Anybody read that web comic?If you don't, you should.
P.S. the newer ones aren't very good.Read the old ones and the sillies.
P.S. the newer ones aren't very good.Read the old ones and the sillies.
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The tales of those epic flame wars still ring throughout these hallowed virtual halls...
You, sir, very well may have cast the mold from which our downfall will be cast!
You have sentenced us all to hell.
EDIT: And for some reason, I've still got CAD and the "Sillies" in my bookmarks. I have no idea why.
even B^Uckley admits he just takes crap from google image search for backgrounds and copies/pastes in the characters and their vapid facial expressions.
brb, miscarriage.
"Purple horse shoe-CRACK! Brass knuckles, b****."
And yet, despite the lame soap opera plot, the cut-and-paste 'artwork,' and the general technical all-around fail, I can't help but giggle at 'Towlie McNaked.'
Still not a good comic.
Even that's gone downhill lately though /:
Have you by chance heard of video game cats?
VGCats would be better if the author could stick to his schedule. A better comic, though it has now ended, was Concerned: The Half-Life and Death of Gordon Frohman.
I personally find the comic to be pretty funny. The sillies are great too, I think, because they breathe a bit of new life into the characters. Same deal with the choose your own adventure comic.
I dunno, I really enjoy it for the most part. I don't see why anyone can hate it, and I don't see why people hate the pasted images. I mean, we have comics with absolutely no original artwork whatsoever, and they don't receive half the ire that Buckley's comic does.
It's more the guy himself. He's a prat with his fans, anyone who even tries to give him constructive criticism, and then there's the whole thing about him sending pictures of "Little Buckley" to an underage girl, then banning and deleting half of his forums after someone brought it up there.
And then there's the children's charity he started up which he only did to try and steal the thunder from Penny Arcade's child party (it didn't work, and I don't think there's any mention of the charity on his site any more), the heavyhandedly miscarriage storyline and the associated news post, and the whole thing about Ethan being a thinly disguised Mary Sue of himself. And something about him vandalising other comic's Wikipedia pages.
And then there was a rant he made about how other webcomics were terrible, and how he gets more email in a day, than another webcomic creator'll get in a year.
I'm not really and expert on the guy or his comic though, I'm sure there's people who could write books on him. That's what I think he gets all the hate for anyway.
Not to mention that he used to play City of Heroes and World of Worldcraft (and even used to do strips for the City of Heroes comics) but when he quit playing the games he kicked everyone one from the offical CAD Supergroup and Guild he started for the games.
Hey, I just like the comic.If this guy is as much as an asshole as you say he is, and he is doing acts that could be classified as sexual harrasement, than you've got nothing to worry about.The guy is gonna be in jail.I have a hunch that there are assholes of equal or greater magnitude out there.Hell, there are even people like that at my school.
If that was the case for me I would seriously, seriously, SERIOUSLY not consider reading game based webcomics at all.
Ditto. I'm not a fan of them either.
If you're looking for other comics, here's all the stuff I read:
(Please don't ask about the two CADs ): )
err, except, you know, if garfield was good.
the point is, heathcliff sucks even worse.
you're also missing xkcd, perry bible fellowship, dinosaur comics, and toothpaste for dinner (and all the other ones drew and natalie dee make). props on thinkin' lincoln, even though i got tired of it for a while and still haven't re-added it to my bookmarks.
and here are some obscure ones not many people know about:
hilarity comics
pokey the penguin (not video game-based, and very erratic schedule, but quite hilarious)
As a side note, I've found a way to make the comic genuinely entertaining:
Pretend everyone is voiced by Eric Idle.
Also, why the PA hate? Was it you who complained about Child's Play because of Chinese child workers?
I would've mentioned it, but I'm lazy. And I'm singing the A Pirate I Was Meant to Be song.
Can't stand Penny Arcade. I'd personally rather read CAD, even though I don't hide my hate for that either.
VGCats, it's okay. It's only really there because I've found some good youtube vids and stuff in his newsposts.
xkcd, I read it sometimes, but I'm not a fan. Very hit and miss (mostly miss).
PBF, used to have that in my bookmarks up until a few weeks ago, when I found out he'd stopped making them full-time (he's making them, but very very occasionally. And if a new one comes out, I'll find out sooner or later).
The others, I've read in the past, and still check sometimes, but it takes about 10 minutes for all the bookmark tabs to load as it is every day.
