Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • That Georgie Porgie - he's a real character. ;) Great to see Lyla's - it is Lyla, right? - point of view on things after what feel an age without reading about her, and I imagine Halloween will be great fun with the kids. :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    October entry October 1st I got time! XD Don't judge me! lol Dear Diary: Man, can you believe its Fall already? Seems just like


    1st: Ahh, Fall - or as I like to call it, 'Autumn' - is here already. This morning I decided to escape the hustle and bustle of Fabletown in favour of the calming embrace of nature. As it turned out, it wasn't that calming.

    Snow White was taking a trip up to the Farm and I got a ride from her. Normally I'd stay clear of that place, that prison, however I'm stocked up on Glamours so no need to worry. The journey began in awkward silence, as me and Snow have never really spoken such a great deal, yet it ended in intense discussion over 18th century European aristocratic furniture. Ooh, it makes my whiskers twitch just thinking about those rococo sweeps and flourishes. Snow was equally thrilled by the discussion.

    Anyway, once we'd arrived I said my farewell to her - arranging to be back later in the day for the return trip - and set off into the nearest forest. Such delightful shades and hues of orange, amber, russet; the rich scents of mushrooms, and the moisture of the earth. Leaves made the floor light up, while the sky shone a bright blue. I was enjoying such natural splendour when I came across an object of interest along my randomly chosen path: a conker. Or, at least, an American Chestnut nut. Very similar to a British horse-chestnut conker, though -- why am I explaining these differences to myself in my own diary? Sometimes, Weasel, sometimes.

    Back to the conker/nut, I picked it up and examined the lustrous brown shine, felt the smoothness between my fingers. I was quite enchanted by the beautiful specimen. So much so that I jumped tremendously when there was an overpowering bellow behind me! What was it that caused such a noise, a noise more powerful than a drunken grendel's hangover moans? A stag, is what it was. Huge, too, like a tank. And a tank with very sharp and pointy antlers, of which I was immediately aware. I think all would have been fine if it were not for one small thing: when the creature had announced it's presence I jumped so much the conker/nut flew out of my hand and into the air. After a few seconds - it was that big a jump - it landed with a heavy plonk on the end of the stag's nose. Suffice it to say, the stag did not see the funny side of things.

    Well, I was out of there sharpish, having to transform into my normal weasel state to scurry up a tree. I found more conker/nuts on it, so that was a plus.

    That's it for now. I'm writing this back at the Farm as the wagon has broken down, and Snow isn't sure we'll get back today. Looks like I might have to stay at the Farm afterall.

    Hopefully that's okay! I read Pie's first and thought his layout seemed right, so that's why I went with something similar. I know nothing about 18th century European aristocratic furniture, however it struck me as something Snow might know about and therefore they could both talk about it :P And apologies if you know what a conker actually is, I wasn't sure!

  • Not sure if I'll have enough ideas to do it everyday, but I've given a go for today!

    Another great idea, Dragon. :)

    An October Fall challenge is now up! You can view it under the award listings in the OP above.

  • You have fine movie and music taste. ;)

    JJwolf posted: »

    It will cause him trouble. All I'll say. Hopefully, he firgures things out. And I had to throw that in. BTW, love that movie!

  • edited October 2014

    Just a quick addition, because I have stuff to translate, in exchange for Mundy money. :p
    I was initially unsure whether I should post it here due to some saucy bits, but I figured I'd chance it. In case it's offensive, I'll remove those parts right now (and in the future) and put a link to the unmodified story.
    And thank you everyone for their support-I got back to writing after a looooooooooooong hiatus (as in 9 years,give or take) and your feedback means the world. :D Anyway, without further ado:

    Chapter 3

    Maran was shocked at how Bigby could find anything he needed, assuming he actually ever looked up anything from these files. The drawers were dusty and rusty, the corners of the folders faded. Well, it beats running for your life at least, she thought to herself. From the corner of her eye, she watched Bigby type slowly, as if it caused him pain.

