than a hundred people circling her.
"Hey dummy now would be the perfect time to get down here!" She thought to him
Mikhail found her location (This would be a good time to start the music if you want to XD) and dive bombed near Catherine. She noticed him and as he fell she jumped off his body and flung herself into the air. Mikhail slammed into the ground sending most flying, he let out a roar and sent flames unto the stragglers burning them to ash. Catherine landed on his back and flew away to find some animals instead of people wanting their heads on pikes.
Many years later after Mikhail had grown up he and Catherine were in the homelands hunting. Catherine seemed to have gotten herself into qui… morete the fight as there were more than a hundred people circling her.
"Hey dummy now would be the perfect time to get down here!" She thought to him
Mikhail found her location (This would be a good time to start the music if you want to XD) and dive bombed near Catherine. She noticed him and as he fell she jumped off his body and flung herself into the air. Mikhail slammed into the ground sending most flying, he let out a roar and sent flames unto the stragglers burning them to ash. Catherine landed on his back and flew away to find some animals instead of people wanting their heads on pikes.
“Tell me something Robby, what exactly were you thinking? You thought your, simple, measly will could stand up to my transcendent might. You have wronged yourself, and now you lay there beneath my feet, in your own blood.** You, your Fabled Avengers, Fabletown and anyone of that matter, will die a horrible death. And in all suffice my influence would of cloak this world and no mortal or immortal would challenge me.
I am no longer a Fable, I am divine,now behold. Take final looks Robby at the world, your friends will follow afterwards..”
Gargoth with his monstrous hands around Robby's neck. Instead of attempting to fight back Robby's begins to chuckle then laughs out loud with all the breathe he has left. He just laughs and laughs..
“What is so funny about death, Robby? Even if it is your own.”
“Gargoth, you.. You are so going to get your ass kicked..”
“Explain yourself Robby, what exactly are you going about?”
“I was just buying some time... until the cavalry.... arrives.
A strong gust whirls through the room, Gargoth drops Robby turns around. He looks up and see's Bigby in his wolf form.
Along with him riding his his back are Irene and Marco. Delphantez and Hati enters next in their celestial dragon and wolf forms.
Then Nisa appears also, without her sister Viera.
And finally, Etan and Olivia enters.
“Ahh yes. Of course, this was bound to happen. There was no way to elude this.... The Son of the Ole Fabled North Wind, in all his hairy glory. A fairy and a vampire... A rare fable, that is said to be extinct... the phoenix. A wolf god and the prince the set me free. Then finally Etan, and my beloved daughter. How exciting”
“Father, you must stop this now!” Olivia pleading to her father.
“Enough Olivia. You are no longer my daughter, you are only my enemy. You have made your choice and I have made mine.”
“That was kinda of harsh, even for you Gargoth.” Etan defending Olivia.
“Etan, you miserable hell hound. I may me evil and wicked, but what you are, what you are hiding from your now allies, don't even match up. Even your father knows, yet he refuse to tell ANYONE the danger you are too everyone.”
“What the hell are you talking about Gargoth?”
“Playing ignorant won't get you no where. Fenrir, the abomination is surging through you like electricity, I can smell it from here.”
“Well, Gargoth perhaps what you are smelling is your own as-”
“Okay enough. Were here for only one thing, stopping your Gargoth, and you made it perfectly clear that you won't be making this easy. To say your self a pitiful and painful death give up, now” Bigby as he jumps down and approaches Gargoth.
“Of course, I'll give you what you all desire. I'll give you all what you are so desprate for. It's best I can do for you all for charging me up like a super battery. COME FACE ME, YOU WORTHLESS WORMS!”
Using all the evil energy he gather from being around different Fables, Gargoyle began to evolve into an entity of complete darkness.
His gargoyle minions covers the building in a barrier preventing anyone from escaping. Luckily, Mr. Weasel manage to make it in before it cover the whole building. He began scurrying along staying out of sight. He observed what was going, waiting to make his move.
“I never kicked a gargoyle god in the balls before, I wonder what the results would be..” He thought.
Elsewhere, Boogey wipes the blood from his mouth as returning to normal. Marcelo cries out his fathers name as he lies down on the floor unresponsive.
“Dad, get up. Please get up!”
Boogey then looks at Marcelo and begins to approach the young dragon.
“Sorry kid, your father just. Just wasn't strong enough this time.. He fought like a warrior, but died as fool. Now that he is gone. Nothing can stop me... well except you.”
“What are you saying, you evil fuckface!”
“Language, Marcelo, language. This would be over quickly.” Boogey as he prepares to kill Marcelo, but is then out of no where is grab by Omnimaax, and slammed into the wall by him.
“Are you okay young man.” Omnimaax helping Marcelo up. He turns to Draco's body and looks at Marcelos, telling him that everything is going to be alright and calls over Tezoth.”
“Umm, Omnimaax, I'm not sure of what you are asking me..”
“Breath fire on the sword, with all of your might.”
“How is this suppose to save Draco?” Tez demanding
“Dragons flames are more to just burning things to ashes. They can also heal other Dragons. But the healing flame is only triggered by positive emotions Tezoth.
“Positive emotions... like... love?”
“That would do, think about someone you love, let that be your strength. Let it fuel your flames, triggering the healing effect.”
Tezoth thought about his unyielding love for Rose Red and began to begins to glow a beautiful flaming red. He then breaths his fire on Omnmaax sword with turns bright red. Omnimaax rushes over towards and tells Tez and Marcelo to stand back, as Draco is going to be pissed.
As he stabs Draco, he comes back to life and immediately changes into his dragon form and is shocked to see Omnimaax here.
“Easy Draco, I'm on your side now. Thank Tezoth for saying your life.”
Marcel runs over to hug his father, and share a brief emotional movement.
Boogey interrupts and attempts to attack, but he his then doubled teamed by Draco and Tezoth who sets Boogey on fire with their flames allowing Omnimaax to finish him off, for good.
“Holy shit, I just killed the Bogeyman!” Tez celebrating.
“Nope.” Omnmimaax patting Tez on the back while leaving the room preparing to find Gargoth and hopefully, slay him next.
I've seen the artwork that goes into it and listened to the music! It's quite a piece of work. I actually discovered them a couple of years ago and I definitely wasn't able to handle what was in the games. I think I had nightmares for a while, too. I can definitely respect the games on an artistic level, though. They're definitely original and the experience that game offers is one of a kind. Kind of like Bioshock. It's one of those types of games, you know?
I highly recommend them the story and soundtrack is amazing but the game actually shines visually, it is hands down the most beautiful game … moreI've seen visually, you can screen capture at any point in the game and make it your wallpaper for anything which in fact is my laptop background XD
I've seen the artwork that goes into it and listened to the music! It's quite a piece of work. I actually discovered them a couple of years … moreago and I definitely wasn't able to handle what was in the games. I think I had nightmares for a while, too. I can definitely respect the games on an artistic level, though. They're definitely original and the experience that game offers is one of a kind. Kind of like Bioshock. It's one of those types of games, you know?
Thanks Stone! Even with all the tutorials this was the best I could pull but I do really like this one but I don't think I'll be trying this one again XD
Epic song and a great drawing of Milkhail! Gives a clear image of what he looks like! Didn't realise he was blue, but that and the yellow tips really make him look rather unique. You'd do want him and Catherine - or Cat - on your side during a fight. ;D
Many years later after Mikhail had grown up he and Catherine were in the homelands hunting. Catherine seemed to have gotten herself into qui… morete the fight as there were more than a hundred people circling her.
"Hey dummy now would be the perfect time to get down here!" She thought to him
Mikhail found her location (This would be a good time to start the music if you want to XD) and dive bombed near Catherine. She noticed him and as he fell she jumped off his body and flung herself into the air. Mikhail slammed into the ground sending most flying, he let out a roar and sent flames unto the stragglers burning them to ash. Catherine landed on his back and flew away to find some animals instead of people wanting their heads on pikes.
How do you defeat a being that can consume and use the power of the of others? It'll be an interesting fight!
“I never kicked a gargoyle god in the balls before, I wonder what the results would be..” He thought.
Haha, that's a good line. XD I'm guessing the results would be a rather annoyed gargoyle god.
And the idea of a dragon's flames being able to heal another dragon is a very good idea! You've shown just how much Tez loves Rose, and how much Marcelo looks up to his father.
Chapter 11, The Cavalry Arrives!
“Tell me something Robby, what exactly were you thinking? You thought your, simple, measly will could st… moreand up to my transcendent might. You have wronged yourself, and now you lay there beneath my feet, in your own blood.** You, your Fabled Avengers, Fabletown and anyone of that matter, will die a horrible death. And in all suffice my influence would of cloak this world and no mortal or immortal would challenge me.
I am no longer a Fable, I am divine,now behold. Take final looks Robby at the world, your friends will follow afterwards..”
Gargoth with his monstrous hands around Robby's neck. Instead of attempting to fight back Robby's begins to chuckle then laughs out loud with all the breathe he has left. He just laughs and laughs..
“What is so funny about death, Robby? Even if it is your own.”
“Gargoth, you.. You are so going to get your ass kicked..”
“Explain yourself Robby, what exactly are… [view original content]
Thanks Lupine! I don't know why I made him blue, it was the color I had in my hand and I was like "Eh sure why not!" XD My roommate and I were talking about the stories and whenever he talked about Catherine he'd call her Cat. and it sort of stuck XD so either will do whenever I want a bad ass theme I always turn to Drakengard 3 as it has the best boss themes I've ever heard in a video game!
Epic song and a great drawing of Milkhail! Gives a clear image of what he looks like! Didn't realise he was blue, but that and the yellow ti… moreps really make him look rather unique. You'd do want him and Catherine - or Cat - on your side during a fight. ;D
Peter and Ethan arrived later that day but it all seemed a blur to Emily. Her children didn't seem to noticed their sister's change, as Peter took a turn pulling the ribbon off to see what Gren was trying to show. The mere sight of his neice's new found 'gift' was startling to both of her uncles; Peter was lost for words and Ethan found the hidden emotion to weep like a child.
Emily managed to hear the words 'Farm' and 'a few months' but that was all. Her mind was suddenly filled with the idea of a Fable such as Hades stalking her child in hopes of claiming her soul to be by his side. Vivian remained near Emily.
"Emily, please."
"Ya' betta' start talkin', Viv. I ain't got time ta' play these games."
"I didn't think it would be like this."
"THAT ribbon, is keeping her here right now? Even as we speak?"
"Yes, Emily,
"Why? How?" Emily tilts forward. "Ya' betta' start NOW, Vivian...or so 'elp me...."
Vivian inhaled and looked immediatly towards Viviana. The little girl remained in Gren's arms the entire time he spoke to Peter. The other three casually played on the floor with stuffed animals and chew toys. Several times, Chloe changed and chased after Puddles until the Dog jumped on the couch and Chloe could no longer chase him and lost interest. Vivian knew this day would come. When, she was not sure; the thought of having to describe it all to Emily was something she never looked forward to.
Vivian began. "Hades was a greedy God, to say the least. His main goal in his wretched life was to collect as many lost and tourmented souls as he could. He was reluctant to let ANY of them leave. The place was not like what the mundies describe; it was not paradise but it was particularly pleasent at times. It was simply a desolate place. No joy. No hope. No love. Nothing. Eventually, the souls that remained in the Underworld would simply vanish and slowly fade into nothing..."
Emily folds her arms. "Is that where ya' went, Viv?"
"When I died, the world around me was pitch black. No sound, voices, light-I wandered the darkness, just like in my life, alone. Hades found me; he was a very tall, well built man with dark eyes and dark features. All I could see were those eyes and smell the burning coals and ashes scattered all around. Before long, I was before a panel of three judges."
"And..." Emily desperatly needed answers. "What were those judges? Are they the ones that promised ya' somethin'?"
Vivian continued. "Only those pure and righteous could pass through the gates and into an enternity of bliss and peace. They passed judgment based on the life you lived prior to coming here. Those that lived decent lives were singled out and sent to their final resting place. Those, like me of course, were doomed the minute their feet touched the ground. Either spend eternity wondering the earth alone or sent into the darkness, were you'd eventually fade in time..."
Vivian paused to glance at her hands. Emily noticed her eyes becoming glassy and full of tears. As she tried to reach, Vivian pushed Emily's hand away. Gren noticed his fiancee's sudden facial expression and began to question Vivian's 'true' intentions: was it only the guardian of Emily or was there something else attached to her 'guidance'?
