Official Create your Own TWD story or Fanfic



  • I'll have a think about it.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Would be cool honestly be happy if any users has a shot at writing a story but think Tyler just makes Thread stories but what about you Aus come on

  • Well Mat come on not the best myself and gave it a try even if it's terrible still love to read and I'll thumb lol

    AusZombie posted: »

    I dunno Mark rofl, I would probably write a terrible short story You can call me Mathew if you want if you can remember it, after al I call you by your first name Spark :P

  • Oh thank you, if you offer to thumb me how can I say no XD

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Well Mat come on not the best myself and gave it a try even if it's terrible still love to read and I'll thumb lol

  • edited April 2014

    Alt text

    AusZombie posted: »

    I'll have a think about it.

  • It would take up more room but if you were to break this up into paragraphs it would be a lot easier to read.

    The following is a preview of my not fully completed storyboard, in the storyboard itself, you are given choices, but for the sake of this p

  • lol what mean oh and you to deceptio STORY bro!! XD

    Deceptio posted: »


  • xD

    Markd4547 posted: »

    lol what mean oh and you to deceptio STORY bro!! XD

  • But if actually do want to write a story would actually be cool though

    Deceptio posted: »


  • Nah, I'm not a writer. If I wrote a story it would be horrible, LOL.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    But if actually do want to write a story would actually be cool though

  • edited April 2014

    Episode 2 : Lost

    Chapter 1 : The Remnants

    They had made it out of Macon and were walking beside the road. It was raining as the group walked quietly toward some unknown destination, their footsteps echoing off the hard pavement. Tony was in the lead holding Lisa, a backpack slung over his shoulder, and Vanessa was trailing behind them. Vanessa let a few tears run down her rain-streaked face. She couldn't believe Brice had died. They had just met him that day and he seemed so nice... And now he was gone. Crushed by a huge wooden pole, and it was all her fault. If they hadn't rebelled then he would still be alive, everyone would. "Hey... Are you okay?" Tony says turning his head to look at her. Vanessa nods glumly, wiping the rain, and tears off her face. They stopped when they reached a small abandoned house.

    Tony lightly placed Lisa on a bed in one of the rooms. She sighed with pain, but felt relieved she could lie down. "Get some rest honey. I'm going to make sure you feel better tomorrow." Tony said in a soft tone. Lisa smiled at him and closed her eyes. Tony went downstairs and pushed a table against the white door, and did the same with the backdoor. He searched the house for supplies but it was picked clean. After searching the house he decided he wanted to sleep in the same room and fell asleep on a big soft chair. Vanessa went into the room beside them and lay down on the bed. She cried, as she began to think about Brice again. Thoughts raced through her brain. Is this how life is going to be now? After an hour of worrying and pain she managed to fall asleep.

    The next morning Tony was up bright and early. He knocked on Vanessa's door and when she opened it he spoke. "I need to get some medical supplies for Lisa. Can you... watch over her for me while I'm gone? I'll go to that drugstore in Macon, it will only take a few hours." Tony said quickly. Vanessa agreed "Okay. What do I do if any strangers come?" She said with worry they had no guns. "Here. But only use it if you have to" Tony said as he handed her a kitchen knife, and his sharpened stick. She nodded. Before he left he gave Lisa some water, and a chewy bar, from his bag and he set off.

    Harry awoke in a dark room. All his muscles ached as he struggled to get up. "Oh yeah... The closet," he said as he remembered the events that took place last night. As he twisted the knob on the door and pushed, it didn't open. This time he pushed hard with all his might managing to get out. The place was a mess. Blood and walkers on the floor, everyone was gone, even the walkers. It smelled like crap and Harry covered his nose as he slowly walked out of the closet. He looked around the room once more and he began searching for any dead friends. He found nothing until he recognized the camouflage clothes of Garrot. He ran towards him. He was covered in lurker blood, and lay there. He was breathing! "God your a sight for sore eyes..." Harry said relieved he was not alone.

