Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • I'll read that prologue at some point then :)

    Yeah... in issue 148, when she gets the ring from Spratt she says something like "Wow Bigby! All this power you have it's like you're deep inside me! No wonder Snow got all wet for you" Fucking. Bitch. That is when I started hating Rose Red officially, to dare question BigbyxSnow's relationship as 'In it for the amazing sex and so the Cubs have a Father' How stupid and blind is she?! >:(

    I don't usually leave things up for the reader to decide, sometimes I do but I like describing stuff to give you an idea :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The quads are too much like Emily and Gren, with a dash of Lyla, Georgie and even their great grandparents John and Nancy. never like

  • Thank you, my good man! :D

    I use to play that game all the time and it seemed fitting for Sera. :) All the quads are bomb ass but Liam and Seraphina have taken to being the leaders among their siblings.

    Hecate and Carla thought they had it. To them, Georgie is nothing but they are wrong. He couldn't have said better then me: they really don't know him. >:) Georgie is a badass and he'll do ANYTHING, like Emily, to protect the family.

    And yes, Erica just went Mortal Kombat on our asses! >:) She did just gain powerful teeth. You don't screw with the Porgie OR Erica and Michelle.....

    Thanks, my good man! -brofist-

    Tetra posted: »

    Dude this was awesome! Seraphina is a monster! But in a good way! I've never played Plants versus Zombies but man oh man it must have hel

  • edited May 2015

    Another picture drawn for my Fayde. As most of you know, this is meant to be a racy one. :P

    Alt text

    Fayde Everwind's most favorite 'strip song'.

    Concerning the individual that has Fayde strip for them, consider yourself lucky, for she only does it for the ones she really cares for. On the other hand, if she wants to have this particular song play during the moment - it means that whoever the person is has won her heart over, and will do anything to make sure the bond will stay between them for as long as possible. For those that break the bond, well... be prepared to deal with a most angry Banshee.

  • Not bad, I like the Irish accent on a lady as well ;)

    Another picture drawn for my Fayde. As most of you know, this is meant to be a racy one. :P Fayde Everwind's most favorite 'strip s

  • Damn dude! Good drawing! :D And fantastic song choice as well! Also I don't think I would want to mess with any women in the Fables universe, especially after Pies story XD I don't even want to imagine the carnage a banshee could do lol!

    Another picture drawn for my Fayde. As most of you know, this is meant to be a racy one. :P Fayde Everwind's most favorite 'strip s

  • Their accents are pretty mesmerizing, aren't they? :3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Not bad, I like the Irish accent on a lady as well

  • edited May 2015

    Thank you! And the fifties had a ton of classic songs, as I'm sure you know. You don't hear music similar to those tracks anymore, no sir.

    Pretty much almost any woman a man might dare cross in Fables could very well be their end the following day. XP

    Tetra posted: »

    Damn dude! Good drawing! And fantastic song choice as well! Also I don't think I would want to mess with any women in the Fables universe, especially after Pies story XD I don't even want to imagine the carnage a banshee could do lol!

  • You'll finish the challenge up, I don't see why you couldn't anyway. Besides, even if -worst case scenario- you don't for whatever reason, I wouldn't worry about it that much if I was you.

    In fact, you can continue working on your previous story for Nick if the vampire challenge is making you draw blanks at the moment.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Wow, this thread is really slowing down isn't it? I remember the good old days back in January when I joined -sigh- good times man :') I

  • As usual, the others and myself will be waiting for your input on our chapters - whenever you feel up to it. Hope all goes well with whatever you're dealing with now!

    This is just a heads up. I have a few things happening at the moment so I may not be able to upload another chapter for the rest of this week. Rest assured, I will still be here reading and commenting on the works of others.

  • I'll likely finish it, it just would've been better if I thought up the story more before I started it :P

    Might write another chapter today actually...

    You'll finish the challenge up, I don't see why you couldn't anyway. Besides, even if -worst case scenario- you don't for whatever reason, I

  • No need for apologies. You've been on a never-ending streak for the challenge anyway, and it's good you're taking a break from it!

    Will Brannigan be involved in this? Now that Zylen and Bigby are in police custody?