"One of the judges, Aeacus, took pity on me for living such a lonely life and gave me the opportunity to set things right. I was so terrified, Emily...I ran away. Towards the gates. I didn't know which way to turn...Cerberus guards those gates. Hades adored that creature and would protect it beyond any comprehension known to man."
"Vivian..." Emily's voice grew fearful. "WOOT did you do?"
"I killed the original Cerberus. When I slaughtered the beast, the path was free and I, along with a few other souls, escaped. I was alone, though; the darkness became my only form of existence until your mother was born. I thought SHE was the one I'd guide. Little did I know, she'd have a daughter who needed my help beyond anything."
Emily atands up, walks to the window and looks out. "Woot does Viviana have ta' do with Hades or-"
"The blood from the original Cerberus was all over my hands and face. During my escape, the ribbon returned. How? I can't explain. I assume it was part of the punishment the judges had for me. I touched the material, unaware it soaked every last drop of the blood. Hades was using it to track me down. Return me to the Underworld. No soul had EVER managed to escape. Somehow, I avoided him until your mother was born. As I latched onto her, the ribbon disappeared. I thought nothing of it. Until-"
Emily watches a Bird land on the fence post. It chirps, fluffs out its feathers and returns to the pale blue sky. "Ya' gave it ta' me mother, who passed it on ta' me....but why Viviana?"
"Hades must have sensed the change, too, when I became a part of you, Emily. The ribbon, containing the blood of his beloved Cerberus, latched itself onto you. It changed the apperance of Viviana, making her wherabouts easier to locate."
Emily huffs. "Fook that, shit. He aint touchin' me daughter."
"My ribbon protects her soul. As long as it remains on her neck, he can not take her back. The ribbon's ability will eventually run out, the more times you pull it off. It draws him in. He can not take her, Emily, so long as I'm here."
"So, if she pulls off the ribbon for good-"
Vivian allows a tear to fall. "I disappear. For good this time. You'll lose me and Viviana."
Emily scratches her forehead. "Ya' was me guardian....but also my protector..."
"You or Gren may never understand or grasp what I'm trying to say but...I couldn't let your fate end they way it was supposed to, nor could he claim that little girl. I was given a second chance..."
Emily takes a seat, just as Peter and Ethan locate their sister. Peter offers Emily a cigarette but declines.
"Want to go outside or-"
"Woot is it ya' both gotta' tell me?"
Ethan sighs, taking a seat beside Emily. Gren hovers nearby. The stern look on his face with the mixture of devestation and determination in his beautiful, green eyes. Emily sensed his presence; his rough hand reached behind and gently rubbed Emily's back.
Peter speaks. "Emily, Viviana and the others NEED to go to the Farm."
"Fook ya', Peter." Emily glares at them both. "Ya' ain't takin' me babies away!"
"It won't be permanent, Emily. Just until we can teach the babies to control their powers and-"
Emily stands up and walks back to the kitchen. Gren is the first to follow. He runs into the kitchen and notices a thick Butcher's knife in Emily's hand. He could detect blood; the copper smell bumbards his nostrils with such force, nearly causing the beast to turn and become violent. shaking his head, Gren notices the dark red blood trickle down Emily's palm.
"Emily!" Gren grabs her hand and pulls away. "Let go! LET go!"
"I will NOT let 'em take the babies, Grendel!" Emily pins herself against the counter. "They ain't takin' our babies away!"
"Emily, listen to me....we have NO choice. Either that or lose them forever! We can't, Emily! They need to be taught and-"
Emily crumbles to the floor, dropping the knife and burying her entire face into Gren's shirt. Inhaling his scent, Emily weeps quielty. Gren presses his face into Emily's ebony hair, closes his eyes and cries as well. Neither had any idea the dangers and trouble that continued to lurk in the city of Fabletown. Stroking Emily's hair, Gren hummed and rocked back and forth; Emily clung to his jacket like a frightened child and refused to pardon with Gren. Like times before and forevermore, Gren managed to reach Emily and assure her it would be alright, no matter what.
Ethan and Peter found the pair; Peter was the first to notice the strong blood smell, found a rag and nursed Emily's open wound on her palm. As he did so, Ethan spoke to his sister.
"Emily, please. You need to understand something. We are not taking the quads away. However, they need to learn how to control their powers and shape shifting abilities before its too late. We can not take a chance of Seraphina killing plants or Viviana accidentally pulling the ribbon and turning into a three headed hound from hell in the mundane world. Liam is having a difficult time STAYING in human form, as is Chloe. Its cute and fine when they're here but Emily...eventually, they'll wander to the mundane world..."
Emily wipes her eyes. "Please, Ethan. Peter. They are tryin'."
Ethan contiues. "We KNOW they are, Emily. Trust me. Gren has spoken to us in regards to their powers and transformation but you have to understand something. If we let YOU guys slide, we have to let ALL the other Fables and their offspring slide, too."
"But I'm family." The devestation in her voice. "I'm ya' sister...Ethan..."
Ethan turns away. He couldn't continue. He refused to look Emily in the eye and lay down the law. Her brown eyes filled with tears and soon, they poured down. Gren continued to rocker her gently back and forth. Peter finished bandaging the wounds and took over for his brother. He had to bite his tongue and hold back.
"Emily, you are our sister. We love you and those babies. We respect Gren and the decisions you two have made. You're wonderful parents. But we CAN'T risk something like this. We simply can't. If someone finds out or sees them...we could lose our jobs and sent away from Fabletown. Cast out. Or worse. You want that for them? For the family?"
Gren speaks for Emily. He could sense she no longer wished to speak. "For how long would they stay, Peter?"
"Until they managed both their powers and transformation."
Emily finally speaks. "Why can't they do it here, Peter? Ain't no mundy out 'ere fa' miles...."
Peter strokes his hair back. Thr idea did cross his mind; keep the children here in the comfort of their own home and teach them the proper tools in managing their powers. Sunflower and a few other Fables from the Farm offered to assist; Sunflower was not accepting either of the choices laid out for the couple and their children and demanded to personally teach them.
"I'll get back on that tomorrow. For now, lock the doors, watch the kids and please you two-try and understand WHY we're doing this. Emily-"
All she could do was nod. Peter returns the gesture with a warm embrace. It had been years since the pair hugged or showed emotions that deep with one another. Bidding farewell to the children, Ethan and Peter return to their car and head back to Fabletown. Gren makes his rounds around the house, locking all doors, windows and drawing in the curtains. No one was coming in. No one was leaving and certainly no disturbances tonight.
Vivian remained away from the couple and the children. Staying alone in the living room, Vivian listens to the world and noises around her.
After a long bubble bath and the children tucked away in their cribs, Gren places Emily in their bed and comforts the troubling young woman. In silence, the pair lay; Frogs were heard croaking outside the window, singing their nightly tunes as they leaped in the water and played with the Fireflies. A Owl screeches into the night. The gentle caressing sounds of the wind pressed against the home as it blows through the trees and rooftop. Gren kisses the top of Emily's head and guides his finger tip along her body.
"How is your hand, Ems?"
Emily turns to face Gren. "I'm worried, love. I'm so fookin' scared and-"
"I know you are, sweetie. I'm fuckin' pissed their ain't much they can do but...our babies need to learn and...if what you told me is true, Viviana needs to be protected. They all do. I'm not losing them. And I'm not losing you, too..."
"Ya' can neva' lose me." Emily wraps her arms across Gren's bare chest. "Even when I was a fookin' child, ya' could neva' lose me."
Gren was brought back to the time when Emily was once bullied by a classmate. The taunting. The teasing. Her tears and please for the girl to stop and let her be. When he showed up, to save his beloved Emily and protect her. No one knew this but Gren changed into true form; the bully had not a split second to think, as Gren's mighty hand pinned her body to the ground. Gren could have easily killed that girl. Crushed her bones, devoured her body. But like always, Emily reframed him from becoming what he once was. A killer. A monster. She would have lost him that day, had it not been for her gentle, loving words.
Gren sighs and lowers his eyes to meet Emily's. "I love you, Emily."
"I love ya' too, Gren."
"We'll get through this. Don't...don't be mad at Peter or Ethan. TRUST me. I wanted to fuckin' slap your brother for telling me those things but he's right. We need to protect them, Emily."
"I know." As much as it pained her to say it, her brothers were right. "I'm not about ta' let 'em take our babies away."
"They won't." Gren pulls Emily closer. "They'll never take them away. NO ONE will. Not Hades, not the Farm-no one."
Emily knew Gren spoke the truth, as he pins her against the sheets and proceeds to passionatly kiss her lips. There was nothing to fear anymore. Allowing all sense of trepidation and guilt to fall away, Emily wraps her arms around Gren's neck. She allows the tears to fall. The raw emotions to surface. Gren kissed the tears away. He made it better. Just like the time before. As the couple made passionate love into the night, Emily whispers the answer Gren was anticipating. Like the times before this.
"Always..." Emily presses Gren against her body. "I'll always trust ya'...."
Everything was going so well till Belinda appeared, and now Harmony and Tim are arguing! Has that ever really happened before? Or, at least, they've never seemed annoyed at each other, from what I can remember. Hmm. Glad you've got a plan! :P
Oh, and when you mentioned the tropical fruit smelling wax meleters it reminded me of Yankee Candles, which you told me about ages ago when everyone was talking about spiced pumpkin XD anyway, I bought some very nice smelling candles for gifts from there, so I figured I'd say thanks for pointing them out. XD
"I just think there's," Harmony whispered across her husband's chest. They were lying in the guest bedroom, a window cracke… mored to neutralize the otherwise hot bedroom. Old heaters were definitely good at conducting heat, and Harmony felt like she was choking down the stuffy air in the room.
"Please," Tim said. "Don't talk about it right now. I want to enjoy what I have with her; She's my sister, for Christ's sake. Harmony..."
She tugged the blankets off her shoulder, to air out in between the covers. "Fine, I'll stop. But I'm telling you..."
"I hear you, plain and clear. Let's go to bed."
Harmony sighed, rolling to face away from her husband. So far, the vacation had gone from pleasantly romantic, to joyous reconnection, but with that also brought a sort of longing over her husband, which Harmony interpreted as blindness to what was really going on. He seemed to refuse that his sister may or may not have something d… [view original content]
Haha, those thoughts can be very helpful sometimes XD the yellow tips are a good compliment to the blue! Ahh - her attitude can be pretty feisty at times, so 'Cat' seems like a fitting shortening. Those must be some bad ass boss fights. XD
Thanks Lupine! I don't know why I made him blue, it was the color I had in my hand and I was like "Eh sure why not!" XD My roommate and I w… moreere talking about the stories and whenever he talked about Catherine he'd call her Cat. and it sort of stuck XD so either will do whenever I want a bad ass theme I always turn to Drakengard 3 as it has the best boss themes I've ever heard in a video game!
Yes they are pretty bad ass XD Well I'm glad the yellow works with the blue, because I was skeptical about it at first. Ah I see what you did there Lupine XD
Haha, those thoughts can be very helpful sometimes XD the yellow tips are a good compliment to the blue! Ahh - her attitude can be pretty feisty at times, so 'Cat' seems like a fitting shortening. Those must be some bad ass boss fights. XD
LOL XD That is funny, actually. I was looking at the name and thinking, ' this right?' I've done that before, Noir. :P Don't feel bad. XD But yes, I'll mention his name more because Gren is itching for some pre-game
Had to read this and the first chapter in one go: so entertaining. XD You've done a grand job of it so far, with some very funny moments, li… moreke with Georgie, Tez, and Harmony is being her loving self, not to mention Robert playing it nice and cool with Tez and Gren being somewhat, um, inebriated. Top notch writing, dude. XD
Looking forward to seeing everyone else's OC's. (Also, if I'm honest, I read '"Mary, Nick, Draco, Lydia and Percy."', and at first had no idea who Percy was XD which is kinda embarrassing, but I love that you called him by his first name )
Yeah, they're adorable Even now after so long, writing about them romantically is still something I have to get used to, because it feels like not too long ago, all they were doing were making googly eyes at each other XD
Lol XD I just remember reading a lot of books were it's rainy all the time in England, no matter what season it is XD
I'll be covering more on that later, as I go on. You've got the right idea to be suspicious of her, though,
I had to look up a few things on the internet to make sure I was getting it right XD I already knew the term flats, but in America we just call them apartments. When I first heard the term flat, I imagined a house that was just really low to the ground XD
It's really mysterious, isn't it? Well, more will be covered soon enough. Glad you like it ^-^
They dressed, resisted the urge to undress,
Oh, those two. XD Is nice seeing them so close after so long, though, as we've sort of b… moreeen with them every step of the way.
