Login Error

I bought the Wolf Among Us game this weekend and received this error. I have read ALL the posts before I sent an email to support. It seems like this is an ongoing issue from all the discussions about it. I tried every thing anyone said in the forums with no luck. When I received the email from support, they had cut and paste the same exact directions directly from the forums. Had they bothered to read the email I sent in, it clearly stated I had followed those steps. I had even attached a screen shot of my reg edit. Is there a fix for this problem? It is sad I really had a lot of fun with the Walking Dead series and looked forward to this game, now I just look forward to my money back.


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the inconvenience. If you have already tried the registry delete, and you are still unable to communicate with our servers successfully, please try alternating between your email address and your username when logging in, and you may find success. If you are still experiencing the issue, please try disabling any anti-virus or internet firewall programs that may be open and running, as they could be blocking the game's access to our servers. My last suggestion would be to uninstall and reinstall the game, to make sure you did not receive any bad files in your original install of the game.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    If you can, please try logging in again, and you should be able to log in after a few attempts.

    I apologize for the inconvenience. If you have already tried the registry delete, and you are still unable to communicate with our servers s

  • I have the exact same problems, I disabled both my firewall and anti-virus, uninstalled and installed the game, log in and log out with both my e-mail adress and username. It's like I'm stuck with the game right in front of my eyes and I don't know what else to do...

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Can you please clarify if you are playing on a PC or Mac? Also, if you haven't tried the Registry Delete Workaround, it may be an issue with your registry. Pleaseopen a command window. (Below are instructions on how to open a command window)

    Windows XP: Go to your start menu and click on run. Type in "cmd" and press enter

    Windows Vista / 7: Press the Windows key. Type in "cmd" and press enter

    Windows 8: At the start screen, type in "cmd" and press enter

    Then copy the command line below and paste it into the command window, press enter, and confirm the question (to confirm the question, type “y” and press enter):

    REG DELETE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Telltale Games\Launcher”

    (Please make sure when you copy the above text that you do not copy a space before or after the text, as that will produce an error message. If you still receive an error after inputting the command line, please try typing in the command line one letter/symbol at a time into the Command prompt)

    Please then try launching The Wolf Among Us again.

    I have the exact same problems, I disabled both my firewall and anti-virus, uninstalled and installed the game, log in and log out with both

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