    Steve had been driving for miles. As he drove he found a group fighting some walkers. He drew his gun that he had left in the car and walked outside. He shot at all three of the zombies with great accuracy, and they all fell on the ground with a crunch. The three survivors looked at him in awe. There was a teenage black kid with a red backpack that said Russell, and an asian man, and his wife. The man stepped up "Thank you. We are in your debt." "Oh it was nothing." Steve said with a smile. Four down, three more to go. After all. Seven is the magic number.

    Alt text

    (Pretend there are two people behind Russell and Steve is the one in the car :D)

    Chapter 2: Old And New Friends

    The leader was wearing a black jacket, and jeans, his wife a brown jacket and jeans, and the boy was wearing a white and grey coat and jeans. The asian man spoke once more. "I am Jin, this is my wife Raina, and a boy we found named Russell. We will join you if you allow us." The man said. "Oh yes. Of course. I am Steve. Where are you guys headed?" Steve replied. "Were going to find my family in Statesboro. Can you drive us there?" The boy named Russel said. "Sure. But first were going to need to prepare for the journey. We need some allies..." Steve said.

    Lisa was getting worse. She said her leg was really hurting and soon later she was crying out in pain. Vanessa was worried that the leg was infected and that Tony may not return. Vanessa just sat there watching her scared of not knowing what to do. Lisa fell asleep after a few minutes and if Tony came back he would be here soon. But then... There was a sound. The door was trying to be opened! "The door won't budge... Somebody must be in there" a sharp voice says. "Hey hopefully some nice girlies in there eh? The other uns were... Not to my taste." A second loud voice said with a laugh. "Shut up Freddie. Keep using your mouth like that and you won't have no taste," the first voice said angrily. "Okay calm down Warren. Just 'avin me a laugh. 'ey Gregorio. Mind openin' this door?" The man named Freddie said. "I told you to stop calling me that, or else I'll beat you up and you know I can." The man called Gregorio said. "Okay Greg. I give up you guys are no fun. Are we going to get in there or what?" Freddie said. The door opened slowly pushing the couch backward and soon all three walked in. Vanessa was upstairs watching the scene unfold. Before they could see her she sneaked to Lisa's room, and began to think of a plan.

    Tony had been running for a while. Soon some walkers caught onto his trail and chased him. Tony hadn't run so fast in his life and when he got to a fence he climbed over it leaving the walkers on the other side. Finally he saw the pharmacy. Exhausted he wiped the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand. A couple ten walkers were crowded around the entrance to the pharmacy so Tony decided he would go through the drugstore. He walked toward the open metal entrance and looked inside. "Shit!" Tony said quietly as he saw someone inside. Luckily the person didn't hear and Tony sneaked inside and took cover behind one of the racks. He peeked around the corner and recognized the pudgy figure, in the officer's uniform. It was Harry.

    Alt text

    Chapter 3: Seven Of Death

    Tony decided Harry was definitely not a good guy. He needed him out of the way... It pained him to say it but Harry has to die if he is going to get what he needs and he's not going to let a fat cop get in the way. He began sneaking crouched toward Harry. As soon as he was close enough he put his arms around Harry's neck and began to choke him. Harry soon ran out of breath and fell on the ground limp and not breathing. "I'm sorry... You weren't a bad guy but you were annoying as hell. Rest easy now. " Tony said beginning to look for supplies. Once he got what he needed he headed back to the house. As he was leaving the drugstore he saw a familiar shape by the store they were in two nights ago. It was Brice. He walked over to him and saw a cut in his head. "God... You seemed to be a good kid. I'm not good at saying things but, I'm sorry we dragged you into this... Thank you, for helping us." Tony turned and began in the direction of the house in a solemn mood, and began running again knowing Brice couldn't die for nothing. He needed to save Lisa.