Harmony imagined them coming again in the spring, when it was even warmer and a little less grey out.
Yeah, good luck with that weather, Harm. XD Admittedly, it's not always that bad. :P
Harmony's initial jealousy at Tim's embrace of Belinda is very realistic; but the later revelation of Charlotte's possible hand in it all makes everything to do with Belinda mysterious.
It's a lovely flat,
Belinda seemed blown away at that remark. "Bollocks
You've got the dialect down. Which reminds me of something: do you have 'flats' in America, or do you just call them apartments?
And Charlotte and time-travelling while she's asleep... or if she is... and has she changed the past again or she just seeing visions? I don't even know what questions to ask, but you're making a really great story here.
I think they've had a small disagreement before, but otherwise I've never written a full blown argument between the two. It is a little disheartening But things will obviously get better in the end.
I'm actually selling Yankee Candles for a fundraiser right now XP It's hard because a lot of them are expensive and I need to sell a hundred dollars at least and every one hundred dollars is one point for my NHS and I need 12 points by the time I graduate to graduate with NHS and the whole thing is super complicated and I should just sell 1200 dollars of candles lol then I'd be set XD But that's probably going to be hard as we only have until March 12th, so yeah. I hope I can sell at least one hundred, if not up to three hundred. Because then I get three points! I've only sold 30 dollars worth so far Now I've been rambling, I hope this wasn't boring XD Glad you like your candles, btw, if I haven't said that before.
Everything was going so well till Belinda appeared, and now Harmony and Tim are arguing! Has that ever really happened before? Or, at least,… more they've never seemed annoyed at each other, from what I can remember. Hmm. Glad you've got a plan! :P
Oh, and when you mentioned the tropical fruit smelling wax meleters it reminded me of Yankee Candles, which you told me about ages ago when everyone was talking about spiced pumpkin XD anyway, I bought some very nice smelling candles for gifts from there, so I figured I'd say thanks for pointing them out. XD
@pudding_pie brought this to my attention and its true: my last story had his Porgie kids and a few others older, including my RJ. I'll be changing the story up a bit; Peter is much OLDER than Harmony and it would make more sense if HER 1st litter interacts with, oh, I don't know...Junior's kids. I'm sorry for the confusion. :P IF I've lost you, please ask away! I'll explain as much as I can. Let's TRY this @HazzatheMan@Tetra@Masterstone@LupineNoir your fables have arrived! Can't wait to REALLY get everyone talking once more! XD
Tezoth caved in and wore the silly hat. Only this time, it was not a Cheese wedge but a styrofoam Cowboy hat. Georgie's usual bowler hat was replaced with one, too; it had the star on the front and 'GO COWBOYS' in bright blue and silver letters. He felt ridiculous but half the drunks and Fables here at the party either had one or the other. Even his beloved Rose wore the dreaded cheese wedge with pride.
Lyla calls the guests back inside; the game was about to begin and everyone needed to find their spot. The car pulling up parked and several Fables exit, carrying a dish or some sort of beverage. Robert and Tezoth run over to assist in whatever needed to be carried inside. Lyla greets the first guest; Catherine, with her side kick Mikhail. The Dragon stands upright on the young woman's shoulder and greets Lyla with a cloud of smoke.
"Glad you could make it, Catherine. Hello Mikhail."
Catherine turns to face the Dragon. There is a moment of silence before he speaks again. "Catherine thanks you for inviting us to your Football party. Please accept this batch of Potato salad as a token of our humble appreciation."
Lyla takes the bowl and squeaks. "Oh, you two! Don't thank me! Come on in. Please. Make yourself at home."
Thanking their host, Catherine and Mikhail walk up towards the door. They are stopped, however, by Robert, Gren and Jersey.
"What team ya' guys be on?" Jersey continues to chew his gum. "Ya' guys HAVE to pick a team."
"Well, we are actually looking forward to wearing those silly cheese hats. Although, the Cowboy hate DOES look a bit more appealing-"
Robert takes one of the cheese wedges and Cowboy hats. He hands them to Mikhail; the Dragon stares down, knowing the cheese wedge was way too large for his tiny head. He'd rest in it during the game and participate in the usual chanting, singing and Beer drinking. Catherine bowed down and the two head inside the home. Robert looks at Jersey.
"Does she talk or-"
"Nah, the little snake thing does it for her. Can you imagine? Taking a shit and ya' need to fuckin' be there, just in case-"
Katie walks by and strikes Jersey in the head. "BE nice, Jersey. I mean it..."
Robert chuckles, leading Jersey to send a scournful look. "Sorry...I, uh..."
Flying from the heavens, Draco flaps his massive wings, lands in the front and as he changes, his tail swings and collides into the side of gren's SUV. The alarm goes off; Emily, holding one of the babies in her arms, clicks the button.
"The fook Draco!" Gren and Emily both say this. "Our car and-"
Draco, now in glamour, takes out a cigar, bites the end and lights. Heading into the home, a trail of smoke follows behind.
"I'll send you the money for the repairs." He grabs a Cowboy hat. "Let's watch some football already..."
The final guests to arrive are Nick and Mr. Weasel; Weasel, following Cindy, head for the Porgie household. Lyla, Harmony and Cindy gather and chatter like Hens in the coop. Gren, however, notices his little buddy and scoops him up.
"PERCY! My main man! How are you, buddy?"
Weasel waves his paw back and forth across his nose. "Bloody 'ell, Grendel? Ya' already drunk and smell like an Irishman."
Gren chuckles. "Robert! Hey, Robert look...its you pal, the uh, Skunk or whatever this thing is...."
"I'M a WEASEL, good sir. And I'll have ya' Grendel brothas' know that I'm lookin' forward ta' the-"
Robert snatches Weasel up and holds the creature in his grasp. "HEY, Percy. PEEEEERCY my man! How ya' been?"
Gren chuckles. "His name is Percy....I'm're Robert...hehe....Percy...."
Mr. Weasel adjusts his coat. "Hello, Robert. Lovely day for some American Football. I'm lookin-"
"OH YEAH!" The booming sound of Robert's voice nearly knocks the creature down. "You, um, Brits don't watch Football. You guys watch oh what is that sport....Georgie would know. Where is that Tea drinking son-of-a-bitch now...."
"Cricket?" Weasel holds his hat down. "Ya' talkin' 'bout Cricket, Robert?"
Robert snaps his fingers. "Cricket. Yes! Thank you!"
While Weasel tries to scurry into the home's safety or wave his beloved Cindy down, Nick slowly walks towards the home. Lyla waves, smiles and before he knows it, is surrounded by chuldren pulling every which way. The large man, standing at 6' 3'' glares at the little hands poking and pulling on his outfit. One of Harmony's boys pokes his boot with a stick.
"Gee are tall."
Nick mumbles. "What be ya' name, lad?" He spoke with a heavy Scottish accent.
"Robbie." He continues to poke. "I like your ever stomp on a Spider with these things?"
"Oh. ANY kind of bug or-"
Nick rolls his eyes and tries to tread on. Sheila, however, wraps her arms around Nick's ankle and giggles.
"You talk like my papa Georgie only, like, more different."
Nick looks down at the child. "I know ya' papa Georgie. He's a good man...."
"You friends?"
"Kind of."
"Did you two, like, have parties or get ice cream or play video games or-"
"You talk a lot." Nick grabs Sheila and dangles her by the shirt. "Where be ya' folks at?"
"No! Ya' folks, lass?"
Sheila laughs. "Did you just say a no no, Mr. giant funny man?"
Harmony, now speaking to Mary, notice their childen's behavior. Rushing to aide the burly man, Harmony grabs her boys. Noah and Robbie continue to beg their mother to play with the scary guy, even as she drags them into the home.
"AH but mom-"
"You boys know better than that! Don't make me get your father out here..."
Noah pulls back. "No no! I'm fine..."
"Go back inside and play with George. Go." She pats them on the butt. "Stop bugging, you two..."
Mary grabs Sheila. "I do apologies, Nicky boy. You know how kids can be. The biggest pains in my ass."
Nick walks past Mary and before entering the home, Robert holds out a cheese or Cowboy hat.
"Which team are YOU on, Nick?"
"Okay, well, see...they DIDN'T make it to Superbowl soooo...yeah. Cheese or Cowboy?"
Nick snatches the cheese wedge and enters the home, nearly bumping into Gren. Laughing, Gren points.
"Hey....look, Robert. Look. Robert.'re're not looking at me, you fucker..."
"Gren." Nick pushes Gren to the side. "Excuse me..."
Gren notices Tezoth run past, holding two paper plates full of food. Clentched in his teeth, was a cup of soda and another Beer tucked under his armpits. Gren grabs him and chuckles.
"Robert is an ASSHOLE...pass it on."
Tezoth places the cup in his mouth on a nearby table. "does Emily know you're already wasted?"
Gren sways and laughs uncontrolably. "Emily has...a HUGE ass, Dragon boy. Like, ENORMOUS..."
"Okay....that still doesn't-"
"SSSSSHHHH! She'll hear you....Robert over there. He's um, working under cover with Emily and...he'll TELL her my secret..."
Tezoth rolls his eyes. "And WHAT might that be, Gren...."
Gren leans on Tezoth, nearly causing him to fall. "She' personal stripper, Dragon boy....."
Harmony, Cindy and Mr. Weasel walk in at the wrong time. Harmony blushes, Cindy burts into tears and Weasel is confused.
Tezoth takes his food, finds Georgie and sits by him. Handing Rose her food, the Fable sits quielty and prepares for the game. Gren, still laughing, sits beside Emily. Robert, however, manages to sit beside the Dragon, kick his feet up and munch loudly on the chips. Nick stands the entire time; Harmony, Junior and Katie's girls are all intrigued by the mysterious man with the funny accent. Draco munchies on Cheetos, as Catherine and Mikhail finish of their Tri-Tip steak sandwich.
The game was about to begin. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,`,
Any questions or comments, please leave them below! I do want to apologies again for the sudden story change and ANY confusion to follow. I DID make everyone older and what not. It fits, considering I'm leaving off where the 1st one took place. Hope you all like it, either way. I'll change it back, if needed and requested.
Words can not describe how I feel right now about this. So, basically Vivian was never meant to return to Fabletown and watch over Emily; she escaped Hades, killed his guard and ran off. By this, the ribbon returned; he was using it to tack Vivian down and bring her back to the Underwold for punishment. The blood of the Cerberus soaked into the ribbon, caused it to disappear and when she became the guardian to Emily, passed it down. Only SHE never got the ribbon..her daughter did. changing EVERYTHING about the little girl, which makes me wonder what she SOULD have looked like....
I was wondering that too but Emily addressed it. They live nowhere near mundies OR other Fables. I'm hoping they can fix this. Curious how Thomas' return has to do with ANY of this. :0 Gren and Emily are my favorite pairing you've made, next to Lyla and Georgie. They mesh so well; the idea of them always loving one another, even in her younger years.
As the couple made passionate love into the night, Emily whispers the answer Gren was anticipating. Like the times before this.
"Always..." Emily presses Gren against her body. "I'll always trust ya'...."
Peter and Ethan arrived later that day but it all seemed a blur to Emily. Her children didn't seem to noticed their sister's change, as Pete… morer took a turn pulling the ribbon off to see what Gren was trying to show. The mere sight of his neice's new found 'gift' was startling to both of her uncles; Peter was lost for words and Ethan found the hidden emotion to weep like a child.
Emily managed to hear the words 'Farm' and 'a few months' but that was all. Her mind was suddenly filled with the idea of a Fable such as Hades stalking her child in hopes of claiming her soul to be by his side. Vivian remained near Emily.
"Emily, please."
"Ya' betta' start talkin', Viv. I ain't got time ta' play these games."
"I didn't think it would be like this."
"THAT ribbon, is keeping her here right now? Even as we speak?"
"Yes, Emily,
"Why? How?" Emily tilts forward. "Ya' betta' start NOW, Vivian...or so 'elp me...."
