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  • Yep, Robin Hood and Maid Marian.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Loving the Robin Hood appearance! Would Robby and Walter's mother be Maid Marion? Anyway, it's good he's gotten the close he's been searching for; and I, too, wonder what you're exactly planning for your next piece!

  • Man, I grew up on tales of Robin Hood. Nice to see you do something of your own with the legend!

    MasterStone posted: »

    Yep, Robin Hood and Maid Marian.

  • With 13 girls, lets hope he fixed the oven first! XD And the tv, indeed he got it fixed. You know Gren. lol

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Thank goodness Gren got the cooker and TV working! If he had time to fix the TV, that is. With all those children someone's bound to want to

  • Well, I feel bad for Jersey the more I write about it; he has ALL girls and they are usually a handful during their teen years. Or, so my cousins were, I guess. XD And, that is prett much Katie and Jersey's relationship. lol XD

    Thank you! I will let her know. :)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    The bit where Katie shouted at Jersey to come into the room I found funny - you can just picture it easily! And the bits where people keep m

  • Man. I can't wait to see how mary handles this situation. Feel bad for the poor girl. Apparently, she has no idea what is in store for her. And Hans...XD

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "Please, Hans. I'm not making the poor girl walk in the freezing cold. Have you noticed the white shit falling from the sky? Yeah, that's sn

  • Chapter 12

    Alt text

    Did not draw this. @pudding_pie did. :) Thank you again. You're the best. :D Promise! No more requests....for now....XD
    I didn't remember much; Rose's screams echoed down the hall, as my brother tried to place pressure on my wrist. The blood trickled down his fingers. I could feel the pulse. Gren tried looking away; I could see the sheer horror and anguish lurking in his eyes. Rose continued to scream, as she called Swineheart. I begged her to drop the call but neither of them listened.

    "YES! He cut his wrist! With glass, I don't know..."

    Her voice trailed off down the hall. Gren continued holding his grip. The smell of my blood was making me nauseous. It continued forming around Gren's fingers, as he forced me to sit up on my bed.

    "Stay awake, you fuckin' idiot..." He stuttered, trying to look away. "The fuck is wrong with you...I'm not....I'm not losing you again..."

    My heart sunk, as he wipped his eyes. The last time I attempted suicide was right before the Adversary took over the Homelands. Things were tough back there for me; Gren's life was no better, seeing how he and that Beuwolf fellow didn't get along. Caused a lot of controversy among the Grendel community. My mother was devestated to know that her son was involved with something of this nature. I had done it for attention; everyone was always focused on my younger brother, that they had a nasty habit of forgetting me and the other siblings.

    The other time was not so long ago. Lyla had just left me. There was nothing else in my life. Sure, work. Okay. But I didn't have family; Gren and I had JUST began to repair our broken relationship. My parents were long gone and my other sibling either lived on the Farm, were hidding or dead. When she left, I was broken. My neighbor found me bleeding out on the third floor.

    Gren continued to hold my wrist. "You're a fuckin' idiot...she has Georgie..."

    I sighed. "He does not deserve her-"

    "And YOU do? Forget it, Robert! Anything you say or do, it won't bring her back...."

    Swineheart returned with Rose. She stood in the doorway, as he took my hand.

    "We can't meeting up like this, Robert."

    "How you doin' doc?"

    Swineheart took out a black bottle. "I'm alright. Seems like you've had better days...."

    Swineheart poured some of the liquid onto a towel. It was that rubbing alcohol bullshit. I hated that. He placed it on my skin; the urge to punch the man was growing stronger with each passing second. I could feel my fist slowly get closer and closer. Swineheart dug into his bag and pulled out some rather large bandaids.

    "I'm going to need to sit perfectly still while I clean the cuts. They are pretty deep this time, Robert."

    "You moron!" Rose tosses a shoe at me. "The hell is wrong with you!?"

    "Rose, please-"

    NO! No, I'm not gonna apologise this time, Robert! Look how deep they are. There is so much're pale as those sheets!"