    How different he was from her Camshab… Sweet Camshab, when he had been her consort for decades, until he begged to return home to visit his family. How could they know that it would have caused his and Maran’s subjects’ demise? Still, he was the first to fall, so that she could escape and fight another day. All the powers, the healing were useless against hordes of Mundies, and their weapons.

    Camshab was a peasant boy, collecting honeycombs with his friends, only to be abandoned by them in her pit. Seeing that Camshab hadn’t lost his nerve and was trying to devise a way to get out had piqued her interest. Maran had taken him in to heal his wound, and they fell in love eventually.

    Maran gave herself a mental shake, and did her best to concentrate at the task at hand. Even then, she couldn’t help but watch Bigby occasionally. Some people may claim that he wasn’t conventionally handsome, or that he was unkempt, but to Maran, it only increased his animalistic magnetism. The simple gesture of him scratch his stubble revived urges in Maran that she’d thought were long gone. The room seemed to shrink, her clothes suffocated her. Oh no, what has Miss White gotten me into?

    Bigby was well aware that Maran was watching him, but he couldn’t call her out on that. It would give him away, show that he was also ogling her. All he could sense was her scent taking over his mind. He did his best to focus on what was in front of him, but all he could see was the little bump on her nose, her pouty upper lipped which begged to be kissed, her breasts that would easily fill his hands, and the way her hips swayed as she walked between the cabinets. What made things even more impossible was her scent becoming musky, a clear indication of her arousal. Yeah Snow, this is just what I needed; thank you so fucking much, he thought bitterly. Lucky for him, lunchtime came to the rescue.

    “I’m heading out for a bite to eat. You can come along, if you want.”

    “Yeah, I might as well, and I could use the fresh air.”

    “You and me both,” mumbled Bigby.

    Bigby was thankful that he had found a greasy burger joint kitty-corner to Fabletown. For some reason, he didn’t want to run into other Fables, who may see him with his new assistant. Not to mention that the smell of burnt vegetable oil did help suppress Maran’s scent. After finding a booth, Maran piped up: “So, how is your report going?”

    He gulped his burger in delight, letting the flavor annex his tasted buds. It was almost enough to get him out of his mood. “It’s almost finished.”

    They ate silently for a while, until Maran spoke up again. “Would you mind telling me what it’s about?”

    “Well… Where to start… It all began when a beheaded Fable who was hooking wanted to get away from that lifestyle-before the beheading, I mean. Her name was Faith, but you may have known her with the name ‘Donkeyskin’.” Bigby continued when Maran nodded. “Investigating her death caused the death of another Fable prostitute, which was a troll named Lily, and was glamoured to look like Snow White.” His voice hardened as Bigby went on. “Turned out that Ichabod Crane, the deputy mayor before Snow had a…thing for her, hence the glamour. Despite what we initially thought, Crane wasn’t the murderer; he was just embezzling community funds for his ‘activities’”. He paused to take a sip from his soda.

    “So, if it wasn’t Crane, who did it?”

    “The perp was their pimp, who carried out the Crooked Man’s order. As we dug deeper, we found out that the Crooked Man was acting as a loan shark, so that he could have Fables under his thumb. Fortunately, the jury found him guilty. He’s in prison now.”

    Maran played with her straw thoughtfully. “You know Bigby, there’s something that concerns me about this.”

    Intrigued, Bigby leaned towards her, trying to ignore the glimpse of a cleavage. “Do tell.”

    “Well, when a big shot like the Crooked Man disappears from the scene, there’s a vacuum. You know as well as I do that nature abhors a vacuum. There must be people who had an eye on his throne, and will want to claim it as their own. What’s worse is, innocent people will inevitably be caught in the middle of it. So, it may be a good idea to keep tabs on these potential…throne-claimers.”

    “Hmm…” He wouldn’t let her know then, but Bigby was impressed with Maran’s reasoning; she gave his hunch words. “You do have a valid point,” but it’s too early to assume anything. In the meantime, lunch break’s over; back to business.”

    Back at the Farm, Goldilocks was busy with her very own agenda. She scowled at the ringing phone, but picked it up reluctantly. “Yeah? Oh, it’s you. I’m okay. You? You want what exactly? Right, I’ll get back to you on that.” After hanging up. Goldilocks smiled to herself. “Well, things are picking up…” She picked the phone again-she had work to do.