Vivian inhaled and loo… [view original content]
Scarlett woke up in the middle of the night with the furious urge to vomit. She hadn't felt this sick since her pregnancy with her daughter Charlotte. She nearly tripped getting out from under the covers as she ran to the bathroom and bent over the toilet.
"Babe," Jackson's voice was groggy and tired. She must have woke him up in the process. "Are you alright?"
She puked some more, before answering. "I-I'm fine....Ugh..."
She heard him get up, which she wished he wouldn't, because she knew he had work early in the morning. His warm hands rubbed against her back, over her loose nightshirt. He bent down on one knee, pushing her hair out of the way.
"It's okay," He told her softly. "Is it all out?"
"I think so," Scarlett let her head rest on the edge of the toilet bowl. She felt exhausted all over again, her cheek against the cool porcelain, watching the nasty contents of her stomach swirl down the drain as Jackson flushed it.
"Come on to bed," He told her.
"I want to check on Charlotte first," She replied. "We let her sleep all day, she might be awake."
"Or, you know, still sleeping," Jackson said.
"Or that." Scarlett stood slowly, wiping her hand over her mouth. She washed her hands in the sink real quick, and drank a glass of water, before treading down the hall toward her daughter's room. Jackson laid back down in bed, to try and sleep some more before the morning came.
Scarlett's knuckled wrapped against the white wooden door. "Charlotte? You awake, baby?"
Nothing responded. Scarlett opened the door, to find the light on, the window open, and nobody in her daughter's bed. She screamed for Jackson to come.
When Harmony had walked away from her husband, she didn't have a clue where she was headed. She just walked past the staircase, out the door that lead to the central garden, a little courtyard that connected all the other homes neatly to one place. She remembered what Belinda was telling her, about the tenants. There was Mr. Vinegar, who lived awfully alone in his small apartment in the corner. Then, there was Henny-Penny and her variously other strange-named animal friends; Harmony found it strange that this particular Fabletown allowed some of it's animal residents to live there, instead of some sort of remote location. She supposed the rules must be different, any maybe it was better that way anyway, as the building was massively glamoured by the magical creatures and people who did live there. Almost better than New York's Fabletown. Almost. She also spotted a few lingering persons in the court. Molly Whuppie was one, and the other was her husband, a dashing prince before the exile.
Harmony's spot on the cold bench she chose to sit on wasn't getting much warmer as the two approached her. They had quizzical looks on their faces as they slowed to a stop, hand in hand.
"I beg your pardon," Molly said,"But I don't recall seeing you here before?"
"I-" Harmony paused a second. "I'm a visitor, of New York's Fabletown."
"Aye," The man had a thick Irish accent. "Ye' sound like it!"
Right. The accent, Harmony presumed. She just smiled, as best as she could manage. She was still a little upset about Tim's outburst. "Well, it's nice meet you two," Harmony said. "My name is Harmony."
"Strange wording," Molly noted. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Harmony. If you've met our dearest leader, I'm sure you already know our names. She tends to speak highly of us."
"Um," Harmony said. "Yeah. You're Molly, right? And you're Prince John?"
Both nodded in unison. "It's brass monkeys out here," Molly replied. "Wouldn't you want to go inside?"
Harmony shook her head. "No thanks. I'm....hiding."
"We were walkin' ta the common area, if ye'd like ta join," John replied.
"Uh..." Harmony thought for a moment. "Sure. I'll come with you."
"Excellent," Molly said. They started walking toward there before Harmony could stand, and she quickly fell in to step behind them.
Hmm, what's going on? Everything about this place is....fishy. To an extent. You'll see more when I write more, later
I like the way you portrayed Mikhail. Nice proper little young dragon The comments by Robert, Gren, and Jersey are way too funny XD I can't wait for more of this!
@pudding_pie brought this to my attention and its true: my last story had his Porgie kids and a few others older, including my RJ. I'll be c… morehanging the story up a bit; Peter is much OLDER than Harmony and it would make more sense if HER 1st litter interacts with, oh, I don't know...Junior's kids. I'm sorry for the confusion. :P IF I've lost you, please ask away! I'll explain as much as I can. Let's TRY this @HazzatheMan @Tetra @Masterstone @LupineNoir your fables have arrived! Can't wait to REALLY get everyone talking once more! XD
Tezoth caved in and wore the silly hat. Only this time, it was not a Cheese wedge but a styrofoam Cowboy hat. Georgie's usual bowler hat was replaced with one, too; it had the star on the front and 'GO COWBOYS' in bright blue and silver letters. He felt ridiculous but half the drunks and Fables here at the party either had one or the other. Even his beloved Rose wore the dreaded cheese wedge with pr… [view original content]
It's alright! So basically, replace all the kids my kids were playing with, with Junior's and Mary's and the various other babies who've been born to Pie's OC's? Still very good, by the way Love it!
"What team ya' guys be on?" Jersey continues to chew his gum. "Ya' guys HAVE to pick a team."
Oh, these men XD Sounds worse than my family when we go over to someone's house for the super bowl XD I'm a Giant's fan, but I'd root for the Cheese-heads over the Cowboys anyday! So I'm with Robert and Jersey and Gren! Sorry Georgie!
Then Draco made an appearance XD I can imagine him putting the cigar in his mouth with out a care at what Emily or Gren has to say XD
Gren, however, notices his little buddy and scoops him up.
Oh, Mr. Weasel. Can't catch a break from good ole Gren XD
"OH YEAH!" The booming sound of Robert's voice nearly knocks the creature down. "You, um, Brits don't watch Football. You guys watch oh what is that sport....Georgie would know. Where is that Tea drinking son-of-a-bitch now...."
Laughed so hard XD
"You talk a lot." Nick grabs Sheila and dangles her by the shirt. "Where be ya' folks at?"
Laughed even harder at that part XDDD
"Okay, well, see...they DIDN'T make it to Superbowl soooo...yeah. Cheese or Cowboy?"
Still laughing XD Seriously, this is one humorous chapter XD The Grendel brothers drunk might possibly be the best combination EVER. I couldn't stop laughing at the way Gren was acting and stuff! It was the best! Great chapter, can't wait for more!
@pudding_pie brought this to my attention and its true: my last story had his Porgie kids and a few others older, including my RJ. I'll be c… morehanging the story up a bit; Peter is much OLDER than Harmony and it would make more sense if HER 1st litter interacts with, oh, I don't know...Junior's kids. I'm sorry for the confusion. :P IF I've lost you, please ask away! I'll explain as much as I can. Let's TRY this @HazzatheMan @Tetra @Masterstone @LupineNoir your fables have arrived! Can't wait to REALLY get everyone talking once more! XD
Tezoth caved in and wore the silly hat. Only this time, it was not a Cheese wedge but a styrofoam Cowboy hat. Georgie's usual bowler hat was replaced with one, too; it had the star on the front and 'GO COWBOYS' in bright blue and silver letters. He felt ridiculous but half the drunks and Fables here at the party either had one or the other. Even his beloved Rose wore the dreaded cheese wedge with pr… [view original content]
It's alright! So basically, replace all the kids my kids were playing with, with Junior's and Mary's and the various other babies who've been born to Pie's OC's? Still very good, by the way Love it!
Yes! I'm sorry the confusion but it would make more sense that way and a little bit more for me to use. I apologies again for the confusion, Ems. Glad it still works out, though. Mary and Junior's kids would be a bit more entertaining to Harmony and Tim's little bunches of love anyways.
I'm a Niners fan and its insane like this at my house, too. XD I love Superbowl!
Glad you're on side for the cheese heads! -high fives- T man and Georgie are the only ones going for the Cowboys at this Draco comes off as a badass and pleased the forks thing worked; I was worried no one would get the joke. XD
SO happy this is pleasing you and everyone else so far! And yes: Gren and Robert are quite the duo drunk and in the same room. We'll see more of that later....XD
It's alright! So basically, replace all the kids my kids were playing with, with Junior's and Mary's and the various other babies who've bee… moren born to Pie's OC's? Still very good, by the way Love it!
"What team ya' guys be on?" Jersey continues to chew his gum. "Ya' guys HAVE to pick a team."
Oh, these men XD Sounds worse than my family when we go over to someone's house for the super bowl XD I'm a Giant's fan, but I'd root for the Cheese-heads over the Cowboys anyday! So I'm with Robert and Jersey and Gren! Sorry Georgie!
Then Draco made an appearance XD I can imagine him putting the cigar in his mouth with out a care at what Emily or Gren has to say XD
Gren, however, notices his little buddy and scoops him up.
Oh, Mr. Weasel. Can't catch a break from good ole Gren XD
"OH YEAH!" The booming sound of Robert's voice nearly knocks the creature down. "You, um, Brits don't watch Football. You guys watch oh wha… [view original content]
@pudding_pie brought this to my attention and its true: my last story had his Porgie kids and a few others older, including my RJ. I'll be c… morehanging the story up a bit; Peter is much OLDER than Harmony and it would make more sense if HER 1st litter interacts with, oh, I don't know...Junior's kids. I'm sorry for the confusion. :P IF I've lost you, please ask away! I'll explain as much as I can. Let's TRY this @HazzatheMan @Tetra @Masterstone @LupineNoir your fables have arrived! Can't wait to REALLY get everyone talking once more! XD
Tezoth caved in and wore the silly hat. Only this time, it was not a Cheese wedge but a styrofoam Cowboy hat. Georgie's usual bowler hat was replaced with one, too; it had the star on the front and 'GO COWBOYS' in bright blue and silver letters. He felt ridiculous but half the drunks and Fables here at the party either had one or the other. Even his beloved Rose wore the dreaded cheese wedge with pr… [view original content]
Everyone beat me to the comments. sheila with the fork was hilarious and Gren describing Emily's ass to T man. XD I feel bad for DragonButter's OC, man. I'm waiting for him to punch the shit out of Gren! Sorry but I'm calling it! Draco destroying the SUV was brilliant; smokes a cigar like a boss. XD Catherine and Mikhail were too cute. And Percy....Mr. Weasel and the Grendel brothers, despite what you put, have secretly become BFF's to the thread. XD
Also, speaking of Grendel brothers:
Gren chuckles. "His name is Percy....I'm're Robert...hehe....Percy...."
Oh Gren. Sweet, sweet Gren. Love how Emily is like 'Whatever' even though she'd be jumping down his throat. I got confused when you changed it up but I like this better. I pictured Nick like the Disney movie 'Brave' when you wrote about him. XD
@pudding_pie brought this to my attention and its true: my last story had his Porgie kids and a few others older, including my RJ. I'll be c… morehanging the story up a bit; Peter is much OLDER than Harmony and it would make more sense if HER 1st litter interacts with, oh, I don't know...Junior's kids. I'm sorry for the confusion. :P IF I've lost you, please ask away! I'll explain as much as I can. Let's TRY this @HazzatheMan @Tetra @Masterstone @LupineNoir your fables have arrived! Can't wait to REALLY get everyone talking once more! XD
Tezoth caved in and wore the silly hat. Only this time, it was not a Cheese wedge but a styrofoam Cowboy hat. Georgie's usual bowler hat was replaced with one, too; it had the star on the front and 'GO COWBOYS' in bright blue and silver letters. He felt ridiculous but half the drunks and Fables here at the party either had one or the other. Even his beloved Rose wore the dreaded cheese wedge with pr… [view original content]
I FINALLY caught up to all the other posts you've made! My bad, Ems! Man! Falling behind. Used to be on it! XD
Anyways, when Scarlett threw up, my brain immediatly said pregnant. The usual. But, when she went to check up on Charlotte, she was gone; if I remember correctly, cause the last few days I've made no sense, Charlotte received headaches and nose bleeds and is very sick at the moment because of her time traveling. She's also managed to change a few lives, one being her uncle Isaac. Now, with her missing, I'm curious: did she run off or is she changing yet another future....hmmmm...
And when you mentioned Irish accent for Molly, my mind returned to T man's story and Fayde; you've Easter Egged his relationship with Rose and his OC in previous chapters AND the nicknames he gave her. I'm sure its pure coincidence (the Irish as wonderful, I know! XD) so I might be getting ahead of myself. (AGAIN!) lol But I'm wondering about their 'leader' and the sudden gestures they've made to Harmony; she's alone, 'm assuming because the arguement she had with Tim. OR this might have to do with his sister. she came off a bit sketchy to me....
