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    1. I'm asking for when he and Nick face off in my story, if I don't know how to harm Robert then I have nothing to work with :/

    Interesting as always dude! XD

    JJwolf posted: »

    Oh this is what Chad was telling me. lol Alright, Robert. Give the people what they want. * Robert's skin is impervious. A trait all f

  • Rip off his right big toe. Sounds silly but it works.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    * I'm asking for when he and Nick face off in my story, if I don't know how to harm Robert then I have nothing to work with Interesting as always dude! XD

  • Ok then... :/

    I'm assuming that blunt force works as well? Cuz Nick is pretty strong.

    JJwolf posted: »

    Rip off his right big toe. Sounds silly but it works.

  • It may sound odd but like Gren's arm being ripped off, Beowulf was able to defeat the beast. No one thinks 'oh, rip that guy's toe off' XD

    To Robert, that's a tickle. :3 Nick is strong, indeed but Robert is a fighter.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ok then... I'm assuming that blunt force works as well? Cuz Nick is pretty strong.

  • Fair enough :P

    Nick likes to hurt when he fights, I thought Nick was tough... I may have to talk to you more about this before I write anything.

    JJwolf posted: »

    It may sound odd but like Gren's arm being ripped off, Beowulf was able to defeat the beast. No one thinks 'oh, rip that guy's toe off' XD To Robert, that's a tickle. Nick is strong, indeed but Robert is a fighter.

  • LOL Nick is tough, I will give him that but Grendels have a lot of fight and strength in them. Robert never backs down...Ask away, hman. I'll answer. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Fair enough :P Nick likes to hurt when he fights, I thought Nick was tough... I may have to talk to you more about this before I write anything.

  • Thing is though is that, Gren got OWNED by Bigby in his 2nd form...

    Now, Robert is INCREDIBLY tough, and I love writing violent and dramatic fights. But if Robert can shrug off punches and has impenetrable skin, how do I work with this? I can't have Nick just get beaten to a pulp, then by some miracle he cuts off Robert's big toe and the brute collapses in absolute pain!

    I need more to work with, cuz Robert just doesn't have any obvious weaknesses...

    JJwolf posted: »

    LOL Nick is tough, I will give him that but Grendels have a lot of fight and strength in them. Robert never backs down...Ask away, hman. I'll answer.

  • Gren is strong, I'll give him that but he's the youngest and a runt out of his brothers. And I'll defend Gren till the Cows come home. I thought that whole fight was bullshit, tbh. Grendel was a strong and feared beast in the took years before anyone could stop him.

    He is and it would seem Nick finally met his match. :) Like I mentioned above, all first born male Grendels automatically are born the strongest. I'm sure you'd be able to figure out some method to make that a bloody ending and win if the two were to ever fight.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Thing is though is that, Gren got OWNED by Bigby in his 2nd form... Now, Robert is INCREDIBLY tough, and I love writing violent and drama

  • Then again in Fables, everything is different :)

    I don't wanna offend your character though... If Nick had his true form, then I wouldn't have as much of a problem writing it, but he doesn't in this story atm, so I have to improvise...

    You know what, I'll PM you what will happen right now :D

    JJwolf posted: »

    Gren is strong, I'll give him that but he's the youngest and a runt out of his brothers. And I'll defend Gren till the Cows come home. I tho

  • asking Nick to NOT be himself.

    That seems to be happening a lot lately...

    I still need to run it by you though. It's YOUR OC, not mine.

    JJwolf posted: »

    That was still silly to me but I can work ith it. Nah man I understand. Robert is strong and as much as I'd like to tone it down, I simply can't. Would be like me or someone asking Nick to NOT be himself. I look forward then, dude.

  • That was still silly to me but I can work ith it. :)

    Nah man I understand. Robert is strong and as much as I'd like to tone it down, I simply can't. Would be like me or someone asking Nick to NOT be himself. :) I look forward then, dude. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Then again in Fables, everything is different I don't wanna offend your character though... If Nick had his true form, then I wouldn't h

  • People make mistakes, dude. :) We're only human.

    Of course. I totally understand.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    asking Nick to NOT be himself. That seems to be happening a lot lately... I still need to run it by you though. It's YOUR OC, not mine.

