Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • I'm gonna go with Tell Someone, cuz I want Franz and Nick to have that encounter so badly!!

    MasterStone posted: »

    Glad you enjoyed it. I have put together a small list of possible outcomes if everyone voted for the following: Tell someone. *Mr.Wea

  • edited March 2015

    Alt text

    (^surprised reaction, just in case that wasn't clear XD ^)

    At first I thought Mr. Weasel was going to turn out to be some secret villain, which would have been very unexpected. XD Though this ending has a brilliant twist which I would have never guessed; a very hard lesson, perhaps, but it shows just how strong the students are! I always enjoy what you do with Weasel; kinda feel sorry for Lenny, though. XD

    Robert and everyone singing is a fun image :D even if they all end up naked XD

    “IT'S SO FUCKING SHINY! Shinier than our other ones!”

    That's a good Nick line. XD

    Follow your passion, stay true to yourself, never follow someone else's path unless you're in the woods and you're lost and you see a path then by all means you should follow that.

    Very true! :D

    You've blended everyone's characters together incredibly well, showing us an alternative time that's never been done before! Whatever your plans are next, a return to FableTown High would be more than welcome in the future. Awesome! :D

    MasterStone posted: »

    (?)Silence is a valid option. Wow... Nick pause for a moment, looking into the the dying white eyes of the Wendigo. It waiting to be f

  • Thanks, I really enjoyed bringing our Fables together, and hopefully I can do it again. Also are you plan on doing a monthly challenge?

    I'm going with the spare option. Good old Tez has to let it out sometime. XD Awesome chapter btw.

  • FableTown High reunion, lol.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    (^surprised reaction, just in case that wasn't clear XD ^) At first I thought Mr. Weasel was going to turn out to be some secret villain,

  • Make it happen! lol

    MasterStone posted: »

    FableTown High reunion, lol.

  • Totally has to happen XD

    MasterStone posted: »

    FableTown High reunion, lol.

  • This has to happen!

    MasterStone posted: »

    FableTown High reunion, lol.

  • I agree with the others! This was too damn good NOT to have a reunion! Once you find the time, that is. :D

    MasterStone posted: »

    FableTown High reunion, lol.

  • Although what was Pie's idea in regards to it?

    JJ and I had a conversation about some random objects he could use for Nick and I mentioned this sword and I GUESS he liked it. :3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    First of all... You tried to kill yourself? Dude, I... don't know what to say At least this court bullshit is over now and some form of

  • Oh Robert. Sweet, predictable Robert. lmao And Weasel at the end was a great little twist among Fable high. The'll be talking about it for years, although my Lyla may not recall much other then what Porgie's face looks like. XD XD Awesome, man! :D

    MasterStone posted: »

    (?)Silence is a valid option. Wow... Nick pause for a moment, looking into the the dying white eyes of the Wendigo. It waiting to be f

  • Oooh what else did you have in mind for him? :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Although what was Pie's idea in regards to it? JJ and I had a conversation about some random objects he could use for Nick and I mentioned this sword and I GUESS he liked it.

  • edited March 2015

    No matter how old their kids are, Georgie & Lyla will always be there to defend and protect them. Junior has not been mentioned in some time and I figure this will give him a chance to shine. :3 And I couldn't keep Gren with one arm for too long. XD Made me sad EVERY time. lol

    The children are 4 years old; I was teaching preschool and someone at that age does not need their father overpowering and beating the crap out of them or calling them vulgar names. He wants to punish his child alright; he's not my son so I can't say anything but to do that to him? And I get fired for defening YOUR child? Sad; Dragon sad it better then I ever could and its true: you stand up for yourself and beliefs and loo what happens.

    Oh well. Off to San Fran, yes!! :D :D

    We should do the 'New word from Pie's stories' show starring Mr. Weasel and Gerogie Porgie. Today's word is: Incertitude. XD XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    As soon as Lyla and Georgie walked in, you know things were really getting down to business. And with Junior, Mary surely won't be able to s

  • edited March 2015

    LOL Nothing at the moment; this just screamed Nick tbh and he was having some trouble thinking of something a 'neat' toy to Sheila would be like. She's too much like her mother: death, destruction and sharp things. XD XD Nick delievered. She was happy.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oooh what else did you have in mind for him?

