Startled, Ava reaches for her hip, where her revolver idly hangs by, waiting to be picked up by its master. "Don't even think about it." A s… moretrong voice is heard from behind her. The unmistakable sound of a gun being loaded echoes through the room. Every hair on the woman's body stands upright as she slowly but surely raises her gloved hands into the air. The unknown attacker moves towards their target step by step, every second painstakingly long. A single drop of sweat runs down the posh woman's back as the cold barrel of a loaded gun touches her neck. Ava struggles to control her every breath. Just one wrong move, a single gust of wind, and she could be laying in a puddle of her own blood, a bullet hole torn through her tender skin and flesh. "Two weeks." The mysterious shadow starts to talk. "Two weeks is all it takes to tear a woman apart, to make her lose every single shred of humanity she had left." The feminine voice is calm, yet an un… [view original content]
Startled, Ava reaches for her hip, where her revolver idly hangs by, waiting to be picked up by its master. "Don't even think about it." A s… moretrong voice is heard from behind her. The unmistakable sound of a gun being loaded echoes through the room. Every hair on the woman's body stands upright as she slowly but surely raises her gloved hands into the air. The unknown attacker moves towards their target step by step, every second painstakingly long. A single drop of sweat runs down the posh woman's back as the cold barrel of a loaded gun touches her neck. Ava struggles to control her every breath. Just one wrong move, a single gust of wind, and she could be laying in a puddle of her own blood, a bullet hole torn through her tender skin and flesh. "Two weeks." The mysterious shadow starts to talk. "Two weeks is all it takes to tear a woman apart, to make her lose every single shred of humanity she had left." The feminine voice is calm, yet an un… [view original content]
The pulse beat echoing in her ears comes to rest as it gets replaced by the dull screams and roars outside. Polishing the folds on her skirt by habit Ava tries to become clear headed as she finally steps back to the window: The chaos almost causes a sensory overload in the ever so serene and focused woman. A parasitic image of shooting mercenaries, women, kids and walkers labels the scenery. Overlooking the bottom side of her small building Ava notices that the walkers are already on their way upstairs. Struck dumb with terror she stands there, seeking for the most logical decision when suddenly the talkie cracks. At hurried pace she grabs it from the desk and answers it, while hurrying to the door and turning the key. "Patrick?!", she asks a bit too harsh. Her words are answered by another cracking noise. "They are everywhere! I've been trying but there's no way through to you! I -...". His words are cut off by gunshots and yells. "Patrick! Are you there? Focus! What can we do?". After another moment of massive shooting Patrick's voice emerges again: "Ma'am ... I'm afraid there's no perfect solution right now, except for this: There's still hope out there... but only if you manage to escape! I promise I'm gonna rescue as many women as possible! You've gotta flee, don't worry about me or anyone. Ashley needs you!" Ava's hand begins to shake a little, as the first walkers have made it up there since they are pushing their bodies against the door. Time is limited. Even though Patrick is an adopted orphan he has been the first person Ava feels connected to in that extent, ever. "How about you, though?", she whispers. "Don't you worry, I'll make it back to you in no time! Hurry up! I see you're surrounded. You can make it up onto our truck by climbing out the bathroom window. Now GO, dammit!" "Watch your tone, young man!", she responds in an instant. "Are you certain about staying behind? Do you even know what you are risking?", she continues. "Ashley is all that matters now. I promise here and now, I will be back.", answers Patrick with a croaky voice. "You are brave, Patrick. Ashely will never forget your noble actions."-"Good Bye."
Getting through the tiny high seated window was a bold venture, indeed. With her upper body downwards she crawled out of the window. The drop was deep with a bumpy landing. On the vehicle roofs safety she examined the entire surrounding one last time until she had come to the harsh conclusion: He is not going to get out of here.
Ava climbed into the drivers seat. Then she released the make up mirror. Her reflection is still the same: flawless, not a single bruise. Still, something has changed. Eventually, the engine started until the sound of it vanished in the forest
The farm-group was briefly touched upon at the beginning of season 2, they were headed to Wellington and left a new group member behind at her request.
I'm still here .
Ava is Melisandre? :O
Also weren't there people at the farm? Or did they just faze from existence or die? I don't know what happened to them.
The farm-group was briefly touched upon at the beginning of season 2, they were headed to Wellington and left a new group member behind at her request.
Good to see you're still here!