    "Rose, please. Control your emotions-"

    "Fuck you, Swineheart!"

    Rose walks outside. She slams the door, as she pulls out a cigarette and lights it. She sits on the edge of the porch and looks out.

    "She is quite the character, huh Robert? Its a mystery you have not lost your mind."

    I sigh. "Yeah..."

    Swineheart tightens the band aids, as he places a fine paste on my cuts. It burns for several seconds, as it seeps into my cuts. The flesh seems to slowly grow back, as he wips his hands.

    "Leave that for twenty-four hours and you'll be fit as a fiddle. Or, Grendel. However you see fit."

    I sit quietly on the edge of the bed. Gren, pacing around my room, mumbled to himself. Swineheart packed up his tools.

    "You know, Robert, if you need some psychiatry help, I know a wonderful woman that would be able to-"

    "Apparently he IS going to one." Gren kicks the bed. "Or, is that bullshit too, Robert."

    Silence is the answer. "Thought so..."

    "Well, Gren. We can not judge him. Here." Swineheart pulls out a card from his pocket. "Call Agnus Borish when you can. She's be more than happy to sit with you."

    I placed the card in my wallet. "Thanks doc..."

    Swinheart paid his goodbyes to Rose. She refused to turn around. I felt terrible. As he left, Gren threw a punch back and knocked me on the floor.

    "The fuck is wrong with you!?"

    "Get that stupid look off your pathetic face!"


    "I tried to keep this under wraps; you made me PROMISE not to say a word! You fuckin' swore you'd get help! But it always backfires on me, Robert! I'm tired of worrying about you..."

    I spit up blood. "Then don't worry about me, Gren-"

    Gren kicks my arm, causing me to crash on the ground. "I will never forget that night I stayed up all night fuckin' crying over your dumb ass.....You're the big brother, yet here I am holding your hand like the roles reversed over night...."

    "Stop, Gren. I'm sorry-"

    "She's NOT worth it! She's NOT!"

    "All I wanted are answers..."

    "And what!? Huh!? Georgie gonna fuckin' let you two ship around the Mulberry bush like NOTHING happened!?"

    "I need to know-"

    "WHAT, Robert, huh? Fuckin' know what?!"

    "The truth..."

    Rose enters the room. She glares at me, still sitting on the floor. Gren's clentched fists and blood on the knuckles tells her the entire story; no explaining, no reasoning. Enough for Rose.

    "You want answers, Robby?"

    As I sit up, Gren huffs. "Knock it off, Rose. Keep out of this-"

    "Gren. He obviously won't give up. Sounds familiar, no? Perhaps Carla-"

    "Don't!" He points at Rose. "Don't you EVEN think about it! This is fucking ridiculous-"

    "Yes. To you and me." She helps me up. "But Robert needs to know the truth..."

    I look in her direction. "Truth? Rose-"

    "You need to come with me to the Council and-"

    "NO!" His voice caused the windows to shake. "You stay the fuck away from those flea carrying misfits!"


    "I will not let him be caught between this drama and the problems the Folkers have caused! They have their reasons, Rose!"

    "What reasons? What are you-"

    "He'll find out sooner or later, Gren."

    "Leave it be, Rose. You don't know what you're fuckin' doing..."

    I grab the keys to the car. "Take me, Rose..."

    "Robert, are you fuckin' serious?!"

    "I need to know. I'll never understand."

    My wrist throbbed, as I headed out the door. If he came with me, I'd appreciate it. If Gren didn't, though, I'd understand the same. I sat in the car and waited; Rose made her exit and took her seat in the passenger's side. Gren never emerged from the dark.

    I had my answer, as we drove down to the Folker side of town.

    Chapter 13 coming soon!

  • Georgie Delarge!!!

    Singing in the... (idk if it's appropriate to say it here lol)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I know its early but with it being completed and another pile of uncompleted work taking over my desk, I feel its time to show yet another H

  • Fantastic job with the coloring, man. I'll be sure to answer your question on DA soon!

