Official Create your Own TWD story or Fanfic



  • I just hit a breakthrough with Clementine's story! I'm going to be posting it up, momentarily.
  • edited May 2014
    This thread was dead for a while there, it's good to have you back Spark :)

    Oh and btw I might do a second part of my story if you would like. I have been working too much lately and were also going to have to move soon so I might not be able to get motivated until after I get settled in, in the new place.
  • edited May 2014
    I could never do that but you always maintained the highest standards not matter how much work you had to do so I applaud you for that nobody works harder on there thread then you and of course still always deliver quality work that still surprisings and amazes me keep it up bro but scariest thing is you will only get better can't wait to see rest of your work whatever your doing.

    Thanks. It's tough working on comic, action studies, gravatars, colouring the cast, fan art, fan fiction, etc.

  • Yes more Clay work this going to be good

    I just hit a breakthrough with Clementine's story! I'm going to be posting it up, momentarily.

  • edited May 2014
    If anyone here wants me to read any of their stories in this discussion, just let me know! It is the least I can do since I've been getting a lot of positivity about my story so far!
  • thanks and No pressure I would love a second part if wanted to do it
    AusZombie posted: »

    This thread was dead for a while there, it's good to have you back Spark :) Oh and btw I might do a second part of my story if you woul

  • Feel free to read mine, it took me almost a month to write :P there are some grammar problems and inconsistencies with the sentence structure but I like how it ended up :)

    If anyone here wants me to read any of their stories in this discussion, just let me know! It is the least I can do since I've been getting a lot of positivity about my story so far!

  • edited May 2014
    Done! Page number of your first story? Or the story that you were talking about? :P
    AusZombie posted: »

    Feel free to read mine, it took me almost a month to write :P there are some grammar problems and inconsistencies with the sentence structure but I like how it ended up :)

  • edited May 2014
    Thanks Dragon you can read or review any story also I would recommend it to all users but no pressure with the amount of stories on your own thread know how much pressure your under but thanks for saying this love more people to review each storie's

    Aus(matt) story is on the bottom of pg 11

    If anyone here wants me to read any of their stories in this discussion, just let me know! It is the least I can do since I've been getting a lot of positivity about my story so far!


    And yeah, it gave me swelling bumps on my joints of my fingers for the colouring bit back when I did part 2. :/
    Markd4547 posted: »

    I could never do that but you always maintained the highest standards not matter how much work you had to do so I applaud you for that nobod

  • No problem dude! Anytime! And I read a few before, but I should definitely start commenting on some of them on here. :)

    I'll be sure to check his story on page 11 then!
    Markd4547 posted: »

    Thanks Dragon you can read or review any story also I would recommend it to all users but no pressure with the amount of stories on your own

  • edited May 2014
    SH** the cost of being an artist. But I notice the hard work in the final comic it's so good I remember I wrote a fanfic and took me ages your drawing a comic, coming up with a plot, Trying to get all the characters etc I couldn't imagine the hard work fair play Tobi but don't kill yourself overworking lol

    IT'S A COW LOAD OF SHIT TO DO. And yeah, it gave me swelling bumps on my joints of my fingers for the colouring bit back when I did part 2. :/

  • Thanks just for reading and feel free to comment also great

    No problem dude! Anytime! And I read a few before, but I should definitely start commenting on some of them on here. :) I'll be sure to check his story on page 11 then!

  • edited May 2014
    Yeah, take that Spencer! You got what you deserved.
    AusZombie posted: »

    I have decided to repost my fanfic in it's entirety now that it is complete. I apologise for any grammatical problems and misspelling and I

  • Most interesting indeed, I just loved how the community thrived!
    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Here's my story. Title: Reasons. Setting: Las Vegas NV, San Jose California. Timeline: 12, 15 & 17 years since season 2. Main char

  • Yep, Spencer was an absolute wanker.

    Yeah, take that Spencer! You got what you deserved.

  • lol Spencer was a piece of shit agreed
    AusZombie posted: »

    Yep, Spencer was an absolute wanker.

  • Nobody likes Spencer.
    AusZombie posted: »

    Yep, Spencer was an absolute wanker.