  • Mary will flip when she finds out! XP

    pudding_pie posted: »

    LOL Nothing at the moment; this just screamed Nick tbh and he was having some trouble thinking of something a 'neat' toy to Sheila would be

  • Oh Stone. I'm so sorry that this occured to you and someone in your family. It's a blessing to know he was saved and alive. -sends virtual hug- Thank you for sharing this. No, its never easy but I agree with you. I'll be fine. :)

    MasterStone posted: »

    I'm sorry for what you are going though, I can't imagine the amount of pain. I'm no stranger to this, a family member of mines nearly went d

  • I just wanted to stop in this morning and thank you all for those comments. Hearing things like that makes me smile and know this will pass and I'll overcome this all. Everything has been taken care of and I'm currently in counseling for the much needed help. Thank you to Stone for sharing his personal story with me and all the messages I read today. Thank you to Pie for being there in my darkest hours and saving me that night from pulling the trigger. You are my Vivian. :) Everything will be alright, folks. JJ will make it. :)

    Thank you all and if there are any questions, you guys can ask. More stories to come as well. Thank you again. You guys are wonderful people.

  • Things wouldn't be the same without you, Jacob :)

    Besides, I still have to hang out with you and Chad someday... as a trio! XD

    JJwolf posted: »

    I just wanted to stop in this morning and thank you all for those comments. Hearing things like that makes me smile and know this will pass

  • Yeah like Hazza said it wouldn't be the same without you man, all of us are like a family here (at least this is how I feel :p) and we can't go losing a family member already man. Hell we can't lose one ever. I'm glad to hear this JJ keep doing good man :D we are all here for you man!

    JJwolf posted: »

    I just wanted to stop in this morning and thank you all for those comments. Hearing things like that makes me smile and know this will pass

  • Hell we can't lose one ever

    I'm signing up next year, so if Fate wants to kick me in the nuts, then I might not be coming back :(

    Tetra posted: »

    Yeah like Hazza said it wouldn't be the same without you man, all of us are like a family here (at least this is how I feel ) and we can't g

  • Dude you die I will find you in death and bring you back!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hell we can't lose one ever I'm signing up next year, so if Fate wants to kick me in the nuts, then I might not be coming back

  • No you won't! XP

    Cuz WE points dramatically to God have a deal! Wherein I get to enjoy the pleasures of pudding_pie's dirty Porgie girl pics when I pass away!

    You ain't NEVER taking me away from them...

    Tetra posted: »

    Dude you die I will find you in death and bring you back!

  • Almost tries to argue, finishes reading comment.

    You're right dude nobody should take that from anyone :p

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    No you won't! XP Cuz WE points dramatically to God have a deal! Wherein I get to enjoy the pleasures of pudding_pie's dirty Porgie girl pics when I pass away! You ain't NEVER taking me away from them...

  • I'm glad you agree! XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Almost tries to argue, finishes reading comment. You're right dude nobody should take that from anyone

  • I love you, man! I would lose a huge part of me if you ever left my side. You're like family to me, man. It will get better. It has gotten better. I will forever hold that name as honor to you, Jacob. I'm glad to be your Vivian. :) I'm here for you. We all are.

    JJwolf posted: »

    I just wanted to stop in this morning and thank you all for those comments. Hearing things like that makes me smile and know this will pass

  • pleasures of pudding_pie's dirty Porgie girl pics when I pass away!

    -Stares at screen for a minute- Oh what the hell! XD XD Got a point there.....

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    No you won't! XP Cuz WE points dramatically to God have a deal! Wherein I get to enjoy the pleasures of pudding_pie's dirty Porgie girl pics when I pass away! You ain't NEVER taking me away from them...

  • edited March 2015

    Haz asked me the same question a few days ago. I actually was planning on doing one for April, but since people have been busy and/or have been dealing with a lot of shit lately - I decided to hold off on posting a writing challenge until May or June.

    MasterStone posted: »

    Thanks, I really enjoyed bringing our Fables together, and hopefully I can do it again. Also are you plan on doing a monthly challenge?

  • Not a problem! Anytime we can help, we'll be there for sure. That obviously goes for the others, too!

    And I asked you a question on your recent chapter, but you didn't answer. So, yeah... :(

    JJwolf posted: »

    I just wanted to stop in this morning and thank you all for those comments. Hearing things like that makes me smile and know this will pass

  • OH I thought I did, bro! I'm sorry about that! :(

    Yes, actually. T man and Robert are secretly taking a bet not on Georgie and Gren. Make the game a bit more interesting.