    Vanessa panicked but ended up deciding to escape. She couldn't carry Lisa though... She had to hide her or defend herself. Hiding was better then fighting the three men. She woke up Lisa and told her the situation. Lisa agreed because there was no choice. Vanessa lifted her carefully off the bed and put her on the floor almost dropping her. She pushed her under the bed hoping they wouldn't find her there. Vanessa went into the closet and took her weapons out. "Well I reckon no one's here anymore." Freddie says. "Your reckoning ain't shit. Were going to search the whole house. Greg you get the basement. Freddie upstairs. I got the main floor." Warren said. Vanessa was scared. I hope Tony will be here soon. I'll die before they get to Lisa.

    Steve, Jin, Raina, and Russell went on their way. They searched every house they came across, finding some food, water, and gas, but no people. Finally on their third day on the road they found three people walking beside the road, with backpacks on their backs. "Perfect! Seven...Seven... Seven..." Steve said with glee. "Excuse me?" Jin said. "Oh its nothing... Seven is just my lucky number so these people and us make seven." Steve said happily. Russell gave him a glare but got out of the car before Steve could say anything. The three people approached them guns pointing at them. "What do you want. We don't want any trouble here" the brown haired man who seemed to be the leader said. "I am Steve. This is Russell, Raina, and Jin. We mean you no harm. Were traveling to Statesboro and we could use some company." Steve explained. "How can we trust you?" The man said. "He saved our lives. If he was untrustworthy we would have died," Jin said speaking up. "Fine. But if anything happens that I don't like were leaving. My name is Derek." He says hesitantly. He points to a blonde boy wearing a leather jacket and jeans, and a bulky girl with short brown hair wearing a purple coat and some sweat pants. "Jordan who says hes a cop, and Violet my daughter" Derek said. "Great. Nice to meet you folks. We mind as well set up camp for the night" Steve said. *Seven. Seven. Seven. Seven. Seven. Seven. Seven. It was all Steve thought about that night as he drifted off to sleep.

    Steve found himself broadcasting something... Oh yes it was the time he warned people of the monsters. Something about staying inside and away from infected. He hopes he has this dream seven times. He also hoped he only announced the warning seven times. Steve finds himself watching his team holding a door, rotten hands sticking out and scratching people. He looks at the people holding the door and smiles. Seven of them. How many infected? Hopefully seven. He is now watching as the people get eaten. He makes a break for the door and makes it into a news van. He drives home hoping to find his family of... was it seven? When he got there he went up the stairs and opened the door to him and his wife's room. A woman is in a chair a bullet hole in her forehead. A little girl is tied into a chair across from her who is trying to get to him. Steve finds himself looking at a note beside the woman's chair on a table. It reads

    I'm sorry. I couldn't do it. Forgive me.

    Steve now feels his body shaking and some wetness flowing down his face. He looks toward the girl in the chair who must be his daughter. He picks up the gun on the floor and points it at the girl. How old was she? Seven.

    Alt text

    Thank you for reading Episode 2. Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

  • I tried to break it up into paragraphs, but for some reason, the website wasn't working real well at the time (my country has shitty internet). I'll try to post an updated version later.

    AusZombie posted: »

    It would take up more room but if you were to break this up into paragraphs it would be a lot easier to read.

  • No worries mate, I read a little bit of it and it looks good but if I read a text wall like that too much it hurts my eyes.

    I tried to break it up into paragraphs, but for some reason, the website wasn't working real well at the time (my country has shitty internet). I'll try to post an updated version later.

  • Ok Spark i've been thinking about it, you've got yourself a deal, i'm going to write a fanfic and post it in this thread. But i'm on this forum on my ipad, so i'm going to have to find a decent writing app before I write one.

  • Below is an upgrade version of my Walking Dead Storyboard, Insanity. In the storyboard itself, you are given choices, but for the sake of this preview, I chose the voice options and choices the character would be making throughout the game. Main character, for reference sake, is my profile picture, art done by JonGon. If anyone leaves any constructive criticism, I would be much obliged. Enjoy!