WOW you guys cameback thats amazing (especially since i read the entire first "book" and am a juge fan of you all [especially that 1 guy and the missus]) man im just so happy this is back ))))))))))))))))))))
WOW you guys cameback thats amazing (especially since i read the entire first "book" and am a juge fan of you all [especially that 1 guy and the missus]) man im just so happy this is back ))))))))))))))))))))
no probs you guys are fantastic
i mean you have achived SO MUCH with so little its amazing
most people would have given up a LONG time… more ago and the characters are awesome
ive enjoyed this all so much im so happy your back
(btw i think we already met on the long deceased Forum of the Dead lounge)
A deep fog lingers before her eyes, soft thumping echoes from far away. Her body feels weightless. She floats through the sky as the haze fades away, leaving only a beautiful emptiness as far as the girl can see. But the emptiness fades, her body falls into the void below, leaving only a high-pitched screech piercing Clementine's ears. Panicking, the girl reaches around until she finds something to hold onto. In one swift movement she pulls herself up from the ground and onto her feet. As the swept-up dust settles on the floor, Clementine looks around the room, wondering what had so rudely woken her up. The room is still dark, only a faint light shines through the window. "Tara?" She whispers. Her throat feels dry, her stomach rumbles. As the girl wonders when she had last eaten or drunk anything, a small voice sounds from below. "Sorry." Clementine looks down and is greeted by the young girl's witty smile. She's laying on the ground, her legs up in the air. "I was trying to move this box. I didn't want to wake you up." She continues while Clementine pulls her onto her tender legs. "It's too heavy, though." Clementine rolls up her puffy sleeves and grabs the box, instructing Tara to do the same. Useless trinkets and empty batteries roll around in the container as the girls push it across the room, occasionally stopping to take a breath. "You know, I was worried there for a second." Clementine says while wiping the sweat from her brow. "Well I said I'm sorry..." Tara pouts, her big blue eyes shining in the dim moonlight. Her friend giggles, before preparing for the final push. "It's okay. Let's just focus on getting out of here."
Music for atmosphere;
The words have barely left her mouth as a deafening orchestra of growls and tripping bodies tumbles into the room. The walkers must have broken the door with their endless pounding. Hesitating but a second, Clementine jumps onto the crate and picks Tara up with her. Her short legs sink into the pile of junk as she pushes her out of the window, the smells and sounds of angry undead moving closer. Precious seconds are wasted pulling her legs out of the heap of scrap. And with mere seconds to spare, she frees herself from their tight grasp and manages to grab the rim of the window above her. Barely unscratched, Clementine pulls herself onto the ledge and stumbles onto the dirt and grass, right next to Tara's feet. The younger girl looks around worriedly as she grabs her older friend's hand. "Good job, Tara." She says, dragging herself up from the floor. Clementine looks down into the room, now infested by walkers, some of them seemingly fresh. Her eyes move away from the terrible sight and onto the truck right next to them. "My hat!" She crawls down to the floor, looking for her most sacred possession. "It's gone... Someone must have taken it." She says, frantically searching for what she had left behind. "Clementine?" Tara whimpers. She grabs her friend's shoulder. "What is it?" Clementine hisses in a harsh tone. "I think someone's coming!" Tara whispers loudly, her eyes wide open. Clementine pulls the younger girl next to her, sheltering her with her arm. "Stay quiet." She says as footsteps approach. The girls hold their breaths as the person opens the car door and slams it shut. A small light emits from within the large truck, the driver grabs some sort of book from his pocket. Clementine doesn't recognize the well-shaven man. His shoulders are broad, his face burly, yet something in his eyes gives away a childlike nature. Tara's doubtful eyes look up to her. "What do we do?" They seem to ask. As the engine roars a mighty roar, Clementine drags her friend by the arm, leading her towards the back of the truck and pushing her in. Just in time, Clementine manages to jump in next to her as the car drives through the horde of undead and into the dark forest, leaving behind only people long dead and the daunting memories connected to them.
WOW you guys cameback thats amazing (especially since i read the entire first "book" and am a juge fan of you all [especially that 1 guy and the missus]) man im just so happy this is back ))))))))))))))))))))
A deep fog lingers before her eyes, soft thumping echoes from far away. Her body feels weightless. She floats through the sky as the haze fa… moredes away, leaving only a beautiful emptiness as far as the girl can see. But the emptiness fades, her body falls into the void below, leaving only a high-pitched screech piercing Clementine's ears. Panicking, the girl reaches around until she finds something to hold onto. In one swift movement she pulls herself up from the ground and onto her feet. As the swept-up dust settles on the floor, Clementine looks around the room, wondering what had so rudely woken her up. The room is still dark, only a faint light shines through the window. "Tara?" She whispers. Her throat feels dry, her stomach rumbles. As the girl wonders when she had last eaten or drunk anything, a small voice sounds from below. "Sorry." Clementine looks down and is greeted by the young girl's witty smile. She's laying on the ground, her leg… [view original content]
You've made my day for more than a year it's the least i can do
Btw its amazing to finnally meet you afther reading your comments all this time :):):):):):)
if you go back to Twistees original FLASHBACK scene with Weston ( known at this point as "Shovel guy" or "Phill") mentions his enemies.....
Theres Joel and Lester and........ ISSAC and his gang
and i have wondered all this time why in the end of the Flashback story he says that they have no more worries since he belives that the soldiers will be too afraid of him, Lester is taken care off ( i cant remember if they killed Lester or terrified him) and he can very easily take Joel ( atleast he THINKS he can)
But he never mention anything about why Issac and his gang wont come afther him and since he mentions them in separate it means their not associated with any other settlement and therefore were never "taken care off" in any way. Infact i sadly think you guys forgot about him.
Wich brings me to my question.........or rather questions....
Who is Issac?
What does he do?
Will Weston EVER go afther him?