    LupineNoir posted: »

    It's Mr. Weasel again! This should hopefully give even more of an idea as just what he look like, and a great big thanks to @puddin_p

  • You had me at Tony's pizza. Just kidding, the only pizza places I ate from were... ah, why am I telling you this? (XD XD)

    Anyhow, I had NO idea there was a song about the Jersey Devil. I need to look it up, you have earned double DragonButter points for adding that interesting bit in. ;)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Chapter 15 'You Devil you...' "Jersey at work?" "Yeah but its Friday. He usually get's home around one. Which is a good thing."

  • Oh crap, a girls night out, huh? I feel jealous now that they've seen Earth to Echo, they should've taken me with. >:P Plus, cookies afterwards? I dunno what to think anymore after missing out on some scrumptious treats.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    October 9th Dear Journal: I've been practicing my writing a lot since last time. Mom is also helping me, so if you see a lot of erasin

  • After reading this chapter, Mary and Hazel need a big hug! T.T

    Except for Charles, he's just a sonuvaadversary that needs to get his ass kicked.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Mary arrived several minutes late. Luckily, Hans hadn't even noticed. It seems as though there was a bit of a predicament he was dealing wit

  • Appreciate you saying so, Dragon. :)

    Fantastic job with the coloring, man. I'll be sure to answer your question on DA soon!

  • Heavy stuff. Hope Robert really does get the as were he's looking for!

    JJwolf posted: »

    Chapter 12 Did not draw this. @pudding_pie did. Thank you again. You're the best. Promise! No more requests....for now....XD .....

  • Hey, did you get my PM about the story? If not, I sent you a text message but you're prob still sleeping. I need to address some things about this'll see the message. It's getting good but I have some concerns. Nothing bad. :)

    JJwolf posted: »

    Chapter 12 Did not draw this. @pudding_pie did. Thank you again. You're the best. Promise! No more requests....for now....XD .....

  • LOL I just threw a name in there. Sounds very, like....XD

    I WISH there was a song about the Jersey Devil! The girls are referring to the 'Georgie Porgie' one; they refuse to discuss, well, ANYTHING 'Fable' related when it comes to school. Think the mundies go it all wrong...XD

    You had me at Tony's pizza. Just kidding, the only pizza places I ate from were... ah, why am I telling you this? (XD XD) Anyhow, I had N

  • Chapter 17

    "Hate me today"

    Alt text

    'Hey, Penelope. Its mom. I'm just calling to check up on you. Your sister said she saw you. You seemed upset. It made me nervous to hear this. I know you're probably at work right now...your father and I are home now, so if you need someone to watch little Josiah, we can do that, okay? I love you very much, sweetie. Call me when you a chance.'

    Penny sat in her car, the rain pouring down from the sky. The tapping against her window seemed to drown out the misery. She replayed that message five times; hearing her mother's voice always gave Penny a sense of comfort and hope. On the final go around, Penny erased it.

    She inhaled deeply, took her coat and opened the door. The cold droplets pricked her skin, as she quickly made her exit from the car. Setting the alarm, she dashed to the back of the club. Like clock work, Ray cheked her purse and granted her access to the club.

    The Silver Slipper was quiet tonight; weather like this kept those 'loyal' men at home with their wife and kids. Penny sighed; she would not get a lot in tips tonight but anything would do. Her car payment was two months behind and Josiah's doctor's appointment was in three weeks. Her father offered to take care of the car payment but like always, Penny refused. She didn't need their help. It was bad enough she was living back home and with a newborn this time around.

    Penny slipped to the back and took a minute to sit. Flower opened the door and found Penny in the corner. She gently tapped her shoulders. Startled, Penny instantly pulls out a knife lodged in between her bra.


    "Whoa, whoa, girl! Easy there! Put the knife down, killer."

    "Oh, shit! Flower, I'm sooo sorry! I thought...never mind."