  • edited May 2014
    I'm going to go completely against my style of over the top violence/comedy/fantasy and try bit of character depth tale in chapters so don't have read to much lol

    Chapter 1

    Set after Omid's death Clem and Christa are sitting at the fire in the woods silent as memories torment their taughts. Clem decides to break the silence after hours of silence

    Clem: Christa are you Ok?

    Christa:....(As she glares at Clem as tears roll down her face)

    Clem: CHRISTA!!!(Clem shouts)

    Christa: You couldn't just of brought the gun with you even with Lee you left the house your decisions bring nothing but death and sorrow WHY TELL ME!!!

    Clem: I....I'..m sorry Christa(As tears escape her eyes).

    Christa: Don't be sorry just STOP IT!!! before get me killed

    Clem: I'll just go(Clem stands up)

    Christa: (Christa grabs her back down to sit back down) Look I'm sorry I'm just upset over Omid alright

    Clem sat and remained silent she looked into Christa eyes she could see the pain the endless flashbacks occurring in her head tormenting her. All the decisions she wished she done differently all the times Omid was there when she struggled. The loss of a bright future it was clear Christa lost hope even breathing felt to much of a effort for her every second was painful without Omid and it only seemed to be getting worse. Clem knew she needed to break the negative atmosphere they both were drowning in.

    Clem: Hey Christa remember the time Omid fell off the bridge what an idiot!!

    Christa:(A smile escaped her face almost taking Christa by surprise) Yeah that's Omid my idiot

    Suddenly two strangers enter the camp out of breath taking Christa and Clem by surprise they didn't even have time to react.



    Christa: (Christa jumps up) Who?

    Stranger: Carv...... "BANG!!!"

    Two bullets flew out of dark forest hitting the two strangers in the head instantly killing them it was all to much to process for Clem and Christa as their brains started to overload as they tried to made sense of what just happened. Suddenly a figure appears from the dark

    Carver: (Smiling) Thank God we saved you from them Walkers

    Clem: Walkers don't talk?

    Carver: Really I can't hear them talking now?

    Christa: WHAT DO YOU WANT!! (christa screams)

    Carver: I saved you so you owe me but I want nothing off you but I do have an offer?

    Clem: We don't have any money or supplies?

    Carver: No the offer is you can join my camp we offer you food, supplies and protection

    Christa: Why?

    Carver: Power in numbers it's our only chance to survive we offer you hope in your time of need, friendship in your time of loneliness, Food when your hungry and protection against any threat why is helping people so frowned upon by you alright I'll go and help someone else!!

    Christa looks at Clem and she nods they know they are helpless alone in the woods and even though don't trust the stranger they don't care any more. They know if they stay out any longer they will end up dead. Christa then Shake hands with Carver as he smiled then they followed him into the dark forest not knowing what to expect next.

    Finish next chapter today or tomorrow if you think good enough first time tried story like this

    Should do more lol
    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm going to go completely against my style of over the top violence/comedy/fantasy and try bit of character depth tale in chapters so don't

  • Agreed let him get lucky please telltale :'(
    marios15 posted: »


  • edited May 2014
    Well here's that story I promised, hope you like it.... (WARNING IT'S VERY LONG)

    The Walking Dead
    Lost Stories: Silent Mournng

    Chapter One: Birthday

    Two figures walk along a road filled with scattered trash, rotten bodies, wreckages of vehicles, as well as gravel and cement covered in dry blood. A tall woman walks ahead, scanning the area for anything to take notice of, as a little girl follows from behind. The woman turns her head back to the girl as she walks, looking at the girl with her head down, only with her hat with a "D" in the point of view, covering her face. The woman says, "Come on Clementine, dont slow down. Keep up with me."

    The woman turns away sternly, and continues to walk. The girl named Clementine looks up to the woman with an emotionless face. Her face face is a little longer than what it was 14 months ago.She lost a lot of baby fat on her, making her lose the underlines from her eyes. She's notably taller too, outgrown from her old clothes. Shee now wears a light-pink tank top with a blue-plaided button shirt that's undone. Along with blue jeans and dark purple adidas. as always, she wears the treasured hat that her father gave her. Which is still soaked dry with Lee's blood, who was a mentor, a gaurdian, and a father-figure to her, who she still misses. She feels discomfort from her backpack; she grabs a strap over her shoulder and shifts the backpack. Clementine then walks faster to catch up to the woman, then slows down to her pace when next to her and asks "So when do you think we should and take a breath?"