Will he ever appear in the story?
Is he a good guy or a bad guy?
Will he ever meet Clem?
Will he ever have ANY relevance on the plot at all?
And im sorry if im over reacting about a "just mentioned" character but this is LITTERALY the only real problem i ever had with the story and i promised myself that if i ever could communicate with you guys i would point it out and try to fix it. I hope it dosent bother anyone.
No clue, honestly. Sometimes a character doesn't have to be introduced, I think that was just a mention that doesn't really effect anything. It was just a way of saying a lot of people want Weston dead. I don't really know... It's all weird.
Hey guys ive allways wanted to ask this
if you go back to Twistees original FLASHBACK scene with Weston ( known at this point as "Shovel … moreguy" or "Phill") mentions his enemies.....
Theres Joel and Lester and........ ISSAC and his gang
and i have wondered all this time why in the end of the Flashback story he says that they have no more worries since he belives that the soldiers will be too afraid of him, Lester is taken care off ( i cant remember if they killed Lester or terrified him) and he can very easily take Joel ( atleast he THINKS he can)
But he never mention anything about why Issac and his gang wont come afther him and since he mentions them in separate it means their not associated with any other settlement and therefore were never "taken care off" in any way. Infact i sadly think you guys forgot about him.
Wich brings me to my question.........or rather questions....
Who is Issac?
What does he do?
Will West… [view original content]
What Twistee just said. He's obviously just some minor character. The Weston aspect of this story hasn't been touched in a long time, and I am not sure, if that is necessary at this point in the story. We might meet him later, though, imo.
I don't even remember writing any of that. XD
No clue, honestly. Sometimes a character doesn't have to be introduced, I think that was ju… morest a mention that doesn't really effect anything. It was just a way of saying a lot of people want Weston dead. I don't really know... It's all weird.
I don't even remember writing any of that. XD
No clue, honestly. Sometimes a character doesn't have to be introduced, I think that was ju… morest a mention that doesn't really effect anything. It was just a way of saying a lot of people want Weston dead. I don't really know... It's all weird.
Yeah i get that its just that Issac already had an established precence and people who read the story will wonder that if he was absolutely pointless why did weston metion him?
What Twistee just said. He's obviously just some minor character. The Weston aspect of this story hasn't been touched in a long time, and I am not sure, if that is necessary at this point in the story. We might meet him later, though, imo.
"That idiot is gonna get us killed!", Ruby mumbles to herself in anger as she is climbing the building the same route as Bryan did. She's always been a sporty woman, though scaling such an obstacle is way too strength-sapping, even for her. One second she envies his parkour-ing almost as much it's nearly causing her to fall down when she focuses on the climb again, gathering all her strength. Pushing herself off the wall she makes a jump and manages to take hold of the edge of the rooftop. She pulls herself up, already seeing a broken window. Bracing herself for a moment she supports herself against a chimney. Even though it's gotten dark it's not hard for her to see what a disaster this place is: The walker growls are hovering over this place soaked in blood, reflecting in purple colors due to the moonlight. And all these bodies ... bodies everywhere. The idea of Clem and Tara being a part of all that makes Ruby's throat constrain, causing her to become a little dizzy. Then she can hear a familiar voice, obviously speaking to someone. "Please, let it be her.", she says to herself as she hurries to the window. Looking down she can see nothing, though she can hear an argument. Bryan seems to be talking to a young man.
"I CAN'T FIND HE- HER YOU-" The boy stutters. He sounds so young and desperate. "TELL ME RIGHT FUCKING NOW YOU WORTHLESS FUCK, WHERE IS THAT GIRL?!" Bryan screams in total madness. Then there's nothing. Deathly silence. Every second Ruby's panic grows more and more as she is having an inner fight. Is that what I think it is? He didn't, did he.... As her eyes get used to the darkness her grave concerns get confirmed by the purple shining pool spreading under a body which has a pair of two white marbles gazing at the roof. Ruby almost collapses in agony. There he stands, calm and confident, the man her husband as well as the girl have built their hopes on ... a coldhearted killer has come to light. The walker growls become louder and louder, indicating there'll be in the room any second. "What now?" the man below says in a calm manner, as he turns his head in attempt to find a way out. The only door is the one where the ghouls are stringing together. As he suddenly casts a glance at the rooftop window the blood in Ruby's veins freezes in an instant. His eyes are so gentle, his look saturated in sorrow. "Ruby...", he says. Compressing her lips in bitterness Ruby draws a deep breath when she asks:
"What are you?"
