lol know but nothing to do with the fact I can't just say bump so always say something that looks good
Matt thats not true what I learned since joining this forum is they learn to hate you less each day believe me lol
Very interesting. I take it, your Lee is more aggressive than mine?
Anyway it had good plot. A little random at points. Loved it when Lee shot Ben! XD Hilarious. Clem having fable powers was awesome. Although it would have been interesting if she had Bigby's powers. I SHOULD DRAW FABLE CLEM!!!! O_O
As promised to Tobi TWD and TWAU crossover
Chapter 1 The Walking Bigby
Bigby arrived in Cranes office he was in clear distress shaking… more "Bigby I need you to investigate urgently" Crane said. "Why" Bigby responded. Crane looked at Bigby with fear in his eyes " There's been outbreak of a mundy virus affecting fables you see because of our immune system we become a zombie only for a limited time when infected till we recover to normal again. But if a fable when in zombie state during that short period bites a human it creates a supervirus making the human a fable zombie and because the virus is more powerful more brain is kept in use making the zombies able to use their fable powers. But most horrifying of all humans don't have the same immune system as us so it creates a permanent fable zombie. It's spreading quickly Bigby if you don't go out and stop the spread by time the fable zombies reach Fabletown we will have no chance and most cert… [view original content]
With lees personality it depends on the story I'm telling
Thanks yeah Clem fable powers was little easter egg for you because know you love anime I said to myself if I give Clem fables powers think Tobi will love the story but tried to make it realistic as well like the whole story they get beaten then all about to die next thing HELL YES Clem Fable bitch kills everyone but made sense how she got powers so makes it more epic. Glad you enjoyed it told you make a crazy story but it will be epic that was the deal lol
Very interesting. I take it, your Lee is more aggressive than mine?
Anyway it had good plot. A little random at points. Loved it when Lee… more shot Ben! XD Hilarious. Clem having fable powers was awesome. Although it would have been interesting if she had Bigby's powers. I SHOULD DRAW FABLE CLEM!!!! O_O
With lees personality it depends on the story I'm telling
Thanks yeah Clem fable powers was little easter egg for you because know you lo… moreve anime I said to myself if I give Clem fables powers think Tobi will love the story but tried to make it realistic as well like the whole story they get beaten then all about to die next thing HELL YES Clem Fable bitch kills everyone but made sense how she got powers so makes it more epic. Glad you enjoyed it told you make a crazy story but it will be epic that was the deal lol
I'm so happy you like it I was worried it didn't make sense actually taught when asked me to write a story you were joking as usually my stories I think there awesome but probably SH** lol but also yes CLEM FABLE DAMN KNEW YOU WOULD LOVE IT please make it happen
I'm taking a break from writing for a while but have contributed 4 story's to the thread to read while your waiting lol
The Last Of Us/Th… moree Walking Dead crossover in OP
Clem Practice chapter top of page 3
The Dark Knight/Walking Dead Cross over bottom of page 3
The Wolf Among/ The Walking Dead Cross over middle of page 6
If want read them any feedback will be appreciated thank you
So over to the Users looking forward to lots of great stories coming up and as always anyone can write story here or share a link promise decent review and thumb thanks for reading
This Fanfic takes place during the time Russell was together with Nate, until he found the 400 days characters.
The Awesome adventures of Papa Nate and his boy Russel:
Day 185:
It was a cold rainy night and 2 mans were marching though the darkness. " How you holding up, up there Nate? " One of the mans asked and the other one angrily responded. " I told you this alot of times already, don't fucking call me Nate. My name is Russel and you know that. " Russel answered in a angry mode. " Woow woow, don't you start mouthing of to be now young man. The kid the world once knew under the name Russel doesn't exist anymore. You are my little boy and with your fresh new name and your strong new attidute the whole world can be your's. " Nate answered with a big grin on his face. He was laying his arm on Russel's shoulder and started a long and exhausting speech. " Pussys Junior Pussys. They will all try to catch a part of you..... " Russel tryed his best to not follow the conversation. He ignored him as good as he possible could and was barely listening. Russel was still feeling very guilty, he thought it had something to do with bad karma that he was in this situation again. If he just could go back in time and change the past he thought. " ...titts Junior titts, gotta grab them..." Nate continued and Russel was trying to concentrade on other things again. " I wish i would know what happened to my family and if they are all okay. " He quietly said to himself as Nate was finally ending his emotional speech. " ...ass, you know boy. Don't you worry little man. Aslong as Papa Nate is around you, everything is gonna be just fine. "
