Best FPS
Post your top three favorite FPS games here.(No you can not put Halo, Halo 2, and Halo 3 in one list.)Here's mine.
3.Metroid Prime-Gamecube:I loved the game's creepy atmosphere and the levels, but I didn't like how you couldn't move and look at the same time, and how the shooting was mapped to the 'A' button instead of 'R'.
2.Bioshock-xbox 360:A great horror shooter.I love how you really have to find out most of the story yourself with the audio diaries spread about the levels.
1.Red Faction-PS2:While its story doesn't compare with games like Bioshock and Half-Life, it was one of the best stories in an FPS.I also liked the Geo-Mod technology.There's just an undeniable awesomeness about that game.Too bad Volition had to ruin the story and make it into a military shooter with Red Faction II.
3.Metroid Prime-Gamecube:I loved the game's creepy atmosphere and the levels, but I didn't like how you couldn't move and look at the same time, and how the shooting was mapped to the 'A' button instead of 'R'.
2.Bioshock-xbox 360:A great horror shooter.I love how you really have to find out most of the story yourself with the audio diaries spread about the levels.
1.Red Faction-PS2:While its story doesn't compare with games like Bioshock and Half-Life, it was one of the best stories in an FPS.I also liked the Geo-Mod technology.There's just an undeniable awesomeness about that game.Too bad Volition had to ruin the story and make it into a military shooter with Red Faction II.
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I think Metroid Prime is my favorite. Probably because it's less a first person shooter and more a first person adventure-shooter. I can deal with that.
Portal is one of my favorite games of all time, but I would probably mark it as more of a first person puzzle/platformer myself.
2. Call of Duty 4
1. Call of duty 2?
lol jk
okay well...
I dunno.
Call of Duty 2 for PC is definitely my favorite...
But can't really think of any others.
Let's go with halo 2?
Team Fortress Two, which I haven't actually played but looks cool?
2. Doom (original)
3. Wolfenstein 3D
Note: Metroid Prime does NOT count, though it and Corruption are awesome games. Echoes sucked, though.
Metroid prime is in first person and you're shooting stuff.Sounds like an FPS to me.
I can''t believe it took 5 posts for this to be mentioned. Shame!
Bioshock > Half Life
You can't compare Bioshock and Half Life. They are two completely different types of shooters.
You got me there, but my Big Daddy figurines say otherwise.
2. Dark Forces
1. Armed and Dangerous
1. Blood
2. HL2
3. Soldier of Fortune 2 (multiplayer, that is. Single player wasn't all that great.)
2. Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri
3. Command & Conquer: Renegade
Battlezone was a sweet game that took place in an alternate timeline, where the Space Race was simply a cover-up for a massive military campaign on several planets of the Sol system (including the Moon, Mars, Venus, Io, Europa, and one or two others.) The game mixed RTS and FPS elements. You could jump out of various hover tanks and hover bombers and leap into others once you sniped off the enemy pilot. You also issued commands to ally units and structures, and set up a base and whatnot. You could play either the American or Soviet campaigns. It was a blast.
Terra Nova was another great game, and was very advanced for its time. It was largely overlooked because everyone was too busy blowing each other up in Doom. It took place in the Alpha Centauri system. Earth's government had become a sort of dictatorship thing, and the colonists of Alpha Centauri had an uneasy truce with this dictatorship. Gameplay was basically running around in powered battle armor, performing scouting, assassination, rescue, and all sorts of missions. I can't even begin to go into all the detail...
Command & Conquer Renegade was a nice FPS 'version' of Tiberian Dawn. It was a really fun game. The only thing I couldn't stand was the personality of the main character. It's even better when it comes to multiplayer games.
2.cod 4
p.s.2 of these three games i have not even played but i think they sound cool can you guess which ones?
portal and cod 4
my favourites are
1 halo 1-3
2 hl2 inc ep 1-2
3 goldeneye
Actually now my revision is Bioshock = Half Life.I finally beat it and I love it.And HL2 is pretty fun too.
Anyway I got a new question(you can keep answering the old one if you want)!What is your favorite FPS for multiplayer?Mine are:
3.Half-Life: Deathmatch
2.Counter-Strike: Source
1.Team Fortress Classic.