Listen to me. Gees. all this that I'm throwing at you. XD
Scarlett woke up in the middle of the night with the furious urge to vomit. She hadn't felt this sick since her pregnancy with her daughter … moreCharlotte. She nearly tripped getting out from under the covers as she ran to the bathroom and bent over the toilet.
"Babe," Jackson's voice was groggy and tired. She must have woke him up in the process. "Are you alright?"
She puked some more, before answering. "I-I'm fine....Ugh..."
She heard him get up, which she wished he wouldn't, because she knew he had work early in the morning. His warm hands rubbed against her back, over her loose nightshirt. He bent down on one knee, pushing her hair out of the way.
"It's okay," He told her softly. "Is it all out?"
"I think so," Scarlett let her head rest on the edge of the toilet bowl. She felt exhausted all over again, her cheek against the cool porcelain, watching the nasty contents of her stomach swirl down the drain as Jackson flushed it.
… [view original content]
@pudding_pie brought this to my attention and its true: my last story had his Porgie kids and a few others older, including my RJ. I'll be c… morehanging the story up a bit; Peter is much OLDER than Harmony and it would make more sense if HER 1st litter interacts with, oh, I don't know...Junior's kids. I'm sorry for the confusion. :P IF I've lost you, please ask away! I'll explain as much as I can. Let's TRY this @HazzatheMan @Tetra @Masterstone @LupineNoir your fables have arrived! Can't wait to REALLY get everyone talking once more! XD
Tezoth caved in and wore the silly hat. Only this time, it was not a Cheese wedge but a styrofoam Cowboy hat. Georgie's usual bowler hat was replaced with one, too; it had the star on the front and 'GO COWBOYS' in bright blue and silver letters. He felt ridiculous but half the drunks and Fables here at the party either had one or the other. Even his beloved Rose wore the dreaded cheese wedge with pr… [view original content]
It's alright, dude. I'm cool.
Anyways, there were a few mistakes. I'm sure its whatever. We get what your saying.
I DId have a question: The Porgie kids were older in your last story and here, they are kids. I mean, its cool.
I like it either way.
Poor T man! Gren was too funny in here! I loved it! Can't wait to see the rest, man!
EDITE: Dude! You forgot Tetra's OC! :0
Oh man, so much awkwardness for poor Tez, goddamn Grendels. XD Besides, @JJwolf you made the right choice to have Tez decline Jersey's offer of wearing the cheese head. XD
Goddamn it, Tim's a lucky man.
Tez in the beginning, lol XD Carrying those brownies and kicking the gnome like a boss! And then Gren, at the door XD Rosey Posey is a cute nickname, Rose literally has like a thousand different ones XD
I laughed so hard XD
Another laughing moment XD
The part where Gren just keeps talking and making Jersey laugh so hard was hilarious and awkward, and poor Tezzy, he doesn't seem to be having a good time at all!
And then poor Junior
He always gets the bad end of the stick, lol. Let's hope the jalapenos don't haunt him for the rest of the night!
Oh Tez.... XD Great job, man! Can't wait for more, as I said before! (I can rhyme now, woohoo!)
I felt bad for T man in this; the cheese head, penis talk...Gren. Jersey. xD And Robert...DUN, DUN, DUN! C'mon, T man! JOIN the cheese heads! lol
Tezoth: "If it involves me wearing that ridiculous-looking cheese head, I'll have none of it!"
storms off into a corner and pouts
Tezoth: "None of you understand what went down! It tapped me on the shoulder, plain and simple!"
(And whoa, a witch that can rhyme? Now I've seen everything. XD)
Had to read this and the first chapter in one go: so entertaining. XD You've done a grand job of it so far, with some very funny moments, like with Georgie, Tez, and Harmony is being her loving self, not to mention Robert playing it nice and cool with Tez and Gren being somewhat, um, inebriated. Top notch writing, dude. XD
Looking forward to seeing everyone else's OC's.
(Also, if I'm honest, I read '"Mary, Nick, Draco, Lydia and Percy."', and at first had no idea who Percy was XD which is kinda embarrassing, but I love that you called him by his first name
Woahwoahwoah! Hades! Greek god of the underworld?! Seriously didn't see that one coming.
The whole ribbon-off turning into a Cerberus-like creature is an awkward gift - or curse, depending how you consider it - but then, that calls Hades forth?
I'm kinda bowled over with the whole thing.
This is some brilliant writing, man! XD
"I just think there's," Harmony whispered across her husband's chest. They were lying in the guest bedroom, a window cracked to neutralize the otherwise hot bedroom. Old heaters were definitely good at conducting heat, and Harmony felt like she was choking down the stuffy air in the room.
"Please," Tim said. "Don't talk about it right now. I want to enjoy what I have with her; She's my sister, for Christ's sake. Harmony..."
She tugged the blankets off her shoulder, to air out in between the covers. "Fine, I'll stop. But I'm telling you..."
"I hear you, plain and clear. Let's go to bed."
Harmony sighed, rolling to face away from her husband. So far, the vacation had gone from pleasantly romantic, to joyous reconnection, but with that also brought a sort of longing over her husband, which Harmony interpreted as blindness to what was really going on. He seemed to refuse that his sister may or may not have something dark she's not telling them, as if she were still the same little angel she'd been when they were children.
Instead of making the night theirs, they slept apart from one another.
The next morning was much lovelier than the night, with the same servant as before walking cautiously in, a long bed tray in her arms. Harmony stirred awake from Tim's voice, which sounded slightly groggy as he thanked the woman for bringing them food.
"Tea?" Tim's voice cleared up as Harmony sat up some. She leaned over, grabbing a warm glass cup, warming her chilly fingers.
"We probably should have closed the window back up, when it was cool enough. Now it's freezing in here."
"It's alright," Tim said, with a small smile. "When we're done here, do you want to see if my sister's awake?"
"I'm sure she is," Harmony replied. "Who else would have sent the maid in with out breakfast? What time is it, anyway?"
Tim scanned the walls for a clock of sorts. With out luck, he was forced to lean over and snatch his phone from the charger. "It's 8:45 AM."
"Exactly. She seems the type to rise at 6 on the dot."
"I suppose..." Tim trailed off. They finished the toast together, and the side of scrambled eggs and bacon. Tim lowered the tray to a small coffee table nearby, and began changing into another outfit he packed. Harmony needed a quick shower, to scrub any lingering grime from the prior day's activities. She emerged back out of the attached bathroom shortly after, and noticed her husband was already gone.
"He never gets dressed that quickly when we're at home," Harmony mutters. She lets out a deep breath, drying her hair with the portable blow dryer she bought at one of the stores there in London. Afterwards, she let her towel drop and got dressed as quickly as she could. She was downstairs in the living room by 9:30.
"...And then, I told her that I couldn't find the kids, because the kids disappeared. Man, was I in for it!" Tim was retelling a story of the past to his sister, who was cracking up across the table from him. Belinda had a cup of Tea in front of her, and she was mixing in some sugar. On the floor, playing with wooden soldiers, was her estranged son.
"Hello," Harmony greeted everyone in the room as she stepped in. Her bare feet against the aged wood floors felt nice, felt like the wood floors she had at home. She enjoyed the style of Belinda's apartment very much, but she was also feeling a little homesick to what she was used to seeing every day. The family photos of her children down the halls, the tropical fruit smelling wax melters in all of her bathrooms. Even cleaning up after her small babies was something that tugged on her heart strings.
"Good morning," Belinda's features were benign and genuine looking, which eased Harmony at least a little bit. "Tim was telling me a few stories."
"Did he tell you about the time he left Elora on the playground and took the wrong child home?"
Tim's cheeks reddened slight with embarrassment. "All babies look the same when they're born!" This made Belinda stifle a laugh.
"The kids were 3, Tim," Harmony said, but she was laughing. "And the child you brought home was a boy. Granted, it was another fable baby, but come on, Tim. It could have been a mundy baby, and you really were paying more attention to-"
"That's enough," He told Harmony. Clearly, he was trying to impress his sister for some stupid reason. Harmony rolled her eyes and looked away, turning to the boy on the floor. He was still playing with his soldiers, but now he was moving, as if he felt Harmony's gaze on his back. He walked over to the couches, and his face only briefly turned to see Harmony.
For a second, she thought his eyes were entirely black. But then, there was a glimmer, and they were normal gray-blue, as before. She shivered slightly.
"So," Belinda said after a moment. "What do you want to do today? There's a brilliant museum not too far from here."
"Sounds good," Tim said, his emotions back to normal. He stood slowly, using the back of the chair to help himself. Normally, he'd ask Harmony to help him up, but he hadn't even tried to grab her attention as he stood, and reached for his crutch. Even then, he seemed to be trying not to use it as much as he needed it.
"I'll get Matthew ready and meet you back down here," Belinda said. She took her son's arm and pulled him softly away from his playing, and he silently obeyed her with out protest. That wasn't something normal in children so young. Harmony's chest felt heavy again, as if seeing the boy disturbed her inner soul.
When Belinda was out of the room, Harmony had a stern talk with her husband.
"Tim," She said, in a low tone. "You're acting strange."
"What are you talking about?" For a moment he looked confused, but then he must have known what Harmony was talking about it, as a flash of realization crossed his face. Still, he played it moderately dumb.
"You know what I mean," She said. "And I want you to stop. I'm your wife, and whatever you need I'll help you with. Don't put on a show for your sister, she deserves to see the true you."
"Harmony..." Tim's voice was distant, a twinge of sadness around the edges. "What is the real me, though?"
Harmony's expression went from stern to a bit confused. "Excuse me? Tim, you're acting strange-"
"I have no idea what you're talking about!" Tim's voice was angry, but still low so no one could hear in any other rooms. "Is this about that funny feeling you got about my sister? Why don't you just drop it. It doesn't make sense, you don't make sense!"
Harmony's face flushed. He'd never said those kinds of things to her....what was happening? She forced her lip not to quiver, held back the surfacing tears. "Well, if that's how you feel, then fine. I'm not going with you to the museum." And she walked off, before he could say another word.
Stopping there, only because my friends are coming over shortly, and I have stuff to do :P Yeah, Tim and Harmony are actually having an argument
I have a plan though, so don't worry! Any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Oh, those two. XD Is nice seeing them so close after so long, though, as we've sort of been with them every step of the way.
Yeah, good luck with that weather, Harm. XD Admittedly, it's not always that bad. :P
Harmony's initial jealousy at Tim's embrace of Belinda is very realistic; but the later revelation of Charlotte's possible hand in it all makes everything to do with Belinda mysterious.
You've got the dialect down.
Which reminds me of something: do you have 'flats' in America, or do you just call them apartments?
And Charlotte and time-travelling while she's asleep... or if she is... and has she changed the past again or she just seeing visions? I don't even know what questions to ask, but you're making a really great story here.
Oh yeah... that makes some sense :P
I love this so damn much!!!
The whole thing with Georgie's penis and then Robert and Lyla doing it.... Those scenes made me laugh so hard!! XD
It'll be interesting to see Nick in this fray... I don't care what side you put him on, matter of fact I/m very intrigued to see what you do do with him
I have faith in you JJ. Keep up the awesome work!!
I've got a plan for each of the quads; Viviana is right now, Seraphina and Liam will come later, as will Chloe. I'll explain more about the awkward gift, as I like to call it. Each time you pull the ribbon, it summons Hades closer; keeping the ribbon on saves Viviana's soul. HOW it can permanently be removed, well...that's a whole other section for another chapter.
Glad you're liking it so far. I'm having a blast with this and looking forward to adding more.
Many years later after Mikhail had grown up he and Catherine were in the homelands hunting. Catherine seemed to have gotten herself into quite the fight as there were more than a hundred people circling her.
"Hey dummy now would be the perfect time to get down here!" She thought to him
Mikhail found her location (This would be a good time to start the music if you want to XD) and dive bombed near Catherine. She noticed him and as he fell she jumped off his body and flung herself into the air. Mikhail slammed into the ground sending most flying, he let out a roar and sent flames unto the stragglers burning them to ash. Catherine landed on his back and flew away to find some animals instead of people wanting their heads on pikes.
Love the drawing of Mikhail, and his theme is reminds me of a final fantasy tune.
Chapter 11, The Cavalry Arrives!