    Not a problem! Anytime we can help, we'll be there for sure. That obviously goes for the others, too! And I asked you a question on your recent chapter, but you didn't answer. So, yeah...

  • edited March 2015

    Hard Times Part: Four

    Fires raged in the city they were in, screams of the people on the dtreets rang for miles, Kieron took note of this fast and turned to Azaria and told her to get Alice in the house. She argued with him that the house would catch on fire as well. He thought and told them to run away from the city. She told him she'd come back to help and ran off. If Alice had stayed here her mental state would get worse and make wonderland even worse. He began to go into yell into houses to see if the houses were empty, only twice had he needed to run in and grab someone. He told them to run out of the city toward the hills. While the people ran away Kieron noticed a man walking with what seemed to be a platoon of various types of animals and mythical creatures. Kieron drew his sword and walked towards them. While walking over to the commander he noticed Azaria running behind a house and climbed ontop. The man on the horse looking lion stopped in front of Kieron.

    "My. My. My. I assume you saving everyone was your doing?" The man said

    Kieron got a good look at him. He wore knight's armour, was probably a little taller than him. He had a two handed sword on his back.

    "Yeah it was me, did you set fire to this place?" He asked

    The commander walked closer. "Yes I did, his majesty said so. I just follow orders. Alice doesn't rule here anymore kid, not after that detective showed her weakness."

    Kieron had no idea who the detective was so he ignored the comment. "Who is 'his majesty?'" He asked

    The commander laughed. "I bet you would like to know!" He got back on his animal. "I'll tell you what, you kill my men and I might tell."

    The soldiers became scared. "S-sir? I don't think this was the plan!" A goblin shrieked.

    "And neither was him saving this place!" The commander shouted

    Kieron gripped his sword "we don't have to fight, I'd rather avoid it."

    The commander didn't care what he had to say and sicker his army on him anyways. He gripped his sword and got ready for combat. They started to rush him but Kieron was swift on his feet being able to step back and slash his sword when he needed. He was attacked by every specie that you could think of, Goblin, Orc, Human, Card, Elf, Cat. They were all there. Azaria was on the rooftop, she had a bow and a quiver of arrows. She grabbed three arrows and took aim at three targets and fired.

    "SNIPER!!!" One soldier yelled.

    Kieron kept hacking and slashing, thanks to Azarias cover fire he would be dealing with less and less. The commander started to get irritated at the fact that an Elf and a Fable were killing his whole army. He whispered something to his soldiers who had stayed behind and the soldier rode off. On the battlefield Kieron had begun to get tired. He didn't fight like this a lot on his visits to wonderland. The ground began to shake and solders began to retreat, he looked up and saw a troll mixed with what seemed to be a lion was standing in front of him. He was breathing heavily, he didn't think he had the strength to fight this but the troll would probably catch up with him before he could get away. He stood his ground and gripped his sword. Blood was all over his clothes and all over the ground. The troll roared and began to rush him at an extreme speed. Azaria tried to fire but could not hit, it was too fast. Kieron braced for the attack and was sent back but still standing. The troll laughed and raced forward again, Kieron decided to try and fake the troll out. He put the sword as if to defend himself, then when the troll was in range he impaled the troll lifting it off the ground and kicked off the blade the troll was stumbling. While the troll stumbled Kieron stabbed the sword into the ground and ran as fast as he could toward the troll, he signaled Azaria to fire after he hit the troll. He pulled back his fist and punched the troll straight back making the troll stumble and cover part of its face. Azaria took quick aim and fired right in between the trolls eyes killing the beast. The commander became frustrated. They looked like they were going to charge but they went passed him. Kieron turned around. There was a little girl there.

    "Azaria! Fire!" Kieron pointed

    She nodded and started to pick them off but before they knew it they had child. She screamed and wailed to let her go but they didn't. Kieron was exhausted he couldn't move, and Azaria was out of arrows. She slid down to Keiron. Kieron looked at the girls face...she looked familiar. There was a pain in his head, he got flashbacks in his head of what seemed to be a younger him using building blocks with the girl. He dropped to his knees and grabbed his chest. Azaria rushed over.