Yeah I put all Valve games.I think those are the best online ones.
2.- Medal of Honor, was simple, had simple graphics but had great gameplay.
3.- Duke Nukem 3D
runners up
4.-Turok 2
5.-Unreal 2
7.-Castle Wolfenstein
8.-Tron 2
9.-Dark Forces
10.-Jedi Knight (Jedi academy)
11.-Half Life 2
12.-Deus Ex 2
13.-Thief 1
14.-Doom 3
2: Half Life 2
1: Conker's Bad Fur Day
(okay, its in 3rd Person, deal with it.)
That would be a third person shooter.
cerebral bore cerebral bore cerebral bore cerebral bore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2) Battlefield 2142
1) Team Fortress 2
Halo is really hackneyed.
Never understood the hype over Halo.
1: Half-Life
I never really "got" free-look FPS games until half life, because I didn't feel the need to toss out my old skills for Quake. In the Half Life Uplink (which was the demo, but a kind of small standalone game), the Soldiers were just destroying me with their fairly smart combat AI. Headcrabs crept on the floor and leapt around, and for the first time I had to use the mouse to look. I really thank the Hazard Course for its immersive tutorial style in getting my WASD legs, and the rest is history.
2: Wolfenstein
Seeing through the eyes of the player for the first time, and also seeing a graphical representation of your character's damage was fairly profound for my five year old self who up until that point had only played sidescrolling Apogee shareware. I also didn't want to shoot the doggies, but I had endure a difficult moral choice because they were attacking me. Needless to say my mother didn't approve.
3: Far Cry
I really appreciated being able to approach situations in my own way. In many, more scripted first person shooters like COD, I find myself playing the "wrong" way. Carefully crafted problems may require specific solutions, or you'll be flattened or just have a bad time. In Far Cry, I generally felt that I could hang out in the shadows, carefully assess the nearby enemy threat, and come up with what I felt was the best way to deal with that particular situation. Perhaps I can revisit this kind of FPS whenever I get a PC that's Stalker or Crysis ready.
2 Battlefield Bad Company I always hated any other Battlefield 'cause of the stupid controls but this one's were actually reeally easy
3 King Kong (ps2)
Wow, that's almost creepy. Half-Life was the game that finally dragged me away from Arrow keys + Ctrl to fire, too. And I was also a dog-sympathizing kindergartener who was distressed by my actions in Wolf3D, and teethed on gaming with Apogee.
Insert stoneresque "Duuuude..." here.
Wasn't Quake freelook?
I wish my PC could play TF2.
1) BioShock.
Yeah it was, but at the time I didn't need a mouse to beat it. I needed a mouse to beat Half Life.
best fps, eh?
quake was pretty good for being the first thing in real 3d...and duke 3d was the first game to provide lasting multiplayer entertainment. i mean, doom multiplayer was okay...but lacked pipebombs and such.
Quake Team Fortress was out at about the same time wasn't it? I never played it but the other TF's are good...
Sadly, Fallout 3 is not on here. Yeah, it straddles the line with FPS...esses... So I won't be upset, but I'm playing it currently, and it rocks so hard. And VATS totally compensates for Bethesda's less than stellar FP controls.
They're not bad, but I feel like I'm on a pivot, not like I'm a person that is turning. Bioshock nailed that.
Also, Half-Life 2 is great. And take it from me, Team Fortress 2 is a delight as well.
As I recall you had to bind a key to free look and hold it down continuously, and yes there was some later modification (either official, or some tweak in the config) that could bypass this.
i would consider fallout 3 (alongside morrowind and oblivion) more as fprpg than fps..even if you shot things from time to time. i also like it though...
That's one of the reasons I actually liked Command & Conquer: Renegade. You didn't need a mouse to play, but freelook was always an option; you also had the option of first person or third person camera view, plus the gameplay unlocks were straightforward and simple. Also the maps were well made even by today's standards. Lots of open spaces! (Except the 'Hourglass' map, terrible mapping glitch that puts Nod at a ridiculous disadvantage)