  • I looked into Grease and it's supposed to be based off a Broadway musical? Looks cool and all but I never was a fan of musicals, unless it's integrated as a small scene in a movie or something. :P

    I can see Claire liking that sort of thing, a rebel always has to have a unique favorite movie of theirs. XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Claire had Grease and shopping on the mind I guess! XD

  • JJWolf presents: Ten questions for the day

    Mine are random but it must be done! This goes to you, @HazzatheMan and another section for @DragonButter

    For Nick:

    1. What makes Nick bored?
    2. Has Nick ever watched porn and if so, been caught?
    3. Does Nick envy someone and if so, why?
    4. Does Nick have a weakness?
    5. Why does death seem to 'favor' Nick over the others?
    6. What is the hardest thing nick has ever had to do?
    7. Does Nick regret anything and if so, what is it?
    8. Nick does not use weaponsin battle and that is bomb ass. What does he prefer to do, then, in these situations?
    9. Does Nick have any fears and if so, what is it?
    10. Is nick afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

    Now, onto Dragon. This time, about Fayde....

    1. What does Fayde like to do on her free time?
    2. Does Fayde have any family members and if so, who are they?
    3. Has Fayde ever made a mistake she regrets?
    4. Does Fayde have her eyes set on a certain Fable?
    5. What musicis Fayde listening to at the moment?
    6. What was the last thing Fayde ate?
    7. What would be harder for Fayde: telling someone she loves them or telling them she does not love them?
    8. Is Fayde a morning or night person?
    9. Does Fayde have a weakness?
    10. Does fayde trust anyone?
  • edited April 2015

    Okay, these ten questions are going to be for @DragonButter's Fayde Everwind! Tried to make most a bit general to try and avoid spoilers. :P

    EDIT: JJ got there two minutes before me. XD Will change them to Tez inside.

    1. What's his favourite mode of transport? Can be anything - private jet, teleporting, a skateboard. Or just flying as a dragon.
    2. If Tezoth was trapped in an elevator, who would he most like to be trapped with and why?
    3. Where would hemost like to go on vacation?
    4. And would he go into space?
    5. Android or Apple?
    6. What was his favourite childhood toy?
    7. What's Tez's most treasured story? It could be from a book or a movie or the like.
    8. If Tez hadn't have been spotted when stealing the dragon's treasure, what would he have done with it?
    9. Favourite animal?
    10. What would his number 1 rule be in a zombie apocalypse?
  • Yup! :D its the only musical I've ever liked XD

    Oh yes they do! :3

    I looked into Grease and it's supposed to be based off a Broadway musical? Looks cool and all but I never was a fan of musicals, unless it's

  • Could do, but there hasn't been any news! And someone else did the last one.

    Feel sorry for anyone who has to review that game though - could take up to 200 hours to do it all. XD

    If you want, do something on The Witcher 3 since that's coming out next month.

  • edited April 2015

    Hmm, wondering how I could fit a punishment into the story at the moment - though maybe it's for the characters if there isn't one. XD

    You have? I'm seriously touched, man. :3 There's a whole load of things coming from indie devs which is quite odd but definitely fun. XD

    Edit: Think you mentioned you played Child of Light? Ubisoft released this free ebook today - haven't read it yet but looks glorious, like the game. :)

    Tetra posted: »

    Celeste although not like Claire can be quite bad when it comes to punishments XD I can't wait to start I've been keeping up! They give you some pretty good titles, especially the most recent one XD that one looked funny! XD