Some hours later, a long way ahead on the road, a loud and heavy noice could be heared. It was Nates old truck and the noice was coming from inside. " Could you please turn down the fucking music just a little bit? " Russel asked and his eardrum was almost bursting. " Could you please turn down the fucking music a little bit whaaaat? " Nate responded. " Could you please turn down the fucking music just a little bit...Dad... " Russel answered. " That's better son, but i will have to dissapoint you. This here isn't a fucking gay parade. " Nate said and turned up the volume even higher. " But Daaaad. " Russel screamed. " Whaaat sooon? " Nate asked. " Every Walker in ten miles distance from here gonna hear this sound, you have to turn it down! " Russel angrilly answered as he was crossing his arms. " Don't you worry about that, Papa Nate thought about everything! " Nate said before he was reaching for something on the backseat. The whole backseat was full with all sorts of weapons. Nate used to be a high proffesional killer before the apocolypse started and he was still keeping all of his working tools. There were all sorts of guns and rifles, a large collection of swords and knifes and a whole box full of grenades and dynamite. But Nate's weapon of choice still was his beloved murder chain and he tryed to use it as often as he could. Nate was taking his lighter out of his pocket and started to burn one of the dynamite sticks. " Here you go Junior. " He said and he was pushing the burning dynamite into Russel's hands. " Aaaaaah, open the window or we all gonna die. " Russel yelled in fear. The dynamite was nearly exploding in Russel's hand as Nate finally pullet down the windows. As Russel threw it out of the window, one poor Walker got hit by it and exploded. Just leaving back a lane of blood and bowel. " You see son, we just have to make even louder noices and the Walkers won't know were they have to look for us. There is still alot i have to teach you! " Nate said with a happy grin on his face and Russel was still shivering. What Nate couldn't have known back then is that not only the Walkers could hear this loud explosion. Some miles away a lonely man was seeking for vengeance and he also noticed it.
Day 188:
Nates big truck was parking aside of the road. " Okay Junior, today is the big day. Today is the day were you will become a man! " Nate said. " Remember all the training we have done together and all the helpfull advices Papa Nate gave you. Always aim for the weakspots and always hit as hard as you can. It's about time boy, i'll bring them to ya. " Nate added as he was freeing one of the 2Walkers...or atleast what was left of him, that were chained on Nates truck over the last 2hours. The Walkers were grinding on the floor all the time, leaving back a trail of blood and body parts. " Okay Junior, i will start of first and show you how it's done one more time. After i have finished this motherfucker, it's your turn to show that all the lessons you'r Papa Nate teached you are paying off. " Nate said as he was getting ready for a fistfight we the unchained Walker.
Nate was getting ready for his big fight, doing some push ups and drinking one last beer before the Walker was getting closer to him. The Walker tryed to grab after Nate and bite him, but Nate was fast enough to avoid the Walker and was giving him a strong kick from behind. The Walker couldn't stand the impact of Nates kick and was falling down to the ground. As the Walker was laying there, unable to defend himself assimiable to a tortoise lying on her armor, Nate was noticeing something. " The weak spots boy, always aim for the weak spots. " He said feeling wisely as he was cracking out one of the Walkers arms. The arm was already damaged rapidly from all the time the Walker was grinding on the floor behind the truck. Nate waited for the Walker to get back up on his feet and was using it's own arm to punch the Walker in his face. " Stop hiting yourself, stop hiting yourself. " Nate laughed as suddenly out of nowhere a very accurate shot arrow was flying though the air. The arrow dirrectly flew into the Walkers head, destroying his brain and killing it.
It was Micheal, a man whose life-Nate had destroyed a long time ago. He was searching for Nate, for weeks and he finally reached Nate and his group and was already getting ready to shot his next arrow. " You don't have the guts to fight like a man Micheal. " Nate angrilly screamed and Micheal was putting back his loaded arrow into his quiver. Nate saw that his chance has come and with an evil grin on his face he was trying to kill Micheal and was getting ready to shot his gun. Russel toke notice of that and was rushing forward, pushing away Nate who was just shoting his bullet. The bullet closely failed to hit it's target and Micheal knew he had no more time to waste. After Nate was getting up on his feet, Nate was beating up Russel in an angry rage. " You fucking asshole, this is how you treat your father after all i've fucking done for you. " He screamed while he was dealing out alot of punches into Russels face. After some time, Nate was slowly calming down again and realized what he has done. " I...i am sorry Junior, i would never try to hurt you on purpose you know that right? I...i am a bad father. " Nate said and he started to break down in tears. " This is all your fault, i'm gonna kill you, you son of a bitch do you fucking hear me? " Nate frustradedly screamed as he was running towards Micheal. " Come here you fucker, let's end this once and for all. I will make you pay for all the pain you have caused to me and my family. " Micheal shouted and the both of them were starting another fight for live and death. Meanwhile Russel was slowly starting to feel better again and he knew this was his chance to escape out of this misery. He got into the truck and started it, driving away as fast as he could. He was taking one last look into the driving mirrow and the last thing he could see was Nate and Micheal battling it out, both sharing alot of strong punches and kicks into their faces and bellys .