        “We were hungry! It was an act of desperation! Please, you have to believe me!”
         “Shut the fuck up!” Asim yelled as he hit the man’s face with the blunt edge of his crowbar. “An act of desperation?! Raping two teenagers is an act of desperation!? Tying men to a tree and leaving them for the freaks is an act of desperation!? You and your friends are monsters!”
          The bandit coughed up blood from where he sat, tied to a lawn chair, and it slowly poured from his mouth and onto his dark blue jacket. Asim waited for him to be finished, then aggressively took off his black, fingerless military gloves and started punching the bandit in the face, slowly. Asim knew why he took off his gloves, when he starts bleeding from his knuckles, it’s meant for him to stop, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. Finally, Asim stopped to take a breath, and sat down. When he did, all he could see was the members of his group, the ones he tried so hard to protect. Asim then came to the conclusion; he failed them.
        The anger had left, now sadness and regret had taken over. Asim looked into the camp’s dying fire and started to cry silently. “Why?” Asim asked, “Why?”
        The bandit had spent the break from his beating by coughing up blood, which came up in large clumps that tried to clog his throat and unlike most people when they coughed up blood, instead of spraying out, this blood trickled down from his mouth and down his neck, giving the bandit a sinister look. But in his hazel eyes, anyone could see that they were full of regret, “We…we were hungry…and we got carried away.”
        Asim looked at him and said, “Not a good enough explanation.” Asim stood up and side kicked him in the chest, making the blue and white striped lawn chair that the bandit was tied to, fall backwards. Asim walked over to where the bandit had fallen and kneeled, looking at his hurt enemy. The bandit then coughed up blood, but this time it sprayed, landing on the black bandanna that covered Asim’s face, Asim’s eyes, his black patrol cap, and his upper nose and cheek. Asim then wiped away the blood that went into his eyes, but didn’t care for wiping away the blood that had ended up on his upper cheek and nose, to clear his vision.
        Asim stood up, still covered in the blood of the man and his comrades, and looked upon the destroyed bandit camp. Asim saw the carved open tents, the splattered blood and the ten dead bodies, some with blunt trauma to back of the head, some with bullet wounds in the head, and on others; roamer bites.
        He still remembered the fight. Asim had used his own blood to draw large groups of roamers silently to the bandit’s camp, and when the freaks got close to the camp, they cared more about the sound of moving and talking meals more than the smell of his blood. The roamer herd that Asim had created surprised them, already killing two bandits before the undead came within view. Asim from that point on stayed back and watched the clash, gradually picking off bandits as they started to gain the upper hand in the battle. Sometimes, he would shoot the leading bandit, making the bandits think it was an accidental friendly fire, other times he would run up and kill a bandit cowering towards the back of the group with his crowbar, by the end, there were two bandits left and his roamer herd had been destroyed. Asim dispatched the first one with ease, when the second noticed, he bolted, and as he ran Asim shot him in the back of the knee. Asim had his revenge, for Stephen, for Aaron, for John, for Dante’, for Alissa, for Derrick, for all twenty members of his group. But it wasn’t good enough. Kim, Alissa and her younger sister had been raped and shot, Derrick was set on fire, and John and Anthony were tied to trees and left as live roamer bait, and everyone else was gunned down. All Asim could think of is, “What kind of person does this?” He looked directly in the eyes of the bandit and answered his own question out loud, “The kind that isn’t human anymore.”
         Asim walked back to where the bandit sat, in an awkward position, on his back with his legs in the air. He then grabbed the end of the lawn chair and jerked it up. Asim had lost track of time, twenty minutes had passed since he had kicked him over, and the bandit’s legs were fast asleep. Asim then looked around for a knife, due to Winston, Victor and Ralph stealing his knife along with the rest of their supplies when they abandoned his group. He then found one, a small pocket knife, it wasn’t the sharpest of blades, but it’d do. Asim walked over to the tied bandit and held his knife to the man’s arm, and was about to begin sawing, he wanted to make the bandit feel every bit of pain his friends had felt before they died.
        The man let out a near silent squeal as the cold, dull blade touched his skin. “Is this me?” Asim thought to himself, “Is this really me? What have I become? He deserves death, but what I’m doing, it’s not death, it’s something worse. I can’t let this world get to me.”
        Asim then felt another side of himself wanting to cut into the bandit’s arm and pull at his very nerves, inside of him a war of influence had erupted. “He killed everyone!” He thought, “He probably raped Alissa and her sister, or set Derrick on fire, or let people get fed to those…those things! He does not deserve a quick death.”
        Asim heard many voices inside of his head, but the one thought that came above all others was, “If I do this, what separates me from him? Or, what separates me from those things eating people?” 