"That idiot is gonna get us killed!", Ruby mumbles to herself in anger as she is climbing the building the same route as Bryan did. She's al… moreways been a sporty woman, though scaling such an obstacle is way too strength-sapping, even for her. One second she envies his parkour-ing almost as much it's nearly causing her to fall down when she focuses on the climb again, gathering all her strength. Pushing herself off the wall she makes a jump and manages to take hold of the edge of the rooftop. She pulls herself up, already seeing a broken window. Bracing herself for a moment she supports herself against a chimney. Even though it's gotten dark it's not hard for her to see what a disaster this place is: The walker growls are hovering over this place soaked in blood, reflecting in purple colors due to the moonlight. And all these bodies ... bodies everywhere. The idea of Clem and Tara being a part of all that makes Ruby's throat constrain, causing h… [view original content]
"That idiot is gonna get us killed!", Ruby mumbles to herself in anger as she is climbing the building the same route as Bryan did. She's al… moreways been a sporty woman, though scaling such an obstacle is way too strength-sapping, even for her. One second she envies his parkour-ing almost as much it's nearly causing her to fall down when she focuses on the climb again, gathering all her strength. Pushing herself off the wall she makes a jump and manages to take hold of the edge of the rooftop. She pulls herself up, already seeing a broken window. Bracing herself for a moment she supports herself against a chimney. Even though it's gotten dark it's not hard for her to see what a disaster this place is: The walker growls are hovering over this place soaked in blood, reflecting in purple colors due to the moonlight. And all these bodies ... bodies everywhere. The idea of Clem and Tara being a part of all that makes Ruby's throat constrain, causing h… [view original content]
Her body shivers as cold tears roll across her cheeks and off her face. Her eyes widen, her mouth curves downwards. Bryan's head is hanging low as he looks over the lifeless body of the boy he had a hold on mere seconds ago. He throws his head into his neck, grasping for his forehead with burly arms. The bright shimmer of the moon above falls through the window and onto his tear-stained face, casting heavy shadows on his bony complexion. Only a pair of eyes stand out among the darkness, their surface shines brightly, their large pupils give away a primal rage. Their eyes meet, a moment of silence proceeds until the messed-up man starts mumbling, explaining himself. "Ruby..." The woman's silhouette towers over him like a judge, a jury and now an executioner. "No. I can't do this anymore. I can't afford to live with dangerous people anymore." Ruby says, straightening her back and forcing her shoulders. "I looked away when you left me out there, risking your life running into this hellhole to chase a pipe dream. I didn't scream when you cut apart those gut-covered women on your way over, but this is where I draw the line." She wipes a tear off her face as she stands up and throws her bag firmly over her shoulder. "I am done accepting you and your behavior. You're a terrible man. No. No, you're less than a man, you're a monster." She spits out the words in disgust. "I refuse to follow you any further." Bryan strokes his hands through his messy hair and looks at her in disbelief, a bloody frown makes his face look like a bumpy canvas covered in drops of red. "What the hell, Ruby!? Do you really think you can survive out there all on your own? You'll die out there! You need me, Ruby, you know you do." Ruby takes one last glance at the miserable pile of human below before turning around. "I'd rather take my chances out there then to spend one more second with a lunatic like you. Goodbye, Bryan." Her ponytail sways as she determinedly paces away, desperate cries echoing behind her. "What the hell are you doing!? Get back here! God damn it, get back! What about your family!? I saved them! Just... Come back!" With every step the sound gets muffled, blends into the symphony of growls like well-mixed paint, painting a portrait of pain. "Please..."
Bryan's legs start to shake as an uncontrollable stream of tears flow from his face. His knees give in, the strong man finally collapses under the weight of his actions. "I'm sorry..." He cries as his knees hit the ground. "I'm so sorry..."
Her body shivers as cold tears roll across her cheeks and off her face. Her eyes widen, her mouth curves downwards. Bryan's head is hanging … morelow as he looks over the lifeless body of the boy he had a hold on mere seconds ago. He throws his head into his neck, grasping for his forehead with burly arms. The bright shimmer of the moon above falls through the window and onto his tear-stained face, casting heavy shadows on his bony complexion. Only a pair of eyes stand out among the darkness, their surface shines brightly, their large pupils give away a primal rage. Their eyes meet, a moment of silence proceeds until the messed-up man starts mumbling, explaining himself. "Ruby..." The woman's silhouette towers over him like a judge, a jury and now an executioner. "No. I can't do this anymore. I can't afford to live with dangerous people anymore." Ruby says, straightening her back and forcing her shoulders. "I looked away when you left me out there,… [view original content]
Her body shivers as cold tears roll across her cheeks and off her face. Her eyes widen, her mouth curves downwards. Bryan's head is hanging … morelow as he looks over the lifeless body of the boy he had a hold on mere seconds ago. He throws his head into his neck, grasping for his forehead with burly arms. The bright shimmer of the moon above falls through the window and onto his tear-stained face, casting heavy shadows on his bony complexion. Only a pair of eyes stand out among the darkness, their surface shines brightly, their large pupils give away a primal rage. Their eyes meet, a moment of silence proceeds until the messed-up man starts mumbling, explaining himself. "Ruby..." The woman's silhouette towers over him like a judge, a jury and now an executioner. "No. I can't do this anymore. I can't afford to live with dangerous people anymore." Ruby says, straightening her back and forcing her shoulders. "I looked away when you left me out there,… [view original content]
Light taps sound as fleet feet move across the weathered pavement, running into an alleyway covered with marks of graffiti and spray-painted arrows. A cloaked figure pulls out a machete, worn-out and rusted by the many liquids it's gathered while working its way through the rotting flesh of walkers. Gloved hands clasped tightly around the handle, the figure makes quick work of two stray walkers feasting on a mangled corpse, a pistol laying in it's stiffened hand. Slowing their pace, the figure crouches down to examine the weapon, but discovers it's empty. A single bullet casing catches their eye as they rise back from the ground. "What a waste." The person mumbles before looking at the signs hanging on the wall. "Ashley." Is all they say. The signs are found all around the walker-infested city and seem relatively clean compared to the moldy bricks supporting them, they must have been put up recently. Sheathing their machete, the figure paces away from the gut-covered alley and quickly regains their speed. They follow the signs across an open street, surprisingly empty, safe for the rubble and broken cars long since raided. A sense of unease in their mind, they hold onto the handle of the weapon on their back, ready for anything that might get the jump on them. Their hood sways vigorously as a gust of wind sweeps across the street, a wide array of colorful leaves fly from the foliage growing from the cracks ans crevices spread around the walls. The different hues of green soar through the sky, their colors fresh and lively, greatly contrasting the dark sky above. It's getting late, the figure looks around the street and finds a building not fully destroyed, a place able to shelter them, at least for the night. "The Golden Heart day care." The person reads out loud to themselves. They ready their trusty blade and open the unlocked door, sneaking in with the care of a fine artist finishing his work.