  • edited October 2014


  • edited October 2014


  • Alice jumps into Bigby's lap and sniffs him.

    "You smell like a chimney."

    Pure gold! And it's real nice to see everyone - mostly, looking at Ivy over there - getting along. :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Chapter 4 "Bigby Wolf and the Devils" "Who are you?" Ava Rose, with caution, approaches the mysterious Wolf watching the younglings

  • Well, I'd say that whatever decision it is you go with when you post these things has done fine so far, so I'd say keep going with these things. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    It's no problem! Please, I like this kind of input! I'm happy to see everyone enjoyed it, I wasn't quite sure if I'd get positive reviews or

  • Nice banter between the characters here, and what about Lydia being the princess? Didn't see that coming. Looking forward to your twists!

    MasterStone posted: »

    Long chapter. Act 4, The Two Princesses Draco who is now under the control of Omnimaax prepares to kill his fellow team member Etan an

  • Wah, I'm stoked on your behalf-congratulations!!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I'm very proud of the forest scene myself! Glad you too enjoyed it. I wanted to really bring their experience to life. Glad the names su

  • I'll explain Ivy's hostility toward Bigby in a later chapter. The girls ARE too much like Jersey; open their mouth an nothing but BS comes out. They don't mean to hurt feelings....its a Jersey thing. XD

    Ah yes, Malcom-he and John used to be members of the Council. After John left, Malcom was forced to take is spot but soon came to the conclusion that John was right about the Council; greedy, untrustworthy and only looking for trouble. He's the one that saved Carla in my 2nd story. (Ages ago, mind you! XD) He's a close friend to the Porgies and Bigby because of this. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Ooh, I forgot Ivy has something unknown against Mr. Wolf.... I want to see where that one goes! The reaction of the girls when Bigby said

  • No actually its Lyla. XD I never really covered the Porgie clan as kids; this gives me a chance to do just that. :)

    Is this the diary of Katie I'm looking at? Yep, I would say that this is one of the right ways to go about the challenge, keep it up man!

  • He is something; seems like he would do this and Georgie also comes across as someone that would complain a lot. XDAnd yes, it is Lyla; like I told Dragon above, I never covered the Porgie clan as kids, so I'm doing it now. :)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    That Georgie Porgie - he's a real character. Great to see Lyla's - it is Lyla, right? - point of view on things after what feel an age without reading about her, and I imagine Halloween will be great fun with the kids.

  • Haha oh Grendel. Will you ever learn. XD I'm picturing it again; this little Weasel running around. Too bad he's stuck at the farm. Perhaps he can have somewhat of a good time there.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    OCTOBER 1st: Ahh, Fall - or as I like to call it, 'Autumn' - is here already. This morning I decided to escape the hustle and bustle of F

  • Loving me some Maran! :D

    Anubis85 posted: »

    Just a quick addition, because I have stuff to translate, in exchange for Mundy money. I was initially unsure whether I should post it her

  • :D :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Loving me some Maran!

  • Sweet! Can't wait! And it's true, it is a Jersey thing XDDD

    Thanks for answering my question, I remember a bit now!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I'll explain Ivy's hostility toward Bigby in a later chapter. The girls ARE too much like Jersey; open their mouth an nothing but BS comes o

  • I love Lyla's use of emojies XD She's so awesome, I love how she talks about her life with her family, especially the ending to the entry. It's just so goddamn adorable!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    October entry October 1st I got time! XD Don't judge me! lol Dear Diary: Man, can you believe its Fall already? Seems just like

  • I FIXED IT! I emailed Telltale, and they told me to clear my browser history and guess what?



    Anyway, onto the challenge :)

    Dear Diary:

    Today is October first. Mom got me, Elora, Ash, Noah, and Robbie each a diary for our birthday. They didn't appreciate it as much as I do, though. I decided to start today, although I've had it for a few weeks now. October is a better month than September in my opinion, because it's cooler out but not too cold, and the leaves change color and EVERYTHING is pumpkin spice themed.