Only some minutes have passed since all this events have happened, but to Russel it almost felt like many hours. Russel was taking a quick look at the fuel display and he didn't like what he saw. "'s almost empty. It's probaply best if i let it be that for now. " Russel said to himself before he was bailing out of the truck. Russel noticed that the Walker that was chained onto the truck before and Nate's killer chain weren't there anymore, they must have burst though during Russel's escape. " I need to eat something fast, i'm starving. " He thought and was looking at the backseat trying to find something that wasn't tainted yet. " Yikes, a skunk. But it's better than nothing. " Russel sighted. He toke one of the old cooking pot's they still had left and was remembering one of the many life lessons Nate tryed to teach him. " Watch very carefully boy, today i will show you how to make Nates world famous skunk ragout. The secret is, you gotta burn it! That takes away the bad stinking flavour. Nothing's gonna get wasted in a world like this." Nate said back then and Russel thought that's probaply the only usefull lesson he had learned during this long and utterly devastating roadtrip.
" Almost finished, but the smell...terrible. " He said to himself after he was nearly done with finishing his meal. " Mmm that looks delicious, mind if i take something? " A strange man voice said from behind. " Ehhhm, sure why not? I could use some company now i gues. What's your name? " Russel asked the mysterious man. " I'm Wyatt. Nice to meet you. I got seperated from my friend some time ago, some crazy psycho killer was trying to kill us. Who are you?" Robert asnwered. " Shit...i'm...i'm Russel, nice to meet you! " Russel responded while he was shaking his head. " So man, how did you make it for so long on your own? Are there any other of your people out there. " Wyatt asked. " Not anymore. I was part of alot of groups before, but now i'm all on my own again, trying to find my family. " Russell I know we just met, but what do you say if we go looking for our friends and family together? " Wyatt respondet.
This Fanfic takes place during the time Russell was together with Nate, until he found the 400 days characters.
The Awesome adventures of… more Papa Nate and his boy Russel:
Day 185:
It was a cold rainy night and 2 mans were marching though the darkness. " How you holding up, up there Nate? " One of the mans asked and the other one angrily responded. " I told you this alot of times already, don't fucking call me Nate. My name is Russel and you know that. " Russel answered in a angry mode. " Woow woow, don't you start mouthing of to be now young man. The kid the world once knew under the name Russel doesn't exist anymore. You are my little boy and with your fresh new name and your strong new attidute the whole world can be your's. " Nate answered with a big grin on his face. He was laying his arm on Russel's shoulder and started a long and exhausting speech. " Pussys Junior Pussys. They will all try to catch a part of you..... " Russel trye… [view original content]
Thanks for the share really enjoyed this unique story delving into Clem mentality loved it
Things I liked
Psychology element theme thorough whole story I enjoyed
Realistic within TWD game
Clem Behaved exactly like her character good writing there
Unique story so innovative and refreshing story based around Clem's thoughts
Loved seeing how Clem saw each situation and her reflection on certain characters plus how she dealed with it
Grammar and descriptions perfect felt right in the moment every scene
Very emotional with great heart loved this
Great story pacing entertaining thorough
Spacing and length were very good was very easy to read this lined out so well and never felt to long or to short well done
Favourite Part
Usually do this segment but feel the story as a whole was one part as was about Clem's mind very interesting
Thanks for the story so original based story around Clem mind and her regret loved it just quality really refreshing never read a fanfic who which tried this method
I want to write a story too! I'm not that great though...
What happened at Savannah (because I got dam lucky isn't a real explanation) warn… moreing, it's as told by Kenny.
If you saved Ben (might write other version latter if I have time and if this one turns out ok.)
And then I tried to save that shirt bird Ben. What a mistake that was. Walkers from every direction closing in on me, no way I was getting out of that ally, in ether direction, no way to climb up ether. the walkers behind me jumped on the kid, used my last bullet to shot him too. But at least he distracted them, guess he was finally useful for something.
Clem: There's no way you could have gotten out of that/how did you get out?/you shouldn't talk about Ben that way/...