    Flower took a seat at the makeup station. "You alright tonight, suga'?"

    "Long day...."

    "How is the baby?"

    "He's wonderful. Growing like a weed."

    "You still with your folks?"

    "Sadly, yes..."

    Just then, Oliver walks around the corner. He nearly stumbles on a cord, as he catches himself on the edge of the desk. Penny could automatically smell the intense stench of alcohol; his eyes were blood shot, indicating he'd either been smoking or snorting again. This made Penny very uncomfortable, knowing Oliver's state of mind was long gone.

    He glances over at Penny. "The bloody 'ell are you doin' 'ere, woman?"

    "I'm taking what moments I have to myself, Oliver-"

    "Don't go givin' me an attitude tonight, girlie! I ain't got time for this fuckin' bullshit!"

    "I'm answering your question-"

    He had that look in his eyes, as he poked Penny with his cane. "Get the fuck on up, girl and go make me my money."

    Oliver stumbles away, nearly running into a client. Penny bit her lip and turned away. She tried to think about her son. His chubby toothless smile always made her rainy days turn to sunshine again.


    Penny turned around and faced Flower. She reached over, grabbed some foundation and powder and took a seat beside Flower. She fixed her face up, added blush and mascara and a thin layer of red lipstick. Penny glared in the mirror. She didn't like who was staring back.

    Penny sighs. "Well, its show time..."

    Before she could make her exit, Oliver returns to the dressing room.

    "You. In my office."

    "Me? Why?"

    "Penelope, don't ya' go and do something you'll regret-"

    Penny swallowed back her comment, as she followed Oliver. she passed by various dancers giving men dances; one of the girls, Sandy, occupied the pole, as strangers threw crumbled up one dollar bills her way. Upon entering Oliver's office, she paused to collect her thoughts. What was the REAL reason why she was here? Katie was right; there was help out there for woman in her situation, so why stay? Her answer sat before her, now leaning back into his chair.

    "Want a hit?" He points to the table, covered in cocaine.

    "Uh, no thank really shouldn't be doing that, Oliver."

    Oliver messes with his right nostril. "Oh piss off, will ya'? You ain't my mother!"

    "What do you want, Oliver?"

    He smiles. "Oh, the kitten DOES have claws then, huh?"

    "What? Oliver, you're not-"

    "You know your father and I were supposed to go into business with eachother?"

    Confused, all Penny could do was stare. "Oliver-"

    "We had this BIG plan all ready to go. We'd open a strip club, take turns running the fuckin' place. Make all kinds of money. Create a NAME worthy for ourselves."

    "What are you talking about?"

    "We were gonna rule Fabletown when the sun went down. All kinds of entertainment, anything your wildest dreams ever desired, would be right behind those red doors...."

    "I don't understand why you are telling me this."

    Oliver takes another hit. "Because, Penelope, if there is one thing I've learned about you is that you're too much like that man...abrasive, edgy and always saying something."

    "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

    "Business, Penny. You have the book smarts AND the street smarts. Just like your daddy. He was a very smart man, you know. Until he became involved with that blonde bitch but, you know...we ALL make mistakes, don't we? Then he lost it want to lose it all, Penny?"

    "Oliver, you're scaring me."

    Oliver stood up from his desk. "Am I, Penelope?"

    "Look, whatever you are doing, I'm sure you need to be alone for this, so I'll be going back out and-"

    Oliver forces Penny back into her seat. "You know I love you, right?"

    "You have a very funny way of showing this so called 'love' for me."

    Oliver shakes his head. "You are indeed a very intelligent woman. My ways are a bit screwy now and then. How is that boy?"

    "JOSIAH. He is fine...." Penny grinds her teeth.

    "Hm. Josiah. Now, you see, if that had been MY son, his name would have been, oh I don't know-Anderson, Alex, Michael...."

    "Don't." Penny tries to stand up. "Don't go startin' that shit again with me! You had your chance but its because of YOU-"

    "So, as punishment to myself, you go and sleep with the Butcher, no?"