    I love me some pumpkin spice. Anywho, I got out of school today and we raced each other up the stairs because my brothers were picking on me and telling me I can't do squat right, and I told them that I could, so they challenged me.

    And guess what?

    I won.

    They said I was cheating when I turned into a zephyr, but I told them they didn't specify on rules so it didn't count. When we got inside the apartment, I saw Dad watching TV on his new recliner. He greeted each of us with a kiss, and I could smell dinner already being cooked in the kitchen. Robbie and Noah started to complain about the race to our Dad, who in turn just laughed and patted their heads. He told them to not take it so seriously, and to do their homework. Boys are such babies.

    Like usual, I sat at the table and all five of us did our homework as we were told. Mom helped me with my algebra, and then we ate some pea soup with ham inside of it for dinner. Gosh, I was starving.

    I'm sorry if today's entry was really boring, Diary. I'll make sure to do more interesting things as the month goes on. I'll even try to get Ash and Elora to write in theirs. Right now it's bed time, and Dad is real keen on lights out. I should give you a name. Eh, maybe I'll sleep on it. I'll tell you what your name is in the morning, okay Diary? Okay.



    How do you like that one? I figured since everyone else is doing theirs, might as well jump onto the bandwagon XD I've decided to skip several years and use Harmony's children as the diary-writers. I think you'll like what I do as I go.

  • edited October 2014

    Oh, you wrote it good enough, most definitely!

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Harmony:Uh....alright, then! Thanks for attending, and have fun at the bar! (Tim kisses Harm and follows Tez.) I figured I'd do someth

  • Sweet.

    MasterStone posted: »

    On it.

  • I sense more Rose Red a comin'.

    JJwolf posted: »

    This sounds like it will be fun. I'll have to think about one now.

  • It's up to you, though I think doing them in separate posts/entries would bode well for you. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Huh...this is interesting! I think I've got an idea of what I want to do...and I think you'll like how it's done! I'm not sure if I'll pu

  • edited October 2014

    It doesn't have to be everyday. I guess it was sort of a play on words when I mentioned 'day-to-day' in the challenge, I didn't mean day-to-day literally. :P

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Not sure if I'll have enough ideas to do it everyday, but I've given a go for today! Another great idea, Dragon.

  • Ah, I gotcha. I guessed Lyla myself, but I had a feeling I was wrong so I went with Katie. I'm not just saying that because I was wrong either! :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    No actually its Lyla. XD I never really covered the Porgie clan as kids; this gives me a chance to do just that.

  • She is just a big bowl of sugar, ain't she? XD Her family can do no wrong and that's how it should be. Stick together. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I love Lyla's use of emojies XD She's so awesome, I love how she talks about her life with her family, especially the ending to the entry. It's just so goddamn adorable!

  • First off, love how you are skipping ahead to when the kids are able to speak. Second, Scarlett! Enough said! Freakin' Tim is too cute! Dawww! XD

    Congrats on joining the bandwagon! XD Can't wait for more!

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I FIXED IT! I emailed Telltale, and they told me to clear my browser history and guess what? IT FUCKIN' WORKED! FUCK YEAH! Anyway,

  • Nah its all good, dude! I've done that before myself...confuse someone's OC's with another! XD

    Ah, I gotcha. I guessed Lyla myself, but I had a feeling I was wrong so I went with Katie. I'm not just saying that because I was wrong either! :P

  • Excellent, I love it so far, Noir! I just had to look up the meaning of conker since you mentioned it. It made me laugh when I saw the game definition of it, in a good way. :D

    LupineNoir posted: »

    OCTOBER 1st: Ahh, Fall - or as I like to call it, 'Autumn' - is here already. This morning I decided to escape the hustle and bustle of F

  • edited October 2014

    There's nothing like a big, juicy burger to keep animal magnetism and those pesky sexual urges at bay. ;)

    Oh, shit, wonder how Goldilocks will play a part in this? Gonna be up to no good, I bet.