Kenny: (Sorry Clem, I know you liked Ben but that kid brought us nothing but trouble, anyway) it's funny, you know what they say about your life flashing before your eyes? We'll for some darn reason all I c… [view original content]
Ok I guess it's about time I tried to write a Christa version here goes : )
the fall
Christa had gotten herself into a pretty bad situation down in that building, and I couldn't just leave her considering it was my fault she got in that mess in the first place. In hindsight it probably wasn't the smartest of moves jumping down there like Rambo or something, but at the time it just felt like one of those things a man has to do. We'll Lee and Omid got Chista out just fine, but unless I was getting a whole lot taller, or Lees arms were getting a whole lot longer, there was no way I was getting out through that hole again. So here I was, in an almost pitch black building, surrounded by walkers, probably twice as many around that I couldn't even see. (I could here Lee yelling at me through the hole /where are you he says, where did you think I was lee, fucking candy land?/get back up here he says, what, did he think I could just sprout wings?/ you gotta run he says, yea no shit Einstein./figures that would be the last thing he says to me) so now the walkers have got me backed up against the wall, I'm fighting them off as best I can but it wasn't easy! didn't help I was down to my last bullet, I was saving that one if you get my drift. I could hear lee saying they had to come in after me. I'll be honest it looked like a no win situation, even if they all came down there with me I don't think we could have fought them all off in that dark cramped space. That was the last thing I needed, getting everyone killed from my dumb ass mistake. So I called out, told them I'd be fine, didn't really believe it though, someone had to go save ya, just didn't look like it be me.
the escape
Clem:how did you get out of that?/doesn't seem possible that you got out of that/it wasn't your fault Christa went down there/...
(Well I'll tell you/ lucky for us good ol' Kenny is smarter than he looks/No, it was my fault. If I had being paying attention, if I hadn't of knocked that walkie-talkie down there, if I'd just kept my mouth shut and kept walking, then she wouldn't have gotten in that mess in the first place. Clem: it's not your fault, Christa says she was too quick to jump down there without checking first, maybe if guys could have thought about it some more, you could have come up with a better plan. Ken: yea well, don't matter now. ?Kenny will remember this) I gotta say that room must have been the darkest moment of my life, in more ways than one. Must have been real lucky coz between the dark and the walkers I somehow managed to find a door, opened it up and ran into a corridor. Good news was there was a window at the end shining some light in, so I wasn't half blind anymore, but the bad news was this walker in the middle of it. Funny we were talking about Larry in the attic earlier coz this guy must have been his twin brother. Huge, built like a brick house, seriously pissed off, and just as ugly, real shame I didn't have a salt lick with me this time though. Luckily he was more interested in one of the doors along the hallway than me, but that wasn't gonna last. Would have turned and gone back if there hadn't been a swarm of walkers behind me, probably would have done, if he hadn't been distracted. So I ran as fast and as quiet as I could trying get past that guy to get to that window, looked like there was a balcony outside. I figured I might be able to make my way back up onto the roof from there, seemed like a good plan. You know what they say about the best laid plans though, and my plan changed as soon as I heard the screem from inside that door. I knew that voice , so before I'd given it more than a seconds thought, I put my last bullet in that brick houses brain and made my way inside.
a surprise guest
Clem: who was in the room?/ I'm glad you tried to help them/ it was stupid of you to help them, you could have gotten back to others./...
ken: (turns out it was Molly, must have been living there by the look of it, or at very least storing stuff there/ yea, and by the way it turned out I'm glad too/ I could have gotten back, or maybe that window didn't go anywhere, maybe the walkers would have caught up to me, maybe that big ass walker would have turned around and bit me on my ass as I ran by. Ain't no way to know what might have happened darlin)
Got into that room and I saw Molly up against one wall with walkers streaming through a hole in the other. Molly was taking them down with that pick thing of hers but there were to many for her by herself (not to mention her injured shoulder) I grabbed me some kind of metal pole and got to smacking. Together we managed to push a shelf over the hole to hold them off. Molly seemed ok (apart from her shoulder) and started yelling at me, asking what was going on, not even a thank you for saving her life or anything. By the sound of it (she managed to get out of Crawford and get her self here so she could patch herself up and have a rest/ came back here after leaving us at the house for some supply's and to get some beauty sleep) and when she woke up there where walkers everywhere breaking down her walls. With walkers by the hole, the walkers from the room now outside our door, and the two of us being dead tired from fighting all those guys. It was all we could do to get some rest and wait for the walkers to thin out a bit. So we waited for a few hours, walkers didn't thin out much but we got some rest. Molly Even had some chocolate in that stash of hers. After that we fought our way back to that room, turns out Molly can jump up there, it was almost amazing, if only Christa could have done that. (She couldn't jump up with her injured shoulder though so I had to give her a boost) then she runs off without a word, and I'm left stuck down there in the dark listening the sounds of the walkers, sure that Molly's run off on me and one of them monsters is gonna sneak up and bite me. Then she comes back with this wooden bridge we crossed earlier and puts it down the hole for me to use as a ladder. I almost kicked myself, of corse she would have known to do that though, she must have been the one to put the bridge there in the first place. Didn't stop me from feeling like an idiot. After that Molly showed me how to get out of savannah and left, said she had some things to get. The only thing I regret is not going on to try and find you darlin. But between the time that had passed and all the walkers I just... I mean... I'm so sorry hon (forgive Kenny /don't forgive Kenny)
I want to write a story too! I'm not that great though...