    Tetra posted: »

    Prologue... This is the story of a Fable who helped Bigby with The Crooked Man Case back in 1986. This Fable has been known to move aroun

  • Yeah I guess that's why I'm so exhausted from it, thankfully you set it for the whole summer! :D

    Oh yes, the next part will pick up the same night :) and cover the beginning of the second episode of TWAU :D

    No need for apologies. You've been on a never-ending streak for the challenge anyway, and it's good you're taking a break from it! Will Brannigan be involved in this? Now that Zylen and Bigby are in police custody?

  • Phew, thank god for Plants vs. Zombies, eh? Seraphina has the Mundies to thank for giving her the advantage in combat like that. XD

    You had me worried since part 1 that Georgie was dead, thankfully it isn't the case!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The war of Fabletown part 2 Seraphina played Plants versus zombies many a times in her young life. It was one of her favorite games of al

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    @pudding_pie You'll appreciate this piece, dude! :D

    I love this, Dragon! Nice to see your fabulous OC Fayde looking shmexy as always! Love the Irish! This song fits her character, what with her being a Banshee. I'd hate to piss her off when this song plays. XD

    Another picture drawn for my Fayde. As most of you know, this is meant to be a racy one. :P Fayde Everwind's most favorite 'strip s

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    Wow this was intense from beginning to end! :D The quads are a group of kids I'd NEVER want to piss off! XD Each of them is so kickass! I thought Sunflower with the grenade was too funny and laughed at that section for unknown reasons. :P

    I felt bad for Emily. :'( The babies and herself could feel all the bullshit on Earth. What were they doing, that Hades wanted to make sure nothing living was behind? I love the 3 fates in your story, too. XD Remind me of 3 old ladies, gossiping and watching from afar.

    Georgie is a badass. Enough said. I think his curse ties beautifully with who he is and what happened. You've given Georgie a wonderful BG! Take that, Hecate and Carla! >:D They thought this was won. Hecate thought she could take down Georgie. I like what he had to say, too:

    "Funny thing about stories, Hecate. Ya' think ya' know so much about little ol' Georgie Porgie, don't ya'? But not all the stories are true, love, now are they?"

    I loved that line because its true. You really don't know a person or their full background behind the name. I'm glad this was pretty much a middle finger to Hecate, Carla or anyone that doubted Mr. Porgie! >:) Also, I like that you left the battle between him and Hecate a secret and gave us just her mangled corpse. The thoughts alone in my head are beautiful! >:) Also, damn, Erica....remind me to never piss her off! o.o

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The war of Fabletown part 2 Seraphina played Plants versus zombies many a times in her young life. It was one of her favorite games of al

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned
    edited May 2015

    The Pawn shop was closed. Lyla peers inside through the window. Nothing. She knew Jersey closed his shop early or at odd hours but it was barely after ten. She'd try back in an hour. She had bags of groceries and needed to get home. There were three gallons of Milk and the sun was awfully warm that morning. Lyla makes her way down the street and heads back to her home.

    But she had just missed Jersey. He was heading towards Rosa's Italian restaurant, baseball bat in his hands. He would not lose his brother to someone that could be prevented. Jersey was able to tolerate a lot of things. He'd been around for centuries and witnessed many things that would send others hiding under their blankets. Jersey tried to be 'open minded' when it came to certain situations but not this. His brother was not gay and he blamed Robert Grendel for trying seduce his brother to the dark side.

    Jersey fought back the urge to transform in the alley behind Rosa's restaurant. In this sity, it would be difficult to cover up the Jersey Devil, considering he's made past mistakes and allowing mundies to spot him. Gripping the baseball bat, however, he'd be prepared to 'protect' himself from mundies and those willing to reveal his face to newpapers.

    "Motherfucker." Jersey whispers under his breath. "That fuckin' bitch thinks this shit is funny and I won't do a fucking thing about it!? Gren wants a fag brother, fine by fucking me. But not my family...."

    Jersey would have a little chat later with Grendel, too and 'warn' him to control his brother. If Robert wanted to dance with glitter, flashing lights, rainbows and against another man, Jersey could not stop him. But he would not drag his brother into that mess. Frank was not gay. He wasn't and Jersey would make sure his brother was fixed.

    Jersey sent one final text to Robert's phone:

    'Meet me in the back. I want to apologise before we sit to eat.' xoxo

    Jersey cringed putting the final touch to the message but it would draw thebeast in. No questions asked. Hiding beside the dumpster, Jersey notices Robert Grendel. He wore a simple black tank top, with a plaid shirt, dark jeans and converse. He was skidding along the sidewalk; it made Jersey sick watching the Fable skip as if he was a pigtailed six year olf, hopping along to grandma's house.

