Which is better Toontown, Grand Chase or WoW (World of Warcraft)
......... I think Grand chase is better because it's one of like 10 MMORPG's (Massively Multiplayer Role Playing Games) that allow you to do PvP (Player vs Player) also all of it's features are free you only have to pay for stuff if you want to ,although you need to download it it gets updated reaguarly and it has free chat where you can say whatever you like and not get reported for it unless you are talking to a tell tell and guess what.....the game has it's own GM's (Gamemasters) GM's are the makers of the game and once or twice every month make apperances in PvP battles and give you items that you would normally have to pay for to get. The only bad thing about the game is it kind of messes up your spelling 'cause so much slang is used. So check it out go to http://grandchase.ntreev.net/ and try it out i promise it Won't be a whaste of your time:p:cool::D but what do you think DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN
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I've changed it....now read it...:rolleyes::o
Sorry for the double post but biscuitdoughhandsman you forgot to click WoW as an option
That said, I do enjoy Urban Dead. Even if the 50 moves a day limit is kind of restrictive.
I signed up for that game a while ago. I never played it since though
lol joking, joking.
I actually really liked Runescape.The creators have a good sense of humor.
EDIT: I wish you could play as creatures, though.
Oh and if you do send a friend request to gamestation and say i read your telltale post:D:p;)
I can't believe someone else beat me to the punch!
You play in Hobopolis yet?
Only because It's the first MMORPG that I ever played, and I can identify (Other than WoW... what's Grand Chase?) I WOULD'VE picked Diablo, but unfortunatly, one does not have it.
I demand you to STOP this blatant spamming, NOW!
now I did
it doesnt crash my computer and im a member and i even have a crappy computer thats as old as me but my age is a closely guarded secret guarded by monks who know know KUNG FUUUUUUUUU!
Few example: Rohan, Requiem, Flyff, Lineage 2, rose, eve, rappelz, silkroad, swords of the new world, hellgate london, city of heroes, ryzom, dungeon runners, pirates of the caribean, conan, aion, lotr, starwars galaxies, ragnarok, etc, etc, etc.
Im really tired of the repetitive theme of mmorpgs that its all about killing mobs, it would be interesting to find a mmorpg that doesn’t focus on killing things only or doing stupid office boy kind of quests (and be free to play ^^).
I know im odd, but im happier being a builder/merchant of sorts than trying to be the toughest of the land.
For example in Eve you can be a miner of asteroids if you choose so, in ryzom you can gather resources by mining or harvest crops or build items etc but you dont need to kill to level those skills, in wow you can take the skin of dead animals, harvest plants, mine, build objects, etc, In Lineage 2 the dwarfs can craft everything (but they have to kill mobs in order to level their skills up which is kind of stupid anyway).
Then they dumbed it down the lowest common denominator. Which is where WoW is heading, too.