        When his mind started quieting down, he noticed that tears started pouring down from the bandit’s eyes. Seeing this made Asim realize that he wasn’t the good guy he hoped he was, he was the man out for revenge. Asim told himself that he came out here to kill these people, not for revenge, but to stop them from ever doing this to anyone ever again, but this, what he was doing now, torture, this was not what he came here for. This was not him. He steadily took the pocket knife away from the bandit’s arm and cut the ropes binding him to the lawn chair and started walking away.
        “Wait!” The bandit called to Asim, “Could I have a gun?”
        There were two reasons the bandit would want the gun, to opt out, or to shoot him in the back as he walked away. Personally, Asim didn’t care what he did with the gun, he felt as if he had lost everything. “Here.” He handed the bandit one of the scavenged hand guns that Asim had picked up after the fight.
         Asim continued walking away when suddenly he heard the bandit say, “We’re all monsters now, aren’t we?” He turned just to see that the bandit was staring at all of the dead bodies created by Asim. Asim’s blue-gray eyes and the bandit’s hazel eyes met for the last time, the bandit put the gun in his own mouth and pulled the trigger.
         “Holy shit!” Asim nearly yelled as he woke up from his nightmare. He nervously looked around, hoping to see someone, but knew that he wasn’t going to. He stared at the bell he slept under, and then out the no walled steeple. He finally sat up from his dark green sleeping bag and looked out at the town, anxiously peering at the few streets in this town. He saw just about what he expected, burned down building, mounds of burnt roamers, and not a single moving creature. Just him, alone, again.
        It had been five months after the outbreak, four months since the loss of his group, and two months since the last time Asim saw a live human being. He had found this small town about a month and a half ago, right about when he lost track of the group of people he was trying to join. Not knowing what to do, Asim settled into the tallest building he could see, which was the church steeple that wasn’t directly connected to it’s chapel. He then burned downed the rest of the town, including the chapel, which was relatively easy, because it seemed like most of the freaks cleared out a when their food started to disappear, and the roamers that didn’t leave, he killed and burned. Burning down the buildings was a very strategic move, it helped him make sure that the area was truly clear, and to make sure that it stayed that way, he called the freaks roamers because they roamed and there was always a possibility of one coming to the town and hiding in a house. He could also spot an incoming herd or survivors (though he hadn’t seen either since he got there) from miles away, since the town was built on an open field, surrounded by some woodland. So, he scavenged as much supplies as he could from them (which wasn’t much) and burned them down.
        Alone. Asim looked for a roamer wandering about, or a deer just coming out of the surrounding woodland, maybe, just maybe with a couple fawns. But, still, not a single thing was moving. “Hello! Hello, can anyone hear me!?” He called out, hoping for some sign of acknowledgement, like someone answering him, or someone waving to him in the distance. Nothing.
        Asim looked away from burned down town and grabbed his bag. He unzipped it and pulled out his video camera, the same one he used for reconnaissance. He started looking at saved videos, slowly clicking on the right button, changing the saved video data each time, until he finally came to the latest video recorded. He then selected it and waited patiently for it to start. Asim remembered when he recorded this video, he was lying in a ditch outside of a motel with the only thing poking out being this camera. Whenever he made these tapes, he would watch them when he got back to his camp. Each time, he looked and listened for children, elderly or pregnant women, something to prove to him that these guys weren’t like the bandits that killed off his group, and this very tape, proved that he could’ve joined them. And now, this tape was all he had left of people.
        Through the camera’s screen he could make out a makeshift wall, behind it was an RV and a motel. On top of the RV, keeping watch was a depressed looking white woman wearing a black jacket with a gray under shirt, and on her lap was a rifle. For about twenty minutes, nothing happens, the woman sometimes moves around but nothing major happens. Asim normally skipped the first twenty minutes, and then would pause, make sure everything around him was absolutely quiet, and then he would let the video play. The two dumpsters that acted as doors for the motel’s walls opened up and two men step out, one white male, with a mullet and what looked like to be a truckers hat; the other was a black male, wearing a blue buttoned up shirt and carrying a rifle. As they are about to close the dumpster gate, a small girl wearing a blue and white baseball cap comes out and says something to the second man, that Asim can only listen through the camera if he fully turns up the volume and stays completely quiet.
        “Stay lucky, Lee.”
        “You know I will.” Lee answered, in a soft and caring voice.