What happened at Savannah (because I got dam lucky isn't a real explanation) warn… moreing, it's as told by Kenny.
If you saved Ben (might write other version latter if I have time and if this one turns out ok.)
And then I tried to save that shirt bird Ben. What a mistake that was. Walkers from every direction closing in on me, no way I was getting out of that ally, in ether direction, no way to climb up ether. the walkers behind me jumped on the kid, used my last bullet to shot him too. But at least he distracted them, guess he was finally useful for something.
Clem: There's no way you could have gotten out of that/how did you get out?/you shouldn't talk about Ben that way/...
Kenny: (Sorry Clem, I know you liked Ben but that kid brought us nothing but trouble, anyway) it's funny, you know what they say about your life flashing before your eyes? We'll for some darn reason all I c… [view original content]
Superb your very talented think should write a full story and then I'll be able to do a full review.Love this style of writing full of action straight from the start surrounded by walkers very entertaining and fun read thanks for the share MOAR
Ok I guess it's about time I tried to write a Christa version here goes : )
the fall
Christa had gotten herself into a pretty bad situ… moreation down in that building, and I couldn't just leave her considering it was my fault she got in that mess in the first place. In hindsight it probably wasn't the smartest of moves jumping down there like Rambo or something, but at the time it just felt like one of those things a man has to do. We'll Lee and Omid got Chista out just fine, but unless I was getting a whole lot taller, or Lees arms were getting a whole lot longer, there was no way I was getting out through that hole again. So here I was, in an almost pitch black building, surrounded by walkers, probably twice as many around that I couldn't even see. (I could here Lee yelling at me through the hole /where are you he says, where did you think I was lee, fucking candy land?/get back up here he says, what, did he think I could just sprout wings… [view original content]
It's ok Mark I was just having a laugh
in fact I was just playing GTA 5 with Clay he is a cool guy.
Yeah Clay is a cool dude also very talented writer I'm not surprised
I like this.
Funny as hell!
lol took few weeks finally someone got the stars wars quote I agree
I finished writing chapter 1 of my TWD story. Not sure if I should type it or post the pages online. Help?
That's hard question did write it with a pencil?
Very interesting. I take it, your Lee is more aggressive than mine?
Anyway it had good plot. A little random at points. Loved it when Lee shot Ben! XD Hilarious. Clem having fable powers was awesome. Although it would have been interesting if she had Bigby's powers. I SHOULD DRAW FABLE CLEM!!!! O_O
With lees personality it depends on the story I'm telling
Thanks yeah Clem fable powers was little easter egg for you because know you love anime I said to myself if I give Clem fables powers think Tobi will love the story but tried to make it realistic as well like the whole story they get beaten then all about to die next thing HELL YES Clem Fable bitch kills everyone but made sense how she got powers so makes it more epic. Glad you enjoyed it told you make a crazy story but it will be epic that was the deal lol
I'm so happy you like it I was worried it didn't make sense actually taught when asked me to write a story you were joking as usually my stories I think there awesome but probably SH** lol but also yes CLEM FABLE DAMN KNEW YOU WOULD LOVE IT please make it happen
BTW can't wait for your TWD story don't let me down bro lol
I loved them all you have nice unique writing style so much fun reading your storys
Wrote one a couple months ago, so I'll just dump the link here.
Yes I did.
Thank you, you guys are awesome, too. It's hard to meet cool, intelligent writers nowadays.
This Fanfic takes place during the time Russell was together with Nate, until he found the 400 days characters.