The door creaks as they shut it. Only a faint light enters the room from the cracks in the boarded windows next to the doorway. Children's toys and colorful chairs are scattered around the room, colorful rugs covered in bits of dry blood and guts. The figure's hand shakes at the sight, their chest moves up and down rapidly. They were just walkers, right? No kids. It can't be. Right? Shaking the thought out of their heads they walk towards the back of the building. Slowly but surely, they open the bathroom door. A foul odor reaches into their nostrils, clouds their mind as the door opens, weapon in hand. They bump their head on the shelves behind as they jump away from something. Swinging their weapon into the darkness while holding their scream, the figure gets crawled on by a small gray creature. A rat. "Fuck you." The person says hitting the critter off their stomach. The rat rolls onto its paws and hastily crawls to the other side of the room. They pick themselves up from the ground and check the rest of the rooms one by one. A large room full of cribs and beds for older kids. A supply closet, dozens of shelves full of diapers, napkins and baby-formula. They make a mental note of the items and move onto the next door, a small office. Cabinets examined, they find nothing but paper and empty pens, although the large office chair looks comfortable. Lastly, they open a large door with a nicely painted sign saying; Nursery. Hesitantly, the figure opens it, a strong smell reeks throughout the entire hall and this seems to be the origin. The figure shrieks as their eyes fall onto a set of cribs. The window is open, the pale shimmering engulfs a pool of red in light. Hands shaking uncontrollably, the person recovers from their shock and swiftly closes the door with a loud slam. Reaching for their head, the figure rushes towards the bathroom, ignoring the foul smell and grabbing their bottle of water from their green backpack. They take a sip before pulling down their hood and splashing some of the clear liquid onto their face, white as a sheet. Her blue eyes are tiny, terrified. She strokes her hand through her short and stubby hair. She hates it.
Elizabeth realizes this is where she's going to be spending the night. A deathbed. A coffin. A grave.
That was ... extraordinarily good! Only if it were a little clearer, who's doing what. Maybe you should always call Ava by her name
I'm still here
Ava is Melisandre? :O
Also weren't there people at the farm? Or did they just faze from existence or die? I don't know what happened to them.
The pulse beat echoing in her ears comes to rest as it gets replaced by the dull screams and roars outside. Polishing the folds on her skirt by habit Ava tries to become clear headed as she finally steps back to the window: The chaos almost causes a sensory overload in the ever so serene and focused woman. A parasitic image of shooting mercenaries, women, kids and walkers labels the scenery. Overlooking the bottom side of her small building Ava notices that the walkers are already on their way upstairs. Struck dumb with terror she stands there, seeking for the most logical decision when suddenly the talkie cracks. At hurried pace she grabs it from the desk and answers it, while hurrying to the door and turning the key. "Patrick?!", she asks a bit too harsh. Her words are answered by another cracking noise. "They are everywhere! I've been trying but there's no way through to you! I -...". His words are cut off by gunshots and yells. "Patrick! Are you there? Focus! What can we do?". After another moment of massive shooting Patrick's voice emerges again: "Ma'am ... I'm afraid there's no perfect solution right now, except for this: There's still hope out there... but only if you manage to escape! I promise I'm gonna rescue as many women as possible! You've gotta flee, don't worry about me or anyone. Ashley needs you!" Ava's hand begins to shake a little, as the first walkers have made it up there since they are pushing their bodies against the door. Time is limited. Even though Patrick is an adopted orphan he has been the first person Ava feels connected to in that extent, ever. "How about you, though?", she whispers. "Don't you worry, I'll make it back to you in no time! Hurry up! I see you're surrounded. You can make it up onto our truck by climbing out the bathroom window. Now GO, dammit!" "Watch your tone, young man!", she responds in an instant. "Are you certain about staying behind? Do you even know what you are risking?", she continues. "Ashley is all that matters now. I promise here and now, I will be back.", answers Patrick with a croaky voice. "You are brave, Patrick. Ashely will never forget your noble actions."-"Good Bye."