        He had always wondered about that, ever since he watched it back at his camp, he wasn’t her father, mainly because the two looked nothing alike and she called him “Lee” and not dad.
        “You know, you should stop watching that. It’s fucking with your head.” Asim looked to see who interrupted his thinking, and out of the corner of his eye he saw John, a tall Hispanic man wearing a brown coat and blue jeans.
        “Probably not as much as having conversations with you, John.” Asim said in retaliation, while he paused the camera.
        “Oh, shit! Watch out, the dog’s got bite!” John mocked, then in less than a second, his voice completely changed from mocking Asim, to being dead serious, “Maybe it’s time for you to get off your ass and start looking for some people.”
        “I burned down this fucking town, I send radio broadcasts out every night, and I set up signs and maps everywhere within seven kilometers. Has it ever occurred to you that I’m the last one? Because it sure as hell occurred to me.”
        John looked at him with a fierce fire in his eyes, “Get your ass up and go look for some people, now!” Asim looked back at his backpack and started looking for food or something to take his mind off John’s apparition. “There’s people out there and you know it, now are you going to look for them or contemplate blowing your brains out tonight!? What happened to the man who wanted to help people?! What about back in Atlanta, when you saved my ass?!”
        Asim laughed while digging through, “What about back in Atlanta? I pulled you out of that shithole just for you to die somewhere else. Now let me smoke in peace.” As he said that last word he looked up to see that he had disappeared. “Thank you.”
        The tired, hungry man brought out blunt paper and marijuana, and started to wrap a cigarette. Asim knew it wasn’t the best thing to do, especially in a time like this, but it seemed like all drinking did was relive the pain of his failures, while weed seemed to make him forget about it, for at least as long as his high lasted. The smell was relieving for him, as he opened the bag and took a strong whiff of the weed he had recovered from a drawer before burning the house down, allowing him to forget what happened in his haunted past, from his failures to protect his group, to the group of bandits he slaughtered. Asim just finished wrapping his blunt when he stopped and pulled out his lighter, it was a zippo lighter with a purple butterfly on it. The memories of the day when his brother gave him that lighter were still very vivid in Asim’s mind. No one would really understand, it was an inside joke between him and his brother. Asim, since he was a child, had always been frightened of insects, and his brother would constantly joke about it, and before his brother, Pavel, went on his deployment to Peru as part of the UN Peacekeepers, he had bought it for him.
        He flicked the lighter and a small, bright fire appeared out of the nozzle, he then picked up his tightly wrapped blunt, stuck it in his mouth and lit it. He inhaled and exhaled the thick smoke from the weed, losing care for what was happening, forgetting what has happened.
        He started to taste ash when he inhaled, which meant that this blunt was just about done. He threw it on the wooden steeple floor, stepped on it (to make sure the sparks wouldn’t start a fire below) and kicked it down. The cigarette slowly dropped, and Asim watched it as it fell…when he saw a figure standing in the fields below. It wasn’t a very large figure, it must have only been a child, Asim noticed this and called out to the child, “Hey! Do you need help?!” Then he noticed, it was a little girl, but she seemed to be ignoring him. He grabbed his bag and his axe (just in case if it was a roamer) and quickly climbed down the steeple’s outside ladder, yelling out questions to her as did so, “Do you need food?! Are you hurt?! Where is your group?!” Each time, no response.
        He finally touched the ground, and when he did, he ran towards her, calmly. But in reality he wanted to sprint towards her, Asim knew that being alone for this long, he was slowly going crazy, and because of his dwindling water supply, he still had blood on his face from a week ago. He may not have liked the thought, but needed people. He then stopped four meters away and asked, “Little girl, are you okay? Where is your group?”
        Still no response.
        “Please, answer me.” He said nearly crying, “Please, say anything.”
        Then he recognized the little girl. It was the one from his camera, the little girl at the motel. The group he wanted to join, but as he came to the motel, he had found it under attack from bandits and roamers. Right when Asim entered the motel’s walls, their RV drove off and he never saw them again. He remembered the anger and the sadness that festered in him that day. He remembered walking for days and nights just looking for them, and then he was forced to abandon the search when the largest herd of roamers he had ever seen blocked off the road to Savannah. Instead, Asim went North, towards the Augusta area, hoping to find someone, anyone.
        “I’m screwed, aren’t I?” He asked the little girl, “I have fully lost my fucking mind.”
        The girl, said nothing, and simply faded away. Asim took a good look around one last time and said, “I need to get out of here.”
  • ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Sorry, @AusZombie the website won't allow me to make paragraphs.