The Awesome adventures of Papa Nate and his boy Russel:
Day 185:
It was a cold rainy night and 2 mans were marching though the darkness. " How you holding up, up there Nate? " One of the mans asked and the other one angrily responded. " I told you this alot of times already, don't fucking call me Nate. My name is Russel and you know that. " Russel answered in a angry mode. " Woow woow, don't you start mouthing of to be now young man. The kid the world once knew under the name Russel doesn't exist anymore. You are my little boy and with your fresh new name and your strong new attidute the whole world can be your's. " Nate answered with a big grin on his face. He was laying his arm on Russel's shoulder and started a long and exhausting speech. " Pussys Junior Pussys. They will all try to catch a part of you..... " Russel tryed his best to not follow the conversation. He ignored him as good as he possible could and was barely listening. Russel was still feeling very guilty, he thought it had something to do with bad karma that he was in this situation again. If he just could go back in time and change the past he thought. " ...titts Junior titts, gotta grab them..." Nate continued and Russel was trying to concentrade on other things again. " I wish i would know what happened to my family and if they are all okay. " He quietly said to himself as Nate was finally ending his emotional speech. " ...ass, you know boy. Don't you worry little man. Aslong as Papa Nate is around you, everything is gonna be just fine. "
Some hours later, a long way ahead on the road, a loud and heavy noice could be heared. It was Nates old truck and the noice was coming from inside. " Could you please turn down the fucking music just a little bit? " Russel asked and his eardrum was almost bursting. " Could you please turn down the fucking music a little bit whaaaat? " Nate responded. " Could you please turn down the fucking music just a little bit...Dad... " Russel answered. " That's better son, but i will have to dissapoint you. This here isn't a fucking gay parade. " Nate said and turned up the volume even higher. " But Daaaad. " Russel screamed. " Whaaat sooon? " Nate asked. " Every Walker in ten miles distance from here gonna hear this sound, you have to turn it down! " Russel angrilly answered as he was crossing his arms. " Don't you worry about that, Papa Nate thought about everything! " Nate said before he was reaching for something on the backseat. The whole backseat was full with all sorts of weapons. Nate used to be a high proffesional killer before the apocolypse started and he was still keeping all of his working tools. There were all sorts of guns and rifles, a large collection of swords and knifes and a whole box full of grenades and dynamite. But Nate's weapon of choice still was his beloved murder chain and he tryed to use it as often as he could. Nate was taking his lighter out of his pocket and started to burn one of the dynamite sticks. " Here you go Junior. " He said and he was pushing the burning dynamite into Russel's hands. " Aaaaaah, open the window or we all gonna die. " Russel yelled in fear. The dynamite was nearly exploding in Russel's hand as Nate finally pullet down the windows. As Russel threw it out of the window, one poor Walker got hit by it and exploded. Just leaving back a lane of blood and bowel. " You see son, we just have to make even louder noices and the Walkers won't know were they have to look for us. There is still alot i have to teach you! " Nate said with a happy grin on his face and Russel was still shivering. What Nate couldn't have known back then is that not only the Walkers could hear this loud explosion. Some miles away a lonely man was seeking for vengeance and he also noticed it.
Day 188:
Nates big truck was parking aside of the road. " Okay Junior, today is the big day. Today is the day were you will become a man! " Nate said. " Remember all the training we have done together and all the helpfull advices Papa Nate gave you. Always aim for the weakspots and always hit as hard as you can. It's about time boy, i'll bring them to ya. " Nate added as he was freeing one of the 2Walkers...or atleast what was left of him, that were chained on Nates truck over the last 2hours. The Walkers were grinding on the floor all the time, leaving back a trail of blood and body parts. " Okay Junior, i will start of first and show you how it's done one more time. After i have finished this motherfucker, it's your turn to show that all the lessons you'r Papa Nate teached you are paying off. " Nate said as he was getting ready for a fistfight we the unchained Walker.
Nate was getting ready for his big fight, doing some push ups and drinking one last beer before the Walker was getting closer to him. The Walker tryed to grab after Nate and bite him, but Nate was fast enough to avoid the Walker and was giving him a strong kick from behind. The Walker couldn't stand the impact of Nates kick and was falling down to the ground. As the Walker was laying there, unable to defend himself assimiable to a tortoise lying on her armor, Nate was noticeing something. " The weak spots boy, always aim for the weak spots. " He said feeling wisely as he was cracking out one of the Walkers arms. The arm was already damaged rapidly from all the time the Walker was grinding on the floor behind the truck. Nate waited for the Walker to get back up on his feet and was using it's own arm to punch the Walker in his face. " Stop hiting yourself, stop hiting yourself. " Nate laughed as suddenly out of nowhere a very accurate shot arrow was flying though the air. The arrow dirrectly flew into the Walkers head, destroying his brain and killing it.
It was Micheal, a man whose life-Nate had destroyed a long time ago. He was searching for Nate, for weeks and he finally reached Nate and his group and was already getting ready to shot his next arrow. " You don't have the guts to fight like a man Micheal. " Nate angrilly screamed and Micheal was putting back his loaded arrow into his quiver. Nate saw that his chance has come and with an evil grin on his face he was trying to kill Micheal and was getting ready to shot his gun. Russel toke notice of that and was rushing forward, pushing away Nate who was just shoting his bullet. The bullet closely failed to hit it's target and Micheal knew he had no more time to waste. After Nate was getting up on his feet, Nate was beating up Russel in an angry rage. " You fucking asshole, this is how you treat your father after all i've fucking done for you. " He screamed while he was dealing out alot of punches into Russels face. After some time, Nate was slowly calming down again and realized what he has done. " I...i am sorry Junior, i would never try to hurt you on purpose you know that right? I...i am a bad father. " Nate said and he started to break down in tears. " This is all your fault, i'm gonna kill you, you son of a bitch do you fucking hear me? " Nate frustradedly screamed as he was running towards Micheal. " Come here you fucker, let's end this once and for all. I will make you pay for all the pain you have caused to me and my family. " Micheal shouted and the both of them were starting another fight for live and death. Meanwhile Russel was slowly starting to feel better again and he knew this was his chance to escape out of this misery. He got into the truck and started it, driving away as fast as he could. He was taking one last look into the driving mirrow and the last thing he could see was Nate and Micheal battling it out, both sharing alot of strong punches and kicks into their faces and bellys .