    "Kieron! Are you okay!?" She said

    "It hurts...why?" He said puzzled. "I feel like I know her." He said the blood on his clothes began to glow

    "Tha girl? Well let's go get her then!" She said

    He laughed "I...don't...thi-" He collapsed and went unconscious. This freaked Azaria out, she called his name and shook him. She huffed and picked him up along with his sword. She began walking to where Alice was. Alice got up.

    "Is he okay!?" She said

    "Yeah he just passed out." She said leaning him up against a tree.

    "I'm sorry I couldn't help..." Alice said sadly.

    Azaria smiled "It's okay Alice. Fire is your biggest fear right? No need to put yourself in danger."

    "But..." She replied.

    "Uh uh. Look you want to help? Help me wash him, he's covered in blood." She said

    Alice giggled "You sure you want to do that alone?"

    "The hell is that supposed to mean!? You really are messed in the head ain't you?" She had a red but angry face

    "You're the one who brought up washing him, he can do it on his own!" Alice said

    "I just thought he'd like to rest more when he woke up." Azaria said

    "Right Azaria." Alice giggled.

    "Alright fine we won't clean him up then!...although what are we going to eat?" Azaria said with her stomach growling.

    Just as she said that a family walked up. The mother spoke. "How is he? Is he dead?"

    "No miss he's just exhausted." Alice said

    "Oh I see, well we have food for him when he wakes up." She smiled and handed the food over.

    "What a stroke of luck! Thanks miss!" Azaria smiled

    The woman smiled and nodded and gave her leave with her family. Alice wondered if she would see Hans or her little boy again....

    That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! :D

  • The plan was in action; Georgie Junior Porgie jumped from every mirror known to Fabletown and the Folker community. Michelle and the others immediatly contacted Snow White, who was down to the Woodlands in fifteen minutes. In her hands, she held an identical idea constructed by Penkle and Michelle. Moments later, the Grendel brothers, Ethan and Peter arrived; Emily, along with the quads, trailed behind.

    Gren felt it was safer at home but according to Emily, this was HER fight to battle, too. Not one to disagree with Emily, Gren allowed his family to join. It would have been heavily guarded here rather then home. The quads took thier spot in the back with Nick and Vivian. While the spirits tend to the children, Snow lays out the procedure for action.

    "Junior is searching any location in these citites that have a mirror. He'll return with anything that screams Mary Smith. In the meantime, Gren-" Snow peers up and smiles. "It's nice to see you again. You're looking well."

    Gren taps his arm. "Got this old thing back, Snow. Feeling pretty damn good and ready to end this shit...."

    "Agreed." Snow rubs her neck. "I thought for certain this would have been dealt with years ago. Ethan and Peter arrested the woman. Katie had her imprisoned for life..."

    "We'll find her, Mrs. Wolf." Michelle comforts Snow with a gentle tap. "I'm sure Mary is not the one we need to stress about, though...."

    "Lyla told me, as did Mrs. Leeds not too long ago. No one in Fabletown has the proper knowledge of entering and breaking out a dangeorus human being, unless there has been a secret structured group of people or person that took the time to learn this."

    "That's what worries me, Snow." Peter stands near Gren and lights another cigarette. "Since we locked Mary up, this would concure that someone was secretly learning the Folker prison."

    "It would have to be an inside job then." Katie slams her hand down onto the table. "The only ones that KNOW that prison front to back are the Council members who work beside Malcom and I."

    "Have you spoke to Malcom in the last half hour, Katie?"

    "I'll get on it now." Katie takes out her phone. "See if he's found anything or found some evidence...."

    The remaining Scouts returned and once again, had no information. Sending them back to the chest, Ethan closes the top and locks the creatures away until another time. Peter scratches his chin and carefully looks at the plan before him. He too, like Snow and the others, felt like this was over. All rules from both sides were in action. No one could ever use them against the choices one made in their life. Yet, here they all were. Nothing ever stayed the same and this was a perfect example for Peter to see. Glancing over at the Grendel brothers,
    he motions Gren with his finger. Handing him a cigarette, the two men flip through the pages.

    "So, what do you think, Gren?"

    Gren is silent until he comes across Mary Smith's file. The thickness in his hands caused the shivers to trail down his spin. She used to be a wholesome person. Generous, kind and willing to overlook the little imperfections one may have. But her mind had wandered off and was
    consumed with the dark and powerful side to her kind. The idea of a genocide. Removing all that did not fit the 'perfect' Wolf. The 'perfect' life. It baffled Gren to read the file of the woman he thought he knew.