  • Finally, someone asks about Nick! XP

    1. Nick HATES not having something to do with his day, he becomes bored quickly if he has nothing to do.
    2. He has indeed. He hasn't been caught however as he rarely watches it. Nick doesn't have as much of a craving for sex as other men do, because he wasn't created to become committed to someone or be interested in sex. As time has gone by however, he does surf the web from time to time :P
    3. He envies anyone who is more powerful than him. The Horsemen are prime examples.
    4. Nick has a natural weakness to any form of freshwater (water that can be safely drunk by humans) It burns him like acid and causes him immense pain, Nick cannot breathe in it either. Nick also reacts violently to curses like Vampirism, as they aggravate his more 'violent' tendenies.
    5. Death created Nick, and being around Mundies for so long has taught Death the benefits of human emotion. He 'learned' to love Nick, and through learning he became a Father figure to him; Nick has only recently come to accept Death as his Father, as during his days as a Harbinger, Nick always referred to Death as his Master.
    6. Acquiring his human host body. It took Nick nearly 30 years of waiting before the Pirate died so he could take over his body.
    7. Nick regrets some of what he has done in the past. He has broken families apart by killing Husbands, Wives, Fathers and Mothers, though his regret my not seem sincere at times... Nick was not created to care about other people's feelings.
    8. I don't quite understand this question, can you re-word it please?
    9. Nick fears the idea of those who are close to him getting hurt because of him. He is also fearful of killing a child.
    10. No, he expects Bigby to fear him though
    JJwolf posted: »

    JJWolf presents: Ten questions for the day Mine are random but it must be done! This goes to you, @HazzatheMan and another section for @D

  • Ok @pudding_pie, these are questions for Penelope Porgie:

    1. What is her favorite music genre?
    2. Does she like Italian food?
    3. What car brand would she prefer to drive?
    4. If possible: would she train to be more combat dangerous against those who harm her?
    5. What is her desired dream job?
    6. As a kid, who was the person she looked up to the most?
    7. Favorite Mundy tv show?
    8. Favorite topping on pizza?
    9. Did she feel affection for any Mundy throughout her life?
    10. Would she dye her hair if she had the opportunity? And if so: which color?
    HazzatheMan posted: »

    @DragonButter @LupineNoir @pudding_pie @EMMYPESS @Tetra @JJwolf @MasterStone This is something that JJ and I talked about a couple

  • There's been lots of official gameplay videos that have been doled out all over Youtube in the previous weeks (if that counts for anything). :P

    Regarding the 200 plus hour thing, they're probably going to review the main story quests only - along with the usual graphics, sound, and pros and cons of the game they might go over. That's about it, really!

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Could do, but there hasn't been any news! And someone else did the last one. Feel sorry for anyone who has to review that game though - could take up to 200 hours to do it all. XD

  • edited April 2015

    Whatever you think of I'm sure I'll get a kick out of it man! XD

    Yeah! I didn't even know that Overkill was making a walking dead game until I read your article! No problem man :3 Indie people are taking over! XD I bet! Its always the odd things that are the most fun! I mean I want to talk myself while I play games XD

    EDIT: Dude I didn't even know they did this!? I have the game and the soundtrack on my phone :3 Will definitely read this later. Thanks man! :D

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Hmm, wondering how I could fit a punishment into the story at the moment - though maybe it's for the characters if there isn't one. XD Yo

  • They do but pretty much all of them have been covered I think. :P

    Yeah, that's true!

    There's been lots of official gameplay videos that have been doled out all over Youtube in the previous weeks (if that counts for anything).

  • This is too fun not to ask! These next few go to @Tetra and @pudding_pie

    For Tetra, this is for Kieron :3

    1. What is the absolute best vacation Kieron could ever take?
    2. Kieron, why is yawning so damn contagious?
    3. If Kieron had 3 wishes from a non-tricky Genie, what would they be and why?
    4. If Kieron could time travel where would he go, why and would he stay?
    5. Does Kieron regret anything in his life?
    6. What is Kieron's background?
    7. Has Kieron ever been pulled over by a cop?
    8. Does Kieron know of any juicy gossip he's heard from Fabletown about other Fables?
    9. What has Kieron always wanted in life?
    10. What is Kieron's power?

    Now, this one goes to Chad and his OC Emily

    1. Has Emily always loved Gren and when did she notice this?
    2. What was the last lie Emily told?
    3. What are 3 sex positions Emily and Gren perform? (Because I can)
    4. Has Emily ever danced in the rain?
    5. Does emily have a favorite sibling or one she's closer to?
    6. What is Emily's greatest strength and weakness?
    7. What is Emily hoping her next babies will be, boys, girls or mix? And would she ever want more?
    8. What does Emily like to look at online?
    9. What is Emily's favorite food? Least?
    10. What is the longest Emily has gone without sleep?
  • Hahah I hope you will XD

    Me neither! Think the industry needs it - the big games are great but it's the smaller ones where you see more interesting and new ideas happening. :D Sort of like a pre-recorded Twitch stream? Seriously this is exciting. XD What games would you play?