    "Fucking disguting...." Jersey waits for the right time. "I'ma give you such a fucking whalop across your noggin, Grendel, that you'll fucking see stars for fucking days..."

    Robert stops to glance at his phone one final time. All smiles and humming a sweet tune. Sticking his hands back into his pockets, he did not see the Fable hiding around the corner. All he pictured was Frank and the much needed catching up they would do. He still had dreams of their night out. Robert desperatly wanted to return to the Pot o' Gold and the other hot spots Frank knew of.

    He did not spot Frank but the back of Jersey's bat instead. With one scream, Jersey swings the wooden object into Robert's back. This knocks the Fable into the dirty ground, nearly colliding into the dumpsters. Trying to stand, Jersey slams the bat eight more times into Robert's back, shoulders and head; bits of flesh and blood scatter around, as Jersey continues to swing.

    "FUCK YOU!" Jersey could feel the change. "You stay the fuck away from my brother, you'se hears me!? I ain't got fucking time for you fags!"

    "Jersey, stop!" Robert tries to grab the weapon. "Jersey-"

    "He's not like you, Robert Grendel!" Jersey hisses his name. "You fucking swamp fucks think anything is up for grabs. You fucked Georgie's girl and now, you want my brother!? Fuck you!"

    The bat plummets into Robert's body several more times. He could feel the beatings against his skull, ribs and legs. They became noodles and all feeling to his right leg was gone. His arms were split open around the elbows, biceps and knuckles. Robert's face was bloody, bruised and dirty. Caked on blood from his skull lined his jet black hair. Trying over and over, Robert reaches for the bat but Jersey's anger was well beyond the recommended dose that day; slamming the front into Robert's chest, the Fable falls into the dirt and remains still.

    Panting, Jersey spits on Robert's body and begins kicking him in the chest. He reaches into Robert's pocket and takes something out. For a minute, nothing but the city noise. He places it back into his jean pocket.

    "You stay away from my brother, ya' hear me!? This is your fucking warning, you fucking asshole-" Jersey picks Robert up by the throat and clutches tightly. "If I ever catch you'se near my brother again or I see your miserable face around me, you'll fucking end up in the Pine Barrens, rotting away. Do you fucking understand me, Robert Grendel?"

    Tossing Robert back into the dirt, Jersey kicks him one last time in the groin before walking away. Robert tries to reach inside of his pocket to grab his phone but the pain was too great at the moment. He had smashed his right toe. His one weakness. Gren had the arm and last Robert knew, Isaiah had the eye thing. Blood poured from his mouth and onto his neck and surrounding area.

    "Jersey..." Robert attempts to crawl. "Ah fuck! My fucking back....uh! Frank.." Robert reaches for the sky. "....I'm sorry. Frank. Fuck..."

    Luckily, the cook was on break. Smoking his cigarette, the little Italian man noticed Robert's bloody and beaten corpse. He screamed something in Italian, ran back inside and held a phone to his ear. Several other employess stood behind the cook. Rubbing Robert's face with a wet towel, Robert closes his eyes. Even after all this, there he was.

    He still pictured Frank. The only thing that could take his pain away.


    Gren, rubbing his head, watches as Swineheart bandages Robert's chest up. An icepack was tapped to his face, neck and arms. Right toes was healing properly and the wounds along his body was bandaged up. Swineheart sighs, compressing his hand into robert's ribs.

    "I know, old boy, I know. But I need to make sure the fractures are properly handled, so to avoid complications."

    "AHHH fuck, man." Robert finds it hard to breath. "God. That shit hurts."

    "Almost done, Robert. But I must say, you took quite a nasty hit. What happened?"

    "Yeah, just what the fuck did you go and do, Robert!?" He could tell Gren had been crying. "I mean, fuck! You said you were going to Rosa's to meet up with Frank and this is the kind of shit he does to you after-"

    "It wasn't FRANK, Gren!" Robert found it difficult to speak. "It wasn't.....ah fuck, that wasn't Frank, alright?"

    "Alright, then who the fuck did this to you?"

    Robert had not thought of an excuse. He didn't think much after Jersey's beatings. All he thought about was Frank and if he was going to die that day. He had his son to take care of. Gren waiting at home. Did Frank do this on purpose? Was this the reason why he never returned his calls? Robert was beginning to wonder if Jersey was right-had Robert been played as a fool, in hopes of being exposed?