    "I think Mary Smith is indeed not alone, Peter. We need to seek out the people she knows the best and search there."

    "Well, we know my mom is not housing a dangerous criminal. Neither are the other family members. Unless she went and saught after my aunt Gina?"

    Emily watched the others discuss the situation at hand. The worried looks on all their faces. The tired gleams in her parent's eyes. Her children. The four of them had no knowledge of Mary or Carla. Carla, thought Emily. Carla....Carla.... She did not say a word, as Emily grabs Gren
    and pulls him to the side. Robert and Isaiah carefully examined the couple; they noticed as Emily touched Gren's new arm, it gave off a slight glow.

    "The fook..."

    "Emily." Gren grabs her chin. "Sweetie...what is it?"

    "Carla." That name made Emily hold back the urge to vomit. "We need ta' check Carla."

    Gren runs over to the mirror and taps the glass three times. Everyone gathers and huddles around the mirror. It shakes ,causing the floors to crack slightly near the legs. The continuing red glow as Junior peeks his head from the shadows.

    "You rang?"

    "Carla's house. And step on it."

    Lyla immediatly grabs Gren's arm. "Carla?

    "It's worth a shot, Lyla." Gren grabs Emily and holds her close. "God, I hope I'm wrong..."

    Vivian and Nick sat in the lounge, playing with the quads. The four little bundles of energy climbed the walls, chased one another or sat on the floor, playing with the toys they brought. At the moment, the girls sat in the corner, quietly exchanging outfits for their dolls. Liam, being the only boy, took advantage and secured all the attention from Vivian onto himself. Nick continued to float beside the guardian, as she craddled the young boy in her arms.

    "You look good with him." Nick clears his throat. "You know..I mean, watching the kids that is."

    Vivian blushes, pushing the hair from her eyes. "Well, thank you Nick."

    "Vivian I'm bored." Chloe glances back at the two guardians and her brother. "When can we go home?"

    "Hush, sweetie. When all is said and done, you and the others will return home. Just play with your sisters until then."

    "Can we go outside, Vivi?" Seraphina positions her finger to the doors. "Its really sunny out there and the woodlands has a lot of trees to climb on."

    "Well...." Vivian glances at the clock. "I don't see why not but-"

    Before she could finish, all three of the girls jump up, leave their items behind and run out the double doors. Nick tries to catch up; he casually floats through the walls and chases after Chloe. She immediatly climbs up the tree, swings upside down and tries to do several flips. Liam waves, heading for his sister.

    "THAT'S nothing, Chloe!" Liam's finger nails become claws as he ascends the trunk. "Watch a REAL pro go at it!"

    "AH Liam!" Nick clings to Liam's shirt with his teeth. "NO! No, no, no, no, no! No changing when we are out in the mundane world!"

    "They can't SEE me, Nick."

    "Still, we can't take that chance, kiddo."

    "Yeah." Chloe swings down. "You wanna go to the Farm again? That place smelled like Horse shit."

    "CHLOE! Language, young lady!"

    "My daddy talks like that..."

    Nick huffs. "Well, looks like me and your dad need to chat."

    Vivian scans the area, looking for Viviana and Seraphina. The two girls seemed to have vanished from her sight. Sheilding the light from her eyes, Vivian picked up a strange and unfamiliar sensation. These feelings could not be explained. She and Nick assumed it came with the territory and having the job as being a guardian to another soul. It felt like a million Ants nibbling on your shoulder and arms. A tingling and vibrating sensation that did not feel the least bit enjoyable.

    "Seraphina! Viviana!" Vivian calls out but receives no answer. "Girls! Where are you! Girls-"

    Around the corner, near a bush and a tree, Vivian finds Seraphina. The girl, stiff as stone, stares blankly out towards the street. The feeling of uneasiness again. The tingling sensation the closer Vivian grew towards the young girl.

    "Seraphina..." Vivian reaches out. "Sweetie, hey-you okay? Where is Viviana? Seraphina?"

    Vivian spots the little blonde girl only this time, she was not alone. A dark figure stood before her; he was in his mundane form with no Valeo or ash around his feet. He wore a simple dark suit with a red shirt and converse sneakers. His hair was neatly slicked back; the facial hair
    had grown out into a goatee and his hair as black as his soul. Vivian noticed in his right hand the clear vile with a stone skull for the topper.
    Viviana did not seem bothered from his presence; she carried on, picking flowers and making a headband out of the Dasies she plucked from the grass.