Only some minutes have passed since all this events have happened, but to Russel it almost felt like many hours. Russel was taking a quick look at the fuel display and he didn't like what he saw. "'s almost empty. It's probaply best if i let it be that for now. " Russel said to himself before he was bailing out of the truck. Russel noticed that the Walker that was chained onto the truck before and Nate's killer chain weren't there anymore, they must have burst though during Russel's escape. " I need to eat something fast, i'm starving. " He thought and was looking at the backseat trying to find something that wasn't tainted yet. " Yikes, a skunk. But it's better than nothing. " Russel sighted. He toke one of the old cooking pot's they still had left and was remembering one of the many life lessons Nate tryed to teach him. " Watch very carefully boy, today i will show you how to make Nates world famous skunk ragout. The secret is, you gotta burn it! That takes away the bad stinking flavour. Nothing's gonna get wasted in a world like this." Nate said back then and Russel thought that's probaply the only usefull lesson he had learned during this long and utterly devastating roadtrip.
" Almost finished, but the smell...terrible. " He said to himself after he was nearly done with finishing his meal. " Mmm that looks delicious, mind if i take something? " A strange man voice said from behind. " Ehhhm, sure why not? I could use some company now i gues. What's your name? " Russel asked the mysterious man. " I'm Wyatt. Nice to meet you. I got seperated from my friend some time ago, some crazy psycho killer was trying to kill us. Who are you?" Robert asnwered. " Shit...i'm...i'm Russel, nice to meet you! " Russel responded while he was shaking his head. " So man, how did you make it for so long on your own? Are there any other of your people out there. " Wyatt asked. " Not anymore. I was part of alot of groups before, but now i'm all on my own again, trying to find my family. " Russell I know we just met, but what do you say if we go looking for our friends and family together? " Wyatt respondet.
This is brilliant stache so random and funny just epic
Things I liked
Few scenes I liked
Dynamite in the Car so random and hilarious plus well described genius writing
Fight with chained up walker so funny and really interesting you have great imagination
Quality MOAR
Sh** not sure all I know is need to read this whatever you want is fine
Thanks for the nice feedback!
This Fanfic was probaply the funnyest thing i ever wrote!
No thank you for writing it and putting it on my thread probably funniest thing I ever read lol
My favourite part was, when Nate punched the Walker with his own hand and said " Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself. "! lol
You can expect MOAR epic Fanfic's from me in the nearer future!
Forgot to mention that but it was one of my favourite parts agreed epic nice
YES!!! and MOAR epic reviews from me lol
Thanks for the share really enjoyed this unique story delving into Clem mentality loved it
Things I liked
Favourite Part
Usually do this segment but feel the story as a whole was one part as was about Clem's mind very interesting
Thanks for the story so original based story around Clem mind and her regret loved it just quality really refreshing never read a fanfic who which tried this method
Ah this is rubbish, I keep getting called in for shifts so I don't know when i'm going to be able to get to finish my fanfic
I'll see if I can use Paint Tool Sai to colour the background misty yellow to darken the words.
No pressure take long as I know it's coming take as long as you need to make the most epic story ever
Yes this going to be epic I like your style
It's dangerous in the wrong hands though lol
Edit: right have go now to catch a bus but can't wait lets see if this epic story is done upon my return
That's why I have started using the silent ringtone.
I'm never wrong lol now lets see what you got in this epic tale your writting this going to be good
Thank you glad you enjoyed them also thanks for taking the time to read it
love this more please
Can't wait for this story but take your time too Tobi no presure must as epic as possible full of action and violence I'll be happy good luck lol
Ok I guess it's about time I tried to write a Christa version here goes : )
the fall
Christa had gotten herself into a pretty bad situation down in that building, and I couldn't just leave her considering it was my fault she got in that mess in the first place. In hindsight it probably wasn't the smartest of moves jumping down there like Rambo or something, but at the time it just felt like one of those things a man has to do. We'll Lee and Omid got Chista out just fine, but unless I was getting a whole lot taller, or Lees arms were getting a whole lot longer, there was no way I was getting out through that hole again. So here I was, in an almost pitch black building, surrounded by walkers, probably twice as many around that I couldn't even see. (I could here Lee yelling at me through the hole /where are you he says, where did you think I was lee, fucking candy land?/get back up here he says, what, did he think I could just sprout wings?/ you gotta run he says, yea no shit Einstein./figures that would be the last thing he says to me) so now the walkers have got me backed up against the wall, I'm fighting them off as best I can but it wasn't easy! didn't help I was down to my last bullet, I was saving that one if you get my drift. I could hear lee saying they had to come in after me. I'll be honest it looked like a no win situation, even if they all came down there with me I don't think we could have fought them all off in that dark cramped space. That was the last thing I needed, getting everyone killed from my dumb ass mistake. So I called out, told them I'd be fine, didn't really believe it though, someone had to go save ya, just didn't look like it be me.