    But that kiss. It felt genuine and right. From both of them. Even as Swineheart continues to sew up, bandage and apply vast amounts of medicine, Robert's mind was swimming is all the possibilities that were there. That kiss was real and there was no regret. Robert freaked out, yes but that was different.

    "Hello, Robert!" Gren had his hands out. "What the fuck happened to you back there!?"

    "Muggers, Gren." This was New York afterall. "I was robbed and-"

    "You still have your wallet on you!" Gren points to the shattered remains of both his phone and wallet. "They didn't take anything from you. What kind of fucking robbers does that, Robert?"

    "Maybe they freaked the fuck out, Gren! It was this afternoon and the sun was out."

    "Then WHY bother, Robert!? Seriously....what happened? Is there something you're not telling me?"

    Even Swineheart knew the explanation was bullshit but he was there to fix the beast's wounds up.

    "A mugger, Gren. And nothing MORE. Alright?"

    Gren sighs, rubbing his head. "Alright. Fine. Then were the fuck was Frank at? No one else was THERE, Robert....."

    Good question, he thought. Where WAS Frank and did he even care?

    "I don't know...." Robert looks down at the ground. "I...I don't know...."

    Swineheart snips the loose ends off and assists with putting on Robert's shirt.

    "Well, Robert. Everything is in place, healing and bandaged up. I have a bottle of pain medication over there. Don't worry. Nothing too harsh. Take one when the pain become unbearable. Try not to lift or do too many physical activities. Watch the toe, the gashes and get plenty of sleep. Try not to look for trouble, old boy."

    "Promise, Swineheart." Robert salutes. "Thank you."

    Swineheart nods. "Very well. Take care. Robert. Grendel."

    Gren folds his arms. "Doc..."

    Robert waddles his way over to the couch. With Gren, he sits carefully down into the couch. He looks up at the clock. Noon. Gren returns minutes later with hot soup. He places the bowl before Robert, sits down and sighs.

    "Robert, you ready to fucking talk? Who really did this to you?"

    "Muggers." Robert did not want trouble. "Just...forget about it, Gren."

    "Someone fucked you up today, Robert! You were going to meet Frank and the fucker was not there! Then, this shit hap-"

    Gren spots mid-sentence, glares at the floor and remains still. "Gren?" Robert looks at his brother. "Hey, you alright?"

    Gren looks up, smiling. Robert did not like the way it looked, however. "Yeah, I'm fucking fine, Robert. We're good....just, eat your soup, bro."

    As Robert tries to eat his lunch and pick at his brother's mysterious brain, another Fable sat confused and hurt. But for another reason. Sitting on his couch, with a box of tissues beside, was Frank. He was about to call. He'd been meaning to and longed to see Robert again. But the last text message sent that morning caused Frank to hide away. His brother was right....Robert Grendel was nothing but trouble.

    Hey Frank, its me. Listen, I had fun and all but I no longer wish to see you anymore. I was just having fun, dude. I never liked you, so delete my number and lose all contact, k?


    Any questions, comments or something you liked, let me know below! :D What's sad, is this really does happen. I know....happened to me before and I wanted to show what some people-friends or family-are willing to do.

  • I'm gonna kick someone's head in if I read anymore of this. Nick!! you're up for another one-shot buddy! Your new victim is the Jersey Devil!!! >:(

    Fuck man!

    His brother was not gay and he blamed Robert Grendel for trying seduce his brother to the dark side.

    Worthless piece of fucking shit... Jersey needs a beating of his own. I can't praise anything right now dude, all I wanna do is rage :(

    Jersey sent the message to Frank from Robert's phone so he would stay away for good, now Gren is gonna attack Frank, then it'll all turn to shit... :'(

    I await more! XD

    JJwolf posted: »

    The Pawn shop was closed. Lyla peers inside through the window. Nothing. She knew Jersey closed his shop early or at odd hours but it was ba

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    I'm sorry, dude. It hurt to write this but it had to be done. Sadly, as I mentioned, I don't hate Jersey and neither should you or anyone. He's acting how society and a few others react. He's only thinking of himself right now and not what he's doing....Jersey will come around. I promise, for he's about to see two major things that will forever change his mind.

    Yeah Jersey sent the message to both Frank and Robert. Gren won't do anything to Frank...

