The Simpsons aren't old! Remember, they don't age! Bart has been ten since 1989! Plus, do you think there will be a 45th Season of SBCG4AP? nevermind speculation about Episode 2, let's speculate about Season 78!
The Simpsons aren't old! Remember, they don't age! Bart has been ten since 1989! Plus, do you think there will be a 45th Season of SBCG4AP? nevermind speculation about Episode 2, let's speculate about Season 78!
I think someguyfromazoo is talking about how the quality of writing in The Simpsons has gone downhill.
The Simpsons aren't old! Remember, they don't age! Bart has been ten since 1989! Plus, do you think there will be a 45th Season of SBCG4AP? nevermind speculation about Episode 2, let's speculate about Season 78!
It's obvious that they meant the writers of the show reached a point at which they could no longer continue to utilize the Simpsons franchise in such a way as to output a high-quality product. Much in the same way that sitcoms tend to start failing a couple seasons after changing cast members for major roles, or adding a small child into the formula.
What about a possible second project of Telltale Games with HR? Like, Strong Bad's Cool Fighting Game for Muscular People! It'll come out after Season 127!
Dude,I heard on IGN a Telltale Guy spilled some secrets on
Season 237569456252634542579356298365234789562347!!!!!!!
So far I heard it has something to do with StrongBad,The poopsmith,
and of course the character that gets invented in
Season 237569456252634542579356298365234789562346, I also
heard that characters name is "Pappa Stewart".
Dude aren't you getting ahead of yourself? They're still at Season 1! Episode 2 isn't even out yet!
I think someguyfromazoo is talking about how the quality of writing in The Simpsons has gone downhill.
It's obvious that they meant the writers of the show reached a point at which they could no longer continue to utilize the Simpsons franchise in such a way as to output a high-quality product. Much in the same way that sitcoms tend to start failing a couple seasons after changing cast members for major roles, or adding a small child into the formula. know, like they've totally done.
......20 years ago.
Guybrush, your slightly less wordy reply disappoints me. Mostly due to the fact that it beat me to the punch.
theres gonna be over nine thousandseasons of sbcg4ap.
and 35 seasons of wallace and gromits grand adventures.
I think he's making fun of the Season 2 threads.
That makes sense.
Just look at Doctor Who.
Or The Daily Show.
Although I agree with you on Doctor Who, it had a big break and was getting downhill before RTD came and revamped it.
I think the simpsons is not not as good. It's just not CONSISTENTLY good.
I would love to see a season , but.... season 16? Prolly not.
Yeah we figured that out, we're just playing along
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Your thread a-splode
Season 237569456252634542579356298365234789562347!!!!!!!
So far I heard it has something to do with StrongBad,The poopsmith,
and of course the character that gets invented in
Season 237569456252634542579356298365234789562346, I also
heard that characters name is "Pappa Stewart".