I think I found something...

edited March 2014 in The Wolf Among Us

Hey guys! Yesterday when i replayed episode 1 I noticed something-when you go out with Snow to chose the prince or the frog you can see blood right on the place when Faith head was....If someone can upload the picture I would appreciate it! Maybe it is somehow connected to Faith.


  • edited March 2014

    It is her blood after all.

  • edited March 2014

    Yeah but why didnt Snow cleaned it?I am talking about the scene right after Bigby gets the call from Toad.The next thing you will see is Bigby and Snow exitng from the building-the camera is above them and you can clearly see blood I mean they didnt wanted to panic the other Fables but on the stairs there was left blood :D

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    It is her blood after all.

  • That's not in her job description.

    Imsopretty posted: »

    Yeah but why didnt Snow cleaned it?I am talking about the scene right after Bigby gets the call from Toad.The next thing you will see is Big

  • edited March 2014

    Yeah but it is kind of weird to left a blood on the stairs where the most of Fables are walking there :D

    That's not in her job description.

  • Well why didn't bigby clean it up then.

    Imsopretty posted: »

    Yeah but it is kind of weird to left a blood on the stairs where the most of Fables are walking there

  • That is the weirdiest thing-nobody cleans it.It is a little strange.

    Well why didn't bigby clean it up then.

  • It's an outrage is what it is! I think it's Beast's fault.

    Imsopretty posted: »

    That is the weirdiest thing-nobody cleans it.It is a little strange.

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