    "Hades." Vivian hisses his name, floating closer. "Get the fuck away from her."

    "Cute, Vivian. The whole guardian bit. You play the part quite nicely actually."

    "GET away from her..." The golden staff grows within her hands. "You have FIVE seconds to crawl back into the depths of hell were you came from."

    "I'm not her to harm the girl, nor do I wish to partake in any good versus evil with YOU of all people. I merely wanted to pay a visit to my precious little-"

    "She is NOT yours, Hades! None of them are! You want to settle this, then you and I need to-"

    Hades shakes his head and laughs. His very pale, icy blue eyes glares at Vivian. They both turn their heads and watched little Viviana sit in the grass; Butterflies flap their silky wings around her, birds tweet from a nearby branch and flowers envelop her surroundings. She picks up her neatly made head band of flowers and places it on her head. Hades and Vivian could hear the calls of Nick, the laughter of the other children.

    "I don't want to harm her, Vivian. I assure you, she's safe."

    "You'll take her away if that ribbon falls away." Vivian was drawn to tears. "You can't do that to Gren. me. They are MINE-"

    "For an angel determined to protect the soul she's been assigned to, I must say I'm slightly impressed with you, Vivian. Not so weak afterall. Able to finally speak and voice your concern. Something you never could do when you were alive and walking this wretched Earth."

    Vivian holds out the now glowing staff. ""

    Viviana smiles. "He's not a bad man, Vivian. He wants to help."

    "Help? I....I don't-"

    "I can not tell you too much, for it could change the fates of those you are protecting. Blood will shed, tears will fall and for awhile, you will have those questioning the meaning and reasons why things happen the way they do. You, too, shall be challenged for the strength within but I DO promise this, all shall be answered in time. You need to trust me; no more of this foolish behavior and when the dust settles, you will have yours and I will have mine. All of it."

    "What is going on, Hades? Why are you helping us suddenly?"

    Hades looks at Viviana. "For her. Not since my Persephone had I felt the need to be close to another mortal. Understand. Learn."

    "You can't HAVE her..."

    "And YOU can not keep protecting Emily. As a guardian, you must stand back and watch her crumble. Test those around her. I only know as much as the fates will allow me but Viviana is in it. The Prophecy for the Porgie family has not been completed, nor has the curse truly been uplifted. I am here to help you, Emily and the others." Hades holds out the vile. "I was working with the evil in more ways then one. I watched many fall from grace and become a shell of what was once before. Families torn apart. Loved ones lost to unmentionable actions I can bestow upon them in their death. I now, here before you, ask to reside by you and help with this battle. This vile is reserved for the evil that remains in this family. The evil you have not seen the likes of."

    "What are you talking about exactly? Who wants to harm my Emily?"

    "Evil does not always mean fancy weapons and powers. It can be in the form of a loved one. Those that hold the most knowledge of an individual. Know their weakness and is capable of spewing words like vemon that can cause them to crumble down. Evil can be a family member. Friend. Sometimes, the ones you need to watch out for are those that know you the most...."

    "Hades, what the fuck is going on? What are you trying to tell me?"

    Hades takes Vivian's hand and places the clear vile in her palm. It stings for a moment but disappears into the woman's flesh. "Take this. Train her. Teach them. All will be confusing in the beginning and a few doubts may grow between you all but I promise this-all will be answered. There IS a reason why you escaped the Underworld, Vivian...."

    Hades stands back, allowing an opening to grow beneath his feet. Flames engulf the God, as he waves to Viviana and enters the portal to the Underworld. Vivian stood in silence as Nick and the others make their way over. The other siblings join Viviana in play. Nick notices Vivian's face; her hand still held out, as if she was waiting for something to simply fall into her grasp. Nick swirls around her head.

    "Viv? Hey, okay?"

    "Yes." Vivian nods and cracks a faint smile. "I'm....I'm fine, Nick. They're going to be okay."

    "Who's going to be okay?"

    "I believe its time to send these rascals home. Gren and Emily need to spend time alone with their family."

    "But....Mary is-"

    Vivian kisses Nick on the cheek. "I have a feeling Mary will be dealt with personally. Come, Nick. Let's round up the children and find their parents."