“Tell me something Robby, what exactly were you thinking? You thought your, simple, measly will could stand up to my transcendent might. You have wronged yourself, and now you lay there beneath my feet, in your own blood.** You, your Fabled Avengers, Fabletown and anyone of that matter, will die a horrible death. And in all suffice my influence would of cloak this world and no mortal or immortal would challenge me.
I am no longer a Fable, I am divine,now behold. Take final looks Robby at the world, your friends will follow afterwards..”
Gargoth with his monstrous hands around Robby's neck. Instead of attempting to fight back Robby's begins to chuckle then laughs out loud with all the breathe he has left. He just laughs and laughs..
“What is so funny about death, Robby? Even if it is your own.”
“Gargoth, you.. You are so going to get your ass kicked..”
“Explain yourself Robby, what exactly are you going about?”
“I was just buying some time... until the cavalry.... arrives.
A strong gust whirls through the room, Gargoth drops Robby turns around. He looks up and see's Bigby in his wolf form.
Along with him riding his his back are Irene and Marco. Delphantez and Hati enters next in their celestial dragon and wolf forms.
Then Nisa appears also, without her sister Viera.
And finally, Etan and Olivia enters.
“Ahh yes. Of course, this was bound to happen. There was no way to elude this.... The Son of the Ole Fabled North Wind, in all his hairy glory. A fairy and a vampire... A rare fable, that is said to be extinct... the phoenix. A wolf god and the prince the set me free. Then finally Etan, and my beloved daughter. How exciting”
“Father, you must stop this now!” Olivia pleading to her father.
“Enough Olivia. You are no longer my daughter, you are only my enemy. You have made your choice and I have made mine.”
“That was kinda of harsh, even for you Gargoth.” Etan defending Olivia.
“Etan, you miserable hell hound. I may me evil and wicked, but what you are, what you are hiding from your now allies, don't even match up. Even your father knows, yet he refuse to tell ANYONE the danger you are too everyone.”
“What the hell are you talking about Gargoth?”
“Playing ignorant won't get you no where. Fenrir, the abomination is surging through you like electricity, I can smell it from here.”
“Well, Gargoth perhaps what you are smelling is your own as-”
“Okay enough. Were here for only one thing, stopping your Gargoth, and you made it perfectly clear that you won't be making this easy. To say your self a pitiful and painful death give up, now” Bigby as he jumps down and approaches Gargoth.
“Of course, I'll give you what you all desire. I'll give you all what you are so desprate for. It's best I can do for you all for charging me up like a super battery. COME FACE ME, YOU WORTHLESS WORMS!”
Using all the evil energy he gather from being around different Fables, Gargoyle began to evolve into an entity of complete darkness.
His gargoyle minions covers the building in a barrier preventing anyone from escaping. Luckily, Mr. Weasel manage to make it in before it cover the whole building. He began scurrying along staying out of sight. He observed what was going, waiting to make his move.
“I never kicked a gargoyle god in the balls before, I wonder what the results would be..” He thought.
Elsewhere, Boogey wipes the blood from his mouth as returning to normal. Marcelo cries out his fathers name as he lies down on the floor unresponsive.
“Dad, get up. Please get up!”
Boogey then looks at Marcelo and begins to approach the young dragon.
“Sorry kid, your father just. Just wasn't strong enough this time.. He fought like a warrior, but died as fool. Now that he is gone. Nothing can stop me... well except you.”
“What are you saying, you evil fuckface!”
“Language, Marcelo, language. This would be over quickly.” Boogey as he prepares to kill Marcelo, but is then out of no where is grab by Omnimaax, and slammed into the wall by him.
“Are you okay young man.” Omnimaax helping Marcelo up. He turns to Draco's body and looks at Marcelos, telling him that everything is going to be alright and calls over Tezoth.”
“Umm, Omnimaax, I'm not sure of what you are asking me..”
“Breath fire on the sword, with all of your might.”
“How is this suppose to save Draco?” Tez demanding
“Dragons flames are more to just burning things to ashes. They can also heal other Dragons. But the healing flame is only triggered by positive emotions Tezoth.
“Positive emotions... like... love?”
“That would do, think about someone you love, let that be your strength. Let it fuel your flames, triggering the healing effect.”
Tezoth thought about his unyielding love for Rose Red and began to begins to glow a beautiful flaming red. He then breaths his fire on Omnmaax sword with turns bright red. Omnimaax rushes over towards and tells Tez and Marcelo to stand back, as Draco is going to be pissed.
As he stabs Draco, he comes back to life and immediately changes into his dragon form and is shocked to see Omnimaax here.
“Easy Draco, I'm on your side now. Thank Tezoth for saying your life.”
Marcel runs over to hug his father, and share a brief emotional movement.
Boogey interrupts and attempts to attack, but he his then doubled teamed by Draco and Tezoth who sets Boogey on fire with their flames allowing Omnimaax to finish him off, for good.
“Holy shit, I just killed the Bogeyman!” Tez celebrating.
“Nope.” Omnmimaax patting Tez on the back while leaving the room preparing to find Gargoth and hopefully, slay him next.
To be continued
I've seen the artwork that goes into it and listened to the music! It's quite a piece of work. I actually discovered them a couple of years ago and I definitely wasn't able to handle what was in the games. I think I had nightmares for a while, too. I can definitely respect the games on an artistic level, though. They're definitely original and the experience that game offers is one of a kind. Kind of like Bioshock. It's one of those types of games, you know?
Oh gosh well that sucks, my bad! Some of the things are quite spooky though. Yes I know exactly what you mean!
Thanks Stone! Even with all the tutorials this was the best I could pull but I do really like this one but I don't think I'll be trying this one again XD
Epic song and a great drawing of Milkhail! Gives a clear image of what he looks like! Didn't realise he was blue, but that and the yellow tips really make him look rather unique.
You'd do want him and Catherine - or Cat - on your side during a fight. ;D
How do you defeat a being that can consume and use the power of the of others? It'll be an interesting fight!
Haha, that's a good line. XD I'm guessing the results would be a rather annoyed gargoyle god.
And the idea of a dragon's flames being able to heal another dragon is a very good idea! You've shown just how much Tez loves Rose, and how much Marcelo looks up to his father.
Thanks Lupine!
I don't know why I made him blue, it was the color I had in my hand and I was like "Eh sure why not!" XD My roommate and I were talking about the stories and whenever he talked about Catherine he'd call her Cat. and it sort of stuck XD so either will do
whenever I want a bad ass theme I always turn to Drakengard 3 as it has the best boss themes I've ever heard in a video game!
Peter and Ethan arrived later that day but it all seemed a blur to Emily. Her children didn't seem to noticed their sister's change, as Peter took a turn pulling the ribbon off to see what Gren was trying to show. The mere sight of his neice's new found 'gift' was startling to both of her uncles; Peter was lost for words and Ethan found the hidden emotion to weep like a child.
Emily managed to hear the words 'Farm' and 'a few months' but that was all. Her mind was suddenly filled with the idea of a Fable such as Hades stalking her child in hopes of claiming her soul to be by his side. Vivian remained near Emily.
"Emily, please."
"Ya' betta' start talkin', Viv. I ain't got time ta' play these games."
"I didn't think it would be like this."
"THAT ribbon, is keeping her here right now? Even as we speak?"
"Yes, Emily,
"Why? How?" Emily tilts forward. "Ya' betta' start NOW, Vivian...or so 'elp me...."
Vivian inhaled and looked immediatly towards Viviana. The little girl remained in Gren's arms the entire time he spoke to Peter. The other three casually played on the floor with stuffed animals and chew toys. Several times, Chloe changed and chased after Puddles until the Dog jumped on the couch and Chloe could no longer chase him and lost interest. Vivian knew this day would come. When, she was not sure; the thought of having to describe it all to Emily was something she never looked forward to.
Vivian began. "Hades was a greedy God, to say the least. His main goal in his wretched life was to collect as many lost and tourmented souls as he could. He was reluctant to let ANY of them leave. The place was not like what the mundies describe; it was not paradise but it was particularly pleasent at times. It was simply a desolate place. No joy. No hope. No love. Nothing. Eventually, the souls that remained in the Underworld would simply vanish and slowly fade into nothing..."
Emily folds her arms. "Is that where ya' went, Viv?"
"When I died, the world around me was pitch black. No sound, voices, light-I wandered the darkness, just like in my life, alone. Hades found me; he was a very tall, well built man with dark eyes and dark features. All I could see were those eyes and smell the burning coals and ashes scattered all around. Before long, I was before a panel of three judges."
"And..." Emily desperatly needed answers. "What were those judges? Are they the ones that promised ya' somethin'?"
Vivian continued. "Only those pure and righteous could pass through the gates and into an enternity of bliss and peace. They passed judgment based on the life you lived prior to coming here. Those that lived decent lives were singled out and sent to their final resting place. Those, like me of course, were doomed the minute their feet touched the ground. Either spend eternity wondering the earth alone or sent into the darkness, were you'd eventually fade in time..."
Vivian paused to glance at her hands. Emily noticed her eyes becoming glassy and full of tears. As she tried to reach, Vivian pushed Emily's hand away. Gren noticed his fiancee's sudden facial expression and began to question Vivian's 'true' intentions: was it only the guardian of Emily or was there something else attached to her 'guidance'?
"One of the judges, Aeacus, took pity on me for living such a lonely life and gave me the opportunity to set things right. I was so terrified, Emily...I ran away. Towards the gates. I didn't know which way to turn...Cerberus guards those gates. Hades adored that creature and would protect it beyond any comprehension known to man."
"Vivian..." Emily's voice grew fearful. "WOOT did you do?"
"I killed the original Cerberus. When I slaughtered the beast, the path was free and I, along with a few other souls, escaped. I was alone, though; the darkness became my only form of existence until your mother was born. I thought SHE was the one I'd guide. Little did I know, she'd have a daughter who needed my help beyond anything."
Emily atands up, walks to the window and looks out. "Woot does Viviana have ta' do with Hades or-"
"The blood from the original Cerberus was all over my hands and face. During my escape, the ribbon returned. How? I can't explain. I assume it was part of the punishment the judges had for me. I touched the material, unaware it soaked every last drop of the blood. Hades was using it to track me down. Return me to the Underworld. No soul had EVER managed to escape. Somehow, I avoided him until your mother was born. As I latched onto her, the ribbon disappeared. I thought nothing of it. Until-"
Emily watches a Bird land on the fence post. It chirps, fluffs out its feathers and returns to the pale blue sky. "Ya' gave it ta' me mother, who passed it on ta' me....but why Viviana?"
"Hades must have sensed the change, too, when I became a part of you, Emily. The ribbon, containing the blood of his beloved Cerberus, latched itself onto you. It changed the apperance of Viviana, making her wherabouts easier to locate."
Emily huffs. "Fook that, shit. He aint touchin' me daughter."
"My ribbon protects her soul. As long as it remains on her neck, he can not take her back. The ribbon's ability will eventually run out, the more times you pull it off. It draws him in. He can not take her, Emily, so long as I'm here."
"So, if she pulls off the ribbon for good-"
Vivian allows a tear to fall. "I disappear. For good this time. You'll lose me and Viviana."
Emily scratches her forehead. "Ya' was me guardian....but also my protector..."
"You or Gren may never understand or grasp what I'm trying to say but...I couldn't let your fate end they way it was supposed to, nor could he claim that little girl. I was given a second chance..."
Emily takes a seat, just as Peter and Ethan locate their sister. Peter offers Emily a cigarette but declines.
"Want to go outside or-"
"Woot is it ya' both gotta' tell me?"
Ethan sighs, taking a seat beside Emily. Gren hovers nearby. The stern look on his face with the mixture of devestation and determination in his beautiful, green eyes. Emily sensed his presence; his rough hand reached behind and gently rubbed Emily's back.
Peter speaks. "Emily, Viviana and the others NEED to go to the Farm."
"Fook ya', Peter." Emily glares at them both. "Ya' ain't takin' me babies away!"
"It won't be permanent, Emily. Just until we can teach the babies to control their powers and-"
Emily stands up and walks back to the kitchen. Gren is the first to follow. He runs into the kitchen and notices a thick Butcher's knife in Emily's hand. He could detect blood; the copper smell bumbards his nostrils with such force, nearly causing the beast to turn and become violent. shaking his head, Gren notices the dark red blood trickle down Emily's palm.