    "He was a CLIENT, Oliver. YOU recommended me to him; that was his first time in a place like this!"

    "Penelope, dear, don't go calling the kettle black-"

    "Fuck you, Oliver."

    He glares in Penny's direction. "What the devil did you say to me?"

    Nervous, Penny tries to back up to the door. "You fuckin' heard me-"

    Before Penny could react, the right side of her face became numb. There was a burning sensation, as she hit the ground. Concludng she had been struck, there were several more blows to her back, rib cage and head. Penny tried to sheild the blows with her arms; she hid her face in the tiled floor, as Oliver continued beating her around the room.

    "Don't you EVER fuckin' talk to me like that, ya' hear me!? Learn to keep ya' mouth shut, you stupid fuckin' bitch! Unless you are spoken to, learn your place! I will not let one of my dancers control MY life...."

    He continues to kick Penny around like a Soccer ball. Penny spits up blood, as her world grows darker. The last thing she saw was his face; intense loathing, irritation and a slight glimpse of unease.

    "Josiah...." Penny tries reaching for the door. ""

    Oliver came to a halt when Penny laid motionless on the floor. In a panic, he searched his closet. Nothing was in there that could help this situation.

    "Fuck!" He paced around the room. "Fuck, fuck, fuck..."

    He locked the office door, picked up Penny's body and ran to his car. He placed her in the back seat and drove down the streets. The rain storm had picked up; the rain would wash away any evidence that he was involved with this little 'misunderstanding.'

    "Look at what you made me do, Penelope?" He continued to drive down the street. "Why, Penny-why do you have to be so much like him!?"

    He pulled into a desolate alley way. He parked the car, turned off all lights and dragged Penny from the back seat.

    "I'm sorry, Penny...just, just stay here....I'm sorry..."

    He hid her lifeless body behind a dumpster. He covered her up with a jacket. Oliver quickly got back into the car and sped away. The rain continued to pour down.

    Unbeknownst to Oliver, there was someone watching him, as he left Penny's body behind.

    "Penny....oh my God, Penny!?"

    Johann pushed back her wet hair, now caked with mud. He felt her neck; there was a faint pulse, as he picked her body up. Johann craddle her close to his chest, as he tried keeping the rain from her body. He took her jacket and despite how drenched it was in rain water, he used it to cover Penny's face.

    "Hold on, Penny....I'll get you some help..." Johann kisses her forehead. "Don't you worry...I have you..."

    So down the street Johann ran, carrying the only thing that mattered in this world.

    Chapter 18 soon :)

    Any questions, you know what to do.

  • Yeah I got the text. And the PM. I will change the idea. Going back a few pages, I can see what you mean.^^' no worries, pie! XD I'm glad you and those reading it are enjoying it so far. Promise it will be better. :) thank you for noticing that!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Hey, did you get my PM about the story? If not, I sent you a text message but you're prob still sleeping. I need to address some things about this'll see the message. It's getting good but I have some concerns. Nothing bad.

  • First off, I love the image. Reminds me of disney for some reason. I'm starting to wonder if Oliver has some grudge against Georgie and he is simply taking it out on penny. For a second there, I seriously thought he killed her. And that last few seconds where she calls for her baby. :'(

    I hate Oliver now. He is going to have to do some serious damage control. Yeah Georgie was no better but he LOVED Lyla and deeply cared for her; he loves those kids, even the one that biologically is not his. He tried making a difference with his second chance. Oliver is just an ass! Plus, Johann saving Penny and taking her away from that place! :)

    Cant wait to see what happens!!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Chapter 17 "Hate me today" 'Hey, Penelope. Its mom. I'm just calling to check up on you. Your sister said she saw you. You seeme

  • lmao sonuvaadversary XDD

    You're right, he DOES need his ass kicked. There will be more in the coming chapter :)

    After reading this chapter, Mary and Hazel need a big hug! T.T Except for Charles, he's just a sonuvaadversary that needs to get his ass kicked.