    Below is an upgrade version of my Walking Dead Storyboard, Insanity. In the storyboard itself, you are given choices, but for the sake of th

  • Maybe I'll just attach the Word Document.

    Below is an upgrade version of my Walking Dead Storyboard, Insanity. In the storyboard itself, you are given choices, but for the sake of th

  • Have you tried copying and pasting it into a post? If you cant do it it's fine, like I said it looks interesting and I will read it either way.

    ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Sorry, @AusZombie the website won't allow me to make paragraphs.

  • Thanks terrific Mat can't wait to see it

    AusZombie posted: »

    Ok Spark i've been thinking about it, you've got yourself a deal, i'm going to write a fanfic and post it in this thread. But i'm on this forum on my ipad, so i'm going to have to find a decent writing app before I write one.

  • edited April 2014

    Come on deceptio me to lol no pro writers here just want storys good, bad or awful just for bit of fun please lol

    Deceptio posted: »

    Nah, I'm not a writer. If I wrote a story it would be horrible, LOL.

  • edited April 2014

    Unfair do review till your done but so far terrific pacing very good so easy and fun to read thanks for the share can't wait for the rest

    edit: Right back now going read right now then do a full review

    Episode 2 : Lost Chapter 1 : The Remnants They had made it out of Macon and were walking beside the road. It was raining as the group

  • Yeah, that's what I've been trying to do, but it won't allow me to make any spaces between paragraphs, I don't know why.

    AusZombie posted: »

    Have you tried copying and pasting it into a post? If you cant do it it's fine, like I said it looks interesting and I will read it either way.

  • Ah, righto, no worries then.

    Yeah, that's what I've been trying to do, but it won't allow me to make any spaces between paragraphs, I don't know why.