    Vivian's hand glowed for a few seconds before returning to its original state. Rounding up all the children, her true duties as a guardian was about to begin, for it was no longer Emily she was protecting.

    any questions, you know the drill. :3 If I have time, will write later; I want to cover AS MUCH before my hiatus kicks in soon. Get to the part I've been dying to share. :)

  • Cool chapter dude!

    Nice reference to Luke in the beginning, and that troll was one mean monster :P

    Looking forward to more! XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Hard Times Part: Four Fires raged in the city they were in, screams of the people on the dtreets rang for miles, Kieron took note of this

  • Oh boy. lot of stuff coming up, I can feel it!!!

    I liked Michelle calling Snow Mrs. Wolf... It's a nice reminder of better days :')

    This hiatus is going to be so weird, I'm used to seeing like 1 chapter a day from you practically! But life happens, and at least you won't be gone forever :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The plan was in action; Georgie Junior Porgie jumped from every mirror known to Fabletown and the Folker community. Michelle and the others

  • Thanks man!

    Well he did cause it :3 I was going to reveal Kierons powers but I just decided to throw a hint at it :p

    I'll probably write another one soon XP

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Cool chapter dude! Nice reference to Luke in the beginning, and that troll was one mean monster :P Looking forward to more! XD

  • I loved this! Damn! Viv means business! I too liked how you mentioned Snow as 'Mrs. Wolf'. :3 They don't have a chance with Junior searching through the mirrors. I love those quads so much!!!!!

    Eh that's life, man. :) Glad to know you won't leave all together! :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The plan was in action; Georgie Junior Porgie jumped from every mirror known to Fabletown and the Folker community. Michelle and the others

  • Holy crap dude XD These man, THESE are just what we were all waiting for and just didn't know it yet XD I literally love EVERY pic! Especially the last one XD Little Josiah and Penny and Johann are so cute, I want to melt <3 Peter and Ethan are hot, I'm right there with Holly and Michelle XD God, Pie, you outdid yourself! You just keep getting better and better with every drawing you make.

  • Hard Times Part: Five

    Kieron s dream...

    Where am I? He thought.

    "Hey Kieron C'mon help me!" The little girl said

    "Huh? Do I know you?" Kieron asked

    "Duh! I'm your little sister!" She said

    "Oh....what's your name?" He asked

    "Its..." she scratched her head. "Weird...I don't remember." She said

    "Where is mom and dad?" Kieron asked

    "In the kitchen making dinner." She said

    His head began to hurt, and his dream began to fade to a new location. He was at the hospital and it was raining. The doors opened and he looked back, two adults and his sister were behind him.

    "Don't take my boy! He has done nothing wrong! He's fine!" The woman yelled

    The little girl was crying "Kieron come back! Please don't go!"

    "They said he'll be home in a couple months guys they need him for an experiment." The man said

    Kierons chest began to hurt, he began to breathe fast. Why does this hurt so much? He thought. I barely know these people...

    Outside Kierons dream...

    Alice and Azaria had finished eating, leaving out some food for Kieron. Kieron began to grunt in pain.

    "Should we wake him up? Sounds like he's having a nightmare." Alice said

    "Yeah, although it could be his physical wounds as well." Azaria said

    "Well go ahead." Alice said smiling

    "You love to push buttons don't you?" She smiled back bluntly.

    "It's a benefit, I could tell you what pisses Kieron off if you'd like so you don't do it." Alice kept smiling.

    "Alright you're on! Tell me one and I'll confirm it with him." She said smugly

    "Don't touch his headphones unless you ask." She said

    Azaria nodded and walked over to him. She knelt down and tried to wake him up softly.

    "Hey...hey Kieron wake up." She said

    Kierons eyes opened and he held his head. "My head is killing me."

    "Well that was one hell of a fight back there. Say but one quick question. What would you do if I took your headphones and ran?" She asked

    "I'd knock you flat. Ask first." He said simply

    "So then Alice is right...Damn!" Azaria said

    Alice giggled "Believe me now?"

    "Yes..." Azaria huffed

    Kieron was clueless as to what was going on. Instead he tried to get up, but his body wouldn't move with him. Sharp pains went through his body.

    "Easy now! I'll bring you over some food!" Azaria said

    "Thanks." He smiled

    "It's just food, no need." She said

    "Not just the food, you saved me back there when you could've just left me there lying on the ground, or you could've ran away when you got Alice safe." He said still smiling.

    Her face went red. "No problem." She said finally walking over to get him food.