    Anubis85 posted: »

    Just a quick addition, because I have stuff to translate, in exchange for Mundy money. I was initially unsure whether I should post it her

  • edited October 2014

    I approve of Harm's children writing in their own diaries, you were right on me liking your idea! :)

    Dat pumpkin spice as well, I bet Scarlett loves pumpkin-scented candles too.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I FIXED IT! I emailed Telltale, and they told me to clear my browser history and guess what? IT FUCKIN' WORKED! FUCK YEAH! Anyway,

  • Well you know, if you can't get any, may as well have a burger. ;) ;)

    There's nothing like a big, juicy burger to keep animal magnetism and those pesky sexual urges at bay. Oh, shit, wonder how Goldilocks will play a part in this? Gonna be up to no good, I bet.

  • Such cuteness!

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I FIXED IT! I emailed Telltale, and they told me to clear my browser history and guess what? IT FUCKIN' WORKED! FUCK YEAH! Anyway,

  • And the milkshakes, never forget the milkshakes! XD

    Anubis85 posted: »

    Well you know, if you can't get any, may as well have a burger.

  • Damn, now I want burger and shakes, and it's only 6:40 AM. XD

    And the milkshakes, never forget the milkshakes! XD

  • Thanks @DragonButter !

    Happy late b-day! Nice to see that you came back to visit us once more.

  • Thank you as well @LupineNoir !

    LupineNoir posted: »

    A late happy birthday to you for this year or an early one for next. As Dragon says, nice to see you came back.

  • edited October 2014

    Long chapter

    Act 5, The Dark Kingdom Part 1

    Etan, Draco and Daren awaken in a dark dungeon somewhere inside the Dark Kingdom castle. Etan gets up and stares up into the night and see his father Hati Nordic wolf in the moonlight. He speaks with his father seeking guidance in this terrible time, how Hati does not respond back to his son, he leaves on a design in the sky that resembles a some kind of map. As it fades into the night sky, Etan makes note of it, using his perfected photograph memory.

    "Draco, Daren, wake up. We gotta find get out of here, now.

    "Where... where the hell are we?" Draco gets up rubbing his eyes.

    "Looks like we're in hell.."

    "Not yet Dare, where in the Dark Kingdom, and from the looks of it. Which means the sword of light is here, as well as the sword of darkness."

    "Ok but how exactly are we going to get the light sword while it's in Omnimaax possession?"

    "First we need to get out of this place and find somewhere to wait for Robby Walter and Lydia. Once they arrive here, where going to find a way to raid the Dark Castle and defeat Omnimaax and Argula.

    "Then after that?" Daren asking concerned.

    "After then once the Dark Kingdom falls so will their grip on our kingdoms and many others. We will have our homes back once again. Our family and our future generation homes."

    "You make it sound easy, Etan."

    "Of course it would be. Now, Draco I'm going to need you to fly us out of here."

    "I can't, Dark Princess sealed my dragon away.."

    "Oh right... hmm. Let's see... there! A rope." Etan ties it to a hook like object and toss it up the the top of the room into the window and pulls tightly. He then begins to climb up the wall and the others begins to follow.

    Meanwhile in the throne room of the Dark Palace, Argula and her brother Omnimaax are having a conversation over something regarding negotiation with Mister Dark.

    "Omnimaax, have Mister Dark responded back in regards of our deal?"

    "Yes dear sister, Mister Dark has agreed to teach you the spell and has sent it right over for exchange of information regarding King Ambrose his kingdom, Haven."

    "Excellent, hand it over dear brother. Yes it is almost time... soon Sprintess Le Sombre will be whole once again.."

    "Yes it will dear sister, if only uncle Aizaax was here to see this, how proud would he be."

    "Aizaax, was a weak fool, best a dargon prince and it's hellish offspring."


    "I'm sorry Omni, may uncle rest in peace.. Now, it's time to prepare for the ritual, take Light Calibur to the treasure room until it is time to unite it with Dark Calibur."

    "Yes sister of course"

    Elsewhere in a undisclosed location in the Homelands, the old wizard hands Lydia some before her and the Robin Hood brothers be on their way.

    "Here, Princess Lydia, take this."