  • edited April 2014

    Tobi finished his comic(part 1) recommend all users see it just superb

    Characters(Awesome characters everything drawn by Tobi himself after users told him what character they want)

    Comic part 1(rest will come out in the near future)

    Link to thread

  • I am going to place a bump right here. Also, I'm working on my second part of the story I have dubbed "Insanity", should be done by next week. :)

  • Thanks great can't wait to read it

    I am going to place a bump right here. Also, I'm working on my second part of the story I have dubbed "Insanity", should be done by next week.

  • That was epic love your batman story

    Markd4547 posted: »

    ARKHAM AND WALKING DEAD CROSS-OVER CHAPTER 1 Origins Of A Joker I was 7 years old but very intelligent kid top of my class. From early

  • Thanks toad glad you enjoyed it needed to bring Joker to the walking dead

    ToadClem posted: »

    That was epic love your batman story

  • Since my Kenny is love, Kenny is life thread got taken down thought i would reupload to fanfic and post it here. (Also since i know you really like that ''New Faces'' fanfic i'm working on i'll promise i'll update soon.)

  • wow.... just wow (in a good way)

  • Hello. I came on by checking the stories they are good! But I have one question. You remember our deal?

  • Yeah, I remember. Where's the stuff, man?! I gave you the money, and what did you do?! You shot Dante' and Jerome and then ran off with the money! I'll be coming for matter where you hide, no matter where you run, I'll find you. NOBODY FUCKS WITH CLAYTON BOYLAN! DO YOU HEAR ME?! NOBODY!

    Hello. I came on by checking the stories they are good! But I have one question. You remember our deal?

  • Alt text

    Yeah, I remember. Where's the stuff, man?! I gave you the money, and what did you do?! You shot Dante' and Jerome and then ran off with the

  • edited April 2014

    The deal to write WAU and TWD fanfic tobi had write best comic ever

    The best comic ever read? HELL YES

    Bonus Points

    Easter Eggs? YES

    Best Drawing? Yes

    Tell me what think my dark knight story on end of page 3? No lol

    Overall I accept your challenge just tell me what think of dark knight story and write this fanfic

    Hello. I came on by checking the stories they are good! But I have one question. You remember our deal?

  • Hey i'm going to start writing my fanfic early next week, I would start this weekend but i'm working on the public holidays :)

  • edited April 2014

    Thanks bro can't wait to see it

    AusZombie posted: »

    Hey i'm going to start writing my fanfic early next week, I would start this weekend but i'm working on the public holidays

  • Thanks very much glad got my crazy story lol mind blow

    wow.... just wow (in a good way)

  • Thanks can't wait for the update as for this story just crazy lol think more of joke story but thanks for the share anyway

    MayorMilk posted: »

    Since my Kenny is love, Kenny is life thread got taken down thought i would reupload to fanfic and post it here. (Also since i know you real

  • edited April 2014

    Sorry just seen this now been gone all day so busy anyway here's the review

    Things I liked

    • Realistic within TWD universe
    • Easter eggs to characters with Russell etc
    • Loved the whole seven concept so unique and refreshing very intelligent writing
    • Build tension slowly making action scenes more intense and unexpected when they arrive
    • Very easy on the eye to read entertained thorough also seven thing had my mind blown so cool
    • Loved Tony and Harry death scene by choking so intense and cool so evil love it
    • Line spacing was brilliant also wasn't to long or to short
    • The descriptions again terrific always felt in the moment while reading this story
    • Pictures
    • The evil aspect of the story weren't afraid to do dark scenes with harry or the ending so cool
    • Lastly the ending just say mind blown my favorite part just superb actually have goosebumps still so unexpected and cool with the daughter and the scene


    Done it again another terrific story keep them coming your very talented and love reading them


    9/10 or 9.5/10 can't decide but either way brilliant and lastly thanks for the share

    Episode 2 : Lost Chapter 1 : The Remnants They had made it out of Macon and were walking beside the road. It was raining as the group

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