    Tetra posted: »

    Whatever you think of I'm sure I'll get a kick out of it man! XD Yeah! I didn't even know that Overkill was making a walking dead game un

  • You need to re-word question 8 for Nick dude, I don't get what you're asking :/

    JJwolf posted: »

    JJWolf presents: Ten questions for the day Mine are random but it must be done! This goes to you, @HazzatheMan and another section for @D

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited April 2015

    He never uses weapons. So what does Nick do then? :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    You need to re-word question 8 for Nick dude, I don't get what you're asking

  • Nick does use weapons! :D

    He uses firearms and swords and anything else if he can (I stated this in his bio on that huge PM) Now, Nick PREFERS using his bare hands, as he views unarmed combat as a 'pure' form of fighting. Also, Nick can do so much more with his bare hands than anything else...

    JJwolf posted: »

    He never uses weapons. So what does Nick do then?

  • Oh boy ones for Kieron! :3

    1. On a beach definitely!
    2. "I have no idea Yawns but I dislike it"
    3. Oh man, first wish would probably to have things slow down with Claire for a bit XD, Second would be to know if his friends were safe, and third would be to have a normal life.
    4. He would go back to save his friends by stopping the war for Wonderland. Depends on if he succeeds or not :3
    5. Kieron regrets many many things haha! I'd say his main one would be not reaching out to his friends when he regained his memories.
    6. Kieron is the son of red riding hood, he was sent to the hospital one day and had his memories wiped and was forcibly experimented on for thirteen years, after all the pain and suffering he went through in wonderland he became a military general for hire which he doesn't like but he's good at, three years later he met Claire and now here we are :3
    7. If Kieron drove he probably would have at some point XD
    8. He has heard that something strange has been going on at the Pudding and Pie lately, Georgie has been seeing this girl named Lyla going over there :3
    9. He wants happiness as his whole life has been a living hell with nothing but loss and anguish.
    10. Kieron uses blood magic but in the fashion that it grants him magical properties, he can boost strength, defense, speed, even form weapons from it. He also has the use of his own shadow in which it drives him insane causing him to attack with everything in his body, but he is very reckless when he does this and very unforgiving as he has no qualms of mauling his enemy in this form. :3

    This was awesome man! :D

    JJwolf posted: »

    This is too fun not to ask! These next few go to @Tetra and @pudding_pie For Tetra, this is for Kieron * What is the absolute best

  • edited April 2015

    Isn't it technically 20 questions in your case? You don't have to answer that, btw, I was joking again. ;)

    1. Fayde likes to drink and party at bars. Drinking games with other Fables are even more of a favorite pastime for her. Plus, there's the occasional dart game she might consider playing.
    2. She did have a family, she doesn't anymore. (don't want to go into specifics just yet)
    3. Plenty, most of which she blames on herself.
    4. Earlier in my story about her, she chatted with Flycatcher a little bit - other than that, that's the closest answer you're going to get. Who's to know if they'll cross paths again? ;)
    5. J. Geils Band - Centerfold :3
    6. Shrimp po-boy sandwich
    7. Telling them she doesn't love them.
    8. Daytime for sure!
    9. Not quite sure at the moment, sorry!
    10. Only those she deems harmless the more she is around them.
    JJwolf posted: »

    JJWolf presents: Ten questions for the day Mine are random but it must be done! This goes to you, @HazzatheMan and another section for @D

  • edited April 2015

    Awesome way to spend my break. :D Answering questions about my Penny. :)

    1. Penny's favorite genre of music is country. Her favorite singers are Garth Brooks, Randy Travis and Johnny Cash.
    2. She LOVES Italian food and Eggplant Parmesan is her favorite, side salad and bread. Oh and a glass of merlot. :3
    3. Penny is a fan of little red corvettes.
    4. Penny has often thought of this and would love to one day.
    5. Her desired dream job would to either be a DJ for a rather popular night club or a Vet for farm animals.
    6. As a child, Penny looked up to both her father and grandfather John. Penny was indeed a daddy's girl and John taught her that family is important and to never forget where she came from.
    7. Penny (secretly) loved The Jersey Shore and Friends. :)
    8. Pepperoni and extra cheese, olives and mushrooms.
    9. Never
    10. Yes and she'd dye it either red or blonde.