  • edited October 2014

    More like an Italian restaurant cliché. ;P That's alright though, I found it funny. I personally would've named the pizza joint - Rizzo's Pizza - simply because I can. XD

    You got me good with the Jersey song thing, I actually believed it was real!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    LOL I just threw a name in there. Sounds very, like....XD I WISH there was a song about the Jersey Devil! The girls are ref

  • I was going to guess Slenderman for the next urban legend, but, I know I'm dead wrong on that.

    MasterStone posted: »

    Robby's Diary October 10th Several days has passed since we defeated the Dark Kingdom. It feels like yesterday to be honest. And I sti

  • edited October 2014

    I see that you have more a-plenty already finished, going to read them soon!

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    lmao sonuvaadversary XDD You're right, he DOES need his ass kicked. There will be more in the coming chapter

  • Anytime!

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Appreciate you saying so, Dragon.

  • Lyla: always a character. :)

    I can relate with Georgie and Peter loving apple cider. Man, you and your descriptions of food!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    October Dear Diary: Hmmm. See Georgie was in here, too. Well, guess they wanted to add a little something. Not like there is anything BAD

  • Hmmm, this is getting interesting. I do hope Hazel will be alright, though. Mary too!

    FYI: Hazel's apartment in your story is right next to Kikimora's apartment in my story - apartment 609. :P

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "Please, Hans. I'm not making the poor girl walk in the freezing cold. Have you noticed the white shit falling from the sky? Yeah, that's sn

  • Whoa what a coincidence! I hope they're friendly neighbors lol

    Hmmm, this is getting interesting. I do hope Hazel will be alright, though. Mary too! FYI: Hazel's apartment in your story is right next to Kikimora's apartment in my story - apartment 609. :P



    I love the photo, it's soo adorable!!

    FUCKING OLIVER!! I saw a hint of regret after that beating he gave her, but his mental state suggests that his last thought would be to take her to a hospital. Goddamn scumbag leaving her to die!

    I'm soooo happy Johann was around. I'm guessing he was either coincidentally in the area, or he actually watches Penny from a distance like this often. I wouldn't be surprised, it seems as though this is his only means seeing her in any way shape or form.

    I really hope there's a pleasant resolve to this SOON.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Chapter 17 "Hate me today" 'Hey, Penelope. Its mom. I'm just calling to check up on you. Your sister said she saw you. You seeme

  • Charles is a bastard. You'll see more about it later on, when I write another chapter.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Poor Hazel, really sympathise for her And what's Charles doing to Mary?! Somebody needs to sort that guy out.

  • Hans treats his car like it's his most prized possession XD If Mary were any other girl in the club, he would have never let her use it. It's another one of those things that Mary doesn't entirely realize is done because he's attracted to her. The Hazel situation is actually something I threw in on a whim. I wasn't sure if I should have done it, but when I did I saw the greatest opportunity to tie it into Mary's current situation.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Man. I can't wait to see how mary handles this situation. Feel bad for the poor girl. Apparently, she has no idea what is in store for her. And Hans...XD

  • Hello everyone. I was looking this up for personal reference, then decided it would be cool to show everyone, then I figured, "hey, maybe the fanfiction thread would be the best place to put it for everyone else to use as a reference." So here.

    Alt text

    I took the screen from SpottinGames on youtube, uploaded a copy to the internets and sharpened the shit out of it. Twice for extra measure, just in case someone out there's like "I can't fuckin' read this." I'm sure you all know by now which person lives in 204. Here's the link to the video if you're curious:

    Not that I'm super into them or follow them, I just figured one person out there might grump it up in my case if I didn't link it.

  • Lool, well I'll give you a hint. Scratching on the car roof....

    I was going to guess Slenderman for the next urban legend, but, I know I'm dead wrong on that.