    Clem looks up to her in curiosity and gets no reply. "Christa?", she asks her with the woman's name.
    "Well we're definitely not stopping here. There's too much risk; we need to find a place to stay for the day. A house or something, but definitely not in the open."

    Clem then looks down to the bushes on her right. Christa has been taking care of Clementine ever since the events of Savannah, even after the events at Gil's pitstop, where her lover Omid was killed. Ever since Omid's death she's been distant to Clem and now only focuses on teaching Clem how to survive. Also due to the stress and other events during the 14 months, Christa lost her baby, hardening her even more.

    Christa now wears a brown jacket with a hoodie, blue jeans, and dark-brown boots. Some of her hair hangs down on the right side of her forehead. The two continue walking past the wreckages and the chaos that left it's mark on the road. Clem turns her focus on Christa's pistol that she holds in heer hand, she looks in curiosity and asks "So when do I get to hold a gun again?"

    Christa looks down to her in depressed look as she continues to speak, " I mean I'm more useful with one and I'm a pretty good shot."

    "Not now, Clem. We need to conserve our ammo. There's not enough for the both of us at the moment. Besides you're still pretty good with handheld weapons; dont forget that." Christa says as she looks down to Clementine.

    Clementine looks away and frowns, Christa looks ahead. Ever since the bathroom at Gil's, she hasnt let Clem use one as much. It's obvious to her that Christa still partially blames her for Omid's death. Which Clem blames herself on as well. She can still remember the look on Christa's face as she held a lifeless Omid; And the face of the woman that shot Omid. Clementine's face saddens just remembering it.

    Christa stops and puts her hand on Clem's shoulder, making her stop. Clem's confused and looks up to see Christa glaring to their right. Clementine looks in the same direction and sees an abandoned campsite. Christa says "Looks abandoned. We should check it for things we could use."

    "Maybe we can stay there for the night...", Clementine says in hopeful tone.

    "Maybe.", Christa replies with doubt in her voice.

    Christa and Clementine approaches the campsite slowly with caution. Christa holds her gun ready for danger. Clem takes out a pockeet knife. The two investigates the camp. Thee campsite consists of a tent neext to the treeline that leads to the forest. A campfire in the center of the site surrounded by two large logs which are bigger than a human being. Two lawn chairs next to a table. And a blue truck parked next to the tent. Clementine appraches the table and scans it, only to find a bunch of empty cans of food. She also sees some swimsuit magazines, which makes Clem form a disgusted face about it, thinking that the owner was a pervert. Christa observes the campfire, and she frowns as she sees nothing that can be scavenged. Clementine turns to Christa, "Anything over there?"

    Christa responds, "Nothing."

    Both get's up and looks at the tent. Clementine and Christa sternly look to each other. Then they look at their target, slowly approaching the tent. When next to it, they nod to each other for the single. Christa reaches for the opening of the tent. Christa quickly opens the tent and quickly aims her gun with Clem looking in to strike. They look in and see nothing but some sleeping bags with a little bit of dry blood stains. Plus on to the left, there is three cans of vegetables. Christa looks at Clem with a faint smile, "Well, looks we can stay here for the night afterall."

    The sun goes down and it's now late at night. Clementine sits on her sleeping bag bag. She reads a book about civil war. She hears the tent opening and she looks up to see Christa coming in as she slouches down. Christa smiles a little and kneels down to Clem and tells her, "I was searching for things to use and I found something you might like."

    Christa hands out to Clem a lighter with a pink butterfly on it and says "Happy Birthday, Clementine.'

    Clem was surprised as Christa barely shows herself that side of her anymore. She then reaches out to grab it. She holds and looks at it in all angles, and subtly smiles. She says, "Thank you. But how did you know it was my birthday?"

    "Le.... he told me.", Christa responds. She was going to say Lee and changed her wording as she remembered how much Clem missed him.

    Clem looks down in a sad matter but shakes it off and looks up with a gentle smile.

    Christa asks, "How old are you now?"

    Clementine responds, "I'm eleven."