EDIT: Oh, Hilarity Comics! I have that in my main bookmarks, seeing as it's more of a faux-news site than anything.
Thanks for the link! These are actually really good, especially this one. I'm surprised I've never heard of this site before - how often does a new comic get put up?
*keeps reading*
Here's the long list, and no, I don't have links to all of them because I can't be bothered
Girly, Something Positive, Diesel Sweeties, Dilbert, Errant Story, Cyanide and Happiness, Freak Angels, Goats, Nodwick, Full Frontal Nerdity, Backward Compatible, Home On The Strange, Overcompensating, Least I Could Do, Level 99, Menage a 3, Naoko Muragama: Video Game Champion, No Pink Ponies, Octopus Pie, Questionable Content, Real Life, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, Scary Go Round, Sev, Sinfest, Sluggy Freelance, Peach an Pie, The Joy of Tech, Wigu, The Perry Bible Fellowship, Theater Hopper, Truck Bearing Kibble, Two Lumps, User Friendly, XKCD, Scandal Sheet, The Adventures of Dr McNinja, and some older ones that aren't updating anymore.
Can't believe I forgot to mention that! Awesome webcomic all around.
Rule of Cool distilled to its very essence.
Nah, it wasn't me.
It seemed pretty much like Penny Arcade Lite. Only with a semblance of an overall story. And most of the 1 shot comedy ones I read were either watered down deriatives of PA strips or strips acknowledging that he was treading the same water as other comics.
And of all the strips I read only 2 got a chuckle out of me. There are at least 10 times as many in the same number of year one penny arcade strips that do the same to this day. And I know that because every now and then I'll re-read them in the book collections I have.
And he seemed to recycle jokes a lot. I can understand that online gaming can be frustrating to play with a dial-up connection. But to spend 3 comics basically doing nothing but him saying "@$&%ing Dial-Up..." is kinda stretching it thin. It was all right one time, but the second and third was pointless.
Same with the arrow gag. Funny the 1st time, but didn't even make sense. Seemed to have a "Oh no! Comic needs to go up but I'm drawing a blank on what to do! I know! I'll do an arrow in the chest comic!"
And as for the Chef Brian strips... All I have to say is WTF.. 2nd and 3rd one I saw seemed as out there as PA's Twisp and Catsby strips, only not funny at all.
My point is pretty much, if I had to go by Year One alone I would definitely keep reading Penny Arcade and drop CTRL-ALT-DEL without a thought. And that's basing my opinion without even considering his non-strip online and offline antics.
Order of the Stick
Dr. McNinja
Sluggy Freelance
The RoosterTeeth Comics
Penny Arcade
Darths & Droids
Garfield Minus Garfield
Three Panel Soul
Looking for Group
Not-s-honorable mentions...
Lil Formers Not as good as when he focused on just Transformers.
VG Cats somewhat of a guilty pleasure. like his art, but hate his schedule. His humor can be touch and go too.
Comics that are done that I read to completion and liked a lot.
DM of the Rings
Chainmail Bikini a RPG comic written by the same guy who did DM of the Rings. Great comic that came to an early end due to RL issues that popped up in the artist's life.
Bob and GeorgeYes, it's a sprite comic, (a Mega Man sprite comic to boot) but it is damn funny. Also it is one of the 1st, if not THE first sprite comic ever. So you can thank this guy for their existence.
As for the non Mega Man name of the comic. It wasn't always intended to be a Mega Man comic. It was supposed to be a hand drawn "college life" strip. But he had no access to a scanner and his self imposed deadline of starting the comic came up so he started doing some Mega Man sprite comics. He eventually tried to start up the hand drawn comics (twice), but the idea was quickly nixed because they all sucked and he can't draw worth a damn. Thus we eventually got a epic action comedy Mega Man strip who's story sprawls across almost 7 years worth of DAILY strips.
Okay, I now have finally realized that this whole thing about dueling web comics is pretty stupid.It's not like Penny Arcade is gonna get shut down if Ctrl-Alt-Del gets more popular, or vise versa.So everyone just cool it with the hatred for all these comics.I know this makes me sound like a hypocrit, (did I spell that right?) but I now realize that a comic is basically what the artist wants to express, and people shouldn't try to change that.I will now delete or change all my posts disregarding PA.