"Emily!" Gren grabs her hand and pulls away. "Let go! LET go!"
"I will NOT let 'em take the babies, Grendel!" Emily pins herself against the counter. "They ain't takin' our babies away!"
"Emily, listen to me....we have NO choice. Either that or lose them forever! We can't, Emily! They need to be taught and-"
Emily crumbles to the floor, dropping the knife and burying her entire face into Gren's shirt. Inhaling his scent, Emily weeps quielty. Gren presses his face into Emily's ebony hair, closes his eyes and cries as well. Neither had any idea the dangers and trouble that continued to lurk in the city of Fabletown. Stroking Emily's hair, Gren hummed and rocked back and forth; Emily clung to his jacket like a frightened child and refused to pardon with Gren. Like times before and forevermore, Gren managed to reach Emily and assure her it would be alright, no matter what.
Ethan and Peter found the pair; Peter was the first to notice the strong blood smell, found a rag and nursed Emily's open wound on her palm. As he did so, Ethan spoke to his sister.
"Emily, please. You need to understand something. We are not taking the quads away. However, they need to learn how to control their powers and shape shifting abilities before its too late. We can not take a chance of Seraphina killing plants or Viviana accidentally pulling the ribbon and turning into a three headed hound from hell in the mundane world. Liam is having a difficult time STAYING in human form, as is Chloe. Its cute and fine when they're here but Emily...eventually, they'll wander to the mundane world..."
Emily wipes her eyes. "Please, Ethan. Peter. They are tryin'."
Ethan contiues. "We KNOW they are, Emily. Trust me. Gren has spoken to us in regards to their powers and transformation but you have to understand something. If we let YOU guys slide, we have to let ALL the other Fables and their offspring slide, too."
"But I'm family." The devestation in her voice. "I'm ya' sister...Ethan..."
Ethan turns away. He couldn't continue. He refused to look Emily in the eye and lay down the law. Her brown eyes filled with tears and soon, they poured down. Gren continued to rocker her gently back and forth. Peter finished bandaging the wounds and took over for his brother. He had to bite his tongue and hold back.
"Emily, you are our sister. We love you and those babies. We respect Gren and the decisions you two have made. You're wonderful parents. But we CAN'T risk something like this. We simply can't. If someone finds out or sees them...we could lose our jobs and sent away from Fabletown. Cast out. Or worse. You want that for them? For the family?"
Gren speaks for Emily. He could sense she no longer wished to speak. "For how long would they stay, Peter?"
"Until they managed both their powers and transformation."
Emily finally speaks. "Why can't they do it here, Peter? Ain't no mundy out 'ere fa' miles...."
Peter strokes his hair back. Thr idea did cross his mind; keep the children here in the comfort of their own home and teach them the proper tools in managing their powers. Sunflower and a few other Fables from the Farm offered to assist; Sunflower was not accepting either of the choices laid out for the couple and their children and demanded to personally teach them.
"I'll get back on that tomorrow. For now, lock the doors, watch the kids and please you two-try and understand WHY we're doing this. Emily-"
All she could do was nod. Peter returns the gesture with a warm embrace. It had been years since the pair hugged or showed emotions that deep with one another. Bidding farewell to the children, Ethan and Peter return to their car and head back to Fabletown. Gren makes his rounds around the house, locking all doors, windows and drawing in the curtains. No one was coming in. No one was leaving and certainly no disturbances tonight.
Vivian remained away from the couple and the children. Staying alone in the living room, Vivian listens to the world and noises around her.
After a long bubble bath and the children tucked away in their cribs, Gren places Emily in their bed and comforts the troubling young woman. In silence, the pair lay; Frogs were heard croaking outside the window, singing their nightly tunes as they leaped in the water and played with the Fireflies. A Owl screeches into the night. The gentle caressing sounds of the wind pressed against the home as it blows through the trees and rooftop. Gren kisses the top of Emily's head and guides his finger tip along her body.
"How is your hand, Ems?"
Emily turns to face Gren. "I'm worried, love. I'm so fookin' scared and-"
"I know you are, sweetie. I'm fuckin' pissed their ain't much they can do but...our babies need to learn and...if what you told me is true, Viviana needs to be protected. They all do. I'm not losing them. And I'm not losing you, too..."
"Ya' can neva' lose me." Emily wraps her arms across Gren's bare chest. "Even when I was a fookin' child, ya' could neva' lose me."
Gren was brought back to the time when Emily was once bullied by a classmate. The taunting. The teasing. Her tears and please for the girl to stop and let her be. When he showed up, to save his beloved Emily and protect her. No one knew this but Gren changed into true form; the bully had not a split second to think, as Gren's mighty hand pinned her body to the ground. Gren could have easily killed that girl. Crushed her bones, devoured her body. But like always, Emily reframed him from becoming what he once was. A killer. A monster. She would have lost him that day, had it not been for her gentle, loving words.
Gren sighs and lowers his eyes to meet Emily's. "I love you, Emily."
"I love ya' too, Gren."
"We'll get through this. Don't...don't be mad at Peter or Ethan. TRUST me. I wanted to fuckin' slap your brother for telling me those things but he's right. We need to protect them, Emily."
"I know." As much as it pained her to say it, her brothers were right. "I'm not about ta' let 'em take our babies away."
"They won't." Gren pulls Emily closer. "They'll never take them away. NO ONE will. Not Hades, not the Farm-no one."
Emily knew Gren spoke the truth, as he pins her against the sheets and proceeds to passionatly kiss her lips. There was nothing to fear anymore. Allowing all sense of trepidation and guilt to fall away, Emily wraps her arms around Gren's neck. She allows the tears to fall. The raw emotions to surface. Gren kissed the tears away. He made it better. Just like the time before. As the couple made passionate love into the night, Emily whispers the answer Gren was anticipating. Like the times before this.
"Always..." Emily presses Gren against her body. "I'll always trust ya'...."
Any questions, let me know.
Everything was going so well till Belinda appeared, and now Harmony and Tim are arguing! Has that ever really happened before? Or, at least, they've never seemed annoyed at each other, from what I can remember. Hmm. Glad you've got a plan! :P
Oh, and when you mentioned the tropical fruit smelling wax meleters it reminded me of Yankee Candles, which you told me about ages ago when everyone was talking about spiced pumpkin XD anyway, I bought some very nice smelling candles for gifts from there, so I figured I'd say thanks for pointing them out. XD
Haha, those thoughts can be very helpful sometimes XD the yellow tips are a good compliment to the blue! Ahh - her attitude can be pretty feisty at times, so 'Cat' seems like a fitting shortening.
Those must be some bad ass boss fights. XD
Yes they are pretty bad ass XD Well I'm glad the yellow works with the blue, because I was skeptical about it at first. Ah I see what you did there Lupine XD
LOL XD That is funny, actually. I was looking at the name and thinking, ' this right?' I've done that before, Noir. :P Don't feel bad. XD But yes, I'll mention his name more because Gren is itching for some pre-game
Yeah, they're adorable
Even now after so long, writing about them romantically is still something I have to get used to, because it feels like not too long ago, all they were doing were making googly eyes at each other XD
Lol XD I just remember reading a lot of books were it's rainy all the time in England, no matter what season it is XD
I'll be covering more on that later, as I go on. You've got the right idea to be suspicious of her, though,
I had to look up a few things on the internet to make sure I was getting it right XD I already knew the term flats, but in America we just call them apartments. When I first heard the term flat, I imagined a house that was just really low to the ground XD
It's really mysterious, isn't it? Well, more will be covered soon enough. Glad you like it ^-^
I think they've had a small disagreement before, but otherwise I've never written a full blown argument between the two. It is a little disheartening
But things will obviously get better in the end.
I'm actually selling Yankee Candles for a fundraiser right now XP It's hard because a lot of them are expensive and I need to sell a hundred dollars at least and every one hundred dollars is one point for my NHS and I need 12 points by the time I graduate to graduate with NHS and the whole thing is super complicated and I should just sell 1200 dollars of candles lol then I'd be set XD But that's probably going to be hard as we only have until March 12th, so yeah. I hope I can sell at least one hundred, if not up to three hundred. Because then I get three points! I've only sold 30 dollars worth so far
Now I've been rambling, I hope this wasn't boring XD Glad you like your candles, btw, if I haven't said that before.
@pudding_pie brought this to my attention and its true: my last story had his Porgie kids and a few others older, including my RJ. I'll be changing the story up a bit; Peter is much OLDER than Harmony and it would make more sense if HER 1st litter interacts with, oh, I don't know...Junior's kids. I'm sorry for the confusion. :P IF I've lost you, please ask away! I'll explain as much as I can. Let's TRY this @HazzatheMan @Tetra @Masterstone @LupineNoir your fables have arrived! Can't wait to REALLY get everyone talking once more! XD
Tezoth caved in and wore the silly hat. Only this time, it was not a Cheese wedge but a styrofoam Cowboy hat. Georgie's usual bowler hat was replaced with one, too; it had the star on the front and 'GO COWBOYS' in bright blue and silver letters. He felt ridiculous but half the drunks and Fables here at the party either had one or the other. Even his beloved Rose wore the dreaded cheese wedge with pride.
Lyla calls the guests back inside; the game was about to begin and everyone needed to find their spot. The car pulling up parked and several Fables exit, carrying a dish or some sort of beverage. Robert and Tezoth run over to assist in whatever needed to be carried inside. Lyla greets the first guest; Catherine, with her side kick Mikhail. The Dragon stands upright on the young woman's shoulder and greets Lyla with a cloud of smoke.
"Glad you could make it, Catherine. Hello Mikhail."
Catherine turns to face the Dragon. There is a moment of silence before he speaks again. "Catherine thanks you for inviting us to your Football party. Please accept this batch of Potato salad as a token of our humble appreciation."
Lyla takes the bowl and squeaks. "Oh, you two! Don't thank me! Come on in. Please. Make yourself at home."
Thanking their host, Catherine and Mikhail walk up towards the door. They are stopped, however, by Robert, Gren and Jersey.
"What team ya' guys be on?" Jersey continues to chew his gum. "Ya' guys HAVE to pick a team."
"Well, we are actually looking forward to wearing those silly cheese hats. Although, the Cowboy hate DOES look a bit more appealing-"
Robert takes one of the cheese wedges and Cowboy hats. He hands them to Mikhail; the Dragon stares down, knowing the cheese wedge was way too large for his tiny head. He'd rest in it during the game and participate in the usual chanting, singing and Beer drinking. Catherine bowed down and the two head inside the home. Robert looks at Jersey.
"Does she talk or-"
"Nah, the little snake thing does it for her. Can you imagine? Taking a shit and ya' need to fuckin' be there, just in case-"
Katie walks by and strikes Jersey in the head. "BE nice, Jersey. I mean it..."
Robert chuckles, leading Jersey to send a scournful look. "Sorry...I, uh..."
Flying from the heavens, Draco flaps his massive wings, lands in the front and as he changes, his tail swings and collides into the side of gren's SUV. The alarm goes off; Emily, holding one of the babies in her arms, clicks the button.
"The fook Draco!" Gren and Emily both say this. "Our car and-"
Draco, now in glamour, takes out a cigar, bites the end and lights. Heading into the home, a trail of smoke follows behind.
"I'll send you the money for the repairs." He grabs a Cowboy hat. "Let's watch some football already..."
The final guests to arrive are Nick and Mr. Weasel; Weasel, following Cindy, head for the Porgie household. Lyla, Harmony and Cindy gather and chatter like Hens in the coop. Gren, however, notices his little buddy and scoops him up.
"PERCY! My main man! How are you, buddy?"
Weasel waves his paw back and forth across his nose. "Bloody 'ell, Grendel? Ya' already drunk and smell like an Irishman."
Gren chuckles. "Robert! Hey, Robert look...its you pal, the uh, Skunk or whatever this thing is...."
"I'M a WEASEL, good sir. And I'll have ya' Grendel brothas' know that I'm lookin' forward ta' the-"
Robert snatches Weasel up and holds the creature in his grasp. "HEY, Percy. PEEEEERCY my man! How ya' been?"
Gren chuckles. "His name is Percy....I'm're Robert...hehe....Percy...."
Mr. Weasel adjusts his coat. "Hello, Robert. Lovely day for some American Football. I'm lookin-"
"OH YEAH!" The booming sound of Robert's voice nearly knocks the creature down. "You, um, Brits don't watch Football. You guys watch oh what is that sport....Georgie would know. Where is that Tea drinking son-of-a-bitch now...."