    Alice got up and moved over next to Kieron. Azaria had gotten back and sat beside Alice.

    "Did you guys make this?" Kieron asked

    "No a family you saved gave it to us." Alice said. "And Kieron..."

    He looked at her as if he'd done something wrong.

    "I'm sorry I couldn't help you." She had a grim look on her face

    "Why are you apologizing?" He said gulping down his food. "You had no other choice Alice. We didn't need you freaking out and making wonderland worse. Plus we don't need you in pain, you're going through a lot already. Once this is over let's all go out and get something to eat." He smiled

    "I think you forget we live in the hospital." Azaria piped in.

    "We break out." Kieron said

    "Is that smart?" Alice said

    "Yes, those doctors there are bad." Kieron had a serious look on his face.

    "I don't know abou-" Azaria was cut off by Kieron who was in pain.

    "What do you need?" Azaria asked.

    "Pain reliever would be nice." He said

    "We'd have to go back to the hospital for that! Unless they have some here." She said

    "Plus I'd like to wash up, I smell awful." He said

    "I told you we should've washed him!" Azaria pointed at Alice.

    Alice shrugged "You're the one who decided not to."

    "Can you two help me up please?" Kieron asked holding out his hands.

    They nodded, as he got up his body throbbed in pain but he managed to stand and walk slowly. While walking down the road they saw a sign that a pond was nearby. After much debate between Alice and Azaria about the lake and what could happen, they turned to go to the lake. As they walked to the lake there was a noise.

    "Meow" A soft kittens voice went

    "Was that a cat!?" Azaria said in a higher pitch voice.

    Alice laughed "Afraid of ghosts are we?"

    "Absolutely!" She proclaimed

    "At least she's not lieing." Kieron laughed

    Kieron looked to the side of him and saw a kitten on the side of the road. He stopped and knelt down. Alice took notice.

    "Is that you Cheshire!?" She said

    The cat shook it's head and climbed up Kierons pant leg up to his shoulder and nudged his head on the side of Kierons head.

    "This is weird." He said

    "If he's not the Cheshire cat then who is he?" Alice said

    "It's your world Alice, we can't tell you how it works" Azaria laughed.

    The three discussed what the kitten could be for the rest of the walk there....

    That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! :D

  • "Its..." she scratched her head. "Weird...I don't remember." She said

    Oh kids! XD XD

    Alice, Azaria & Kieron have escaped! -thug life music plays- So, I'm assuming alice is in a dream within a dream, right? This is her world and she gets to make it how Alice wants it! I wonder if this will include Hans and her son. :3 That kitten, though! So kawaii!! :D

    This is interesting and I'm curious to see where this goes, man! :D

    Tetra posted: »

    Hard Times Part: Five Kieron s dream... Where am I? He thought. "Hey Kieron C'mon help me!" The little girl said "Huh? Do I know

  • Because of that and what they've created, Georgie and Lyla are one of my all-tie favourite fictional couples :) An injection of ol' Bloody Porgie is certainly needed now and then; was wondering how Penelope was getting on, too, until the picture of her, Johann and Josiah at the beach. They seem to be getting on well. :) Good thing his arm is back (sort of) and stronger than ever, then! :D

    4 years old? At that age they're barely going to know right from wrong, and punishing a child that young in such a manner is simply cruel. You're right, Dragon's hit the nail on the headl; but we can't stop standing up for what we believe in. It's why countries fight for democracy, so people can have their own voice and equality, in theory. Ah, man, society sometimes.

    Somehow, it's be the best show ever XD Have a special guest OC from someone else each time XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    No matter how old their kids are, Georgie & Lyla will always be there to defend and protect them. Junior has not been mentioned in some

  • Glad you're finding a way through this :) As everyone else says, we're all here for you and each other. Think we could easily all class each other as friends now, and you make an excellent friend, JJ. :) As does everybody else!

    JJwolf posted: »

    I just wanted to stop in this morning and thank you all for those comments. Hearing things like that makes me smile and know this will pass

  • "Don't touch his headphones unless you ask." She said

    Oh yeah, Kieron is definitely you dude :P

    I like this chapter; seems that Alice and Azaria have a little competition gong on as to who's gonna fall for Kieron first...

    Well, I await more XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Hard Times Part: Five Kieron s dream... Where am I? He thought. "Hey Kieron C'mon help me!" The little girl said "Huh? Do I know

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