    Awesome, dude! :3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I'm gonna kick someone's head in if I read anymore of this. Nick!! you're up for another one-shot buddy! Your new victim is the Jersey Devil

  • edited May 2015

    Oh man you totally got me :( I thought this was going to be a good thing! Jersey, I never liked that prick and this is why! >:( Poor Robert, Jesus did he have to do that...did someone seriously hurt you like that man? What the fuck is wrong with people!? This is not okay! Not in the slightest!!! Ugh makes me sick to see people like Jersey pull that kind of shit. And Gren, I know you mean well but that wasn't what was needed! My feels are all over the placma... :(

    Virtual hug We may have been beaten for different reasons but I know how it feels man and I'm sorry it happened to you as well :(

    This was awesome but golly it tore my feels up :'( I wait for the next chapter!

    JJwolf posted: »

    The Pawn shop was closed. Lyla peers inside through the window. Nothing. She knew Jersey closed his shop early or at odd hours but it was ba

  • Jersey will come around. I promise, for he's about to see two major things that will forever change his mind.

    For now. I. Don't. Care I'm writing the one-shot just like I did with Noah, except this one will be less 'horrific'

    Gren won't do anything to Frank...

    Really? Hmmm, wonder how Gren picked up on something then :/

    JJwolf posted: »

    I'm sorry, dude. It hurt to write this but it had to be done. Sadly, as I mentioned, I don't hate Jersey and neither should you or anyone. H

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    I don't want to hate Jersey. He's only acting how society sees difference like me. As I told Hman, he'll have two reasons to stop in the future. Frank, of course but a little girl that will come into his life and truly open his eyes....People are just scared of what they don't know, man. And Gren is scared. He's seriously scared right now because deep down, he knows why his brother is suddenly beaten in an alley. And yes, this sadly did happen to me. There are a lot of things you guys really don't know about me and I guess this story is a piece of me in a way. And I'm so sorry to hear you too, were a victim to abuse. NO ONE should ever have the authority to do this. Ever. hugs right back

    Awesome to hear, dude. The feels will stick around for some time. :( But things DO change.

    Tetra posted: »

    Oh man you totally got me I thought this was going to be a good thing! Jersey, I never liked that prick and this is why! >:( Poor Robert

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    I know you don't care and that's fine. I can't get angry because I was pissed off with Jersey but he has his eyes opened soon. Frank, for one but one little girl that will forever change his look on life and his thoughts. :)

    ....You'll just have to wait and see. Gren did notice something but I won't say what and how he'll react.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Jersey will come around. I promise, for he's about to see two major things that will forever change his mind. For now. I. Don't. Car

  • Yeah you're right man people do get scared and when they do I guess they pull this stuff. Its just so upsetting to hear this kind of stuff. And poor Gren, he's all over the place these days, its good to know he is protecting his family though. Oh JJ man, I'm so sorry to hear that man :'( Damn right they don't!

    Oh man, I don't think I can handle these feels!!! XD I hope they change soon!

    JJwolf posted: »

    I don't want to hate Jersey. He's only acting how society sees difference like me. As I told Hman, he'll have two reasons to stop in the fut

  • Katie Porgie... I hope she knows what she's marrying into :/

    Gren is scaring me a little right now.

    JJwolf posted: »

    I know you don't care and that's fine. I can't get angry because I was pissed off with Jersey but he has his eyes opened soon. Frank, for on

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    Nope. Not Katie Porgie. :) She does help but its another little girl that really changes Jersey....

    Between me and Pie, Gran has been through a lot but he loves his family and will anything for them. I promise he won't do anything stupid. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Katie Porgie... I hope she knows what she's marrying into Gren is scaring me a little right now.

  • It is no grievience. It is just very time consuming.

    As usual, the others and myself will be waiting for your input on our chapters - whenever you feel up to it. Hope all goes well with whatever you're dealing with now!

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    Not all people are bad and things are getting better but I really wanted to tell my side and really explain how it does effect you life and others, like family. I feel bad for Gren. Between me and pie, he's been everywhere but he's a strong guy and will do anything for family. :) It's all good, dude. You and are are strong dudes. :')

    They change. I promise you that much. :)

    Tetra posted: »

    Yeah you're right man people do get scared and when they do I guess they pull this stuff. Its just so upsetting to hear this kind of stuff.

  • I see. I'll be right here listening to your story. If it's something I can do good at as a silent person it's listen! :) Gren is so awesome! :3 You're right we are, we've made it this far now all we got to do is go the rest! :')

    Then here's to change!