"Cricket?" Weasel holds his hat down. "Ya' talkin' 'bout Cricket, Robert?"
Robert snaps his fingers. "Cricket. Yes! Thank you!"
While Weasel tries to scurry into the home's safety or wave his beloved Cindy down, Nick slowly walks towards the home. Lyla waves, smiles and before he knows it, is surrounded by chuldren pulling every which way. The large man, standing at 6' 3'' glares at the little hands poking and pulling on his outfit. One of Harmony's boys pokes his boot with a stick.
"Gee are tall."
Nick mumbles. "What be ya' name, lad?" He spoke with a heavy Scottish accent.
"Robbie." He continues to poke. "I like your ever stomp on a Spider with these things?"
"Oh. ANY kind of bug or-"
Nick rolls his eyes and tries to tread on. Sheila, however, wraps her arms around Nick's ankle and giggles.
"You talk like my papa Georgie only, like, more different."
Nick looks down at the child. "I know ya' papa Georgie. He's a good man...."
"You friends?"
"Kind of."
"Did you two, like, have parties or get ice cream or play video games or-"
"You talk a lot." Nick grabs Sheila and dangles her by the shirt. "Where be ya' folks at?"
"No! Ya' folks, lass?"
Sheila laughs. "Did you just say a no no, Mr. giant funny man?"
Harmony, now speaking to Mary, notice their childen's behavior. Rushing to aide the burly man, Harmony grabs her boys. Noah and Robbie continue to beg their mother to play with the scary guy, even as she drags them into the home.
"AH but mom-"
"You boys know better than that! Don't make me get your father out here..."
Noah pulls back. "No no! I'm fine..."
"Go back inside and play with George. Go." She pats them on the butt. "Stop bugging, you two..."
Mary grabs Sheila. "I do apologies, Nicky boy. You know how kids can be. The biggest pains in my ass."
Nick walks past Mary and before entering the home, Robert holds out a cheese or Cowboy hat.
"Which team are YOU on, Nick?"
"Okay, well, see...they DIDN'T make it to Superbowl soooo...yeah. Cheese or Cowboy?"
Nick snatches the cheese wedge and enters the home, nearly bumping into Gren. Laughing, Gren points.
"Hey....look, Robert. Look. Robert.'re're not looking at me, you fucker..."
"Gren." Nick pushes Gren to the side. "Excuse me..."
Gren notices Tezoth run past, holding two paper plates full of food. Clentched in his teeth, was a cup of soda and another Beer tucked under his armpits. Gren grabs him and chuckles.
"Robert is an ASSHOLE...pass it on."
Tezoth places the cup in his mouth on a nearby table. "does Emily know you're already wasted?"
Gren sways and laughs uncontrolably. "Emily has...a HUGE ass, Dragon boy. Like, ENORMOUS..."
"Okay....that still doesn't-"
"SSSSSHHHH! She'll hear you....Robert over there. He's um, working under cover with Emily and...he'll TELL her my secret..."
Tezoth rolls his eyes. "And WHAT might that be, Gren...."
Gren leans on Tezoth, nearly causing him to fall. "She' personal stripper, Dragon boy....."
Harmony, Cindy and Mr. Weasel walk in at the wrong time. Harmony blushes, Cindy burts into tears and Weasel is confused.
"Strippers!?" Harmony blushes. "Who's got strippers!?"
Weasel looks around. "Are they 'ere or-"
Tezoth takes his food, finds Georgie and sits by him. Handing Rose her food, the Fable sits quielty and prepares for the game. Gren, still laughing, sits beside Emily. Robert, however, manages to sit beside the Dragon, kick his feet up and munch loudly on the chips. Nick stands the entire time; Harmony, Junior and Katie's girls are all intrigued by the mysterious man with the funny accent. Draco munchies on Cheetos, as Catherine and Mikhail finish of their Tri-Tip steak sandwich.
The game was about to begin.
,`,Any questions or comments, please leave them below!
I do want to apologies again for the sudden story change and ANY confusion to follow. I DID make everyone older and what not. It fits, considering I'm leaving off where the 1st one took place.
Hope you all like it, either way. I'll change it back, if needed and requested.
Words can not describe how I feel right now about this. So, basically Vivian was never meant to return to Fabletown and watch over Emily; she escaped Hades, killed his guard and ran off. By this, the ribbon returned; he was using it to tack Vivian down and bring her back to the Underwold for punishment. The blood of the Cerberus soaked into the ribbon, caused it to disappear and when she became the guardian to Emily, passed it down. Only SHE never got the ribbon..her daughter did. changing EVERYTHING about the little girl, which makes me wonder what she SOULD have looked like....
I was wondering that too but Emily addressed it. They live nowhere near mundies OR other Fables. I'm hoping they can fix this. Curious how Thomas' return has to do with ANY of this. :0 Gren and Emily are my favorite pairing you've made, next to Lyla and Georgie. They mesh so well; the idea of them always loving one another, even in her younger years.
Like, seriously, right in the feels....<3
Scarlett woke up in the middle of the night with the furious urge to vomit. She hadn't felt this sick since her pregnancy with her daughter Charlotte. She nearly tripped getting out from under the covers as she ran to the bathroom and bent over the toilet.
"Babe," Jackson's voice was groggy and tired. She must have woke him up in the process. "Are you alright?"
She puked some more, before answering. "I-I'm fine....Ugh..."
She heard him get up, which she wished he wouldn't, because she knew he had work early in the morning. His warm hands rubbed against her back, over her loose nightshirt. He bent down on one knee, pushing her hair out of the way.
"It's okay," He told her softly. "Is it all out?"
"I think so," Scarlett let her head rest on the edge of the toilet bowl. She felt exhausted all over again, her cheek against the cool porcelain, watching the nasty contents of her stomach swirl down the drain as Jackson flushed it.
"Come on to bed," He told her.
"I want to check on Charlotte first," She replied. "We let her sleep all day, she might be awake."
"Or, you know, still sleeping," Jackson said.
"Or that." Scarlett stood slowly, wiping her hand over her mouth. She washed her hands in the sink real quick, and drank a glass of water, before treading down the hall toward her daughter's room. Jackson laid back down in bed, to try and sleep some more before the morning came.
Scarlett's knuckled wrapped against the white wooden door. "Charlotte? You awake, baby?"
Nothing responded. Scarlett opened the door, to find the light on, the window open, and nobody in her daughter's bed. She screamed for Jackson to come.
When Harmony had walked away from her husband, she didn't have a clue where she was headed. She just walked past the staircase, out the door that lead to the central garden, a little courtyard that connected all the other homes neatly to one place. She remembered what Belinda was telling her, about the tenants. There was Mr. Vinegar, who lived awfully alone in his small apartment in the corner. Then, there was Henny-Penny and her variously other strange-named animal friends; Harmony found it strange that this particular Fabletown allowed some of it's animal residents to live there, instead of some sort of remote location. She supposed the rules must be different, any maybe it was better that way anyway, as the building was massively glamoured by the magical creatures and people who did live there. Almost better than New York's Fabletown. Almost. She also spotted a few lingering persons in the court. Molly Whuppie was one, and the other was her husband, a dashing prince before the exile.
Harmony's spot on the cold bench she chose to sit on wasn't getting much warmer as the two approached her. They had quizzical looks on their faces as they slowed to a stop, hand in hand.
"I beg your pardon," Molly said,"But I don't recall seeing you here before?"
"I-" Harmony paused a second. "I'm a visitor, of New York's Fabletown."
"Aye," The man had a thick Irish accent. "Ye' sound like it!"
Right. The accent, Harmony presumed. She just smiled, as best as she could manage. She was still a little upset about Tim's outburst. "Well, it's nice meet you two," Harmony said. "My name is Harmony."
"Strange wording," Molly noted. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Harmony. If you've met our dearest leader, I'm sure you already know our names. She tends to speak highly of us."
"Um," Harmony said. "Yeah. You're Molly, right? And you're Prince John?"
Both nodded in unison. "It's brass monkeys out here," Molly replied. "Wouldn't you want to go inside?"
Harmony shook her head. "No thanks. I'm....hiding."
"We were walkin' ta the common area, if ye'd like ta join," John replied.
"Uh..." Harmony thought for a moment. "Sure. I'll come with you."
"Excellent," Molly said. They started walking toward there before Harmony could stand, and she quickly fell in to step behind them.
Hmm, what's going on? Everything about this place is....fishy. To an extent. You'll see more when I write more, later
I like the way you portrayed Mikhail. Nice proper little young dragon
The comments by Robert, Gren, and Jersey are way too funny XD I can't wait for more of this! 
It's alright! So basically, replace all the kids my kids were playing with, with Junior's and Mary's and the various other babies who've been born to Pie's OC's? Still very good, by the way
Love it!
Oh, these men XD Sounds worse than my family when we go over to someone's house for the super bowl XD I'm a Giant's fan, but I'd root for the Cheese-heads over the Cowboys anyday! So I'm with Robert and Jersey and Gren! Sorry Georgie!
Then Draco made an appearance XD I can imagine him putting the cigar in his mouth with out a care at what Emily or Gren has to say XD
Oh, Mr. Weasel. Can't catch a break from good ole Gren XD
Laughed so hard XD
Laughed even harder at that part XDDD
Still laughing XD Seriously, this is one humorous chapter XD The Grendel brothers drunk might possibly be the best combination EVER. I couldn't stop laughing at the way Gren was acting and stuff! It was the best! Great chapter, can't wait for more!
I'm sorry the confusion but it would make more sense that way and a little bit more for me to use. I apologies again for the confusion, Ems. Glad it still works out, though. Mary and Junior's kids would be a bit more entertaining to Harmony and Tim's little bunches of love anyways. 
I'm a Niners fan and its insane like this at my house, too. XD I love Superbowl!
Glad you're on side for the cheese heads! -high fives- T man and Georgie are the only ones going for the Cowboys at this Draco comes off as a badass and pleased the forks thing worked; I was worried no one would get the joke. XD
SO happy this is pleasing you and everyone else so far! And yes: Gren and Robert are quite the duo drunk and in the same room. We'll see more of that later....XD
HaHA! I liked this chapter!! XD
BUT, I have some pointers about Nick:
Sorry for the pointers, but I was excited to see what you would do with him and well.. it was like The Terminator had shown up
But I still appreciate the inclusion! Btw, I don't follow American Football, so who are the Patriots??
Everyone beat me to the comments. sheila with the fork was hilarious and Gren describing Emily's ass to T man. XD I feel bad for DragonButter's OC, man. I'm waiting for him to punch the shit out of Gren! Sorry but I'm calling it!
Draco destroying the SUV was brilliant; smokes a cigar like a boss. XD Catherine and Mikhail were too cute. And Percy....Mr. Weasel and the Grendel brothers, despite what you put, have secretly become BFF's to the thread. XD
Also, speaking of Grendel brothers:
Oh Gren. Sweet, sweet Gren. Love how Emily is like 'Whatever' even though she'd be jumping down his throat. I got confused when you changed it up but I like this better.
I pictured Nick like the Disney movie 'Brave' when you wrote about him. XD
I FINALLY caught up to all the other posts you've made! My bad, Ems! Man! Falling behind. Used to be on it! XD
Anyways, when Scarlett threw up, my brain immediatly said pregnant. The usual. But, when she went to check up on Charlotte, she was gone; if I remember correctly, cause the last few days I've made no sense, Charlotte received headaches and nose bleeds and is very sick at the moment because of her time traveling. She's also managed to change a few lives, one being her uncle Isaac. Now, with her missing, I'm curious: did she run off or is she changing yet another future....hmmmm...
And when you mentioned Irish accent for Molly, my mind returned to T man's story and Fayde; you've Easter Egged his relationship with Rose and his OC in previous chapters AND the nicknames he gave her. I'm sure its pure coincidence (the Irish as wonderful, I know! XD) so I might be getting ahead of myself. (AGAIN!) lol But I'm wondering about their 'leader' and the sudden gestures they've made to Harmony; she's alone, 'm assuming because the arguement she had with Tim. OR this might have to do with his sister. she came off a bit sketchy to me....
Listen to me. Gees. all this that I'm throwing at you. XD
Seem like we're already drunk, lol.