  • Johann does watch Penny from a far; he's done this since their encounter the night they conceived Josiah. He stays his distance because of Penny. When she is ready, he'll be there. :)

    I'm sort of running with this idea. See how it plays out in the end. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    SHIT SHIT SHIT! SHIT! I love the photo, it's soo adorable!! FUCKING OLIVER!! I saw a hint of regret after that beating he gave her,

  • edited October 2014

    I typed in 'car roof legend' in Google, the result that made the most sense or seemed close enough was the Hook Man legend. But, if you don't want to spoil it for me, then feel free not to do so. :P

    MasterStone posted: »

    Lool, well I'll give you a hint. Scratching on the car roof....

  • edited October 2014

    She woke up on a bed in the hospital. An IV was stuck in her arm, and she pulled it out without hesitation. Her focused turned immediately to the time. It was 7 at night.

    "Fuck!" She said out loud. She was changed into a hospital gown, and it took several minutes to collect her thoughts and remember how she got here. The mirror on the wall near her began to glow. She panicked, bracing herself for him.

    Charles grinned as he stepped through. His tall, slender body crawled from it, the jet black suit contrasting in the sterile white hospital room. Mary sat back further on her bed, her feet searching for the lip of the covers to get under them.

    It was a reflex, really. When she was little, and her father had entered her room, she would go under the covers. It never stopped him, though.

    "Go the fuck away," Mary growled. She knew her words would do nothing; They never did.

    "You know, it's not very lady like to curse. I didn't raise you that way."

    "Go to hell."

    "I've been there. Not as hot as everyone claims." Charles chuckles.

    Mary begins breathing heavily, her heart racing as he inches his way toward her.

    "You know you were my favorite daughter, remember Mary? Always did what daddy told her to do. I loved it. What happened?"

    "I learned the truth, you sick bastard." Mary stayed as calm as she could she gulped, then said,"You come and close and I will make sure your head will be on the mantel of my fireplace."

    "Oh, tsk. You don't have a fireplace. And how do you suppose you'll make that happen, anyway?"

    Mary growled. She hated every fiber of his being. "Go crawl back from the crevice you came out of."

    He gives her a smile,"Sure. I guess you don't want to see your old man right now. Fine. But just remember, when you do want to see me, I won't be very far." He winks, then climbs back through the mirror. Immediately, Mary took the first thing she saw and smashed the mirror on the wall. That would ensure that at least he couldn't climb back through it. He could still she her, though.

    Swineheart came in a minute or so later.

    "Who broke the damn mirror?" He asked, stepping into the room.

    "Dunno. It was like that from before." Mary said. It was obvious she was lying, but Swineheart pretended to believe her.

    "I'll get some one to clean it soon. How're you feeling? I'm utterly clueless as to why this happened. I ran every test plausible, nothing came up out of the ordinary."

    "My father did it. He's had of some sort. For years it has lied dormant, considering we've been in separate universal planes. It's grown way weaker than originally. Used to be able to control me completely. Now....all he can do is cause a bit of pain for me now and then. He's trying to build his strength back though. I think he wants to use me for something....something more than just a...." Mary almost refrains from saying it. "A sex toy." As soon as the words came out, her entire body shuddered. It was one thing to be abused by a random stranger. It was another thing for it to be from the man you used to look up to as a child.

    "You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable. That sweet girl, Hazel, left you a note. And Hans picked his car up. Was a bit angry, but understood the circumstances. I hope."

    "Right. What does the note say?"

    Swineheart hands Mary the piece of paper.

    Mary, I'm sorry I had to leave while Swineheart was helping you. You know how Hans is about lateness. I want to talk some more, hopefully when you feel up to it. Call me on this number: 45533454

    "Great. I'll um...I guess I can go home then?"

    "I don't see any reason to keep you. Your clothes are in the bin over there. You don't seem to need any prescriptions, but call me if you experience any further discomfort."

    "No problem. I'll see you when Carter has his check up, hopefully not sooner than that."

    As soon as she was dressed, Mary bolted to the elevator. Her first stop was work.

    The door to the club swung open, the steady beat of the music vibrating Mary's insides. She walked straight for Hans's office, not bothering to knock.

