The Wolf Among Us Murder Case Detective Rosemary...
Hello I'm an undercover Detective who works with Detective Branigan. My job is to spy on Bigby and look for leads for the case.
Here's what I know so far:
Two fables have been murder by an unknown suspect. One of the girl's murdered was Faith AKA Donkey Skin, and the other was Lily. Evidence claims both of these girls were prostitutes who worked at The Pudding And Pie Bar. Lily was also the sister of Holly. For some reason Lily was glamoured as Snow White who lives and works in the Woodland Hotel.
Here's what I know about the murder victims
Lily- possible sister of Holly who worked at the Pudding and Pie bar. Gorgie is the guy she's working for and could be her pimp. Lily was last seen at the Open Arms bar where she was murdered by the unknown suspect and glamoured as Snow. Lily's body is buried near the Birmingham Bridge.
Faith- Daughter of the old king and wife to prince Lawrence. Also known as Donkey Skin. Faith was last seen on the night Bigby and the woodsman confronted. Worked at the pudding and pie bar for Gorgie. Murdered near the woodlands hotel. Possibly a prostitute.
Now here are some possible suspects
Bigby- His rage and being the big bad wolf puts him on the suspect list
the woodsman- Was with Lily and faith before they were murdered
Dee/Dum- Were not sure who their working for but we will find out soon enough
Jack- Seems to be a very knowledgeable fable who knows things
Aunty Goldef- Responsible for making illegal glamours for money
Gorgie- Possible pimp and knows about what happened
Bloody Mary- could be involved with the murders
Unknown- Could the guy in the car be the crooked man? The boss of Bloody Mary.
Crane- Photos were taking of him in the hotel open arms
This is all I have for now I will be back soon with more evidence leading to the killer
Faith is the wife of Prince Lawrence, not Prince Charming.
I forgot sorry