    "What is this? It feels so strange... I can feel the light rays surging through my body... it is incredible.."

    "Yes my lady. This is a armor from your Kingdom passed down from generations to generations to hero's and heroines. With this and Light Calibur, you can defeat the Dark Princess and restore your kingdom and many others to their former glory. I have complete faith in you and your friends."

    "Kind wizard words cannot express how thankful I am to your generosity. I won't let you down."

    "With that said, it is time for us to depart. I have enough magic to transport you to the Dark Kingdom, your friends are there looking for you."

    "Excellent, now would be the time to regroup. We're going to need everyone for this."

    The wizard chants a spell causing a portal to appear and on the other side, the gloomy and depressing Dark Kingdom can be seen with it's Palace in it's outskirts. Before saying goodbye the wizard wishes the group good fortune in their quest as they enter the portal. The three arrive and lands near a tree on a hill with the Dark Palace in view and not to far away. Robby looks around fascinated by the designs of the kingdom, it reminds him of the books his uncle use read him and Walter when they were younger.

    "Alright boys, we need to find the others.."

    "I believe we already found you.." Etan creeping up on Lydia.

    "Oh wow, look at that.."

    "Good to see you three all in one piece. Have you all had any luck on your quest to the Archive?"

    "Yeah we fought a minotaur."

    "And a dullahan.. to, well the wizard did most of the work."

    "And we found out that I'm the light princess, who was lost in time.

    "What?" Etan confused.

    Lydia fills the others in on what happened in the Library, she tells the rest of the group everything. Upon finding out that Lydia is the long lost Light Princess, he immediately discover the true intentions of Argula. This causes Etan to panic which makes Daren concern because he NEVER seen his dear friend like this in all the years he knew him. Daren tries to calm Etan and as it works, Etan looks up into the sky and then at the others.

    "You guys, this is much worse than I thought."

    "What is it Etan?" Daren asking.

    "I think Argula is going to resurrect the God Knight using herself and Lydia. And we just brought one the two keys she needs right to her door step.."

    "God Knight?"

    "But Etan, we can't turn back yet. After all we went through to get here, and you want to turn back? We're this close. THIS CLOSE to taking back our homes and you want to turn back?" Daren shouting at Etan.

    "Listen, Daren we have the light princess in our possession, who is the key to our enemies plan. If we let her fall into Argula hands, game over, we won't be getting our kingdoms back and The Empire all over, or better yet, much worse than The Empire.

    "Etan listen to your self, this isn't the Etan I know. Son of divine wolf, grandchild of Fenrir the fame wolf. Acting like a scared puppy dog."

    "Daren stop it." Lydia trying to them calm down.

    "Daren I would choose carefully on the next words you say.."

    "Our what? You're going to bitch about it? Or your going to fight me? Well last time I check that didn't end so well for you."

    Etan begins to anger his begins to lets out his wolf and begins to glare and Daren does the same and the two begins to approach each other. Draco tries to break the two up and prevent any bloodshed. He tells them both to calm down, and that they are not here to fight each other. They are here to stop Argula's tyranny. Etan and Daren come back to reality and come down and suddenly a group of people approach the Fabled Avengers.

    "Look like we came just in time... Hello Draco my son.. how are you?

    "Dad? But how?" Draco being surprised.

    "Long story, we came to help. All of us."

    Draco's father Delphantez reveals the a group of people from nearly everyone past her to assist on their quest to defeat Argula. Including Wolven, Draco's mentor and close friend and one of the 7 sons of the North Wind, Redd the black ghost dog who wondered than lands in search of his real parents and a army of knights.

    "We're all here, to help you defeat The Dark Kingdom and restore peace. I, Prince Delphantez of the Dragon Kingdom of Garraz will stand with you, and together we will bring this place to its knee's.

    Next chapter soon

  • Prince Delphantez has my curiosity and his role in this tale. The sheild description passed down was neat and can't wait to see where this leads to in the battle.

    MasterStone posted: »

    Long chapter Act 5, The Dark Kingdom Part 1 Etan, Draco and Daren awaken in a dark dungeon somewhere inside the Dark Kingdom castle. E

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