    "Oh, look who's back from the dead?" Hans said, smiling. He was bent over some papers, paying bills and such.

    "Yeah, right," Mary says. She plops casually onto the chair there. He finishes counting the dollar bills, then acknowledges her further.

    "You're not in trouble or nothin'," He says, placing the money back into his safe.

    "I figured not," Mary said.

    Hans glanced at her, a skeptical look upon his face,"Something about that fall change you? You're not as bitchy as you normally are."

    "Fuck off," Mary said.

    "Ah, there it is," Hans laughs. He leans back into his chair, his expression turning from amused to more solemn. "What's up with Hazel now? She came into work crying. I ended up giving her a half shift, sent her home early."

    Mary sighs long and hard. She rubs her temples. "She's pregnant with a....demon child, of sorts."

    "The fuck? What's that do to her then?"

    "Well, if she's not helped soon, she could die birthing the baby. I've got seven sisters and four brothers, and every one of their mothers died having them. Human bodies are physically incapable of surviving that shit."

    Hans sighs. "I feel fuckin' bad for the girl. I mean-"

    "You're not a very good pimp," Mary interjects. She wants to desperately change the subject.


    "You're too nice. Georgie'd be ashamed."

    "The fuck he would. This club is still alive, ain't it?"

    "Barely. How much you owe this month? Not enough cash, I'm sure. That's why you treat your car like it's some sort of jewel. Because you can't afford anything better than that piece of crap."

    "What the fuck, Mary? You know, you really know how to push buttons!"

    "Ain't that the truth," Mary chuckles. She stands, patting her boss's arm. "Don't take what I said seriously. I suppose I'll be going, I have a toddler to pick up."

    Hans grumbles,"Whatever. See you tomorrow."

    Another chapter :) Been super busy these past couple days, so I missed 2 entries. I'll make them up tonight, if not tomorrow. I hope you liked this chapter!

  • She is something. Love that woman. :)

    And I love food, what can I say. So do the Porgie clan! XD

    Lyla: always a character. I can relate with Georgie and Peter loving apple cider. Man, you and your descriptions of food!

  • edited October 2014

    I should incorporate it into my story somehow. Whenever I get around to finishing my next chapter, that is, AND if it's alright to use one of your OC's, most preferably Hazel for now. :P

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Whoa what a coincidence! I hope they're friendly neighbors lol

  • Colin? Skilled? With a knife? Now I've heard dig-dong-dang everything.

    That scene with Mr. Weasel scaring the shit out of Bigby tho, friggin' hilarious. :D

    LupineNoir posted: »

    October 10th: Pumpkins! Is there literally anything they cannot do? Well, yes, but they have many applications! One can eat them, carv

  • Sonic drinks are the best <3 I really like the blue raspberry ices!

    Oh whichever son got into Lyla's personal photos XD It's inevitable that someone discover them that aren't supposed to!

    Emily and Georgie watching football! So cute!

    All the girls would rather eat the food XD

    I want to see Gren and Carla dressed up XD We saw Lyla and Georgie already!

    Do you purposely look up stuff like the meteor shower? Like, dayum! Way to keep things adjacent to actual events in the world! I also noticed it when you mentioned the blood moon before; I actually didn't know about that one until the next day on the news. I was like, 'DAmmit, I wanted to see that!'

    Lol, that last statement <3 I love these entries so much!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    October Dear Diary: Hmmm. See Georgie was in here, too. Well, guess they wanted to add a little something. Not like there is anything BAD

  • edited October 2014

    I most certainly agree on that. :)

    Dang it, Georgie! You gave me another idea for a writing challenge. I need to write this one down to make sure I won't forget.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    She is something. Love that woman. And I love food, what can I say. So do the Porgie clan! XD

  • :D Georgie is ready....

    I most certainly agree on that. Dang it, Georgie! You gave me another idea for a writing challenge. I need to write this one down to make sure I won't forget.

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