    Ok @pudding_pie, these are questions for Penelope Porgie: * What is her favorite music genre? * Does she like Italian food? * What ca

  • That's exactly what I say to everyone! Indie games are much more interesting! :D Oh no I'd do everything live so I can communicate with people in the chat, or when I record something for YouTube. I would probably start off with older games/ ones that I've had experiences with and then I would ask for suggestions and such! :D

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Hahah I hope you will XD Me neither! Think the industry needs it - the big games are great but it's the smaller ones where you see more i

  • edited April 2015

    My Emily. :3 <3

    1. She has always loved Gren but did not have words for it yet and noticed this around 14 years old.
    2. Emily last lied to her mother when Lyla asked her if she was alright. Emily answered yes when it was meant for a no but emily hates making her mother worry about her....
    3. OMG WTF? Okay, well: Doggie, girl-on-top and something called the slip-n-slide
    4. Yes :)
    5. No she does not but she was always closer to both Junior and Peter
    6. Her greatest strength comes from her family. Her weakness is the past
    7. She'd like boys but if they are girls or mixed, it would not matter. And yes, she wants a large family. :3
    8. Porn XD No but seriously, Pewdiepie videos. XD
    9. She loves Steak, garlic mashed potatos and salad. Least, anything spicy
    10. When she was on drugs and still managing the club....7 days.....:(
    JJwolf posted: »

    This is too fun not to ask! These next few go to @Tetra and @pudding_pie For Tetra, this is for Kieron * What is the absolute best

  • something called the slip-n-slide

    OOOHHH do tell! XP

    pudding_pie posted: »

    My Emily. * She has always loved Gren but did not have words for it yet and noticed this around 14 years old. * Emily last lied to h


    This is for Harmony. :3

    1. What was the first thing Harmony noticed about Tim?
    2. Would she ever consider having more children?
    3. What is is like being related to Bigby Wolf and Snow White?
    4. What are some things that scare Harmony?
    5. What kind of music is Harmony into?
    6. If Harmony could learn one random skill, what would it be and why?
    7. Does Harmony think people are basically good or just bad, no matter what?
    8. What is the biggest personal change Harmony has ever done?
    9. Who is her best friend? Person she can not stand?
    10. What is one thing Harmony wishes people knew about her that they don't?
  • This is for @LupineNoir

    Noir, this is for Weasel:

    1. Does he prefer his glamour or staying in true form?
    2. What is Weasel's greatest achievements?
    3. What was the first thing he thought when he noticed Cindy?
    4. What is Weasel's favorite dessert?
    5. What does Weasel do for fun?
    6. Does Weasel like to travel?
    7. Does Weasel have certain Fables he either does not like, get along with or avoids?
    8. If Weasel could travel anywhere in the world, where would he go?
    9. What is one habit Weasel likes that he does a lot of?
    10. what are some things that make Weasel really happy?
  • LMFAO! -looks around- Make sure no one is looking. XD It involves a lot of baby oil...'nuff said. lol

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    something called the slip-n-slide OOOHHH do tell! XP

  • UHHHHHH!!! Don't tease me ;D

    Gotta try this one day >:)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    LMFAO! -looks around- Make sure no one is looking. XD It involves a lot of baby oil...'nuff said. lol

  • Tetra sneaks a look when Pie thinks he's not looking :3

    Alt text

    pudding_pie posted: »

    LMFAO! -looks around- Make sure no one is looking. XD It involves a lot of baby oil...'nuff said. lol

  • Damn! Not to sound like a perv but I want to watch Gremily get it on now. :3

    pudding_pie posted: »

    My Emily. * She has always loved Gren but did not have words for it yet and noticed this around 14 years old. * Emily last lied to h

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