Getting through the tiny high seated window was a bold venture, indeed. With her upper body downwards she crawled out of the window. The drop was deep with a bumpy landing. On the vehicle roofs safety she examined the entire surrounding one last time until she had come to the harsh conclusion: He is not going to get out of here.
Ava climbed into the drivers seat. Then she released the make up mirror. Her reflection is still the same: flawless, not a single bruise. Still, something has changed. Eventually, the engine started until the sound of it vanished in the forest
The farm-group was briefly touched upon at the beginning of season 2, they were headed to Wellington and left a new group member behind at her request.
Good to see you're still here!
Yeah, great job on that part, and to everybody else so far. Glad this thread revived itself B].
I can't say it revived itself, still glad we all managed to get together and perform some heavy CPR on it ; )
oh come on twistee you were awesome
WOW you guys cameback thats amazing (especially since i read the entire first "book" and am a juge fan of you all [especially that 1 guy and the missus]) man im just so happy this is back
Wow! Thanks for being a fan of us! That honestly means the world to me! : D
no probs you guys are fantastic
i mean you have achived SO MUCH with so little its amazing
most people would have given up a LONG time ago and the characters are awesome
ive enjoyed this all so much im so happy your back
(btw i think we already met on the long deceased Forum of the Dead lounge)
You're probably confusing me with another user with a similar name, I never really visited that place that much ; P
A deep fog lingers before her eyes, soft thumping echoes from far away. Her body feels weightless. She floats through the sky as the haze fades away, leaving only a beautiful emptiness as far as the girl can see. But the emptiness fades, her body falls into the void below, leaving only a high-pitched screech piercing Clementine's ears. Panicking, the girl reaches around until she finds something to hold onto. In one swift movement she pulls herself up from the ground and onto her feet. As the swept-up dust settles on the floor, Clementine looks around the room, wondering what had so rudely woken her up. The room is still dark, only a faint light shines through the window. "Tara?" She whispers. Her throat feels dry, her stomach rumbles. As the girl wonders when she had last eaten or drunk anything, a small voice sounds from below. "Sorry." Clementine looks down and is greeted by the young girl's witty smile. She's laying on the ground, her legs up in the air. "I was trying to move this box. I didn't want to wake you up." She continues while Clementine pulls her onto her tender legs. "It's too heavy, though." Clementine rolls up her puffy sleeves and grabs the box, instructing Tara to do the same. Useless trinkets and empty batteries roll around in the container as the girls push it across the room, occasionally stopping to take a breath. "You know, I was worried there for a second." Clementine says while wiping the sweat from her brow. "Well I said I'm sorry..." Tara pouts, her big blue eyes shining in the dim moonlight. Her friend giggles, before preparing for the final push. "It's okay. Let's just focus on getting out of here."
Music for atmosphere;
The words have barely left her mouth as a deafening orchestra of growls and tripping bodies tumbles into the room. The walkers must have broken the door with their endless pounding. Hesitating but a second, Clementine jumps onto the crate and picks Tara up with her. Her short legs sink into the pile of junk as she pushes her out of the window, the smells and sounds of angry undead moving closer. Precious seconds are wasted pulling her legs out of the heap of scrap. And with mere seconds to spare, she frees herself from their tight grasp and manages to grab the rim of the window above her. Barely unscratched, Clementine pulls herself onto the ledge and stumbles onto the dirt and grass, right next to Tara's feet. The younger girl looks around worriedly as she grabs her older friend's hand. "Good job, Tara." She says, dragging herself up from the floor. Clementine looks down into the room, now infested by walkers, some of them seemingly fresh. Her eyes move away from the terrible sight and onto the truck right next to them. "My hat!" She crawls down to the floor, looking for her most sacred possession. "It's gone... Someone must have taken it." She says, frantically searching for what she had left behind. "Clementine?" Tara whimpers. She grabs her friend's shoulder. "What is it?" Clementine hisses in a harsh tone. "I think someone's coming!" Tara whispers loudly, her eyes wide open. Clementine pulls the younger girl next to her, sheltering her with her arm. "Stay quiet." She says as footsteps approach. The girls hold their breaths as the person opens the car door and slams it shut. A small light emits from within the large truck, the driver grabs some sort of book from his pocket. Clementine doesn't recognize the well-shaven man. His shoulders are broad, his face burly, yet something in his eyes gives away a childlike nature. Tara's doubtful eyes look up to her. "What do we do?" They seem to ask. As the engine roars a mighty roar, Clementine drags her friend by the arm, leading her towards the back of the truck and pushing her in. Just in time, Clementine manages to jump in next to her as the car drives through the horde of undead and into the dark forest, leaving behind only people long dead and the daunting memories connected to them.
Maybe but ive still known ( read your comments) for half a year
Wow, that's awesome, actually : D
Awwww... Thank you so much
Made may day!