    JJwolf posted: »

    Not all people are bad and things are getting better but I really wanted to tell my side and really explain how it does effect you life and

  • I really do not have much to say about this new character aside from that he sounds rather casual and laid back. He makes the bogans here seem like paranoid conspiracy theorists.

    His personality and his suit with a loose red tie reminds me of a character from a manga I read. All we need to do is alter his hair colour and BAM!

    I look forward to what this story might offer.

    Tetra posted: »

    Prologue... This is the story of a Fable who helped Bigby with The Crooked Man Case back in 1986. This Fable has been known to move aroun

  • edited May 2015

    Oh :O Not Katie.... I would guess another Porgie girl, but I'm not going to :P

    Oh I don't mean he'll do something stupid, I mean his knowing something is up and knows exactly what to do about it is scaring me, how can you have THAT much foresight?! :/

    JJwolf posted: »

    Nope. Not Katie Porgie. She does help but its another little girl that really changes Jersey.... Between me and Pie, Gran has been through a lot but he loves his family and will anything for them. I promise he won't do anything stupid.

  • -Hman sobs quietly

    You guys! :')

    Tetra posted: »

    I see. I'll be right here listening to your story. If it's something I can do good at as a silent person it's listen! Gren is so awesome! You're right we are, we've made it this far now all we got to do is go the rest! :') Then here's to change!

  • He is very very laid back XD lol

    Was that character by any chance Tohru Adachi? That's where I got the unbuttoned suit loose red tie combo from! :3

    Awesome man! :D

    I really do not have much to say about this new character aside from that he sounds rather casual and laid back. He makes the bogans here se

  • Heh, I know that feeling now.

    My waist has exploded since I had started eating more and now I am at the other end of the scale (nearly overweight). I am glad to hear of your progress. Keep it up.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Update on the bets: Ugh fuck exercise every morning! The push-ups are definitely not becoming easier, I can do 10 straight before my arms

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    Nope. His daughter Bella. :)

    Yeah, I can see where that can be terrifying. People do things when they're hurt, too. :( And if this foresight question is for me, I know how it all ends because this is pretty much a slice from my life. :) For Gren, well, because he's loyal to his friends and family but knows his limits when it comes to Robert. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh :O Not Katie.... I would guess another Porgie girl, but I'm not going to :P Oh I don't mean he'll do something stupid, I mean his know

  • How can Jersey have a daughter already? I'm VERY confused :/

    I was referring to Jersey with the 'foresight' remark. So Gren is gonna what, attack Jersey? I think it's best if I don't dwell on this, I'm getting more questions than answers...

    JJwolf posted: »

    Nope. His daughter Bella. Yeah, I can see where that can be terrifying. People do things when they're hurt, too. And if this foresight

  • Sunflower?.............Fuck.

    That aside, I was truely satidfied with the manner of how Hecate was damned, ESPECIALLY after that cute speech she gave to Georgie. May she remain restless without peace (see what I did there?).

    Still waiting for Carla to die, though. (Writes down Carla for the 568th time in death note).

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The war of Fabletown part 2 Seraphina played Plants versus zombies many a times in her young life. It was one of her favorite games of al

  • Oh man, don't overeat dude, that's never fun :/

    Heh, I know that feeling now. My waist has exploded since I had started eating more and now I am at the other end of the scale (nearly overweight). I am glad to hear of your progress. Keep it up.

  • edited May 2015

    Alt text

    I could not resist posting this in response XD. Good work.

    The Irish accent definitely adds to her sexual appeal. I am more of one for Slavic and Bavarian accents, but Irish works.

    Another picture drawn for my Fayde. As most of you know, this is meant to be a racy one. :P Fayde Everwind's most favorite 'strip s

  • JJwolfJJwolf Banned

    No. Not now. He'll open up a bit after Frank but he's still 'stuck' in his old ways until he has his daughter, Bella. :) THEN, everything changes for him.

    I did not understand it. That's my bad. Guess we'll just let the story answer those questions. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    How can Jersey have a daughter already? I'm VERY confused I was referring to Jersey with the 'foresight' remark. So Gren is gonna what, attack Jersey? I think it's best if I don't dwell on this, I'm getting more questions than answers...

  • Heh. Well, now I know (still better than being nigh underweight, though). I will cut back, From then hence it should not be difficult.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh man, don't overeat dude, that's never fun

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