the escape
Clem:how did you get out of that?/doesn't seem possible that you got out of that/it wasn't your fault Christa went down there/...
(Well I'll tell you/ lucky for us good ol' Kenny is smarter than he looks/No, it was my fault. If I had being paying attention, if I hadn't of knocked that walkie-talkie down there, if I'd just kept my mouth shut and kept walking, then she wouldn't have gotten in that mess in the first place. Clem: it's not your fault, Christa says she was too quick to jump down there without checking first, maybe if guys could have thought about it some more, you could have come up with a better plan. Ken: yea well, don't matter now. ?Kenny will remember this) I gotta say that room must have been the darkest moment of my life, in more ways than one. Must have been real lucky coz between the dark and the walkers I somehow managed to find a door, opened it up and ran into a corridor. Good news was there was a window at the end shining some light in, so I wasn't half blind anymore, but the bad news was this walker in the middle of it. Funny we were talking about Larry in the attic earlier coz this guy must have been his twin brother. Huge, built like a brick house, seriously pissed off, and just as ugly, real shame I didn't have a salt lick with me this time though. Luckily he was more interested in one of the doors along the hallway than me, but that wasn't gonna last. Would have turned and gone back if there hadn't been a swarm of walkers behind me, probably would have done, if he hadn't been distracted. So I ran as fast and as quiet as I could trying get past that guy to get to that window, looked like there was a balcony outside. I figured I might be able to make my way back up onto the roof from there, seemed like a good plan. You know what they say about the best laid plans though, and my plan changed as soon as I heard the screem from inside that door. I knew that voice , so before I'd given it more than a seconds thought, I put my last bullet in that brick houses brain and made my way inside.
a surprise guest
Clem: who was in the room?/ I'm glad you tried to help them/ it was stupid of you to help them, you could have gotten back to others./...
ken: (turns out it was Molly, must have been living there by the look of it, or at very least storing stuff there/ yea, and by the way it turned out I'm glad too/ I could have gotten back, or maybe that window didn't go anywhere, maybe the walkers would have caught up to me, maybe that big ass walker would have turned around and bit me on my ass as I ran by. Ain't no way to know what might have happened darlin)
Got into that room and I saw Molly up against one wall with walkers streaming through a hole in the other. Molly was taking them down with that pick thing of hers but there were to many for her by herself (not to mention her injured shoulder) I grabbed me some kind of metal pole and got to smacking. Together we managed to push a shelf over the hole to hold them off. Molly seemed ok (apart from her shoulder) and started yelling at me, asking what was going on, not even a thank you for saving her life or anything. By the sound of it (she managed to get out of Crawford and get her self here so she could patch herself up and have a rest/ came back here after leaving us at the house for some supply's and to get some beauty sleep) and when she woke up there where walkers everywhere breaking down her walls. With walkers by the hole, the walkers from the room now outside our door, and the two of us being dead tired from fighting all those guys. It was all we could do to get some rest and wait for the walkers to thin out a bit. So we waited for a few hours, walkers didn't thin out much but we got some rest. Molly Even had some chocolate in that stash of hers. After that we fought our way back to that room, turns out Molly can jump up there, it was almost amazing, if only Christa could have done that. (She couldn't jump up with her injured shoulder though so I had to give her a boost) then she runs off without a word, and I'm left stuck down there in the dark listening the sounds of the walkers, sure that Molly's run off on me and one of them monsters is gonna sneak up and bite me. Then she comes back with this wooden bridge we crossed earlier and puts it down the hole for me to use as a ladder. I almost kicked myself, of corse she would have known to do that though, she must have been the one to put the bridge there in the first place. Didn't stop me from feeling like an idiot. After that Molly showed me how to get out of savannah and left, said she had some things to get. The only thing I regret is not going on to try and find you darlin. But between the time that had passed and all the walkers I just... I mean... I'm so sorry hon (forgive Kenny /don't forgive Kenny)
I think I'm inproving
Superb your very talented think should write a full story and then I'll be able to do a full review.Love this style of writing full of action straight from the start surrounded by walkers very entertaining and fun read thanks for the share MOAR