okay,just a little Question
what are your favorite web comics
mine: MegaTokyo
Penny Arcade
Real Life Comics
what are your favorite web comics
mine: MegaTokyo
Penny Arcade
Real Life Comics

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8-Bit Theater
Ctrl Alt Del
Ozy & Millie
Queen of Wands
Dork Tower
Yeah, clearly I need to trim down that list...if I end up back on dial-up I could be in trouble.
Two of the best are Something Positive and Real Life Comics.
MNFTIU: http://www.mnftiu.cc/
Pang: http://zerius.com/~alex/pang.html
gonna check those out
Red Meat is the best webcomic ever, MNFTIU is very political, and Pang is old and gone... but it was the first comic to steal from computer games, years before the others came along.
who knows more new/nice web comics
www.vgcats.com is also nice
goats (http://www.goats.com)
machall (http://www.machall.com)
apple geeks (http://www.applegeeks.com)
lick my jesus (http://www.lickmyjesus.com)
white ninja (http://www.whiteninjacomics.com)
scary go round (http://www.scarygoround.com)
questionable content (http://questionablecontent.net)
wigu (http://www.wigu.com)
sluggy freelance (http://www.sluggy.com)
nuklear power (http://www.nuklearpower.com)
elftor (http://www.elftor.com)
exploding dog (http://explodingdog.com)
greg cresci (http://www.gregcrescicomics.com)
butternut squash (http://www.butternutsquash.net)
well thats about all of them....oh thank the gods for Optimum online
Me and some friend's attempted a web comic, but the artist has been too preocupied to do anything.
I had just graduated high school when this thread started.
Saturday morning Breakfast Cereal
Eegra (everything by Patrick Alexander is gold)
I also just finished Concerned: The Half Life and Death of Gordon Frohman.
Oh, and I also love Fleep to death.
Not that I suppose anybody care. Just wanted to reconfirm my own dorkiness.
Why does that name remind me of this?
That's the whole joke.
Sinfest is great. And a few Finnish language strips.
Reasonably Clever
Adventures of the S-Team
VG Cats
Awkward Zombie
and... 8-Bit theater.
...Off the top of my head, Of course.