    Chapter One: Birthday
  • Interesting...
    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm going to go completely against my style of over the top violence/comedy/fantasy and try bit of character depth tale in chapters so don't

  • edited May 2014
    The longer the better bring that bitch ON!! lol YES reading now

    Well here's that story I promised, hope you like it.... (WARNING IT'S VERY LONG) The Walking Dead Lost Stories: Silent M

  • edited May 2014
    Excellent so beautiful and sweet full of so many feels

    Won't do a full review as only a chapter and won't be fair

    Things I liked

    Grammar and Spacing perfect saw no mistakes or feared reading the next section because of wall of text lol

    So sweet your a unique writer focusing on the feels really refreshing for me as rarely done and done so brilliantly to

    Character development all the little interactions definitely made me connect more with the characters without characters having some sort of danger just showing their normal daily interactions I enjoyed it

    The descriptions always set the scene for me and I never got lost in the story loved way took the time to describe the scene every little detail was explained to really set the scene and make the reader picture the moment better quality

    Hooked to every line loved learning about the characters and see how they interact so I never got bored

    Realistic within TWD

    References to characters

    Loved the Clem introduction with the Hat was so epic and badass many feels


    quality story full of feels and character development like you promised and it was worth the wait thanks for the share Can't wait to read the rest

    (No rating till your finished how see how it developes till the end it's only fair)

    Well here's that story I promised, hope you like it.... (WARNING IT'S VERY LONG) The Walking Dead Lost Stories: Silent M

  • I will be doing chapter two today or tommorow
    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm going to go completely against my style of over the top violence/comedy/fantasy and try bit of character depth tale in chapters so don't

  • Awww, that was very sweet.

    Well here's that story I promised, hope you like it.... (WARNING IT'S VERY LONG) The Walking Dead Lost Stories: Silent M

  • Welcome back, dude! How was Spain?
  • Great thanks for asking Tyler

    Welcome back, dude! How was Spain?

  • edited May 2014
    Thanks! I really wanted this story feel like it was actually a part of the series. I've been studying how Telltale makes their stories just by playing it. Also not sure if you noticed but that lighter is actually the same one she uses in Ep1 and 2.

    I'm trying prove that I can be a capable writer and show I have what it takes to write a third season of The Walking Dead (this is only a back up career plan if I can't get a job in the manga industry).
  • edited May 2014
    Well quality start love your unique style so many feels. You have the talent your always improving and put the work as know from your comic so one day think you could. Can't wait for the next part I know the telltale technique I read about it in a interview give false hope then sweep the carpet from underneath the gamer the only time to feel scared is when something good is happening then know something terrible is coming.

    Thanks! I really wanted this story feel like it was actually a part of the series. I've been studying how Telltale makes their stories just

  • You know what I actually thinking I finish this I should write out my version of Season 2. It's practically the same but there's a lot of extra stuff in it, like giving Nick more time in Ep3. :3
    Markd4547 posted: »

    Well quality start love your unique style so many feels. You have the talent your always improving and put the work as know from your comic

  • lol whatever sounds great just make sure you have hub areas and puzzles and I won't mind

    You know what I actually thinking I finish this I should write out my version of Season 2. It's practically the same but there's a lot of extra stuff in it, like giving Nick more time in Ep3. :3

  • Definitely. :3

    Hey is it alright I post my story here on my thread? I know some doesn't come here & I was wondering about everyone's opinions of it, and yeah...
    Markd4547 posted: »

    lol whatever sounds great just make sure you have hub areas and puzzles and I won't mind

  • edited May 2014

    lmao only joking of course post it in both places copy and paste job please even make a thread for it if gets enough great feedback I would recommend as long as I get to read it I don't mind :)

    Definitely. :3 Hey is it alright I post my story here on my thread? I know some doesn't come here & I was wondering about everyone's opinions of it, and yeah...

  • That's cool. I had to make sure first, since it originally belongs in your thread. And have it's own thread would be great! :D
    Markd4547 posted: »

    NO!! NO!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO !! GTFO TOBI NOW lmao only joking of course post it in both places copy and paste job please even make a thread for it if gets enough great feedback I would recommend as long as I get to read it I don't mind :)

  • Update on thread

    The final part of Stache's story will posted here tomorrow FTW!!
  • lol that crossover was just magic and I might write a story myself here soon!!!
  • edited May 2014
    That's what she said? Sorry Mark, couldn't help myself :)
    Markd4547 posted: »

    The longer the better bring that bitch ON!! lol YES reading now

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