The post has been changed! Some inconsistencies have been removed, so please reread it. Thanks. : )
You've made my day for more than a year it's the least i can do
Btw its amazing to finnally meet you afther reading your comments all this time
You've made my day, again :'-)
Im just so happy to finnaly "meet" you guys
Hey guys ive allways wanted to ask this
if you go back to Twistees original FLASHBACK scene with Weston ( known at this point as "Shovel guy" or "Phill") mentions his enemies.....
Theres Joel and Lester and........ ISSAC and his gang
and i have wondered all this time why in the end of the Flashback story he says that they have no more worries since he belives that the soldiers will be too afraid of him, Lester is taken care off ( i cant remember if they killed Lester or terrified him) and he can very easily take Joel ( atleast he THINKS he can)
But he never mention anything about why Issac and his gang wont come afther him and since he mentions them in separate it means their not associated with any other settlement and therefore were never "taken care off" in any way. Infact i sadly think you guys forgot about him.
Wich brings me to my question.........or rather questions....
Who is Issac?
What does he do?
Will Weston EVER go afther him?
Will he ever appear in the story?
Is he a good guy or a bad guy?
Will he ever meet Clem?
Will he ever have ANY relevance on the plot at all?
And im sorry if im over reacting about a "just mentioned" character but this is LITTERALY the only real problem i ever had with the story and i promised myself that if i ever could communicate with you guys i would point it out and try to fix it. I hope it dosent bother anyone.
I don't even remember writing any of that. XD
No clue, honestly. Sometimes a character doesn't have to be introduced, I think that was just a mention that doesn't really effect anything. It was just a way of saying a lot of people want Weston dead. I don't really know... It's all weird.
What Twistee just said. He's obviously just some minor character. The Weston aspect of this story hasn't been touched in a long time, and I am not sure, if that is necessary at this point in the story. We might meet him later, though, imo.
Im just wodering if he really is THAT pointless why did you ever mention him?
Yeah i get that its just that Issac already had an established precence and people who read the story will wonder that if he was absolutely pointless why did weston metion him?
Err... Twistee?
Lol, don't worry about it man.
that line is so funny for some reason
And dont worry im just curious
I just wanna know if you ever hope to fill in that plot hole
I im not worried just wanted to make sure you guys were awear of the one problem i ever found with this story
I might write this weekend.
"That idiot is gonna get us killed!", Ruby mumbles to herself in anger as she is climbing the building the same route as Bryan did. She's always been a sporty woman, though scaling such an obstacle is way too strength-sapping, even for her. One second she envies his parkour-ing almost as much it's nearly causing her to fall down when she focuses on the climb again, gathering all her strength. Pushing herself off the wall she makes a jump and manages to take hold of the edge of the rooftop. She pulls herself up, already seeing a broken window. Bracing herself for a moment she supports herself against a chimney. Even though it's gotten dark it's not hard for her to see what a disaster this place is: The walker growls are hovering over this place soaked in blood, reflecting in purple colors due to the moonlight. And all these bodies ... bodies everywhere. The idea of Clem and Tara being a part of all that makes Ruby's throat constrain, causing her to become a little dizzy. Then she can hear a familiar voice, obviously speaking to someone. "Please, let it be her.", she says to herself as she hurries to the window. Looking down she can see nothing, though she can hear an argument. Bryan seems to be talking to a young man.
"I CAN'T FIND HE- HER YOU-" The boy stutters. He sounds so young and desperate. "TELL ME RIGHT FUCKING NOW YOU WORTHLESS FUCK, WHERE IS THAT GIRL?!" Bryan screams in total madness. Then there's nothing. Deathly silence. Every second Ruby's panic grows more and more as she is having an inner fight. Is that what I think it is? He didn't, did he.... As her eyes get used to the darkness her grave concerns get confirmed by the purple shining pool spreading under a body which has a pair of two white marbles gazing at the roof. Ruby almost collapses in agony. There he stands, calm and confident, the man her husband as well as the girl have built their hopes on ... a coldhearted killer has come to light. The walker growls become louder and louder, indicating there'll be in the room any second. "What now?" the man below says in a calm manner, as he turns his head in attempt to find a way out. The only door is the one where the ghouls are stringing together. As he suddenly casts a glance at the rooftop window the blood in Ruby's veins freezes in an instant. His eyes are so gentle, his look saturated in sorrow. "Ruby...", he says. Compressing her lips in bitterness Ruby draws a deep breath when she asks:
"What are you?"
Guys, plz... come on! The show must go on
(insert thumbs up) i like the tension between ruby and Brian!
Her body shivers as cold tears roll across her cheeks and off her face. Her eyes widen, her mouth curves downwards. Bryan's head is hanging low as he looks over the lifeless body of the boy he had a hold on mere seconds ago. He throws his head into his neck, grasping for his forehead with burly arms. The bright shimmer of the moon above falls through the window and onto his tear-stained face, casting heavy shadows on his bony complexion. Only a pair of eyes stand out among the darkness, their surface shines brightly, their large pupils give away a primal rage. Their eyes meet, a moment of silence proceeds until the messed-up man starts mumbling, explaining himself. "Ruby..." The woman's silhouette towers over him like a judge, a jury and now an executioner. "No. I can't do this anymore. I can't afford to live with dangerous people anymore." Ruby says, straightening her back and forcing her shoulders. "I looked away when you left me out there, risking your life running into this hellhole to chase a pipe dream. I didn't scream when you cut apart those gut-covered women on your way over, but this is where I draw the line." She wipes a tear off her face as she stands up and throws her bag firmly over her shoulder. "I am done accepting you and your behavior. You're a terrible man. No. No, you're less than a man, you're a monster." She spits out the words in disgust. "I refuse to follow you any further." Bryan strokes his hands through his messy hair and looks at her in disbelief, a bloody frown makes his face look like a bumpy canvas covered in drops of red. "What the hell, Ruby!? Do you really think you can survive out there all on your own? You'll die out there! You need me, Ruby, you know you do." Ruby takes one last glance at the miserable pile of human below before turning around. "I'd rather take my chances out there then to spend one more second with a lunatic like you. Goodbye, Bryan." Her ponytail sways as she determinedly paces away, desperate cries echoing behind her. "What the hell are you doing!? Get back here! God damn it, get back! What about your family!? I saved them! Just... Come back!" With every step the sound gets muffled, blends into the symphony of growls like well-mixed paint, painting a portrait of pain. "Please..."
Bryan's legs start to shake as an uncontrollable stream of tears flow from his face. His knees give in, the strong man finally collapses under the weight of his actions. "I'm sorry..." He cries as his knees hit the ground. "I'm so sorry..."
I love it
Can someone continue, please?
Me too good job GUY
The Walking Dead: Episode three,
The Beaten Path
Light taps sound as fleet feet move across the weathered pavement, running into an alleyway covered with marks of graffiti and spray-painted arrows. A cloaked figure pulls out a machete, worn-out and rusted by the many liquids it's gathered while working its way through the rotting flesh of walkers. Gloved hands clasped tightly around the handle, the figure makes quick work of two stray walkers feasting on a mangled corpse, a pistol laying in it's stiffened hand. Slowing their pace, the figure crouches down to examine the weapon, but discovers it's empty. A single bullet casing catches their eye as they rise back from the ground. "What a waste." The person mumbles before looking at the signs hanging on the wall. "Ashley." Is all they say. The signs are found all around the walker-infested city and seem relatively clean compared to the moldy bricks supporting them, they must have been put up recently. Sheathing their machete, the figure paces away from the gut-covered alley and quickly regains their speed. They follow the signs across an open street, surprisingly empty, safe for the rubble and broken cars long since raided. A sense of unease in their mind, they hold onto the handle of the weapon on their back, ready for anything that might get the jump on them. Their hood sways vigorously as a gust of wind sweeps across the street, a wide array of colorful leaves fly from the foliage growing from the cracks ans crevices spread around the walls. The different hues of green soar through the sky, their colors fresh and lively, greatly contrasting the dark sky above. It's getting late, the figure looks around the street and finds a building not fully destroyed, a place able to shelter them, at least for the night. "The Golden Heart day care." The person reads out loud to themselves. They ready their trusty blade and open the unlocked door, sneaking in with the care of a fine artist finishing his work.
The door creaks as they shut it. Only a faint light enters the room from the cracks in the boarded windows next to the doorway. Children's toys and colorful chairs are scattered around the room, colorful rugs covered in bits of dry blood and guts. The figure's hand shakes at the sight, their chest moves up and down rapidly. They were just walkers, right? No kids. It can't be. Right? Shaking the thought out of their heads they walk towards the back of the building. Slowly but surely, they open the bathroom door. A foul odor reaches into their nostrils, clouds their mind as the door opens, weapon in hand. They bump their head on the shelves behind as they jump away from something. Swinging their weapon into the darkness while holding their scream, the figure gets crawled on by a small gray creature. A rat. "Fuck you." The person says hitting the critter off their stomach. The rat rolls onto its paws and hastily crawls to the other side of the room. They pick themselves up from the ground and check the rest of the rooms one by one. A large room full of cribs and beds for older kids. A supply closet, dozens of shelves full of diapers, napkins and baby-formula. They make a mental note of the items and move onto the next door, a small office. Cabinets examined, they find nothing but paper and empty pens, although the large office chair looks comfortable. Lastly, they open a large door with a nicely painted sign saying; Nursery. Hesitantly, the figure opens it, a strong smell reeks throughout the entire hall and this seems to be the origin. The figure shrieks as their eyes fall onto a set of cribs. The window is open, the pale shimmering engulfs a pool of red in light. Hands shaking uncontrollably, the person recovers from their shock and swiftly closes the door with a loud slam. Reaching for their head, the figure rushes towards the bathroom, ignoring the foul smell and grabbing their bottle of water from their green backpack. They take a sip before pulling down their hood and splashing some of the clear liquid onto their face, white as a sheet. Her blue eyes are tiny, terrified. She strokes her hand through her short and stubby hair. She hates it.
Elizabeth realizes this is where she's going to be spending the night. A deathbed. A coffin. A grave.
"This is gonna be one hell of a night."
I am speechless. You are truly the best among us.